Feelings on R-Truth

Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
Now I am a fan of this R Truth heel run. It's pretty damn funny and it's making things interesting on RAW. But a thought that popped into my head was that don't you think it's a little too random?

Think about it, while Miz held the WWE title, Truth really wasn't doing shit. He wasn't even thought about really. He was pretty much on the edge of being buried. But then, after Wrestlemania, he just burst back onto the scene. It kind of threw me off guard and I felt as if it was a little unfair.

But that was at first.....
Tell me how you feel about the whole thing. Tell me the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. (Wait for applause.....)

Let me feel what you feel.......
But that was at first.....
Tell me how you feel about the whole thing. Tell me the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. (Wait for applause.....)


Anyway, I'm glad a black man can get a title shot. He's probably not going to win, but it's a start. I was kinda worried about Truth. I don't even think anyone remembers him being U.S champion. Now, his mic skills are somewhere between atrocious and gutteral musings, ala Bokker T's commentary, but he is good in that 20x20 ring. I found it kind of lame that Miz was champion for 6 months, and he couldn't be a midcard champion for two. Either way, I'm somewhat glad that Troof is getting a push. Especially since Punk's taking time off(maybe), we need some new contenders.
Finally a superstar is getting pushed that actually deserves it! Truth has paid alot of dues and has been wrestling a long damn time to finally get his championship match! The Character is refreshing, although the mic skills are a little weak, he is working very hard to keep his roll going. While i dont think he'll win the title this sunday, it is a very good sign to the lower card superstars that hard work and a little creativity pays off!!!

Now someone stated that its a little random that the miz is now midcard and truth is now getting shots at the title, well thats just how the biz works, random and quick! In my opinion truth is way more deserving than the miz, simply because the man has wrestling his whole life and hadnt gone anywhere, up till now! Id gladly choose truth over the miz every time!

Im loving truths push, character, the whole deal! Im hoping he steals the match and stays in the title picture for a while! any thing he needs is entrance music!!!!! reeallyy bad!!!
I love the fact that Righteous Truth has become a heel, that "what's up" gimmick was 6 months past lame if U ask me. what I'd like to see is the return of the Nation of Domination with Truth as the leader, IMO, it's time 4 the WWE 2 @ least push the envelope a bit & say "fuck U" 2 some of the "political correctness" that's castrated the shock value from entertainment
Alot of people seem excited for what has been happening with R-Truth as of late, by I kind of want to beg to differ.

At first, it was fine. Truth seemed to be getting a decent push finally after being so irrelevant. But then, the way he was presented, and the things that they made him do. it just all seemed so... it seemed as if they were making R-Truth a joke, rather than a threat. I mean, I get the whole "conspiracy" thing; but then adding in the "South Segregation from that one Raw--where he made himself look like a complete baffoon--I just don't buy Truth being any kind of threat whatsoever to Cena or as a heel. If anything, he's being quite the joke. But then again, he's always been a joke to me..
I'll agree that there was a few things about his heel turn that did seem a little random. Then again, that seems to be a part of R-Truth's heel gimmick in that he's a hot-headed, randomly attacking and less-than-mentally-stable character. Hart called him a lunatic and I think that's what the WWE is going for here. I think what they want is someone who is driven primarily by his rage and such people (as I'm certain most of us know) aren't the most rational bunch.

There is one thing that stuck in my mind, however. I can't quite recall the episode of Raw, but in a recent one, he screamed out a line which seemed to have no place whatsoever: "I want my son back!" It could have been simply a random utterance based on his mental breakdown, but for some reason it didn't seem random. Call me crazy if you wanna, but I think we may see some sort of follow up sooner or later...which may go far into explaining (retroactively) R-Truth's seemingly random heel turn.

All in all, it's just what Truth needed. His general persona doesn't work too well as a face unless in a purely comedic sense. As a heel, Truth can be that dangerous, street-wise, and borderline psychotic "thug" that his gimmick has been trying to show all this time.
Whilst i do agree it has made RAW interesting, and i think he well and truly deserves it, let me ask you a question.

