Favorite Female Action Character


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With noting else on, I was flipping through the channels and found the first Spider-Man movie. After drooling over the incredible beauty of Kirsten Dunst in this, I got to thinking. Of all the action movies and superhero movies that I've ever seen, one of the archetypes is the woman that the male lead traditionally has to save. Many of these characters can be strong at times, but often they're nothing but women that are begging to be rescued while screaming at the top of their lungs. Since there are so many of them, some of you must have some favorites of these characters. Therefore, my question is who is your favorite main female character in an action/superhero movie and why?
Jennifer Garner + Red Leather = Elecktra !!!!!!!

I have a serious Hollywood crush on Mrs. Ben Affleck and when she pulled out the leather outfit for both Daredevil and Elecktra... needless to say I was mesmerized.

Plus, I thought she did an excellent job of portraying the character.

BTW - does Megan Fox count in this category for her role in Transformers ?? If so, she's a damn close second to Mrs. Affleck. It's the tattoos that do it for me with Fox... and the fact she's incredibly sexy.
I guess I would have to go with Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. I mean, first of all... it should be noted she's one of my personal favorite actresses of all time, so there's a lot of bias there. But also... Batman Begins is without a doubt my favorite comic book/superhero film of all time, too, so that plays a part into it as well.

I can't go off the wall with a bunch of details of what makes Holmes' performance in Batman Begins better than every female performance in "Superhero" movie history; I just know there's nothing I can think of that can top it. If "Hulk" was a better movie, then maybe Jennifer Connelly would be the one, but since it sucked shit (even with the good acting)... I can't choose her. And personally, I thought Kristin Dunst was one of the worst miscast in history (not only is she a terrible actress, but she's not fun to look at, either), all the Superman women were nothing special, Gwyneth Paltrow was the worst thing about Iron Man, Maggie Gyllenhaal nearly ruined The Dark Knight for me, and so on and so on (I never saw Daredevil, for the record, and I've always hated James Bond movies, so there you go).
How could anyone possibly give an answer other than Sigourney Weaver in the Aliens franchise? Come on, she was the first one to begin with! Before her, women weren't seen as being capable of leading an action film. Than here comes Sigourney, blasting aliens to fucking pieces and telling that Alien Queen Bitch to get the fuck away from her kid.

Without a doubt it has to be Weaver. She is THE prototypical female badass from which every female "action" star since has been judged. The only other woman who can even deserve to be mentioned alongside Weaver is Linda Hamilton. Seriously, who wasn't frightened by Hamilton in Terminator 2? She looked like she could break every bone in your body and still have time for a Fanta afterwards.

Come on guys, most of the actresses I'm seeing listed aren't really "action" characters. They're just females in action movies. What did Kirsten Dunst or Katie Holmes ever do in Spiderman or Batman? Talk a lot? Not like they were really involved in much of the actual "action". Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver would destroy all of these skank-ass hoes. :thumbsup:
Come on guys, most of the actresses I'm seeing listed aren't really "action" characters. They're just females in action movies. What did Kirsten Dunst or Katie Holmes ever do in Spiderman or Batman? Talk a lot? Not like they were really involved in much of the actual "action". Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver would destroy all of these skank-ass hoes. :thumbsup:

I don't think you read KB's question right. He didn't ask who was the biggest bad ass, but who was the best female companion lead in a Superhero movie, ala the roles I listed.

However, if I'm the one who misread it... then yeah, I would have to go with Linda Hamilton as well. I can't stand those fucking Alien movies, but The Terminator? Shit... I am of the opinion that T2: Judgment Day is the greatest action movie ever made, so of course to me, it's her and there's no competition. Then you add the Sarah Chronicles to that character, and there's just no one else who you could list that would top that.

You know what other movie I loved growing up though that starred a female bad ass? Red Sonja. Today I can reflect and realize how shit it was, but as a kid... I fucking LOVED that movie. I probably wouldn't be so ashamed of that fact if it starred pretty much ANYONE other than Brigitte Nielsen since she's such a fucking joke today.

Oh, and another one is Kimberly from The Power Rangers. Now, since it was the same Kim from the show that did the movie, I can justifiably list her. :icon_razz:
The lovely, talented, mother Theresa like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider of course. Although I hate action movies, and detested Tomb Raider, Angelina was fierce in it. She is one of the few actress' that could actually pull of an action character like that imo. Not only is she athletic and brave enough to do her own stunts, she also just gives off a "I'm a bad-ass" swagger that action hero's need to have. Kristen Dunts, Katie Holmes? Pfft Angelina would eat them alive and then adopt their babies. She played the character as good as any man could, and made it seem effortless.
I could cheat, and just start listing off every Bond girl to ever live (Ursula Andress makes me drool), but I won't. It wouldn't be fair.

Instead, I'll go with a "reach", and list Talia Shire, of Rocky fame. She was a big part of the film series, and was the driving force behind Rocky doing almost anything. I doubt any have had a bigger impact in a supporting role, concerning women in action films.

I'll go out on a bit of a limb also, and include Keira Knightley in the POTC series. I personally find her beyond gorgeous, and she's not half bad as an actress. She also handled her action scenes/sequences very well.
I would say Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider. She was both reely HOT and she showed the attitude that says, if you come near me i will kick your sorry ass. The fact that she done her own stunts and just the way she acted in genral showed why she was a great action gal.
How could anyone possibly give an answer other than Sigourney Weaver in the Aliens franchise?

Took the words from my mouth. No other woman has ever been such a badass than Sigourney Weaver from the Alien movies. She didn't rely on others, and kicked some major fucking ass. All the time without having an annoying panic attack or screaming at the top of her lungs type of shit. She is equivalent to the Arnold Shwarzenneger of women, hands down.

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