Feuds on DVD


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So, one of the biggest problems I have with PPVs on DVD is that generally, you get a mix of all the current feuds at that point instead of getting to see all of one feud. In addition, the entirety of a PPV may not be worth the purchase on DVD, though a certain feud on the PPV may be enticing.

My question is, do you think that the WWE should release certain feuds on DVD? I read an interview with Jericho a week or two ago where he mentioned that he was quite proud of his feuds with Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio during his most recent run and had pitched the idea to the WWE of releasing them as stand-alone DVDs.

Personally, I would like to see the Undertaker-Edge feud from 07-08 released on DVD. I think many people would also get a kick out of Shawn Michaels' last two Roads to Wrestlemania.

So, would it be worth the effort to release prominent feuds as stand-alone DVDs? If so, which ones would you like to see?
I read an article on WZ a week or so ago maybe about WWE's releases for 2011 and there was a DVD listed as a Rock vs Stone Cold feud DVD so the WWE already knows they could make DVDs of fueds.

I would say though, that while the Jericho/HBK feud of 2008 was awesome, that by itself I don't know would be a DVD worthy release, they would have to include their 2003 feud to start off with. I could see Triple H and Shawn Michaels having a DVD with all of their feuds, promos and encounters in it but unfortunately, the WM match with Benoit wouldn't be on it.

While it would be a good idea for a couple of releases, I can't see THAT many releases as the feud would have to be for a good while to release a strong DVD.
Bret Hart vs HBK and Bret Hart vs Stone Cold would be two AMAZING Dvds... the first one we all know the history and the legendary matches/promos they had and the second one could just be a re-release of two monday night raws and i'd buy it in a heartbeat... I can't remember exactly when but the MNR where Bret was in an ambulance and stone cold came outta the driver seat was so intense and again i can't remember if it ws the one preceding or following but it was just as intense... easily it was the two best episodes of MNR in it's history as the feud went on throughout the episode and had huge endings and of course their matches were nothing short of legendary.
Feud DVDs are something I always wanted to see. Like Rock/Mankind feud that had their like 10 matches from Survivor Series 98 to February 1999 along with promos and interviews on it.

Stuff like that and HBK/Jericho as stated above, HHH/HBK, Cena/Edge or Cena/Orton to get a Cena DVD in there, E&C/Dudleyz/Hardyz, etc.
Now that you mention it, I remember seeing the Rock/Austin DVD mentioned on another site. I don't think that a DVD worthy feud would necessarily have to be a long, drawn out feud. For a feud DVD like Edge/Taker, for instance, I'd not only show the matches, but make sure that the storyline outside the ring is shown as well, such as the Edge/Vickie romance, the forming of La Familia. Maybe we could get a couple bonus matches of Chavo as ECW Champion, though that might be stretching it.

The main event feuds generally take up a decent portion of the show, and if you included the more important moments, you could easily get a regular 10 hour DVD out of a feud, I think. Granted, I'm not sure everyone would enjoy these DVDs, but every so often, there's a feud that comes along that's definitely worth a second viewing, and I think these DVDs would be a way to accomplish that.
I personally would love this. Although I'm only dreaming here and it unfortunately could probably never happen, I'd love to see a DVD release of Triple H and Owen Hart's feud and the subsequent DX vs the Nation feud. That's a great concept.
This might work better if they put about four feuds on one dvd. They could do Austin vs. Hart, Taker vs. Kane, HBK vs. Jericho, and Triple H vs. Rock for example. All those guys could share their comments and memories on the feuds on disc one and the other discs would be filled with promos and matches. Every few months they could release another set with four more feuds.
i would love it but it has to be the feuds that were drawn out for a long time, not feuds that lasted 3 months. rey vs eddie, were great feuds, cena vs edge, orton vs cena, orton vs hhh. are some that come to mind right now
I've personally thought this myself, but it has got to be good. It cannot be mediocre, it has to be feuds that will stand the test of time. WWE was smart, they would use that extensive tape library and at least do "The Best Feuds in Professional Wrestling" as a kickstart with some of the following:

WCW vs. nWo
DX vs. The Nation
HHH vs. Rock
Austin vs. McMahon
Stone Cold vs. The Rock
Four Horsemen vs. Super Powers
Von Erichs vs. Freebirds
Flair vs. Steamboat
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Now if you were talking one-off DVDs of feuds, I can think of only five that could be pulled off at this moment: Flair-Steamboat, Taker-HBK, HHH-Rock, Austin-McMahon, Von Erichs-Freebirds (WCW-nWo was pretty much covered in the Monday Night Wars).
well im sure everyone would like to see austin vs. the rock dvd and i so as well and i would like to see triple h vs. hbk dvd and im not sure but have they released a TLC dvd with all of them, similar to the elimination chamber dvd...oh and put TLC 3(smackdown) the one where jericho.benoit won... and since wwe ignores benoit then guess they would mute the announcers when comes to mention benoit.
In gist a DVD that chronicles a feud is a fantastic idea, flip side DVD worthy feuds are few and far between and when they are WWE pimps the match out so much that most of the match will have been released on DVD soo we're forced to buy a DVD full of free tv material apart from the odd PPV match here and there.

