Favourite Canadian Comedian

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
They say Canada exports two things, hockey players and comedians. Some great comedians have come from Canada, recent hit Seth Rogen, Mike Myers, John Candy, Eugene Levy, Phil Hartman, Brent Butt and many others. Comedy is one thing I feel Canada does well, and is evident in our produced television shows.

So the question for you fine fans of laughter is picking your favourite. Mine is none other than Mr. Jim Carrey, who I have enjoyed for a long while, however, he has fallen out of my favour. As a kid, I loved the Ace Ventura movies, as well as being a fan of his stand up work. I even was a big fan of Dumb and Dumber. His most recent work I enjoyed was Bruce Almighty, although that show is already getting old.
It is very funny that you should mention it, TM.

One of favourite new comedians is actually a Canadian and although all of the people you have listed are great comedians, this guy is very sharp-witted and is really beginning to make some waves over here. Here names is Stewart Francis and I am really liking his style. I have no idea how big he is over that side of the pond but I think that he has a big future ahead of him if he continues to get some good gigs like he has been doing. He performed a show called "Mick The Week" in the UK and it hasn't stopped ever since. I have taken the liberty of posting a video for you to enjoy.

They say Canada exports two things, hockey players and comedians.

I think you made that last part up.

Some great comedians have come from Canada, recent hit Seth Rogen,

Maybe you're on to something here...

Mike Myers,

Then again, maybe you aren't...Mike Meyers can't do anything well besides caricatures of people from the UK.

John Candy,

Hmmm...maybe you are on to something here...I love Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

Eugene Levy,

Never mind, you aren't. Eugene Levy blows...his career highlight is being Jim's dad in American Pie, a role that he seems to reprise (for reasons unknown to me) in all the shitty straight-to-DVD American Pie movies (maybe it's because Christopher Guest hasn't come up with any new material for him).

Phil Hartman,

May he rest in peace, but he was about as funny as Jon Lovitz (i.e., not very funny).

Brent Butt and many others.

No clue about this person. Is he in Trailer Park Boys?

Comedy is one thing I feel Canada does well, and is evident in our produced television shows.

You know Terrance and Phillip and The Queef Sisters aren't real shows, right?

So the question for you fine fans of laughter is picking your favourite.


Mine is none other than Mr. Jim Carrey, who I have enjoyed for a long while, however, he has fallen out of my favour. As a kid, I loved the Ace Ventura movies, as well as being a fan of his stand up work. I even was a big fan of Dumb and Dumber. His most recent work I enjoyed was Bruce Almighty, although that show is already getting old.

Jim Carrey hasn't made a good film since the 90s. I used to think he was great, but then he decided he wanted to become a serious actor; too bad he failed miserably at it. Now, he's considered one of the most overpaid actors in Hollywood. Also, he's lost his funny bone; methinks this is probably because the horse-faced Jenny McCarthy sucked it right out of him.

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