
Simply put: Chants you want to chant?

Over the years we have heard the crowd chant some pretty weird chants. In recent history we've heard "YES", "FEED ME MORE", even "Fruity Pebbles" just to name a few. Oddly enough, some of these have caught on. With The Rock back and always saying random thing knowing the crowd will likely chant them, it got me thinking.

What are some random things you want the crowd to start chanting at some of your favorite superstars? Or maybe some chants you already scream at your television set?
Shut the Fuck up - John Cena - nuff said.

Austin/Rocky - The Rock - Just for that slim hope that they'll go toe-to-toe one more time!!

Undertaker - Brock Lesnar - anything to move away from HHH/Lesnar II

WHAT! - CM Punk - CM Punk will have a classic reaction... Imagine a long Austin/Punk buildup with the crowd chanting what after every sentence that Punk says. Gold

You Can't wrestle - Cena/Ryback nuff said.

USA! - Cesaro. This will be the best thing for Antonio right now. Anti USA gimmick drawing massive USA chants... must be doing something right!

Thank You Sandow - Sandow - He is, after all, OUR intellectual saviour.

The more people boo the shield the better.... They need to draw as much heat as possible
My two favorites never made it on T.V. One: in my hometown of Toms River at a ECW house show the crowd chanted: Big Show Small dick. What made it better was Show got on the mic and played to the crowd saying don't care still rich. But my all time favorite was at a taping of Saturday night's main event Balls came out and said "Vince think bout it. For once you got Balls." This was during the Vince's child story line. Vince goes "God damnit. I don't have any balls." The crowd processed to chant Vince has no balls. Lmao But it never made T.V.

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