Favorite Version of D-Generation X

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
Degeneration X has had a lot of different versions from the original Shawn, Hunter, Chyna, and Rick Rude to the most current version of just Shawn and Hunter as a tag team with Hornswaggle as their mascot.

My question is what was your favorite version of the group and why.

My favorite has always been the version with the Outlaws and X Pac, this version I have always thought was the funniest and coolest when I was a kid. I loved the New Age Outlaws mostly because of the Road Dogg and their entrance but who didn't sing along with that entrance?
Their promos were hilarious like impersonating The Nation of Domination. Overall this has always been my favorite version of the group.
I say it's a very hard choice considering I loved D-Generation X in every one of it's own ways no matter the line up, every line up had it's charms and hilarious moments.

But seeing as we have to choose one, I'll go with the very version of Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Chyna, seeing as I don't exactly needed Rick Rude to be in it for it to be entertaining, while Rick Rude was around for some of the more entertaining periods in the very original incarnation of this faction / tag team.
And as I said, I loved pretty much everything, but the antics of Triple H and Shawn Michaels together was the essential of DX and is what remains to be the greatest of DX history, and you'd probably think "oh but why not D-generation X in 2006 then? that was Shawn and Triple H too" yes it was, and no I'm not gonna go ahead and complain over the fact that it was a watered down version, cause I still laughed my ass off at segments like the imitation of Vince and Shane McMahon.

But in the end, it's the original DX with Shawn and Triple H, the truest version of DX, and the period of Shawn's career that made him my favorite wrestler of all time.
Has to be the 1998 group of X-Pac,Trips,Chyna and the Outlaws. I loved everyone of them. Each were hilarious and entertaining. They all brung a different element to the table. You had the charismatic Outlaws who were my favourite tag team...ever! X-pac was the small punk who was kind of just there. Chyna was the authoritve figure and you had the leader, Huner Hearst Hemsley. There parody of the Nation had me in stitches and it still makes me laugh alot to this day :lmao:. I think The New Age Outlaws had possibly the greatest entrance ever. I always think of them when R-Truth does his singing and dancing schmuck to the ring. Now I'm gonna take a time out here and say

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children off all ages. D-Generation-X prouldy brings to you YOUR TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOOOOOORLD! The Road Dogg Jesse James! The Bad Ass Billy Gunn! THE NEW AGE ...OUTLAWS!! *Passes Microphone to Billy Gunn* and If your not down with that we got TWO WORDS FOR YA!!!

SUUUUUUUCK IT! :worship:
I liked the original with Shawn, Hunter, Chyna, and Rick Rude. They pretty much ran the show. HBK being the man made them seem like a more powerful group. The 1998 version were pretty much all a bunch of mid carders. They were entertaining though.
I think I preferred the 98' DX.

They had just the right make up of stars, they had a top tag team, in the New Age Outlaws. They won the tag titles on numerous occasions during the Attitude Era and were really entertaining.

X-Pac had the mid card covered. He won the IC and European titles during his DX tenure and always elicited a good reaction from the crowd.

Chyna although a valet for much of her DX tenure, did add a cool new dimension when she entered as a wrestler and actually had quite a watchable feud with Double J Jeff Jerratt.

Then there was HHH, who surprisingly wasn't in the main event picture at this point. He was the comic relief, especially in his portrayal of The Rock in both the Nation and the Corporation mock promos.

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