Do you think Truth would be getting this shot at all if Morrison hadn't been legitimately injured? I would think he would still be feuding with Morrison personally, and someone else (Del Rio/Punk) would be getting the shot at Capital Punishment.

Not taking anything away from Truth at all, and what have mentioned doesn't change the fact that he has turned heel and done it pretty damn well imo. I just hope that if he loses to Cena, he carries on his program with Morrison, and is able to keep up this character, as its certainly more interesting than his old one.
He's grown on me. Bout time he got some entertainment value
as a face i could give a shit about him, he was a 1 trick poney. Now he's a heel again he has something people can get into, whether it be hating him or finding him hilarously rediculous.

Little/Big Jimmy's should've screwed him over years ago lol
don't see him as a world champion material, certainly not a top heel but he's playing the entertaining heel role well atm. Hope he wins on sunday if only to see Cena lose.

and i don't think necessarily it would've made a difference if Morrison was still active atm if anything they would both be fighting over the title shot. Morrison is stale, a bit like a Shelton Benjamin, has all the talent but just misses it when it counts, so i woulda seen him chasing along with R-Truth as they have been doing for the past year and both never winning.
@Klown_Karnage: I found your post interesting.
Yes, it seems random. Yes, it look ridiculous also. But I can't deny that it is growing and it is making sense week by week. I think they are trying to do it as slow as they can so that they can transform WWE Universe's opinion for him in such a way that he would always have a demanding and demented-looking presence even after the feud reaches to some logical conclusion. Best thing about R-Truth's character is that it is Open and free-willing, behavior is random but still consistent with his character, making this storyline unpredictable.
If I remember correctly, WWE hasn't brought any closure to the feuds of many arch enemies of Cena earlier also, like Shamus, C M Punk, or Jack swagger. Needless to say, feud with Cena had established Shamus and Punk's character further, and it is only going to establish R-truth's character in the longer run.
I would prefer that R-truth goes solo in this feud and not make any team, which can really dilute the intensity of this feud.
There is one thing that stuck in my mind, however. I can't quite recall the episode of Raw, but in a recent one, he screamed out a line which seemed to have no place whatsoever: "I want my son back!" It could have been simply a random utterance based on his mental breakdown, but for some reason it didn't seem random. Call me crazy if you wanna, but I think we may see some sort of follow up sooner or later...which may go far into explaining (retroactively) R-Truth's seemingly random heel turn.

I think he was just making fun of that Legendary movie that Cena was in, as a lot of the IWC did. If you remember, in the trailer for it the woman who plays Cena's mom at one point says "I WANT MY SON BACK! BUT I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW!" So I think that was just a shot for a crappy movie.

Anyways, I'm loving R-Truth as a heel. As a face, I always liked R-Truth for the potential he had, and I'm glad to see that it's finally paying off. Sure there are times when he says something a bit corney, and the confederate segment was fully of 'WTF?', but overall he makes up for his mistakes almost immediately after he made them, and has turned his Little Jimmy thing into a funny gimmick that works for his character. I was honestly hoping for a more of a pure street-thug type heel character for Truth, but I'm liking what he does now more and more as the weeks pass.
You want my feelings on Truth? Okay. It's a good gimmick, but should not go more than 3 months without changing. "Little Jimmy" will get old, just watch. It's nice to see the WWE giving some of the vets one last good push, but as I pointed out in another R-Truth thread (seems to be a new one every day) He won't be WWE champion. Or if he is it won't be for long. Your WWE champ has to be someone who can be at every show, and Truth can't. Have you ever watched a RAW or Smackdown or PPV when they are in Canada? No Truth. Why? Criminal record. Thats what is going to hold him back from having a good run with the title, or a title run at all.
I enjoy Truth now. This heel tun is making him interesting and more believable as a title contender because he is actually doing something other than rapping jibberish or asking what's up. Now he is making you dislike him as any heel should and he has improved tremendously the past month or so. I hated Truth before but now I like him. Funny what one little heel turn can do for someone.
- Being mad angry for losing your WWE Championship match, after working your entire life to earn it, because you listened to what the fans wanted is NOT a random heel turn ...

