Favorite Family Guy Fight Scene


That's all folks.
So yeah, families fight all the time. But The Griffins-- Peter, Lois, Chris, Meg, Brian and Stewie-- all fight. And when they fight, they fucking fight. We've seen them all do battle throughout their various seasons. Peter, probably the most notable, has been in most of the fights on the shows such as beating up a 13 year old kid, or the infamous Chicken fight scenes. Brian and Stewie have had their share of fights as well as Chris and Lois and Meg. So forget this horrible excuse for an opening paragraph and here's the question, What's your favorite Family Guy fight scene? Simple as that.

I realize these videos are pretty shitty but they were the best I could do.

"Hey......I fucked your dad"
Holy Shit, this is fucking funny! So the whole episode is about Quagmire's Transgender dad. While his dad goes through the operation, Brian is at some kind of computer seminar unaware of everything happening at home. On his taxi ride home Brian stops for a drink and meets this woman in the bar. The woman--Quagmire's dad. This leads to a good ol' fashioned ass kickin from Quagmire. The ending, makes this clip magic.
The Original Chicken Fight
No need for an explaination here. The original chicken fight, if you don't know what I'm talking about here, leave the thread.
"Good ol' fashioned Family Beat Off"
Lois takes Karate (sp?) lessons. Thus, bringing a lot of tension to the Griffin house hold. Brian gives everyone pills that turn out to be fake pills. Everyone is pissed and they need to get the violence out of their systems.
"Where's muh money?"
Oh my god! My favorite Family Guy fight scene. The classic scene that shows a homosexuals (Stewie) can be total bad asses. Brian loses a bet and owes Stewie 50 bucks only to keep blowing it off... well Stewie don't play dat.

So yeah...GO!

Family Guy is one of my favorite shows. I have most of the episodes damn near memorized.

Anyways, it's so hard to choose. The original chicken fight started it all and is classic. Not to mention it's from my favorite episode "Da Boom" But since they're all almost identically hilarious, I think I'd have to pick another one (which I tried to embed but for some reason didn't work). Anyways, it's the one where they fight longer than usual and even make up, briefly. One of my favorite lines in the show is during that fight scene. The DeVry line. If you don't know the line, I definitely recommend watching that fight.

But still, as great as I think the chicken fights are, nothing beats they "where's my money?" fight. Or more like beating haha. Absolutely classic. "Mmmm...that's good OJ..." HA!

An honorable mention would be the "Lois Kills Stewie" fight at the end. "It's just been revoked!"
Family Guy is one of the many loves in life. I'm gonna go with the 'Where's My Money' fight scene, simply because it's just piss your pants funny! "OH MY GOD!!! *set on fire* ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!... alright lets go to the bank" :lmao:

I enjoy the chicken fight scenes but they draggg like a motherfucker sometimes. The funniest being when they stop half way through and end up having dinner together and fight again over who pays the bill. Brilliant. :)

That was a great one. A bunch of guys tried to jump Brian and then out of nowhere Rush Limbaugh makes the save, just so Brian would read his book. Greatest fight seens besides any of the Chicken/Peter fights.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Family Guy...this is gonna be a good one..

1. E. Peterbus Unum.. Where Peter founds Petoria, and Joe founds Joe-hio. Its all about Peter refusing to return Joe's pool, because he annexed it off Joe's land. Anyway, it involves the Army, and foreign diplomats. It just gets crazier and crazier. It ends up with a tank being pointed, and missiles!! I mean, really, its hilarious all over neighbor boundaries. But that's Quahog for ya!!

2. Sibling Rivalry...Where Stewie's long lost brother Bertram is finally born to some lesbians. They meet on a playground. It is a fight over control for the playground. It comes to blows with F-117 Nighthawks, and Ah-1 Cobras, sword fights, gunfire. Its hilarious to see the warfare these two tots go at. Then it goes to biological war. Bertram sends a kid with chickenpox to Stewie's camp.

