favorite mid-card wrestler of the 90's


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so after watching some old WWF footage from 1995, i was re-introduced to some of my Old favorites, such as Doink (kay, i was young.. gimme a break) Diesel, 123 Kid, Yokozuna ect..

but there were a lot of people i saw that had slipped into the pages of history as well... so my question to everyone in the IWC is who was your favorite Mid-Card wrestler of the 1990's. someone who never wore the Wold title in their career (be it WWF/E or WCW)

for me, it would have to be Atom Bomb. no real reason why, just as a kid i loved the gimmick, and would tell people i was part of his "Bomb Squad"

EDIT: i LOVED Vinny Mac on commentary by the way.. WAAAY better than Cole is now, and was made to look so dumb next to the king all the time. was awesome to hear again.
I gotta go with Val Venis (pre-rtc). The man could work it on the mic. I loved watching his promos. He was a great midcarder. An excellent intercontinental champ. He could definatly put on one hell of a show.
i say my fave mid carder would have to be goldust. he was a good performer and his original gimmick before the luna vachon stage and his stuttering stage was awesome. he was weird and edgy and was super entertaining. you will always remember the name of ooooooooooo GOLDUST!!!!
Goldust was awesome, agreed. personally i wasnt a fan of the studdering thing, but when he was the IC champ, he was at his best mind game wise. i really think that the "Orlando Jordan" character in TNA is a ripoff of the original goldust character.
Goldust, hands down. His strange and original gimmick, not to mention his in ring ability as an athlete made me cheer for him. Don't get me wrong I still like him to this day....I went to Raw on July 19th in Tulsa,OK and he came out for a dark match agianst Alberto Del Rio...it was great! I was cheering so loud when he came out that some 10 year old kid in a Cena shirt asked me who he was..lol!

On a different note...my favorite mid-carder today has got to be Christian, and as a peep, I think he should be included in the REAL team Canada!!
I am going to have to go with Road Dogg Jesse James... Sure he was pretty average in the ring but his mic skills and personality just made me want to watch him every week. I also got a laugh out od D'Lo Brown after he started wearing the catcher's chest protecter and did the head wobblin' thing....
i loved the Godfather i liked the opening line in his song "Come get on the HOOOOOO Train" that shit was awsome he did have a couple of IC titles and European titles and it doesn't hurt to have some Hoes around either:lol:

also someone people haven't mentioned Owen Hart i would put him but i never saw him wrestle cause i was to young:(
I have to say... Mr. Freaking Perfect! One of the best and most technically sound wrestlers ever, a cool gimmick, awesome on the mic... his ego made you love to hate him. It's a shame Perfect got back problems in 1991. That made the WWE stop giving him a huge push.
I am giving my vote out to Road Dogg and Billy Gunn...the New Age Outlaws

Entertaining as hell, decent in the ring, could cut decent promos and were very funny guys. Man I loved DX
who could ever forget the longest reigning Light Heavyweight Champion in WWF history.. the man.. the Myth.. the legend that is GILLBERG. haha! that guy cracked me up. can't believe he ACTUALLY opened up a wrestling school called "Gillberg's Pro Wrestling Academy"

Such a unique and bizzarre gimmick, he brought GOLD to the WWF!! he is really good ij the ring and when he talked he was good, he was one of the best in the ring aswell, had some good title runs, but this man was just great...

Honourable mentions
Razor Ramon, Ken Shamrock, Val Venis..
I think I'm going to have to go with Owen Hart, who was consistently keeping up the match-quality in the WWF midcard from when he joined the federation in '91 until his death in '99. He was a true career mid-carder who was often entertaining and consistently had good, simple mid-card matches with almost everyone he met, including in the tag team division with Davy Boy Smith.

I'd have to put in a mention for Chris Benoit too. Although he did win a world title in the next decade, he was a mid-carder in WCW for most of the '90s and had some stunning matches in this period which balanced out the less amazing matches which often fronted WCW PPVs. I know he is somewhat taboo because of how things ended up with him, but long before any of that happened, he was a cracking reliable mid-carder.

I like the mentions of Val Venis (although he only came along very late in the decade). I would add in a similar vein, Rick Rude, who was fantastic in the WWF and WCW mid-card in the early 90s (if you don't count the Internatinal Title as a world title, which many don't). I also agree about Golddust in the WWF in the second half of the decade, but also have to mention Dustin Rhodes in WCW from 1991 -1995.

As for Razor Ramon, who was mentioned so many times, I loved him - and he genuinely was great - but when he got into WCW, although never a world champion, I would say he was definately a main event guy, so does he count? Hard to say.

Some other mentions have to go to:
Brian Pillman - was one of the best things about WCW midcards in the first half of the 90s and was beginning to hit his stride in the WWF too before his unfortunate death.
Ricky Steamboat - although a world champion in 1989, by the 90s was a fixture in the WCW midcard and was great.
Lord Steven Regal - before he became William the following decade, he carried the WCW TV title for (it seems like) much of the decade. Very reliable, although he let himself go when the drugs took hold later in he 90s, which was a real shame.
so after watching some old WWF footage from 1995, i was re-introduced to some of my Old favorites, such as Doink (kay, i was young.. gimme a break) Diesel, 123 Kid, Yokozuna ect..

but there were a lot of people i saw that had slipped into the pages of history as well... so my question to everyone in the IWC is who was your favorite Mid-Card wrestler of the 1990's. someone who never wore the Wold title in their career (be it WWF/E or WCW)

for me, it would have to be Atom Bomb. no real reason why, just as a kid i loved the gimmick, and would tell people i was part of his "Bomb Squad"

EDIT: i LOVED Vinny Mac on commentary by the way.. WAAAY better than Cole is now, and was made to look so dumb next to the king all the time. was awesome to hear again.

Hey,Evil Doink was an awesome character. One that I think they killed off way too early.
Mr perfect for me, guy just oozed talent. Great in the ring, great on the stick and he could have a top class match with anyone. He could make the great big walking waste of space the great khali look good.

Also have to agree with the goldust suggestion
I'm going to have to go with Val Venis. He was great on the mic and very entertaining. I thought that feud he has with Mankind around No Mercy '99 was going to add up to something eventually.

Next on my list is Ken Shamrock. Not great on the mic but it was just something about seeing him snap on people was just entertaining. The ankle lock just looked so devistating when he did it. I would dare even say more painful than Kurt Angle's version
I'd have to say Razor Ramon (note I didn't say Scott Hall). Razor was super over with the card, was great on the mic & damn good in the ring & he sold ALOT of merchandise. I think what hurt his assention to the top is 3 fold. 1: He reportedly had a temper problem backstage (i.e. was considered very negative as far as the road schedule & pay he was getting). 2: Towards the end of his 1st run he got suspened for some type of supstanse abuse (not sure if drug or alcohal but most likely drug/s) and 3: Him leaving for WCW. Despite any negative personality issues he had in the WWE, combined with the efforts of the kliq, Vince could better control his wrestlers as where Bischoff let the inmates run the assylum & hence Halls personal demons got in the way of him truelly being a top guy for WCW even. He should of stayed in the WWE & I think that if he had, he may still be there today.

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