Favourite Version Of The Undertaker


Juventino 4 LiFe
I dont know if this has been done recently but if it had my apologies. I was watching old WWF/E stuff from 1999 involving Taker/Austin and Ministry Of Darkness stuff. I always thought this version of the Undertaker was the best that he had pulled off, he truly looked scary and he pulled off this version pretty damn good IMO. The beard was also scary and pretty cool. He was involved in some pretty great fueds during this period with Austin/Rock/Vince.

Whats everyone elses favourite version of the Taker?
Yeah that has to be my favorite version as well, even though he looked like he just walked off the set of Lord of the Rings. This was Taker at his most evil and demonic. The kidnappings, crucifixtions, all of it was awesome. Hands down my favorite, but my second fav would have to be the second version of the American Badass, when he was the ornery heel "Big Evil", demanding respect and beating it out of those that wouldn't give it to him.
I hope you were watching Fully Loaded 99, becuase that would intresting since I just happened to find that and watch it last night. But my favorite Undertaker is the classic, basically due in large part to Paul Bearer. The feud with Hogan was also a classic IMO, considering Taker actually beat Hogan during the Hulk Years.
I'd have to agree the dmonic Undertaker was the best. He actually looked scary and did alot of things that would push the limits on tv. This version of the Undertaker was the best.

The best version of The Undertaker would be the early years it was just so cool to see someone of that size in a gimmick like that. It was a CLASSIC!
I liked the gimmick he first came out with. It was more mysterious and with Paul Bearer on his side it made him more interesting since sometimes he would barely speak a word and his promo's will still be good because of Paul Bearer. Also he made some of the craziest entrances with that gimmick like when he came out on the hearse and the crow. I thought it was a bit dangerous since if you look at a crow in the eye it goes for it and tries to eat it or something.
Original classic taker mainly then Ministry taker I was not a fan at all of the Biker gimmick.
the biker taker is the taker i first saw. Then, as i researched the history of wrestling a little more, I realized that this version of him sucked ass. I recently looked at my RAW 10-year anniversary mag and it has a picture of demon taker crucifying austin. That actually shocked me when I saw it. I was surprised how evil Taker could be.

Also, I think the current version of the Undertaker makes him look like a fucking pussy. He never does anything to push the limit any more. All he does is stand there and get his ass beat.
The best Taker was from the Mid Nineties where he wore all black and feuded with the likes of Mankind, Kane, Austin, Bret Hart, HBK etc.

Then the Ministry Taker would have to be the 2nd best for the fact that he had one of the best group of cronies I have ever seen, crucified people, was just EVIL beyond anything I've have ever seen in wrasslin and will probably never be duplicated in his capacity for being sheer evil and demonic. And he was at his best at this time in my opinion promo wise. But I believe his best feuds had to be right before the Ministry angle with Kane and Mankind.
The Corporate Ministry was stupid but thats a different story for a different day
The Attitude era Taker is my favorite. He would always have a sick ass leather trenchcoat with the high collar and stuff. When he would enter the ring he would stand at the stairs and the smoke would go off and the whole arena was dark then he would raise his hands and a big bang would go off and the lights would go on. That was some of the greatest stuff ever.

It weird because you never really make any seperation to the fact that it's some guy playing this character. He just took that character and owned it. He's been playing that character for over 15 years now and you stilldon't think it's someone playing a part. When you see Undertaker you see Undertaker. Not only that, but wrestling wise he's up there with Hogan, Flair, Dusty , The Rock and such with knowing how to put on a match and work the crowd. I'm still bummed that he's injured. I was hoping for one last year of him just totally owning everyone. If he's out for 6 months or so he might be able to come back at Survivor Series and that wold be awesome since that's where he debuted.
I only started to like Taker when Mankind arrived. So the 1996 version for me. Before that he was slow and quite frankly complete shit. Sure the gimmick was intresting. But you would be hard pressed to find a decent Taker match from his first 6 years in the company.
Awesome, someone brought up Fully Loaded 1999, I always feel like I'm the only person to have ever seen that PPV for the awesomeness that it was, especially the main event. Undertaker was never more evil and more sinister then in his Ministry of Darkness days.

I too am a huge fan of the Satanic Undertaker, back when he used to "sacrifice" people and they'd come back next week as a part of his Ministry like they were brainwashed into his cult!--Classic!
I only started to like Taker when Mankind arrived. So the 1996 version for me. Before that he was slow and quite frankly complete shit. Sure the gimmick was intresting. But you would be hard pressed to find a decent Taker match from his first 6 years in the company.

Dude! Taker vs. Hogan!, Taker vs. Yokozuna! The Taker vs. Ultimate Warrior feud was total classic. He would have already been a legend within his first 6 years.
Dude! Taker vs. Hogan!, Taker vs. Yokozuna! The Taker vs. Ultimate Warrior feud was total classic. He would have already been a legend within his first 6 years.

