Favorite movie starring...Wesley Snipes


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens

I'm a sucker for any vampire movie good or bad, old or new and these three are among my favorite. To me Snipes has always been good in those roles where he can play a brooding good guy who doesn't talk much and the Blade role fits him to a 'T'. The plot is OK but it could've been better . The supporting cast for all three of them are great and the movie wouldn't be the same without them. IF for any reason you haven't seen these movies put your rock up for rent and watch them you won't be disapointed.​

I don't know if you would say he really STARRED in this as Tommy Lee Jones and Robert Downey Jr. are probably the most prolific in it. But coupled with the fact that I don't really enjoy Wesley Snipes movies this would have to be my favorite. Snipes is on the run after a truck crash the disables Snipes enables police to find out he is a wanted man. It's a spin-off of "The Fugitive" which starred Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones and a few of his officers are from "Fugitive", and I enjoyed it well enough.
Demolition Man, easily.

Demolition Man was one of the first Rated R movies I had ever seen (I think the first two Terminators, the Rambo films, and Point Break are the only Rated R movies I've seen before this one), and it blew me away as a kid. I fucking LOVED it. To the point where I even brought the shitty video game for Sega, and I loved that as well, even though looking back it really was one shitty ass game. I just loved it because I loved the movie so much.

I watched Demolition Man again months ago for the first time in years, and I was shocked at just how much the movie still holds up today. First all, Stallone is and always will be the man, while Sandra Bullock was perhaps the most adorable thing walking on the planet when this movie was shot. However, it was Wesley Snipes as Simon Phoenix that completely stole the show. He was fucking HILARIOUS. I mean, literally but-gusting hilarious. I couldn't appreciate just how funny he was when I was a kid because he was simply the bad guy to me, but as an adult... I can truly enjoy the comedic aspect he brought to that awesome villain.

Definitely check this film out if you haven't already. Words cannot describe how fun it is.
Demolition Man, easily.

Demolition Man was one of the first Rated R movies I had ever seen (I think the first two Terminators, the Rambo films, and Point Break are the only Rated R movies I've seen before this one), and it blew me away as a kid. I fucking LOVED it. To the point where I even brought the shitty video game for Sega, and I loved that as well, even though looking back it really was one shitty ass game. I just loved it because I loved the movie so much.

I watched Demolition Man again months ago for the first time in years, and I was shocked at just how much the movie still holds up today. First all, Stallone is and always will be the man, while Sandra Bullock was perhaps the most adorable thing walking on the planet when this movie was shot. However, it was Wesley Snipes as Simon Phoenix that completely stole the show. He was fucking HILARIOUS. I mean, literally but-gusting hilarious. I couldn't appreciate just how funny he was when I was a kid because he was simply the bad guy to me, but as an adult... I can truly enjoy the comedic aspect he brought to that awesome villain.

Definitely check this film out if you haven't already. Words cannot describe how fun it is.

Demolition man is definitely a fun movie. Maybe one of my favorites with Snipes. But theres no way, IMO, that it even comes close to one of my favorite movies of all time:


Obviously, since he's not on the cover he's not one of the major characters, but his role is definitely one of the best parts of the movie. This was when he was still up and coming as well. His car alone in this movie is funny as hell.
He didn't star in the sequels, but they were so bad that's probably a good thing. It also helps that this is a very quotable movie. "You may run like Mays, but you hit like shit."

"White Men Can't Jump."

I've always thought that Wesley Snipes isn't strong enough to be the lead actor in a film; he was always at his best when playing off a strong co-star like Woody Harrelson, Tommy Lee Jones or Sylvester Stallone.

One of the big strengths of "White Men Can't Jump" was that Snipes didn't take himself so seriously, allowing himself to play the part with a glimmer of humor that made him more likeable. The same thing applied in "Demolition Man."

His attempts to play infalliable leading men in the "Blade" movies and in "Passenger 57" underscored a screen personality that's too bland to successfully depict him as a man with absolutely no flaws. He was best doing "give and take" with Woody in the basketball movie.
Gotta be the first Blade. They decline in quality throughout the trilogy but the 1st one is awesome. Snipes is perfectly cast as Blade, he looks the part and plays the character superbly.

I also am a big fan of the Deacon Frost character who is the evil vampire. I like the idea that Vampires look like normal people with just the symbol tattooed on them to distinguish them. I wasnt a fan of the vampires in the later Blade films that could split their faces open and were more "monster" than vampire

"White Men Can't Jump."

I've always thought that Wesley Snipes isn't strong enough to be the lead actor in a film; he was always at his best when playing off a strong co-star like Woody Harrelson, Tommy Lee Jones or Sylvester Stallone.

One of the big strengths of "White Men Can't Jump" was that Snipes didn't take himself so seriously, allowing himself to play the part with a glimmer of humor that made him more likeable. The same thing applied in "Demolition Man."

His attempts to play infalliable leading men in the "Blade" movies and in "Passenger 57" underscored a screen personality that's too bland to successfully depict him as a man with absolutely no flaws. He was best doing "give and take" with Woody in the basketball movie.

I'm glad someone else done this, 'cos I feel the exact the same way about it. This is definitely my favourite Snipes film. Granted, the Blade films are good, so are many of his others, but this tops them, for sure.
New Jack City in my opinion is the best Wesley Snipes film. I just think that his Nino Brown character is pure evil, genius and badass all in the sametime. He plays the bad guy role good, he should be one in more films.
Demolition Man and White Men Cant Jump are my two favorites with Snipes. US Marshals being up there as well.

I did enjoy the Blade movies, and he fits the Blade roll almost perfectly, just was not as enjoyable of films.

As previously mentioned, Snipes' character Simon Phoenix was just an overall kickass bad guy in Demolition Man. Hes much better as the supporting/opposing actor instead of the lead
New Jack City was pretty solid but not my favorite film by Snipes. I am a big fan of Blade and Blade II. Those are the roles I identify Wesley Snipes with and honestly I almost feel like that was the highlight of his career, at least so far. He was such a badass in those films, and while I liked both of the first two I definitely enjoyed the second one more, but that was because of Ron Pearlman and not Snipes.
New Jack City was pretty solid but not my favorite film by Snipes. I am a big fan of Blade and Blade II. Those are the roles I identify Wesley Snipes with and honestly I almost feel like that was the highlight of his career, at least so far. He was such a badass in those films, and while I liked both of the first two I definitely enjoyed the second one more, but that was because of Ron Pearlman and not Snipes.

Yeah Snipes was badass in the Blade films, made the character well known.
"Money Train"

The second movie starring both Snipes and Woody and I thought it was beautiful.

Their quirky back and forths with each other and their witty dialouge make this one of Snipes best movies.

If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do.
i had watched blade trilogy and it was alright characteristics and i dont like even that much what i expected before watching this.
Even i like hellboy 2 too much comparatively this action packed...
Demolition Man and White Men Can't Jump are definitely equal for me, the one liners in both and comedic timing is great... Love US Marshals but Snipes is the weak link for me in that cast...

I actually really like Passenger 57, it was Snipes first real action starrer and had an ultra hot Liz Hurley in it... It was blatantly a Die Hard rip off, but it worked really well and Bruce Payne was a real memorable villain, you could see quite a lot of Simon Pheonix in him...

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