Favorite & least favorite video game consoles?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
A fairly simple couple of questions that every single gamer should be able to answer. As a part of the video game community for over 20 years, I have seen a large number of consoles come and go. What I would like to know in this thread is....

What was your favorite video game console of all time, why?

What about your least favorite, and what did you not like about it?

Preferably ones that you have owned, so that we don't get everyone and their dog coming in to complain about the Virtual Boy or the Wonderswan. I'd like you to limit it to the consoles you personally have owned, but you may elaborate outside of that if you wish. I myself have owned an NES, Game Boy, SNES, Game Gear, Genesis, Game Boy Color, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Gamecube, Game Boy Advance, Playstation 2, Wii, DS, and Xbox 360.

I've played games on basically every system that has been released, whether it be one I owned or at a friend's. My favorite will always be the SNES. It had what was in my opinion the perfect blend of great graphics (for the 1990's anyway), great music, and great gameplay in the vast majority of its games. Older systems such as the NES were lower in quality, while newer consoles in my opinion place FAR too much emphasis on graphics, or in the Wii's case too much emphasis on the controls. As for my least favorite? Out of the one's I've owned it was the Sega Game Gear due to how annoying it was to constantly have to change batteries in that thing. It was meant to be played anywhere like the Game Boy but the low battery life led me to have to plug it in with a charger each time I wanted to play Sonic, etc.

How about you guys?
I've owned NES, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy color, Gameboy Advance, Gamecube, N64, playstaion 1/2/3, Xbox and Xbox 360 that I can think of right off, my favorite would probably be the PS2 I've spent more hours playing the playstation 2 then any other console out, and it has a great lineup of games.

Least favorite would have to be the Gamecube, just isn't much about it that really appeals to me outside of the Zelda promotional re-release disc, and twilight princess (Wind Waker is absolutely unplayable to me) I never got use to the silly controller either.

Although my favorite game of all time is on the SNES (Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
My favourite console of all time is the Nintendo 64. I am producing that answer based on fun level I guess. I had so much fun and so many great memories playing games on the Nintendo 64. WWF Wrestlemania 2000, Goldeneye, Turok 2, Mario 64, Mario Kart, Zelda Ocarina Of Time, F1 World Grand Prix, WWF No Mercy, WWF Attitude, Banjo Kazooie... all these games and many more I would play non stop and get so much enjoyment out of them. It was an excellent console for multiplayer fun when you had friends over (maybe the best ever). Not that this matters but it was also quite hardcore seeing as I dropped it down the stairs enough times on accident and it never effected the console in anyway. It also has an unmatchable level of nostalgia for me.

Playstation 2 I guess is the console I have got the most out of in terms of time and longevity. It definitely is/was a fantastic console with a long list of great varied games that you can now pick up for next to nothing.

Comix Zone could be my favourite game ever and that was on the Sega mega Drive 2 which was another great console but as I mentioned overall I would go for the N64.

As for worst console I have owned I would go for the Gamecube. I never owned a Sega Saturn or Game Gear so i cant comment on those.

I just moved into the new generation and got myself a Playstation 3 so time will tell as far as that goes for me.
My favourite console of all time is the Nintendo 64. I am producing that answer based on fun level I guess. I had so much fun and so many great memories playing games on the Nintendo 64. WWF Wrestlemania 2000, Goldeneye, Turok 2, Mario 64, Mario Kart, Zelda Ocarina Of Time, F1 World Grand Prix, WWF No Mercy, WWF Attitude, Banjo Kazooie... all these games and many more.

This. Although I find myself amazed all the time as to how graphics and gameplay have improved from the N64 to the here and now, it will always have a soft place in my heart. Im convinced that at least half of my popularity in my dorm in college had to do with owning this system, and the co-op play associated with Goldeneye. Ocarina of Time remains to this day my favorite Zelda game of all-time. Resident Evil 2 along with NHL 2000 represented some of my favorite memories from college, along with the tournaments that lead to all-nighters when I should have been studying or sleeping.

