Favoritism in WWE- Triple H vs the rest of the Main Eventers

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
Randy Orton, John Cena,Rey, HBK, Undertaker, Batista, Edge. What do all of them have in common? They are Main Eventers, had major injuries, returned suddenly.

But wait. Isn't there another Main Eventer who was out on injury for a while. I think so what is his name again? Trip Trip HHH. THAT'S IT.

Now other then being married to Steph, why should HHH get extra attention for his returns from injuries and have his return built up on television weeks in advance, and not the other Main Eventers that bring the company money?
They announced that Cena was coming back to face Jericho at Survivor Series in 2008 so I don't really know what you are talking about. They have done the same thing for Edge and Batista in the past so HHH isn't any different. The other main eventers get plenty of attention especially when they are coming off of injuries. It's just that some would like to be kept a secret rather than others.
See I dont remember any of them being on the poster for the PPV before they return. I also dont remember a constant run down of everything they did in the business and the long road back. I also dont remember any of them being advertised as faster and stronger. But that is what they did for HHH. and all of them could of had their carrers ended with their injuries.
So, you really need to do your research because all of those main eventers get plenty of attention. Triple H went through a lot of crap to get where he is now! So everyone who wants to act like baby and whine and complain about how he gets this and that because he is married to Stephanie oh flipping well! He has earned his spot in the top and had severe injuries as well, and right about now he is one of the best. So before anyone else wants to cry about him getting attention like I said do your RESEARCH!
Yea pretty much everyone sumed up the truth here. They did it for cena,batista,rey,and many more in the past. Cena being the more recent. So before your gonna make a topic trying to suggest another triple h power hog theory,at least do more research to make a point that cant be shut down right away
I don't know what your point is here at all. How is this a sign of preferential treatment?

Here's a quick line I think everyone here will agree with. I watch the WWE because it occasionally throws out a shock moment that makes me mark like a freak!

Examples? Ok, I'll start with Edge... shock return at the Royal Rumble, wins and goes to Wrestlemania. It had been suggested but not confirmed, WWE did a great job at that and it took me completely by surprise. It's also teased a Jericho Feud!

Batista, a few weeks back on Raw took everyone by surprise.

John Cena, doing what Edge did at this Years Rumble about 3 years ago (I can't be bothered researching it)

Add those 'shocks' to other, non-returning superstar related ones like Edge coming out to cash in Money in the Bank after Cena had gone through an Elimination Chamber. Or CM punk cashing in on Hardy this year.

Shocks are what makes this show exciting. Anything can happen in the WWE is more than just an advertising slogan. It tends to be true. That's why I don't ever count WWE out. They always give me something to make me smile if I wait for it.

But you don't want that? You want to be warned in advance?

I see it as a way of thanking the loyal fans. 'Thanks CJ, Thanks for watching the show, week in, week out. As a gesture of our gratitude to you, here... have an Edge return at the Rumble.

Or you could just Advertise that Bret Hart is going to show up and watch how the ratings soar. All these fans watching. All these people who haven't watched in years but will do anything to see Bret again but spent the rest of the show saying ... Who Cena? Randy What? Isn't Ted Dibiase that rich guy?

I like my surprises thanks.
This thread is completely useless.... Everyone can tell that you are a HHH hater, that is why you posted something full on nonsense like this.....

AS someone else stated it is great to be surprised. Though I was not surprised by Edge coming back...(it was in line with his prognosis and updates on his rehab)....had they told us 2 months ago he was coming back at the Royal Rumble, everyone would have known who was going to win,,,,

