Favourite Version Of The Undertaker

I think the reason I never liked the Undertaker is because of how bad I thought he was when the gimmick was just starting off.

I was about 7 or 8, and I could accept over the top characters competing on the lower card. But even as young as I was, watching Hulk Hogan wrestle a dead guy for the title didn't intrigue me. As a child I felt the gimmick insulted my intelligence on some level.

Further, like Jake said, the ring work was slow and boring during his first run. It wasn't that Taker wasn't capable, he was wrestling well as Mean Mark in WCW just a few months earlier. The character actually detracted from his ring work.

I think his character had a chance to work well had it been used better. I never understood why they interjected him into certain angles, like the one year putting him on the "ALL AMERICAN" Surivor Series team. Why does a dead guy care about America? Was he a soldier that died in action? It was silly to me.

I hated the Demonic Undertaker the most. Sure hanging and crucifying people pushed the envelope, but I felt like it pushed the envelope simply for the sake of pushing it. Those storylines were not particularly well developed at all IMO, which probably did hurt the character.

The closest thing to liking the character came as the American Bad Ass. But I don't like Kid Rock, I don't like Motorcycles, and I always thought it was stupid when any wrestler rode a motorcycle 50 feet to the ring. So needless to say, I didn't like that either, but it wasn't as bad as the others to me.

Taker never got my attention as a kid, and doesn't have me as an adult. I respect the man for his longevity and sacrifice to the business, but I never once liked the character.
The best and probably only good part of the original Undertaker character was that after he annihilated his opponent in a usual 5-10 min squash match, he'd then proceed to putting them in a body bag and beating the shit out them some more! That was so hilarious and to this day I still laugh my ass off when I see him do it on tape. Man those were the days.
American baddass taker was the best, i cant believe you guys think its the worst, unless you like the ministry taker, which is the worst in my opinion cuz it was stupid, the best was the this one, becuase this was how he acts in reall life, the ministry taker did nothing except act weird, and say "rest in Peeeaceeee!" -_- stupid
I loved when they did the whole Mankind vs Undertaker angle.Thats what got me into wrestling.My first ever ordered pay-per-view was when Undertaker had his face all bandaged up laying the smack down on Mankind and Paul Bearer.I hated Paul Bearer. Then the next time would be after Kane won the casket match against the Undertaker and lit it on fire and Undertaker came back to finaly face off against Kane.Im a sucker for the Undertakers druid entrances.They give me goosebumps
The American Bad Ass Taker wasnt totaly shit think about it he came in on a bike and beat the shit out of people that was it. He really also was still a role model to people and even tho his character changed he still respected some of the up and coming stars like in his WWE undisputed title match with Jeff Hardy obv Taker won.

When Biker Taker won the Hardcore title i was like oh wtf Taker as Hardcore Champ? Man we could see some great matches.

The Ministry character was one that The Undertaker actually hated.

I agree totaly with Taker Ministry was crap, in my opinion the Taker that fued with foley and had the first ever hell in a cell with Shawn Michaels was the best.

The Current Taker is okay but at the begining when he changed from Bad Ass to Current then he looked gay with short hair and a huge trenchcoat.

Now Taker is cool but he could be more dominant possibly Vince might let him actually compete at his actual level of skill rather than just job to assholes and fight idiots.
The American bad ass! Although I did hear that he really didn't like that gimmick. But I actually didn't watch wrestling when the original Undertaker came out... so maybe that's why.

But the second I saw this thread, it made me think of when he and Kurt Angle were tagging against Booker T and HHH(?) and Kurt came out of the locker room with his American flag bandana and sunglasses, and Taker just had that WTF look on his face. Priceless!
I really loved the Undertaker vs "Evil" Undertaker match. It was a great match. Undertaker stood up after TOMB-STONE'ed' by the "Evil" Undertaker.
And then he eliminated the fake undertaker by Three Tombstones.
My favorite Undertaker was the demonic ministry Undertaker.

I believe he took his character to a whole new level. The sacrifices the new robe he came to the ring in, and I think it really worked for him being a heel. It was almost like he really went into a character, instead of being just mysterious like the original.
The Best Undertaker was the very first one, i have followed him from his entrance into the WWF/WWE in 1990 and i have to say that the first outfit was the best, he looked like an old wild west Figure (which he was supposed to look like) followed by the purple Glove one which he wore when he beat Sid at Wrestlemania for the championship the one i didn't like was American Badd ASS he lost the whole spooky thing about him, although i must admit that i loved his return Entrance at Judgement Day in the Iron Man Match with Rock / HHH (would have to go down as one of my top fav returns)

The Undertaker he is the Myth, The Man The Legend.:undertaker2:
The best Undertaker is when he turned heel in any era. The fueds with hulk hogan, bret hart and SCSA where classic. But the best version of the heel UT is when he feuded with mick foley they brought the best out of each other.
The original deadman from his debut.
He was plain awesome and he was built up great,he didnt have the long ass entrance,he kept things short and sweet.
The best version of The Phenom. Is the version he assumed after defeating Sid Vicous at Wrestlemania 13. This version played to his character alot better than any other version and he was cool looking as well.
This is going to be very controversial in the eyes of everybody, but I liked the Taker that was from the Ministry of Darkness all the way through the American Badass years. This Taker actually cut his own promos and showed us that the Undertaker had a voice that last through more than three lines. he actually cut promos in teh ring as well, which he had never really done before. He showed emotion and some kind of a personality. The Take from the Ministry was evil and sadistic, but when he came back under The American Badass gimmick he showed more of a human side and cut some pretty deep promos in the ring. I like it when Taker has interaction with te other wrestler rather than doing this whole "I'm goig to intimidate you from afar" crap. It's old, it's not even entertaining anymore as he has done it time and time again. I think when he comes back, he needs to be in the ring, getting his hands dirty and letting us hear his voice rather than just standing there like Mark The ******. lol
Being a huge Taker fan, I have to admit I wasn't a fan of the motorcycle biker Undertaker. My favorite Taker was the black and purple Taker, the one that did more in terms of moves but still was close to invincible. Black and gray old school Taker was still really cool, especially when he beat up both Hogan AND the Warrior, but black and purple Taker actually opened up some of the moves he had. The current version that debuted a few years ago, however, does a lot more because he doesn't have to play it as slow. And ministry Undertaker was pretty scary because his size plus his promos just added to it. (I still cheered for him even when he was a heel, although the Satanic rituals were a bit much) Still Black and Purple Taker, coming back at SummerSlam, then burying Yokozuna at Survivor Series, just awesome in my opinion.
I liked all the Undertakers pretty much if i had to choose one id definatly go with the Evil Ministry Taker the sacrifices and promos he did were chilling and he also put on some of his best matches then and he was also a great heel

I didnt really care for his american badass gimmick as i thought it didnt really make sense to change him from a lord of darkness to a biker but ive always been a big undertaker fan and liked his heel version best..
The best undertaker version was when he had the hardcore belt. Seeing him do the guillotine with the chair to matt hardy was priceless and one of the best smackdown moments ever. Its a shame he has to keep doing the played out deadman gimmick. I hope he comes back and kills assmouth...oooh i mean edge
My Favorite version of Taker was right after he came back as the Deadman and he came right after Paul Heyman said no man alive could stop him. After taker took off his coat and hat and he had the look of the phenom and the american badass, that was cool

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