Favorite Table Spot


Dark Match Winner
It could be from any organization just wanted to know what were some of your favorite table spots. Some of my favorites are matt hardys fall in Wrestlemania 2000 at the end of the match where he falls through the table and what made it so good was one just how he fell but mostly just how the table just exploded when he fell through it [YOUTUBE]QQAdnMa9grc[/YOUTUBE]

another one is that classic ECW scene where taz broke sabu's beck, it just looks so painful and brutal. and just how the tables founds in half along with sabus neck.

and another favorite of mine is Undertakers table fall, it was cool just cause it was first preceded with Edge falling through some tables then I just didnt really expect taker taking that bump but it was pretty awesome how he did.


EDIT: hm well I never posted youtube videos on here but I thought I was doin it right, but I guess not, anyone know why my videos arent showing? I just used that youtube button and posted the URL in between those spaces?
This is an easy answer. Undertaker reaches up and grabs Shane McMahon's throat as he is sitting on the top rope. 'Taker then turns and delivers the best damn chokeslam of all time from the ring apron through the announce table. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.

I also loved it when it was a selectable move in one of the WWE video games. You know I used that shit.
haha oh yeah that was a really cool one, and yeah what smackdown game was that in anyways? That was probably a last gen one huh? I also used to like how you could do any moves on the announces table like in No Mercy for N64, always did the pedigree through the table haha
My favorite spot would be from SummerSlam 2000, when Matt Hardy was on top of a ladder, very close to the Tag Team titles, and then D-Von Dudley leans the ladder which causes Matt Hardy to fall off on to a table on the outside. That was a crazy spot and was even better with JR's commentary.
Big Dick Dudley going through 4 tables at ECW Barely Legal(pushed off of the eagles nest by Tommy Dreamer). Dude weighed at least 350, and fucking destroyed these tables when he went through them.
I forget what event or what teams, but they had a table set up on top of another table outside the ring, two guys in the ring were at the top of an extra tall ladder, and I think it was Rhyno who pushed the ladder over which caused both guys at the top of the ladder to fly out of the ring entirely and smash the double-decker tables
For me, it was Diesel jackknife power bombing HBK through the announcers table. Back then, the tables weren't gimmicked like they are today & Nash had the best powerbomb in the business @ that time. As Shawn goes through the table, the 2 tv monitors go flying on top of him. Memorable moment to a great match.
For me it's King of The Ring 1998

Undertaker Vs Mankind - Hell in a Cell

With both men ontop of the cell Undertaker grapples a groggy Mankind near the edge of the cell. Undertaker then sort of Irish-Whips Mankind off the edge of the cell. Mankind falls 20 feet from the top of the cell, down onto one of the Announce Tables. Mankind lay for a good 8-10 minutes in the carnage 20 feet below.

Bubba Ray Dudley (the awesome Bully Ray to the kids reading) powerbombing Mae Young off the Raw stage to a table below

Mae Young is more hardcore than Terry Funk and Mick Foley combined, this proves it


Bizarro to post videos don't take the full Youtube URL, just use the part that comes after the v= part of the URL
My first thought was quite obviously the famous Mankind v Undertaker Hell In A Cell when the Deadman grabs Foley, walks him to the edge of the cage and hurls him from the top, crashing through the announcers table below, dislocating Foley's shoulder and leading to one of the all time legendary JR quotes..

"Good God Almighty!!! They've killed him!""


How Mankind even managed to get up after that is still amazing to me, let along climb back to the top of the cage with the dislocated shoulder, only to get slammed through the cage by 'Taker, shows just how damm tough Mick Foley is.

Another pick of mine would be when Bubba Ray Dudley powerbombed the 80 year old Mae Young from the stage through a table. I know Mae is one tough old woman, but the risk involved in doing that move was still huge. Massive respect for Mae for agreeing to it, and to Bubba for not injuring her. It was shocking, it was spectacular, and it was Attitude Era all over.


And my last pick again involves the Dudleyz, only this time on the receiving end of the move, as Jeff Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb from above the entrance way to D'Von Dudley, through a table as the Hardyz are on their way to winning the tag titles at Royal Rumble 2000. This was the move that made me into a Hardy Boyz fan, as I had not seen their match with E&C at No Mercy at this point. After this Matt and Jeff became my favourites.