Bollocks. The match's were terrible and the Taker/Warrior fued didn't take off. Until Mick Folet arrived Taker was the most boring wrestler ever and he'd has some of the stupidest moments ever in wrestling.
My favorite version of The Undertaker is truely The version he started after winning the title at Wrestlmania 13. This was the version that pulled of his personality the best. It was the same version of The Undertaker that fought against Kane at Wrestlmania 14. Wrestling was great back then.
Dude! The Taker vs. Yokozuna match was awesome. I think it was a casket match or something like that. Taker loses then you see his spirit rise out of the cakset on the old titantron where it was still a bunch of screens put together to for one big one. That was an awesome moment. That match did suck for the most part though. 500lb guy vs a 300 lb guy he couldn't really pick up or don anything with.

What's bolloks is the IC title being the main event for Summerslam. Freakin mid card title main eventing on a major. Bollocks to that. I'd rather watch Taker vs. Kamala.

Bollocks is basically saying bull shi+ right?
Awesome, someone brought up Fully Loaded 1999, I always feel like I'm the only person to have ever seen that PPV for the awesomeness that it was, especially the main event. Undertaker was never more evil and more sinister then in his Ministry of Darkness days.

I too am a huge fan of the Satanic Undertaker, back when he used to "sacrifice" people and they'd come back next week as a part of his Ministry like they were brainwashed into his cult!--Classic!

What a great match at FL 1999. I loved that fued between Austin and Taker. Pity Taker wouldnt go back to his Stanic ways :(
I did like the Deadman gimmick especially when he was leading the Corporate Ministry b/c he actually was the Lord Of Darkness that was a heel(You figure somebody who is evil should always remain heel but Taker's immense respect drowned that out). When he came back as the American Badass I thought it was a nice change for him and a lot more believable so that the fans had more of a chance to relate to him as a normal human being. Then things started to get silly, he came back at WM20 as the Deadman again, that is when I started to hate the gimmick b/c it did not make no sense for him to go back that way when we already saw him without the pale skin, make-up, and voodoo magic. He should have never changed gimmicks in the first place if that was going to happen or just stay with the American Badass gimmick IMO. Overall, my favorite is the 1999 Undertaker during his reign over the WWF/E because his gimmick matched that role best IMO.
Freeroller it does make sense because don't forget the biker taker was buried by Kane thus killing the human in Taker, then he came back as the deadman. It would be silly for him to change with no explanation.
Btw i think When Taker comes back he will be a Monster heel, and beat Edge.
Ministry Taker is awesome, I'd love to see that again with him taking younger and newer wrestlers under his wing and "brainwashing" them like maybe Kennedy, Helms, or even guys like Finlay, Hardy, or Booker.

I love every facet of the Undertaker so I don't have a favorite. Least favorite was probably the Biker Undertaker but I still liked it. Best Taker moments for me would be his WM 13 and 23 title wins, Royal Rumble 2007 and his return at WM 20
taker was best whenever paul bearer was with him imo. he was the best manager of all time.:dark2:
I can't deny the genius of Undertaker from his first appearance until about 95-96. I think it was undoubtedly the best and most mysterious. I'm sorry to the fans of his other gimmicks but as for the Ministry of Darkness and Biker Taker...I watched him and accepted him during those times but looking back I didn't like those gimmicks at all. I did like when he came back to take revenge on Kane though and the short time after that. At this past Wrestlemania it gave me chills to see the respect and admiration in the air as Undertaker made his way totally old school style down the ring.
Personally, the ministry taker. bad ass music, a huge stable. lots of segments that showed how over the top wwf would go.ie crucifixion,kidnaping,hanging.
i have enjoyed all of Undertaker's incarnations but the one that stands out the most for me is the 1994-1996 version....i thought his return at Summerslam 1994 was his coolest entrance ever....when the entire arena was in darkness and then he appeared in the entrance way with the purple light silohouetting him, it was way cool...the match that followed left alot to be desired, but that was not 'taker's fault, he had a lame opponent...i thought the look he had for that 2 year period with the purple gloves and boots and the really long hair hanging in his face looked cool...i wish he'd grow his hair out that long again....
I personally liked his American Bad-Ass gimmick. He was a more believable character, more realistic. Of course, I love all his gimmicks, but that was my favorite. The motorcycle entrance was awesome. Also I feel that he looks better with short hair.
Hands down the Ministry/Demonic Undertaker. The promos that he would do with the Ministry talking about what evil was going to unfold were brilliant, and they really pushed the boat out when he hung the Big Bossman at Wrestlemania.Also, his facial expression was always very bleak and the eyeliner added much to his character, aswell as the beard. That is not to say asthetics were the main thing about this Undertaker, because the storylines and matches that were around during the time of this character were great, and he really thrived upon them.
Pre-Ministry Undertaker I also have a so-called soft spot for. Two matches that really spring to mind would be Mankind in the Hell In a Cell, which admittedly is a somewhat predictable choice, but I also thought he match against Austin in the Summerslam main event was great. Remember that HUGE leg drop through the announcers table.
I'm sort of indifferent to the current Undertaker, I've just accepted it, I will say however, before his injury and such, he was in as good shape physically as he had looked in a long time.

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