Genesis was my least favorite system. The only game I ever got into was Sonic, and I never was able to beat that. It didn't help that the Nintendo 64 was my system with the Genesis being hers, so perhaps my bias comes from the fact that the games she owned held no interest to me whatsoever. But whatever the reason, as much as I liked the N64, I felt the opposite towards the Genesis.
My favorite is the Nintendo 64. My dad got it when I was about 2 years old and I immensely enjoyed my introduction into the world of gaming. While I would go uneducated in the history of the industry for many years (until I was 13), I already appreciated this golden console. Games like Mario Kart 64, Goldenye, and Cocurs's Bad fur day were among the first games I ever played and help me earn not only gaming skills but an interest in video games. Sadly though my father sold it in 2001 and I got the PlayStation 2 a year later. I however will always cherish the infant memories I have with the N64, the PS2 is great but like the old saying goes "you don't appreciate something until it's gone".

My least favorite would have to be the Virtual Boy! My Uncle passed it on to me since it was so shit when he got before my birth. He had all 14 games mad e for the console in it's history. Quite frankly playing 14 games in only 2 colors (red and black) is not fun and it can actually damage your eye. I sold it for a cheap price and now regret because I could have added it to a future retro console collection I plan to have when I get older. I have heard my Dad say even worse things about the Sega 32X (bet you don't know what that is) and the Sega CD, but I can't comment having played neither of those short lived systems. The current generation is great so I don't have any gripes about it either.
Least favorite would have to be the Gamecube, just isn't much about it that really appeals to me outside of the Zelda promotional re-release disc, and twilight princess (Wind Waker is absolutely unplayable to me) I never got use to the silly controller either.)

Really? That controller is perfection, second to none in my opinion though most will go with the PS controller.

As for worst console I have owned I would go for the Gamecube.

Yeah I'm not having any GCN dissing when we've seen consoles such as the Sega Saturn. I posted this on my blog (nintendolee.com) and I'm 90% it's in a thread somewhere on this forum but here it is again:

The problem with the Gamecube is it was an enigma. There were a few things that really mucked up the console as seen by the masses (the same who will no doubt cry about the Wii in 10 years time).

No DVD player when both the Xbox and the PS2 had.
It used the dying mini disks making it hard for developers to make games
Its unique selling point was a handle. A HANDLE
It was up against the PS2 and Xbox, oh I’ve said that?
Retailers were very quick to drop it with a price cut before UK launch to £129.99 it wasn’t long until the likes of Argos and Currys were dropping the console to £89.99

On top of that there was the game side of things, can you remember that brilliant tech demo at Space world 2000 where we saw Ganon vs. Link in a sword battle? What about Super Mario 128? These look rather exciting, don’t they? One of the things with the GC was the main franchises tried too hard to be different, Fox got out of the airwing to help Tricky the dinosaur, Link shrunk and became cell shaded, Mario had F.L.U.D.D and Donkey Kong played bongo’s. Well at least we had Mario Kart, oh right there are now two people in the Kart? That’s just silly at least we can rely on Metroid? I know Samus is returning to the Nintendo consoles after her absence from the 64 it’s not like they’re going to change the genre to first person shooter or anything.

All joking aside, the GameCube was unconventional that at the time I hated but in retrospect I absolutely loved it. I hated Sunshine at the time, it was too easy to finish and really had no challenge, then I discovered the blue coins and it certainly made it into a more enjoyable game for me. Yeah I had my gripes like fricking F.L.U.D.D, the realistic nature of Delfino Island and how much of a pansy Yoshi was but it’s still fun to play to this day. Starfox, did I care he left the airwing? Nope. But a lot of people do. If this was released as Dinosaur Planet it would go down as a great game, I bought it on release and loved it.

When I made a thread about the Cube and I got a ton of replies about how great double dash was, as unconventional as it is I love it to this day. Then we have Wind Waker, ah yes good old Wind Waker a game that I think was rather rushed, there’s clearly an island missing but that may be me just being picky. In the recent Games Master Zelda 25th anniversary special they asked the writers what their favourite Zelda game was and half said Wind Waker, I disagree with that but it opened a great world and gave us Geordie Link or as he prefers to be called Toon Link.

