Favorite Wrestlers in WWE

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
So, let's make a lighter thread, one with positives. Who is your favorite wrestler of all-time? Currently?

For me, my favorite of all time is Edge. Edge was a manipulative, chickenshit heel and the time where he was obsessed with winning the World Heavyweight Championship is one of the greatest things I have ever seen in wrestling. To me, he just had the IT factor. He was a jack of all trades, and a master heel. He was just a great wrestler who for me is a top-15 of all time.

My current favorite is Seth Rollins. Rollins is like a new version of Edge. He plays the role of a heel very well, he looks like a prototypical face and has played that role well in NXT and ROH, and he's such a good chickenshit. He has incredible matches and to me has the same sort of IT factor Edge did.

What about you guys?
Lighter? No, let's peer into ourselves and reveal the demon within. Forgetting all that's grand and joyous, a horrid beast from Hell awakens and tears us from the inside to break free.

Your mind cannot control the abomination within, and must bear witness to the horrors you're forced to commit. Your soul begs for mercy, but your fate is sealed. The pure dementia you inspire in the terrified hearts of those around you is nothing compared to the permanent scarring suffered upon your will to live on.

One man gave in to the darkness, and his legacy became immortal.

Captured through Genesis in Portrait, for your consideration, Kendo Nagasaki.

My all time favorite wrestler is Ric Flair....Wooooooooooooooooooo. I will always be captivated by his promos - shut up fatboy! He is everything a wrestler should be...a cheater...full of charisma, cocky, and a hell of an in ring technician. Also loved his overselling...freakin classic when he would land face first

Current favorite is Dean Ambrose. I wish he had an opponent for WM31, it seems they are neglecting him.
Favorite of all time: Stone Cold, he was the man to me and I just loved to see him kick ass and drink beer. Was just massively entertaining to me.

Favorite right now: Daniel Bryan, I've loved him since his ROH days. I obviously like his work but knowing that Vince and the higher ups really hate that he is so over and really don't want him to be "the guy", it only makes me want him to succeed more.
Rollins is a very close second to me right now. Love that guy
I was watching wrestling between 1999-2003. And now since 2012.

When I was watching it the first time Edge was by far my favourite for some reason. At the time I really liked the Hardy Boyz, Triple H, Billy Gunn, Rhyno and Spike Dudley.

Between watching again I often got the Xbox games. I loved using Bobby Lashley for some reason.

Since 2012 my favourites on the main roster have been CM Punk, Damien Sandow (intellectual saviour gimmick), Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, Wade Barrett & Dolph Ziggler. I really dig Enzo Amore and NXT Bo Dallas too.

Looking back at previous guys Chris Jericho has to go down as one of my favourites, even though I did not appreciate him as much at the time.
My favorites are easily the Prime Time Players, they're so full of energy it's kinda contagious. I've always thought they were severely underutilized. They're possibly the only two guys who reminded me every time that they came to the ring that I was supposed to be enjoying the show. I don't really know why, maybe it was just the weed. Either way, they're still unstoppable on my power rankings, kinda like Kobe Bryant in a.... um, nevermind.

I don't have an all-time favorite. I used to like Jake the Snake, but, after watching "Pick Your Poison" I decided I didn't care for a lot of his matches. I've been on a Goldust kick lately, so maybe him.
My all time favorite is Bret The Hitman Hart. He always brought it. Every match was good at minimum. I also was a fan of the no-nonsense, no-BS, straightforward character.

Current? Chris Jericho, if he counts. Not a fulltimer, but he's around at least for awhile every year. He's still very good in the ring.

Ambrose would probably be my favorite full timer. I like the unpredictability of him.
All time favorite - HBK. Even though his schtick with HHH got a bit tired shortly after DX became irrelevant his in-ring work never ever suffered until the day he retired. He is the greatest in-ring performer in the history of the business IMO. He was a great midcard IC Champion heel, a member of a high energy card-opening tag team, and he became Mr. Wrestlemania for a reason starting at WM12.

Current Favorite - Rollins/Ambrose. I see superstardom in both guys future and the thing I really enjoy is that they are letting them carve out a niche as the opposite of what I think they will both become more natural at. Rollins as a super performer face and Ambrose as an insane heel. Gonna be great watch their careers blossom. They are both roughly 3x better in the ring as Golden Boy Reigns which is why I'm glad they are botching Roman and hoping he becomes the next Jack Swagger while the slow burn helps Rollins/Ambrose become the next CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.
All-time favorite is Eddie Guerrero, he was the most entertaining guy i've ever seen in WWE. My current favorites are Seth Rollins and Randy Orton, hopefully they end up feuding when Orton returns.
This is such a great thread, something that really gets you thinking about the cream of the crop, the top of the food chain so to speak. What really got the people to watch? I will definitely list more than one.

