Favourite Voice Actor?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm sure everyone knows what a voice actor is so I want to know who everyone's favourite voice actor is.

Mine would have to be Frank Welker.

He's done a lot of roles in many famous shows like, Rugrats, Spider Man, American Dad, Family Guy (As Kermit the Frog, Megatron), Sponge Bob Square Pants and most noteably are his roles as various Transformers, the most popular being Megatron from the original 1980's G1 series. He also played Soundwave and a few others which I can't remember off the top of my head.

He was also recast in the live action movies, but just as Soundwave as Michael Bay has said his voice did not fit the new Megatron as much as Hugo Weaving.

My faveourite work of his would definately be Megatron though, I thought his voice just suited the Megatron character very well. His wide range of voices is quite impressive too.

So what about you guys? Do you have a favourite voice actor? or do you not care about voice actors?
Hank Azaria is probably my favorite voice actor. He's extremely versatile and can do the voice for just about any type of character. In the Simpsons alone he does Moe, Apu, Chief Wiggum, Lenny, Carl, Comic Book Guy, and many many others.
My favorite would have to be Billy West. He does several of the voices from Futurama, including Fry, Professor, and Zoidberg. He also did the voices of Stimpy from Ren and Stimpy, Doug, and is known as one of the best to voice the Looney Tunes characters like Bugs and Daffy.

He's one of the most versatile voice over actors I've ever heard and it's so weird to me that he's done so many voices for some of my favorite shows and I never knew until recently.

Honorable mention goes to Seth MacFarlane, the creator of Family Guy. He does a lot of fucking voices for that show and they are very memorable and unique.
John Lovitz as ME Jay Sherman!...everyone else Stinks!

We can not all be that good though, so honorable mentions. Patrick Warburton, and John DiMaggio. John does so much cult faviorte stuff from Bender to Marcus Fenix (Gears of War) and so much in between. Patrick is so good as Brock Samson on Venture Brothers it is almost to good. Joe Swanson is a highlight of family guy thanks to Patrick.. and his best voice work ever.....
Don't get better than my man Keith David.
His voice is up there with Morgan Freeman's
and James Earl Jones. He may not have the
widest of ranges but what he does he does
oh so well:
With his depth and timbre he can add a bit of
gravitas to even the most flat of lines. Truly a
master of his craft. Kevin Conroy and Peter
Cullen get an extremely close runner-up tie.
Just take a guess. Look at the sig. Or avatar. Guess. Give up?

Seth MacFarlane by far. Anyone who can take Stewie Griffin, Peter, Quagmire, and Brian Griffin and make them all sound completely different is a fucking aweosme at voice acting. He plays multiple characters on the show. He has also voiced multiple characters in American Dad and a few on The Cleaveland Show. Seth MacFarlane has a phenomenal voice. Anybody ever watch some of the Family Guy episodes with Frank Sinitra where they sing? Yeah, Seth can go when it comes to the classic style singing. I believe he's doing a tour of musical performences in the future and I could totally get into that. His voice is aweosme. Best. Voice. Actor. Ever!
Mel Blanc. I did a thread on voice acting earlier on in the year, and I said that he and Welker were the two greatest of all time, and he's truly and awesome voice actor. In case you aren't aware, Blanc is the guy who did pretty much every single Loony Tunes character from the Golden Age of animation (with the Granny from Sylvester and Tweety and Elmur Fudd being the few exceptions). The sheer range of Blanc to go from Bugs Bunny to Tweety Bird to Taz s simply amazing. His range and quality is outstanding. Blanc's a legend and a God in voice acting circles.

Also have to say that I really rate Patrick Warbuton too. Guy does a great job with whatever characters he works with. He's got the bad-ass persona down to an art and he's great at what he does. Whether as Joe from Family Guy or Brock in the Venture Bros, Warbuton brings it.
Hank Azaria is probably my favorite voice actor. He's extremely versatile and can do the voice for just about any type of character. In the Simpsons alone he does Moe, Apu, Chief Wiggum, Lenny, Carl, Comic Book Guy, and many many others.

I was gonna go for Azaria too, but I had no idea he did Apu and Carl!

Very talented guy, plus he can actually act himself too. He has been in several films, including Night At The Museum 2, Heat and also in the Friends TV series.
Easily Michael Winslow from Police Academy. There's not a sound in the world this guy can not do. With a voice like his, he could do any occupation whether it be a DJ, human beatbox, voice over actor for a cartoon or whatever.


Other honorable mentions go to Hank Azaria and Dan Castanalletta as Homer. Dan's laughs as Homer are hilarious and I remember this one line he made about Michael Winslow which was funny as hell...

"Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well I didn't hear anybody laughing, did you? Except at that guy who made sound effects." followed by some sounds Michael Winslow would make.

Also I never heard of this guy before or seen any of his stand ups but he should be a voice actor cause he does a great impression of Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock & Bernie Mac


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