Samus Aran is renowned as gaming’s first female hero, I’m sure someone else will correct me on that and show me a hero from some Sinclair game but just humour me for a second. She braved Space Pirates from 1986 until 1994 and then she just vanished, she didn’t appear on the N64 so where on Earth was she? For me on the SNES the franchise that really got recognition in the west was Donkey Kong and it gave him a new lease of life, for the N64 that was Zelda which got a new lease of life and for the GameCube it was Samus. Released the same day as Fusion the GameCube received Prime which got glowing reviews, though didn’t sell well but in the long run sales didn’t really matter as our hero was back.

Speaking of returning heroes here’s a pop quiz question: “What is the only game on the GC to sell more than the equivalent game on the N64?” The answer was Smash Bros. Melee which took Smash Bros. and knocked it up a notch or two and with that we saw the likes of Ness from a game series we in Europe never got though the real intrigue lied with Roy and Marth. Thus gamers wanted a Fire Emblem game and we got it on the GBA and eventually we got it on the GC, and my word what a game. The character development is second to none and the strategy and overall gameplay is addicting to say the least.

I could mention how great Pikmin was or the likes of Doshin (sorry USA) or even Chibi-Robo. I could go onto how Nintendo had finally resolved its issue with third part developers. I could go into how many hidden gems are on it, or the rare in the EU Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes. I could mention how many games I’m still stumbling on such as Kirby’s Air ride. I could go on about the great array of Mario sports titles such as Strikers, Baseball, Tennis, Golf or even Party. I could smile that Luigi finally had his own game or that Wario had a console platform game. I could mention how hard Capcom worked with Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe and resident Evil. I could go on about Eternal Darkness and how it still freaks me out to this day. I could mention the controller and how I think it’s the best ever, or even Wavebird that brought wireless controllers to the masses. I could mention the likes of Tales of Symphonia and Phantasy Star Online.

I appreciate the GameCube more and more as time goes on, it’s just sad that it was released alongside the Xbox and a hard-drive and the PS2 and a DVD player (yes I know about Panasonic Q, shhh!).
The n64 is probably in my opinion the greatest console ever. Such beloved classics like the south park game and Konker's bad fur day always made my day. When it comes to more modern times however i think i'll go with the playstation 3. I've never played any bad consoles so i can't really give an answer there.
As far as the worst console goes, that I've owned, I'm going to say that the Wii is by far way too boring for me. I get that it's popular with the old people because of its motion censor shit, and yes I did have fun with the Mario and Zelda games that have been released... but in the end, the lack of anything else that garners my attention is appalling when you put into the fact that I paid a hundred bucks for the system.

As far as the best console goes, I'm going to pick the PS2. If for nothing else, I'm going to go with the fact that it had everything inside of it to make it a great console. It was a CD player, a DVD player, and it had a kick ass library of games that ranged from ATV games to the epic franchises we love today such as GTA 3 and Killzone. It was one of the first consoles to feature online multiplayer, and with SoCom being the first military FPS game that I played, PS2 will hold a special place in my heart. Yeah, I've since gone on to become more of a 360 guy as opposed to a PS3 guy... but then again, it all comes down to the fact that 360 games appeal to me more than PS3 games do.
Really? That controller is perfection, second to none in my opinion though most will go with the PS controller.

The Playstation controllers are my favorite, with a close second being the xbox 360 controller.

The Gamecube controller, while nothing majorly wrong with it, just had a few small things that added up to me not liking it, I didn't like the C buttons being made into an joystick, or the non-round movement zone for the joysticks was rather annoying, the controller felt a little oversized compared to the ps2 controllers at the time, although the triggers (or R2/L2 buttons) whatever they are called was absolutely perfect for racing games.
I have owned an Atari 2600, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Playstation 1, 2, and 3, XBOX, Gamecube, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and the original NES. There is one thing that stood out through all of it though. It was an add on to the Sega Genesis that momentarily revolutionized video gaming and really gave us a glimpse into what the future of gaming would become. In case some of you are confused or even catching on I will spare you the suspense.

I am talking about none other than Sega Channel. I don't know how many of you are familiar with it or had it but Sega Channel was the greatest thing ever back then. It was a direct cable service giving you 24/7 access to tons of games for the system. You'd have 50 games a month at your disposal as well as other bonus content like demos of games coming in the future, not bad for 1994 huh? It was awesome, every month they would put up a new set of games to play giving you a circulating library of games, allowing you to check out everything out there.

