Favourite wrestler and why?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I know this has probably been done in the past but I think the forum needs a fresh one. The wrestler can be past or present, male or female. Personally, my favourite is Randy Orton. I know he's probably an asshole backstage but the fact is he is a fantastic wrestler with a fantastic character that he plays very well. He has had some great matches, he matches all the criteria for a top superstar, he has a killer special move (the best in the business currently) and he is sure to have a glittering career in front of him, if he manages not to screw it up by p*ssing off his colleagues. I'm just hoping for Orton/Cena at 'Mania. Word.
Well as of the past 5-7 years mine has been Jeff Jarrett.. nobody can move the crowd like him when it comes to being a heel.
Originality with the guiter shot (HHH copied with the sledge) He has been a major player in All 3 big promotions WCWWFTNA!
Jarret big player in WWE? When did this happen.... HBK is my favorite... Just because he litteraly is The Showstopper... And as another one of my favorite wrestlers says... HBK is the whole F'n Show... Hes 40 years of age and still puts on better matches then almost the entire locker room... And when he was in his prime... Noone came close to him...
HBK is the best sports entertainer there will ever be. His match has stolen the show at three consecutive Wrestlemanias.
For a male I'd choose Edge because not only is he a great wrestler but, he has great mic skills and can do great promos and segments. I remember when did Ric Flair's road rage impersonation- I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!

For female I'd obiviously choose Lita because I think she's done a lot for the WWE's women's division and she's also a great wrestler. May not have the best mic skills but, I always was hyped into her matches.

Flames Out
It WAS Kurt Angle because he was technically sound, entertaining, and made even his worst opponents look good.

Now, following the same criteria after his departure, I would say HHH as a HEEL singles wrestler.
Undertaker is my favorite ive liked him since day one.
growning up as a kid Bret "The Hitman" Hart was my favorite now adays my favorite is Thriple H or HBK Shawn Michaels

favorite female has and always will be Lita
I have threes faves and here they go....

1. Kurt angle - i've been a huge fan of this guy ever since he was the euro-continetal champ and it saddens me that he was just release. He never had a boring match and he put all of his heart and soul into wrestling.

2. Randy orton - not just because that he is hot, i think he is a good wrestler and could be well on his way to a second wwe title reign. Alot of people my not like him becuase of backstage problems but i still love the guy either way.

3. edge - this guy continues to get better and better every week. I used to hate him back in the day but ever since he turned into the rated r superstar, ive been a huge edge mark.
I have 2.

1 - Christian, Yes i know he is in tna now, but i will mainly focus on his wwe run. Started with then im 97 and was brought in as the on screen bro of Edge, started out as a silent type charicter within the brood didnt really say much and was pretty boring. After the brood split E&C was formed and pretty much as you know the rest is hitory. They were one of the big three of tag teams in the late 90s with hardys and dudleys, you could throw new age outlaws in there aswell. Christian along with best friends edge pretty much dominated the tag division and became a pretty humerous tag team, with there 5 second poses and hilarous skits with mick foley in the back, At this time christian hadnt fully broken outta his shell yet as edge still did alot of the talking for the group. Chrisitian did however use one of the single greatest lines i ever heard though. - You guys are like a couple of prime cut DorkChops lol.
After E&C ended Christian turned solo and had a pretty decent run fueding with edge over the ic title and then went onto come under the tutalige of DDP which was golden,...........He was becoming more versed on the mic and what not as time progressed. He then went on to form a fucking funny tag team with chris jericho who remembers the ASS CREAMS PROMOS LOL.

It was after the split of this tag team that things started to happen for christian he cut his hair and got a new gimmick and looked like he was about to take off into the main event, Formed an alliance with trish and tomko which was fucking awesome and was ended way wayyyyyyyyyyy to early.
He became known as not only the rocks fav wrestler but also leader of the peeps and the christian co-allition, It was at this time his mic work also came to the game and he became known as a great promo guy and good for his quick one liners,

All this history is why christian is my personal fav wrestler. He has come along way and i respect the hell outta him.
JBL - The guy is the best heel SD had to offer for the last 2 years, he is 10/10 on the mic, his wrestling skills are not as bad as ppl make out (sure hes not Kurt Angle (best ever) but he can put on a very good

2nd - Randy Orton
3rd - The Rock
4th - Triple H
5th - Jeff Jarrett
I can never choose for all time but currently i have to say

Chris Beniot-he's just great, now with Kurt gone, he's definately the best wrestler on the WWE roster.
Yeah Orton VS Cena sounds good, personally i think that Orton's character needs a little more to it. But yeah I like his ****y attitude, I mean when your the Legend Killer, u gotta live up to the name.
Angle, JBL, Undertaker and Kane..