Undertaker: I grew up watching this guy. It didn't matter who he was in the ring with, because he made that match amazing. Rarely have I also seen a man who revamped his career again (near the 2006-2007 period all the way to his match against Triple H at Wrestlemania 28). He commanded everyone's attention, and was easily the best big man in WWE.

CM Punk: Amazing guy whose looks will tell you an entirely different story from what he brings in the ring. Whether it was against Hero or Joe during the independent circuits and Ring of Honor, or it was against Jericho or Daniel Bryan in WWE ... this guy killed it. He brought a lot of passion in the ring, and his mic skills were the best I've seen in a very long time. On par with Flair, Roberts, if not better.

AJ Styles: Simply one of the best living wrestlers today. If his mic skills were better, I'd definitely say this guy would arguably be the best guy of his generation.

Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg.


Steen, Zayn, Pac, reDRagon, Young Bucks, Devitt
It's pretty much impossible for me to pick an all time favorite. I just love all types of wrestling and wrestlers. Some of the guys who are on the top of my list are Rey Mysterio (the first wrestler I ever saw), Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, AJ Styles, RVD, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho, and it can obviously go on. I've just seen so many amazing guys it's hard to pick one. But of everyone, I don't know if anyone has every entertained as much as Eddie Guerrero. Everything he has done is just so entertaining.

My current favorite probably changes every year with whoever I like watching the most at the time. I never like picking one favorite, because as I said there are just so many great performers out there. But I'ver really been digging Finn Bálor lately. He's gonna go places.
The Big Show.

lol, I've spent another thread stating how Undertaker's in-ring abilities might seem outdated compared to what modern audiences are used to, but then I go with the Big Show as my favorite? Admittedly a lot of this is based around nostalgia. He was my favorite as WcW's 'The Giant'.

But I do think the Big Show has a consistently entertaining personality, being able to be funny and inspiring as the face and threatening and douchy as a heel. He's also a MUCH better in-ring performer than people give him credit for. It's just too bad that by the time Big Show gained experience, he was not in the best of shape. During his early WcW days, he was able to do some amazing stuff, but lacked experience.
So, let's make a lighter thread, one with positives. Who is your favorite wrestler of all-time? Currently?

For me, my favorite of all time is Edge. Edge was a manipulative, chickenshit heel and the time where he was obsessed with winning the World Heavyweight Championship is one of the greatest things I have ever seen in wrestling. To me, he just had the IT factor. He was a jack of all trades, and a master heel. He was just a great wrestler who for me is a top-15 of all time.

My current favorite is Seth Rollins. Rollins is like a new version of Edge. He plays the role of a heel very well, he looks like a prototypical face and has played that role well in NXT and ROH, and he's such a good chickenshit. He has incredible matches and to me has the same sort of IT factor Edge did.

What about you guys?

My favorite all-time would be HHH. I remember in the early 2000's he was the most hated man in the company. IMO, he's still the best heel today. It's amazing his age now he's still able to put on great matches.

My current favorite is Rollins. He really surprised me last year. I didn't he had it in him to be so great on the mic. When he was in The Shield, Ambrose did all the talking and he puts on on great matches. He is the future.
I have three all time favourites and it is difficukt to pick only one.
My Three are Eddie Guerrero, Steve Austin and Mankind.
I grew up watching wrestling in 2004 when Eddie was at his peak so he always sticks out to me as one of the best ever.

My favourite to watch right now is without a doubt, Seth Rollins. He has shocked me as being the stand out guy in The Shield as i always thought it would be Ambrose. Rollins just gets it, he gets being a heel in and out of the ring.

Second would be Rusev, i think he will be incredible this year.
All time favorite would probably be Edge. Just thought he was always able to reinvent himself and whether a mid-card/main-event guy or tag/singles, was always someone I really enjoyed watching.

Current favorite is probably Randy Orton. I know he draws mixed reactions from some people and hasn't always been booked the best, but I just feel he is tremendous in the ring and almost always has a good match. Really think Seth Rollins is incredible as well though.
yeah, I have to agree with the majority here and say that it's impossible to pick a favorite. think this is gonna require a Top Ten, in no particular order and hopefully for obvious reasons...

