2 many great SummerSlams to name but I'll give my top 5.
5. SummerSlam '89- mainly because it was the first SS that I saw and at the time I had only been watching WWF/E for a couple of months. Plus I have always enjoyed the match between Warrior and Rude. The Harts and Brain Busters also put on a great tag match to open the show.
4. SummerSlam '97- I never cared at all for the entire year of 1997 for WWF but I must say SS was in my mind the best ppv they had all year. A great cage match between hhh and Foley. A solid IC title match between Owen and Austin, and Taker and Bret was just a pleasure to watch.
3. Summerslam '98- The fisrt ppv that I have ever been to. I was there to see it live at MSG and what an experience it was. Rock and HHH had a solid ladder match and I alwyas thought that Taker and Austin was a great match even though Austin has stated that he never cared for that match.
2. SummerSlam '02- Probably one of the greatest WWE PPV's ever. From top to bottom the entire show was great. Angle and Mysterio with probably the best opening match in ss history, and to see HBK returnin after 4 years to face HHH was special. Truly one of my all time favorite matches.
1. SummerSlam '91- My all time favorite because every title that was defended that night changed hands. LOD making history by winning their first set of WWF Tag Titles. Bret and Perfect putting on a clinic in probably one of the greatest matches in ss history, the Mountie going to jail (always hilarious to me). And to top it all off, the commentary between Piper, Gorilla, and Heenan throughout the entire show has always made me laugh to this day. The 3 off them were always fun to listen to.
I just wish that today Vince would stop this PG entertainment bull shit and return to the way wrestling used to be. When it was actually watchable. I seriously don't think that SummerSlam will be any good this year, which it really has not been since 2002. It's just sad that the one thing I have always enjoyed in my life is not even worth watching anymore.