"Would somebody stop the damn match!" is still my favourite call of all time, even though I was past the age of thinking the outcome wasn't scripted I remember genuinely being worried that this had gone too far and Foley was very much in trouble. That call hammered home the dangers of wrestling and made the whole thing seem as real as we all know it actually is
For me it's King of The Ring 1998

Undertaker Vs Mankind - Hell in a Cell

With both men ontop of the cell Undertaker grapples a groggy Mankind near the edge of the cell. Undertaker then sort of Irish-Whips Mankind off the edge of the cell. Mankind falls 20 feet from the top of the cell, down onto one of the Announce Tables. Mankind lay for a good 8-10 minutes in the carnage 20 feet below.


I don't see how there could be a better one than this. Sure, it's talked about all the time and people may get tired of hearing about it, but this spot gets my vote for favorite of all time, considering the 'real' factors involved (injuries, etc.).
Easily my favorite is Diesel knocking Bret off the apron on to the annouce table at Survivor Series 1995. Very taboo for 1995 and it made so much sense to the story they told in that match. Probably Diesels best match ever and even one of Brets best. Theres has been so many more vicious table incidents but I liked the way this one played out in the match and just wasnt apart of a spot fest.

A distant second would be Taker/Shawn from the first HIAC.
I don't see how there could be a better one than this. Sure, it's talked about all the time and people may get tired of hearing about it, but this spot gets my vote for favorite of all time, considering the 'real' factors involved (injuries, etc.).

Agreed, there isn't one better than this. I know its talked about all the time, but I can still watch it over and over again. Mankind goes through the table, and all you hear is GOOD GOD GOOD GOD they killed him. You can't help but laugh at that commentary, but at the same time you were genuinely concerned for Mankind's health. The best table spot ever.
Gonna have to give a shout out to Ricardo Rodriguez for his Table off a ladder from inside the ring......it was a pretty sick landing and I hope it is remembered.

But by far not the best Table Spot.
If its not Mick Foley off the Hell In A Cell ..... well what can it be?
wow? no-one even has said, edges spear to mick foley. has to be the best and the fact it was a wrestlemania makes it even better !
Probably my favourite would be Masato Tanaka and Mike Awesome's trademark Awesome Bomb through the Table outside the ring. Every match they have competed in, they have always used that and it never gets boring to see. I just pop for it every time I see it.


Another that comes to mind is this.


It's not a favourite but it's insane. Vic Grimes doesn't go through all the tables but the landing on the top rope is epic and the commentators girlish scream is hilarious.

And whenever Rhino Gores someone through a Table or plants them through a Table with the Rhino Driver is always awesome.
Grimes is lucky he is still alive after that.

Pretty disgusting reaction from the crowd "Look, we just got to see someone get killed, FUCK YES! I CAN"T BELIEVE IT!!!"

Hard to beat that Tanaka vs Awesome table spot. The one from ONS 05 was pretty narly too with Awesome's dive following it up. They totally stole the show with that match.
The 1st ever legit table spot, Terry Funk piledrives Ric Flair through the announcers table in a post match attack following Flair's title win vs Ricky Steamboat in May 1989. Before that baseball bats, metal chains, leather straps, chairs, time keeper bells, title belts, brass knuckles, quarter rolls, had all been used as props in bothd matches and beat downs. There had even been Ladder Matches in Canada & NWA, matches with scaffolds & barbed wire around the ropes but absolutely no one had gone through a table like that, in such a high profile spot. It was a "Holy S*@#" moment of epic proportion, especially given Flair's status and the fact it had been years since anyone beat him down again.

The 1st time is always special, so I pick the 1st real go through table spot.
I got a good one.

Undertaker's first title defense on PPV after WM 13 against Mankind(Takers Revenge). Foley went head first throught the fucking table, and it looked awesome.
My favorite spot would be from SummerSlam 2000, when Matt Hardy was on top of a ladder, very close to the Tag Team titles, and then D-Von Dudley leans the ladder which causes Matt Hardy to fall off on to a table on the outside. That was a crazy spot and was even better with JR's commentary.

This definitely was my favorite Table moment as well, I have it on DVD and still almost piss my pants with excitement when I watch this moment, those are the good days of the tag team division

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