1. HBK ----- best in-ring talent ever
2. Foley ---- just like him as a person and performer, plus I love his books
3. Jericho -- see above (Foley)
4. Rock ---- so funny on the mic
5. Flair ----- great in the ring and on the mic, so many classic feuds and matches
6. Regal --- most under-rated guy of all-time, love his talent and ability
7. Jake ---- matches weren't great, but The Snake had the absolute best psychology
8. Edge ---- one of the most versatile talents ever, could do any match type
9. Taker --- so legendary and iconic
10. Angle -- best wrestler possibly in the world

holy cow! I could totally keep going. but really, if I had to narrow it down and put it in order, I think my top 3 would be HBK, Foley and Taker. nothing against anyone else at all; just these three were my faves.

currently, I really like Bray Wyatt. I wish he was booked better for the past year or so, but I could say that about more than just him. Daniel Bryan is another guy that is so talented between the ropes and so hard not to root for. and about 90% of the NXT roster.

wow! such a great thread! thanks for letting me cheat. which reminds me, Eddie Guerrero is another one of my all-time favorites.
I started watching WWE in 2000 and the first PPV I saw was No Way Out where Triple H retired Cactus Jack! From that day on I was hooked on Wrestling and Triple H has always been my all time favorite. I loved Evolution and his obvious passion and obsession with always wanting to be the best and hoped he would be the man to beat Ric Flair's 16 world titles reigns as it would have been fitting for his persona and for the relationship he and Flair have had over the years!
Edge would be a close second for me as I loved his character too, his battles with Undertaker & Batista over the WHC in 2007 (I think) come to mind as does his battles with Cena!

CM Punk then became my favorite from his SES days through to when he left the company.

Currently I would go with Rollins! It took me a long time to decide who my new favorite was after Punk left as there were several candidates but none that stood out more than anyone else. Rollins, Ziggler, Wyatt & Ambrose were kind of neck and neck until Rollins ARRIVED in the promo with Heyman, Lesnar, Cena & the Authority in the ring in the build up to their match at Royal Rumble! The hairs stood up on the back of my neck as he shot down Heyman and then delivered Curb Stomps to both Cena & Lesnar.

That sealed it for me that Seth Rollins is my current favorite and I can't wait for him to cash in MITB!!!!
My favourite wrestler ever is Edge too, when I was a little kid he was his goofy Edge & Christian character, and as I grew up he evolved into the Rated R Superstar, so that (what felt like a) shared progression coupled with the fact he was a talented and entertaining wrestler is why he is my favourite of all time.

As for currently I could say Goldust but that might be cheating as he has consistantly been one of my top wrestlers my whole life. So aside from Goldust I would have to say Wade emmm...... I mean Bad News Barrett. Tatented wrestler? Check! Great mic skills? Check! Enertaing on screen presence? Check!
At the moment, Sasha Banks and the Ascension. I like Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan also.


My all time favorite is the Undertaker, he was the reason I got into wrestling and for a while was the reason I watched at all. He was a great super face and always had me glued to my TV for any match he was a part of.

For my favorite wrestler right now it has to be Seth Rollins. He reminds me of Miz back in 2010 where most of the show was/is crap, he always brings his A game. For instance, if I missed Raw the first thing I'm curious of is what did Seth Rollins do. After Rollins it would be Triple H, I know he isn't a full time wrestler but he is a really great wrestler, regardless of who says otherwise.
Randy Savage was #1 with me. I was 6 in 1985 when he first came to WWF. Obviously, I didn't know from the finer points of wrestling and if you told me back then that Savage wanted to choreograph every move in the ring, I wouldn't have had a clue as to what you were talking about......but the guy scared and fascinated me; I thought he might really be part animal.

As I got older, I appreciated the excellence with which he played his role, never taking a minute off during a match, always stirring up trouble. Even when he turned face, he wrestled in essentially the same style and seemed just as evil.

Add Elizabeth to the mix and I couldn't watch anyone else when they were performing. Having an elegant, classy Beauty contrasting the Beast that was Savage was the most compelling story I had ever seen. Even today, it's rare to see a "face" manager or valet accompanying a "heel" wrestler, but they were the first I ever saw.

When Macho Man won the world title at WM in '88, I went completely crazy and stayed that way until he left the company.......although watching him job to Spiderman in the movie reminded me of what I liked so much about the guy.
My favourite wrestler has always been Triple H. I have a weird theory that posits that your favourite wrestler will most likely be the wrestler who was on top of their game when you first started watching wrestling. I started watching wrestling in early 2000, just as Triple H and Mick Foley were getting to grips with one of the best blood feuds I've ever seen. In fact, the first PPV I ever watched was Royal Rumble 2000; the main event of which being that amazing Street Fight in Madison Square Garden. Furthermore, the first piece of WWE footage I ever seen was Triple H talking to (of all people) The Headbangers on an episode of Heat. Triple H sat there with Stephenie by his side, the Championship slung over his shoulder on a lush leather Couch and I thought to myself, "He's a real cunt".

Since then, he's been my cunt. Whether he's been in tip of the business or gone for long periods of time, I've been completely sucked in by his performances, I've bought into all the hype. He's a great wrestler; perhaps one of the best ever. His promos are fantastic and have been of great quality since over a decade ago. He might not be the most popular guy and I'm sure there are numerous detractors out there who will say awfully spiteful things about him. But for me, Triple H encapsulates everything that is good about the WWE. His career has been iconic but not flashy. He's put his head down and shaped a legacy for himself and I will always be a fan.

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