Angle is the best mat wrestler. Ever.
JBL isnt all that great in the ring but i love his mic work.
Undertaker and Kane-Pretty self explainatory (sp?)
My favorite and the best character there ever is:
Stone Cold Steve Austin
My other favorites are:
Foley, Rock, HBK, HHH, Undertaker, Kane, JBL, Eddie Guerrero
My favorite wrestler is undoubtably Kane. I've been a fan of wwe for 5 years now and the minute I watched Kane I was hooked. Just the way the man destroyed everybody in his path was extrodinary. The man was the ultimate monster. And I've been a diehard fan of his ever since. but now i'm starting to move of with my life. I figure that if kane retires then i'll most likely stop watching wwe since i'll no longer get to see Kane. And no as good as the Undertaker is he'll always be second to kane in my book because i never saw him as violent, unstable, and dominating as kane. Plus I liked the fire idea better then the man from the darkside.
Hazard said:
I can never choose for all time but currently i have to say

Chris Beniot-he's just great, now with Kurt gone, he's definately the best wrestler on the WWE roster.

I'll cosign that.
Mr. Sam said:
HBK is the best sports entertainer there will ever be. His match has stolen the show at three consecutive Wrestlemanias.
Sports entertainer? That's debatable, but I can see where you're coming from with it. Hogan probably has the title for sports entertainer for me. He's a pile of s**t with a three move arsenal, but he still gets unbelievable pops (even though he should've retired at WMVI). HBK's only stolen the shows because he's always saddled with other people who can work just as well (if not better) than he can. He hasn't had John Cena, JBL, or Batista to deal with in a main event capacity. Instead, he had the likes of Jericho, Benoit, and Angle to keep things moving. If he couldn't steal the show going up against JBL/Cena and HHH/Batista, he shouldn't be allowed to lace up his boots again. I could probably steal the show from those matches...and I only WATCH wrestling.
If I had to choose my favorite wrestler from ANY era? Easy. Sting from 1987 - 1996. During his day he could do everything. Work the mic, carry the main event, fly high, brawl, and even with a rat tail haircut I still managed to love watching him go. After he came back, though, I can't really stand behind his performances, though. For someone who was solid from day one until the present? Benoit. He never even had a true gimmick in WCW and continually received great pops from crowds because he was always helping to put on the best matches. He's like dynamite in a lunchbox.
My fave of all time has to be Foley. He showed you can be fairly overweight, not a good wrestler, and still be a main event player for years (still is, McMahon-Foley WM 23?). He can put young guys over, and still push himself (like Taker), and is a hell of an author too.
Close second are Taker and Edge. Taker is like Foley in that he can put over others and himself, he has tremendous ring talents, and the best entrance(s) ever. Edge, the ultimate heel at the moment, and a superb wrestler.
All three of these men can cut superb promo's, but again, Foley wins there.
THE ROCK. because of him...i found it worth to watch wrestling...not anymore...
current..batista...he owns...

ps: i forgot to mention hhh, shawn michaels, bret hart, undertaker, and :robvandam:
I will have to give a top 5 because I can't narrow it down to just one. This is no particular order.

5. The Undertaker - The best character the WWE/F has ever come up with. He is awesome in the ring, and has gotten better within the last few years. There haven't been very many characters that have lasted as long as his.

Fav. match - First match w/ Kane @ WM 14

4. Chris Benoit - He isn't the best on the mic, but what he lacks in charisma he more than makes up for in the ring. This guy could put on a good match with a paper bag.

Fav. match - Cage match vs. Kurt Angle

3. Kurt Angle - He is the complete package. He is amazing in the ring and on the mic. He has only been in the WWE for like 6-7 years and could quit right now and will easily go down as one of the best ever.

Fav. match - vs. Brock Lesnar @ WM 19

2. HHH - He can play heel or face and pull it off with great results. He can put on a damn good match with almost anyone. He is awesome on the mic. I also just love DX, old and new, they are always entertaining.

Fav. match - vs. Cactus Jack HIAC

1. HBK - I love this guy. He, along with HHH, laid the foundation for the Attitude Era. He was the first to two of WWE's most entertaining gimmick matches in the ladder match and the Hell in a Cell. He can be a heel or face with ease. He just knows how to get the crowd to love him or hate him. Possibly the best ever.

Fav. match - vs. Angle @ WM 21
Kasey said:
If I had to choose my favorite wrestler from ANY era? Easy. Sting from 1987 - 1996. During his day he could do everything. Work the mic, carry the main event, fly high, brawl, and even with a rat tail haircut I still managed to love watching him go. After he came back, though, I can't really stand behind his performances, though. For someone who was solid from day one until the present? Benoit. He never even had a true gimmick in WCW and continually received great pops from crowds because he was always helping to put on the best matches. He's like dynamite in a lunchbox.

Cosign that.... Sting did for wcw what hogan did for wwe period. Close second I would say Rey Mysterio, I mean although it is arguable that he winning the WHC was a result of Guerrero's death or it was already in the pipe line, Rey long before that he got massive pops from the fans and was SD most over star. In addition to being entertaining,innovative and death defying in the ring Mysterio also killed the stigma that someone under 200 can't win the big one by capturing the gold this year on the granddest stage of them all.

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