What we need is a DVD that if it chronicles a feud it has some exclusive content like House shows, backstage stuff that isn't/wasn't shown etc.

Austin/Rock is probably the best DVD they could produce, they had 3 Classics at WrestleMania, they've had steel cage match, UK PPV (2nd best match they ever had IMO) RAW after Rock won the belt @ Survivor Series 1998 plus their late 1997 stuff, plus I know for fact back in 2001 WWE TAPED footage from house shows between the two, and maybe add matches they had with other people that the other got involved or tagged with just to beef the DVD up.

I don't think their is many feuds DVD worthy Orton/Cena? to early plus their matches have been so overdone I think WWE would be better to hold off maybe 3-4 years or better yet WAIT till they've retired and then do it so people can enjoy the matches rather then say; oh jee Orton/Cena DVD.. same shit we watched last week on WWE TV..

I like how WWE has been producing DVD's on the title belts thou, and would love it if WWE released a DVD on EVERY title belt they've used since the 1990s, maybe do a DVD over feuds for .. The Hardcore Championship.. or Intercontinental Championship, make it different too the Best of style make it more for feuds for the belt.
Fued DVDs would be a great idea imo. I'd love to see a Brock/Angle, Rock/HHH, Rock/SCSA, Bret/HBK, Taker/Kane, Edge/Angle, Jericho/HBK, Jericho/Beniot, Beniot/Angle, Taker/SCSA, and thats just recent ones, the deep video library of the wwe would make for a ton of classic fued dvds (Horsemen/Dusty n Sting), freebirds/von erichs, Dusty/Flair, Dusty/Koloffs, RnR Express/Midnight Express, Road Warriors/Koloffs, etc.

(yes I know that the beniot dvds will likely Never be produced in my lifetime, they'd still be great to watch)
I think this would work but only if they did major feuds because feuds like Edge/Taker from 07 and 08 would not sale. I loved that feud and I am not taking anything away from in it, I just don't think a lot of people would buy it. However if they choose the right feuds than, this type of dvd would be very enjoyable. If they go through with the Austin/Rock dvd then I will make sure I buy it because I loved all of there classic moments and all of there classic matches. A few others I would like to see would be, Orton/Cena, Sting/NWO, Taker/Michaels, and Austin/McMahon.

The main reason I think this would work is because of how many people would buy it. Orton and Cena are the two most popular superstars in all of pro wrestling today, so you know everyone would want a dvd with nothing but Orton and Cena. It can show there matches from 07 all the way up untill last year when they fought on Raw against each other.

This had one of the most anticipated matches of all time in it with Hogan/Sting at Starrcade 97. There were a lot of epic moments on Nitro during this feud and a lot of good matches too. I think most of the older WCW fans would love to see this dvd. The only problem is with Hogan and Eric Bischoff being in TNA at the moment and who knows which company Sting will join.

Undertaker/Shawn Michaels
These two have had some incredible matches. In my opiniont the first time they competed at Wrestlemania, was the best Wrestlemania match of all time. It deffinately stole the show. Hell, it might of stole the decade. There matches in the late 90s were also very good. They competed in the first ever Hell in a Cell match that was very bloody and graphic. It was entertaining and Kane debuted to cost Taker the match. Plus, the build up to Wrestlemania 26 was amazing. I think if you are a loyal wrestling fan, that you would buy this dvd.

Last, but damn sure not least Stone Cold and Vince McMahon have usually never seen eye to eye. This dvd could document all the entertaining moments they had together. It could show some of there matches and some of the matches Vince put Austin in. Maybe even the Wrestlemania 17 match against the Rock when Vince screwed Rock and started the two man powertrip. They could show some moments of them two on the same page as well. I just think this would be a great, all around dvd and would get all kinds of buys, more than likely even more than the Orton/Cena one I stated above. Many of wrestling fans today miss the attitude era and would love to see this feud released on dvd.
I would love to see a DVD of the d generation x feud with legacy, and quite possibly one of all the infighting that happened in evolution, I think both of those would make great DVDs
There's already a Rock/Austin feud DVD set for the fall. And with the upcoming Randy Orton Experience DVD, one has to assume his feud with Evolution and Triple H will be a highlight seeing how it's his first major DVD. There was already a Monday Night Wars DVD, but as far as picking feuds for DVD focus, I'd really like to see one highlighting Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. it was a feud that led to legitimate backstage animosity and culminated in the most controversial moment in history. A DVD based on that sounds like quite the attraction for any fan from back then. Who wouldn't love to know the details behind all those backstage happenings?
Yeah, I definately think it's a good idea.

I think huge feuds like Undertaker vs. Kane and Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels would have enough content to be DVD-worthy, however, feuds such as Jericho vs. Mysterio/Shawn Michaels would need to be grouped together either in a 'Best feuds of 2009/10' or 'Jericho's best feuds' DVD. But yeah, I'd like the idea. I'd buy it.

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