3. Stew-Roids ... Of course the scene where Stewie demands a hallway toll from Brian. Puts him in a noogie and says he's just kidding. Then a few days later, Stewie wakes up with real flabby arms. Brian exacts revenge and ends up the kid falling out the window and flab acts like a parachute of sorts, and it translates into a Rocky & Bullwinkle joke.
"Where's muh money?"
Oh my god! My favorite Family Guy fight scene. The classic scene that shows a homosexuals (Stewie) can be total bad asses. Brian loses a bet and owes Stewie 50 bucks only to keep blowing it off... well Stewie don't play dat.

Soooooo funny, probably the best family guy moment ever IMO. Stewie absolutely beats the shit out of Brian, busting him up, glassing him, setting him on fire, shooting him in the kneecap and its absolutely hilarious.

I never get tired of Family Guy and scenes like this are the reason why. I never expected Stewie to beat down Brian as badly as this!

Haha this really isn't a fight but it's my favorite scene from family guy. I love how quagmire just rips brian to shit in this one. It was sweet, we all like brian but we've come to know he has major flaws. Quagmire is really the only one I've ever seen to take it this far.

Haha this really isn't a fight but it's my favorite scene from family guy. I love how quagmire just rips brian to shit in this one. It was sweet, we all like brian but we've come to know he has major flaws. Quagmire is really the only one I've ever seen to take it this far.

Yeah, I actually love that one. Its more of a confrontation between the two but I would consider it to be one hell of a 'fight'. Besides, it starts a lot of the Brian/Quagmire feud in the later season, one of which I touched on in my opening post. While I agree with whatever Brian usually says, Quagmire was one hundred percent correct. Brian is a bit stuck up at times. Even though I represent a Stewie avatar, Quagmire--I'm a huge fan. Quagmire's fights are usually kick ass too. For example, when he fights Peter when they tail each other in their cars--classic!:lmao:
"Hey......I fucked your dad"
Holy Shit, this is fucking funny! So the whole episode is about Quagmire's Transgender dad. While his dad goes through the operation, Brian is at some kind of computer seminar unaware of everything happening at home. On his taxi ride home Brian stops for a drink and meets this woman in the bar. The woman--Quagmire's dad. This leads to a good ol' fashioned ass kickin from Quagmire. The ending, makes this clip magic.

Holy Jesus I've never seen this one, I damn near pissed myself. This is my favorite "make me laugh one". Brian's comments are the single funniest thing I've ever heard. BY FAR!!!!!!

"Good ol' fashioned Family Beat Off"
Lois takes Karate (sp?) lessons. Thus, bringing a lot of tension to the Griffin house hold. Brian gives everyone pills that turn out to be fake pills. Everyone is pissed and they need to get the violence out of their systems.

Now this one is my favorite, not only for the satirical horse's ass picture spoof. But for the wrestling moves that Meg and Chris do. What can I say I'm a wrestling guy, not the funniest or longest, but a decent all around fight.
My favorite is the original Chicken fight from the Y2K episode. Oddly enough, the entire episode's events are disregarded with the exception of the chicken fight (which was actually a flashback).

All three chicken fights have been hilarious, but the first one really stood out. In fact, if you have never played the Family Guy video game, The Giant Chicken is the final boss that Peter fights.
I can't believe that Joe vs. Peter, Cleveland, and Quagmire hasn't gotten even an honorable mention! I mean you talk about a plan on the back fire. The three of them wanted their old friend back, since Joe had got some legs, and they went to his house to wait for him so they could recripple him. It turns out, Joe would give them an ass beating of a life time. Literally, Joe was a one man ass whooping machine.

And what made it even funnier, is that at the end, Bonnie was just a terrible shot. I don't know, I personally find that to be one of my most favorite fights in family guy.
i dont have a favorite, i have honestly liked every single fight scene that has happened in family guy, they all tend to be humourous and entertaining. also, i like the giant chicken XP that guy is awesome, and i like how things are kinda calm then peter sees the chicken and a fight ensues, the one where they went out to dinner together, then start brawling at the restaurant would have to be my fav if i really had to choose just one scene.

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