- I think it is the flavor-of-the-month season for the WWE. The time when "filler" challengers come up before the big programs happen ...
I'm not a fan on how they've been having him "coon" it up on WWE programming, but as long as more African-American superstars and divas are being put in the forefront, I'm a happy man. It gives me something to relate to these characters and it may make some minorities want to tune in. R-Truth has always been talented, whether face or heel. I wish he could win the WWE championship, but unfortunately, I see the "white man" holding him down once again.
I've always been a fan of Truth and have been upset at the way he was being booked for a long time. His heel run has become arguably the most interesting thing about RAW. His character development since his heel turn has made me buy him as legitimate champion material. However, it's not likely that he'll become world champ. As mentioned earlier, he has a criminal record that prevents him from traveling to all the places that WWE travels to (most notably Canada). If Truth were to represent the company as its champion on its flagship show, his criminal record would be a problem and could cause Truth to be a liability to the company. I wouldn't rule out a short world title run though as long as travels to Truth's "restricted" areas so to speak are not made. Besides, I personally think he could rock the WWE Championship in its current design anyway.
I've been a HUGE fan of R-Truth since he was Ron "The Truth" Killings in TNA and when he made it over to WWE I was pleased because he was clearly going places but annoyed because I KNEW he wouldn't get pushed.

I was right...until 2 months ago. When this push started, I took notice straight away. I adored the heel flip and the insane character just...works. I want to see what it is that's driving him to do this yet I think the WWE would be remiss if they EVER revealed it - that would be the gimmick killer there and then.

Yes, this could get old quick, but they could do some wonderful things with this. First up, reveal the mystery GM using it after the match with Cena. Have Truth demand a rematch, GM says no, he goes on about "conspiracy", "GM being a little jimmy, doesn't understand his needs", etc etc, then TELLS the GM that he knows the identity. Give him a title shot or he'll reveal it. GM arranges a match for it, against HHH! Truth loses, GM is revealed as Steph (might as well, it feels most likely...between her or Cole now.) That gets RID of the god awful laptop and gives Truth staying power while also fighting against power while being held down in a heel motion.

Truth could go against near enough anybody right now also. Rebuild him into the feud with JoMo returns and its an INSTANT rub for JoMo of the new main event player of RTruth. Get Truth to face Kofi. I'm sure a US reign THIS time will be well worth watching. They could honestly do GREAT things with this, and build a feud around the US title which could elevate the title. Truth is pissed at Kofi for letting the "white man tell him what to do" etc.

Main event worthy?
Actually yes. Truth has brought a LOT of people's interest, a lot more than expected. He's a top player in terms of gaining heat and his heat connects with the crowd perfectly. I love what they've done with him and he does deserve this push, the guy is knocking on the end of his career (40 yrs old?) and has paid his dues in the industry. I would love it if they even gave him the title, even just for a month.
I like Truth's gimmick. The psychotic thug type guy who thinks everyone is against him. They recycled the black panther type gimmick to fit Truth and its refreshing to see that.

That said, this is a very limited run for this kind of gimmick. I liked Truth when he attacked Morrison when he expressed regret almost like he didn't want to do it but he still did it. That type of character is much more flexible. He could have "evolved" into this character by first being the regretful heel who goes fucking nuts but says "sorry" while he does so.

Its also possible and wouldn't cost WWE its reputation capital, that is, Truth could afford a couple loss to give him that conspiracy character. After all, what good is a conspiracy nut who gets his ass kicked everytime? I admit, he did win against Mysterio but that's one win. I'm predicting a loss at Cap punishment and an eventual feud with Morrison where Morrison's gonna go over. If they kept the regret heel for a little while he could have those same losses and turned into the conspiracy nut but the feuds would be finished so the credibility would remain intact.

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