Sega Channel opening screen

When you ordered it your cable company had to come put in a new line just for the Sega Channel. It had a shiny blue cable combing from the wall that plugged into an adapter resembling a 32X but slightly different. You plug the adapter that's connected to the cable into your Sega, turn on your Sega, and video game glory awaited you with Sega Channel at your service. It never went down, never glitched, never slowed, nothing. It just delivered your content fast and consistently. It was one of the best working things Sega ever made.

The ACTUAL Sega Channel Adapter

All you had to do is wait a second and a menu popped up that gave you different categories of games to choose from. You just jumped in and started playing, in the comfort of knowing that you have access to whatever you want to play. Sega also had the channel playing 16 bit music all the time that was made to air on the channel as background music for when you are just looking through menus or reading news and other info. It was cool because it was an interactive tv channel essentially. It was the coolest thing a 9-10 year old kid like myself could ever want at the time and I had it for 2 years, until I got my next system, the Sega Saturn.

The Sega Channel Menu Screen


When I said the Gamecube was my least favourite I never meant it as in the Gamecube was a rubbish console. It just happens to be the least favourite of all the consoles I have owned. I am sure there are other consoles far worse but I never had them (for that reason I guess).

The Nintendo 64 was and still is brilliant. I don't know if some of that is down to me being in the right place at the right time and right age when it was released or if it just was a beautiful thing period but either way I don't think any console could ever knock the N64 off of the top spot in my eyes. It did have amongst it's library more than a few games that ranged from awful to 'what the fuck?', Superman?? but when it got it right it was magical and for me the console sums up what I want from video games... lots of fun and escapism for that brief moment in time. When I used to switch it on it was like opening up a portal to another world not just turning on a video games console. I am pleased sombody mentioned Southpark, I forgot about that game. It was amazing. I know the N64 graphics are very outdated in todays world but I remember being awe struck seeing Cartman, Stan, Kenny and Kyle in 3D.
I always like to play video games on Xbox 360 and PS3.........These two consoles are mine all time favorite Consoles that I ever Like to use....


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I've always liked the PS2, but I've been PC gaming forever. When it comes down to it, 360's and PS3's graphics are set to medium. With a PC, if you got a great computer, it can trump a console in performance AND quality. You don't need to pay for online like Xbox Live, and you can just update the computer over time.
What was your favorite video game console of all time, why?

The Nintendo 64 has and always will be my personal favorite console ever, mostly due to nostalgia. Though I grew up playing a few before it (NES, Genesis) I became a real gamer with the 64, despite being a little young. Super Mario 64 basically made me care about games the way I do today, being such an excellent and purely fun game. It made quite an impression on me. Plus, my love for games like Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros., Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, Paper Mario, Rocket: Robot on Wheels, Space Station Silicon Valley, Blast Corps, Rayman 2, Bomberman 64, the list goes on, makes it my favorite. While not all of these are gems, they all have a special place in my heart.

What about your least favorite, and what did you not like about it?
The Sega Saturn. It's not entirely due to poor quality of games, though there was some of that. It's the fact that Sega effectively abandoned the console not too long into its life cycle. Early adopters, such as myself, were left with nothing to play while they prepped the Dreamcast. Having owned all three consoles that generation (N64, PS1, and Saturn) I can say that the Saturn was by far the worst of them all. It had some potential, but some choices in the hardware development made by Sega limited it hugely. It was basically doomed to fail, and I experienced it firsthand.
What was your favorite video game console of all time, why?

Out of the current game consoles that I own (PS1, PS2, PS3, Sega Dreamcast, Ninento Wii, and N64) My favorite is obviously the PS3.

Before the PS3 came along, my favorite console has been the Sega Dreamcast. Probably THE most underrated console in history because the PS2 came out soon after and put it out of its misery.

The Dreamcast was subtle, yet very entertaining. IMO, it produced the best Sonic The Hedgehog game in Sonic Adevnture and produced several great games that went on to be an afterthought like Power Stone and Evolution and let's not forget, it has the ORIGINAL Marvel vs Capcom 2.