The thing about HHH is that he is a huge draw and is probably, though arguably, a better draw than everyone else besides Cena because the kids love Cena and John appeals to the youth more. Stop hating on HHH and you will enjoy wrestling a great deal more......WWE has been doing a great job lately on keeping ppl on edge as far as not being able to predict who is going to win or what kind of surprise they are going to give us.....best example, no one thought Sheamus was actually gonna win the title! WWE keep doing what you are doing!
Ditto to everything the rest of the responders said. I couldn't agree more. See, I am one of the biggest Triple H marks probably on the planet ok. I don't take kindly to people talking that kind of shit about Triple H, or any other shit for that matter. Maybe he got the kind of return he did the second time because it was his 2nd quad recovery and ya know, NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER DONE THAT IN THE HISTORY OF WRESTLING!!! That could have something to do with it, or maybe the fact that he is one of the most loyal people the company has ever had? He has earned every accolade, every kind word, and every accomplishment that has been bestowed upon him. There are a lot of guys who have done good work for the company, but there are literally only 3 other guys currently with the company who have been as loyal or legitimately earned as much as him, those being Shawn, Taker, and Kane. Take the Triple HHHATE elsewhere, that fad is over now, it's no longer the "IN" thing to hate Triple H, I think now it's Batista which is also unwarranted, that's a whole other thread though.
I really don't think this was thought out very well at all, to be honest with you. John Cena had months of segments hyping his return, when Taker was coming back to face Edge at Summerslam 2008, there was more huge build. The only time that there hasn't been a big deal about a return from injury is when they return as a surprise, and hyping a surprise isn't very effective, I'm sure you'll agree.
See I dont remember any of them being on the poster for the PPV before they return.

John Cena returning in Suvivor Series 2008. I remember coming on here as a guest at that time and reading how just about everyone was sick and tired of all of the return promos that Cena had for that month or so.

I also dont remember a constant run down of everything they did in the business and the long road back.

I believe in the video packages that ran for Undertaker leading up to WrestleMania 20 ran down everyone he's defeated at WM, although I'm not sure if Taker was nursing an injury or not and it was all just kayfabe.

I also dont remember any of them being advertised as faster and stronger. But that is what they did for HHH. and all of them could of had their carrers ended with their injuries.

Well, that was specific for Triple H then. I don't want all of the main eventers that come back have the same type of return promo because all of the main eventers are different in some way. All of them could have had thier careers ended but most of them recently have came back eariler than expected and have made surprise returns, in which the WWE cannot hype those up.
See, the OP in this thread sums up exactly why Triple H anti-marks are as ******ed as they are. Dirt Sheet writers want people to believe Triple H is always writing himself into marquee matches (or getting steph to do it for him), or he's always stabbing someone in the back, or holding someone else down. I can't stress enough how much BS that is.

Triple H is a technically sound wrestler, one of the best if not THE best WWE has going for them at this moment in time. He can wrestle a good match with anyone (aside from the likes of Khali, because who can drag a good match out of him? Actually, I think Trips is the only person to have come close to doing it). Triple H is probably in the top 3 of best storytellers in WWE at this moment. He's worked for many years to get where he is, and being married to Steph isn't what got him there. He's done the MOST incredible job as a heel since 1999, and kept WWE afloat in 2003 - 2005 when they had next to no heels that could work a babyface as good as him.

Triple H, in all intentions, wants the WWE to succeed and is NOT in it to further his own career. His title reigns are not his own way of ego rubbing, it's Vince's way to erase Ric Flair's championship numbers so Vince can again have the marquee records in his own pocket. Triple H will never leave WWE for any other company; he was devoted to them even before he started boinking Steph, and they all knew this. He's worth every penny they've invested in him, and will be for years to come.

Plus, I truly believe Triple H has one thing that Ric Flair doesn't. He has the common sense to know when to hang up the boots, and when he turns 55 years old and starts seeing the downturn of his own career, he will start phasing himself out and rightfully take his place in the office.
The WWE takes it's time with some returns, like Triple H's or John Cena's because they depend on it for a few weeks of ratings or a nice PPV buyrate. However, Edge returned at a PPV they hoped would get a solid buyrate anyway. Also, it made his return better as a surprise.

Obviously, surprises can't be marketed before they happen. It would defeat the purpose. I remember a while back Mysterio had a solid build up. Jericho had the whole 'Code' build up and I think it just depends on what's happening in the company at that time.

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