Favorite Promos Ever


Future Hall-of-Famer
I saw the thread for favorite ever, and to me one thing was missing.
Promos, obviously others agreed because they stating there favorite promos. So.....

If you can find a video of your favorite promo, post ithe link to it (because I don't think you can embed it). Otherwise just state who said it and a certain quote from it.

"The Rock is stronger than a bear, faster than a buck, the biggest think to hit Canada because the Maple Leafs suck!"

"Are you kidding me, are you kidding the Rock? Is this the first time you've ever heard someone mention your city? Yeah, yeah he said Toronto, that's where we live! We live in Toronto!"
- The Rock

Or Austin's promos in ECW, they were great!
The first one that comes to mind for me is Y2J's debut in WWE, when he interrupted the Rock and the Rock started the "What's your name?"..."IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"

I wish I could find a video, but there was a lot of good back and forth between the two, and got instant heat on Jericho
the Rock on Billy Gunn after the KOTR was funny. Some Goldust and Booker T segments.

shit, I love a lot of promo's
my number 1 has got to be what Ric Flair said himself, is one of his most memorable promos, and thats really saying something with his 35+ years of awesomeness on the mike....his promo on the December 28, 1998 edition of Nitro after Bischoff had beat him at Starrcade, my lord, one of the most intense and entertaining promos of all time
Dusty Rhodes- Hard Times


If what I've read is true, this registered with people so deeply that grown men were crying in the audience. You don't see promos like that anymore.
Any of the promos done where it was Chris Jericho and The Rock together. Whether it being them making fun of Steph, Rhyno and Booker T or them stealing each others sayings in an double interview backstage with Michael Cole before a number 1 contenders match between them. They were all classic.
Someone has it in their sig I think, it's when Hogan turns heel and tells us all to "stick it brother".

Or when Jericho interrupted Austin's "I am a man's man, a champion's champion, I am Stone Cold Steve Austin" speech and just said "You like to say that your Stone Cold Steve Austin, well I am CHRIS JERICHO" and the crowd pop was huge. I always thought Y2J was a better face than heel.

Or pretty much any promo involving The Rock. "do you like pie?" "yes I do" "just as the Rock thought". "so whether it's you Chris Jericho, Chris Jericho's daddy, Chris Jericho's momma, Uncle Joe Jericho with the glass eye or maybe it's grandpa Jimmy Jack Jericho". HHH impression "I say little angle, in an act of goodwill would you please come outside so I can play with your ball". The one's where he mocks HHH are the best.
The best is either Hogan's at WM3 or Hogan's at WM6. I also loved Y2J's original WWF debut one with the Rock. That was classic. I found this one on youtube and I thought it was hilarious. I dont know if you want to call it a promo or not though but it was E and C at their best. Christian completely owns K-Kwik


This is another funny one its Bret Harts famous "Who are you to doubt El Dandy?"s promo

I know I've already posted...But, I think we've all forgotten Stone Cold's promo after winning the KOTR and starting 3:16!
There are too many promos I have liked to name one faveourite. In no particular order:

1. Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels signing the contracts for Unforgiven. I thought it was great because when Shawn Michaels was talking, Chris Jericho wasn't paying attention to him and just looking around, showing how little he cared about what he had to say.

2. Kurt Angle after Survivor Series 2005 after Cena beat him. Kurt completely snapped and knocked over the Survivor Series sign and said "Screw America". I thought it was funny when he snapped and said it.

3. Jericho and The Rock making fun of Steph, Rhyno and Booker in the ring. Everyone's seen it.

4. DX mocking the nation of domination and mocking Vince and Shane.

5. More of a segment, than a promo, but I thought The Rock concert where The Rock was making fun of Sacremento, Stone Cold, The Hurricane, etc was brilliant.

But anything with The Rock and Chris Jericho, really.

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