The graphics were great at that time and I found myself playing it a lot more than the PS2 at times. Idk what it is. There's something about it. It's like I bonded with the games I had. I found myself playing Power Stone and Marvel vs Capcom 2 for hours.

Also, I see where the XBOX got their idea for controllers as I think they ripped off the Dreamcast, but whatevs. It was the small things that impressed me. The Viewer Memory Card that adapted to the game you were playing, the unusual fact that it didn't have a reset button, everything about it was simply just well done. Too bad the PS2 was out pretty much right after it and it never got a chance to really WOW people. I still have mine and I still play it.

What about your least favorite, and what did you not like about it?

I didn't like the Gamecube for some reason. I still think the only thing good about that system was Super Smash Bros. To my memory, it didn't have anything outside of that game which made it so popular. I played it, but never found myself interested in it. The controller was a bit too unique, the game system itself was meh, and Idk. It's hard for me to not like a certain game system, but out of all the ones I have played, the Gamecube strikes out as one that I have never liked. Call me a hater, but for a new gen console, nothing impressed me.
Favorite? Playstation 2, hands down. Not only did it boast the largest library of games, but it took a HUGE step forward in graphic capabilities for console gaming. I don't know how many hours I've logged exploring Final Fantasy X, destroying everything in BLACK, or playing my back-library of classic PS games (Legend of the Dragoon 4LIFE!). I will admit, SOny was the first company to ****e themselves out to 3-parties, solely responsible for about 800 terrible games that nobody played every single year. But they also made competition among systems more real, because companies that before had only exclusively worked with Nintendo or Xbox were free to do whatever they wanted with the Playstation. That kind of thing was relatively laid back in the older days of gaming. Sony pretty much took on anybody that wanted to release a game on their system...for better or for worse.

I think the VITA could surpass it as my favorite. It has the potential to anyways... All the power of the PS3 in the palms of my hands? Cloud content accessible from anywhere with a WIFI connection (or 3G if you pay the extra cost!)? A re-make of FFX? The ability to play whatever game is in my PS3 from ANYWHERE!? The ability to play multiplayer both on the VITA and on the PS3 at the same time!? Seriously, SOny is breaking into some exciting new territory, while Nintendo relies on their stupid fake-3D gimmick and continues to put out the same games over and over again. Don't me wrong, I love Mario games. I love Zelda game. But how many times are we going to save the princess, NOT play as Zelda, or make Metroid worse before we wake up and realize they're just sucking money out of us!?

Least favorite? The XBox. I love my 360, but I could never get into the original system. I hated the way it looked, I hated the feel of the controller, and my pretentiousness as a Playstation fan-boy would not let me adapt. I did play Halo 2 and KOTOR a LOT at my friends house, but that's about it. None of their exclusives really appealed to me, and anything that came out cross-platform I would just play on the PS2! Why buy a game for an ugly-ass green box with wonky controls and a terrible main menu design, when you could play it on the sleek and streamlined Playstation 2?
I've always been a PlayStation fan, I've had the PS1, PS2 and now the PS3. I guess it's my favourite because I grew up always playing on the PlayStation, plus I think they have some really awesome games that you can only get on the PlayStation console.
My least favourite is the Xbox, the main reason is simply because where I'm so used to the PlayStation, I find the controls extremely confusing for the Xbox.
First thing I will say was the SEGA channel was awesome! Now onto my favorite console:

What was your favorite video game console of all time, why?

My favorite was probably the NES. I say that because that is the system I played the most and is the system that got me into videogames in the first place (like most people of my age). Some of my first memories were sitting in from of the TV at 3 years old watching my dad play Mike Tyson's Punchout and myself playing Super Mario Bros. and Pro Wrestling (hence my sig). Later on I still played it lots and to this day still get the urge to play that system from time to time (currently I'm playing Ducktales woo oooh ooh!). I loved the SNES, and PS2 as well but I still got to give the nod to the NES.

What about your least favorite, and what did you not like about it?

Well I never owned this system but I played it a lot at a video game store by my house that let you pay them $5 to play games for 2 hours so since I played it a lot throughout my life I have to go with the Sega CD. I didn't like the system because I thought the game library (or at least the games I played) were absolute shit for the most part. Sewer Shark, 1 on 1 with Scotty Pippen, that game with Corey Haim, all just terrible, terrible games. My big issue now is the system was a gimmick and all the games played off that gimmick, the problem was the games. It was nice to have a system that had as much storage space as a CD and FMV but very few if none of those games capitalized on the extra technology. The best games for the system were basic platforms like Sonic CD, but that's a game you could have made on the Genesis. That was my biggest issue with it, all of its good games did not have to be on the Sega CD, they could have easily been made for the Genesis or SNES and all games that were too advanced for those systems sucked.

That system wasted a lot of time as a kid but when you're 7-8 you're not that smart so you play shit like the Sega CD because its supposed to be the "cool" system. How could you not play it with tremendous marketing like this:

Favourite: PS2, damn close between this and the N64 as both consoles were freaking amazing, but i'm picking the ps2 basically because of it's backwards compatibility, which meant that on top of the TON of games that the ps2 had, you still had a whole library of ps1 games you could play too.
Oh, and the idea of using a ps1 controller for the ps2 was genius

Least favourite: the XBOX; nothing ever really grabbed me about this "thing".
the only thing it ever had going for it was the 4 controller ports, which allowed you to play the only game i would ever play, halo (which is really fun I'll admit).
but the worst thing about it to me was the damn controller, that thing was horrid to say the least, and playing with it is pretty much like holding a netbook with shoulder buttons.
My most favorite:


There's many reasons for me to pick the PS2 as my most favorite, but to make it short, it's because of it's HUGE game library (and it had a lot of awesome games), DVD compatibility, and that it was backwards compatible with PS1 games.

My least favorite:


I wasn't satisfied with this system. I hated that I needed a constant wifi connection to buy games. The original PSP was better.
ONLY using game consoles that I have owned. I have owned an Intellivision (OOOOOOOOLD SCHOOL), the original NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube and the PS2. Not as many systems as some others have owned, but it is what it is.

N64, and it's not even close. Ocarina of Time, WWF No Mercy, Super Mario World. Those games alone make this a must-have console, goofy controller design or not. Sure, it's been surpassed graphically, but when it came out, it's 3D capabilities were revolutionary.

But, for me, there is only one real thing that has to be mentioned to automatically list the N64 as the king of the consoles...

4-player Goldeneye.

Least Favorite:
Gamecube. This is not because the Gamecube was in any way an inferior console. I actually enjoyed my Gamecube a lot, so this should not be taken as any sort of insult to the console. I chose it as my least favorite because it's the game system that I owned for the least amount of time, and as such, I don't have quite the lengthy history with it as I do with some of the others.
I have owned and NES, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy Color, N64, PS2, Nintendo DS and a 360. Not a huge amount of systems but at least one from each of the big four companies.

Favorite has to go the N64. As others mentioned: Goldeneye, WWF No Mercy, Mario 64 and Mario Cart 64 among others. I could not tell you how many hours I spent playing No Mercy. More than any normal person should. Playing the ridiculously hard Story Mode with handicap matches out the wazoo. And of course very few gamers don't have their own personal Goldeneye story.

As for worst? I never owned a Dreamcast or Sega Saturn or Gamecube. Every system I bought was after the original hype had blown over and there was a chance to really play it and make a decision based on how good it actually was as opposed to how cool it looks and sounds. So it really boils down to which I enjoyed least which I guess would be the Game Boy Color. I'm pretty sure I only owned Donkey Kong and one other game which I couldn't even tell you what it was called. I played the hell out of Donkey Kong on the GBC though which was odd because I had it on the SNES which would have been way more fun and less strenuous on the eyes. So goes life.
N64 was my favourite, hands down. I played the hell out of Goldeneye, Mario Kart and WCW v. nWo. I could still be entertained by this console if I owned it any more. Special mention to PS3, which I was running FIFA and Fat Pricess before it passed away :(

My least favourite was Dreamcast. It was a hot mess, the games sucked and not entertaining at all. Plus the fact that it broke within months of getting it and I couldn't get it repaired made me less than amused.

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