Favorite Family Guy Episodes


That's all folks.
Another Family Guy thread brought to you by Hamler. What are some of your favorite Family Guy episodes?

"I Dream Of Jesus"
Season 7, Episode 2

Peter gets the song "Surfin' Bird" stuck in his head, and keeps singing it all the time. The family gets really annoyed and Brian and Stewie destroy the record with the song "Still by Geto Boys plays in the background. Very hilarioius. Peter goes off to look for the record and meets Jesus. He becomes close friends, but when the world finds out that Jesus is back, Jesus eventually can't handle his celebrity status. This may be my favorite Family Guy episode. The way Seth and the rest of the writers humanize Jesus is fucking hilarious. Minutes after watching this episode, I downloaded the Surfin' Bird song. Haha!

"Stewie Kills Lois/Lois Kills Stewie"
Season 6, Episode 4

Peter and Lois go on a cruise but they don't take Stewie. He gets extremely upset and wants to kill Lois, as usual. Brian laughs at him because Stewie never goes through with his plan, so Stewie gets a boat, catches up to the ship and kills the fuck out of Lois in a hilarious action film-like fashion. After some time Peter is found guilty, but during the court session Lois returns and tells everything. Stewie takes over the world and makes up some rediculous laws with Brian held Hostage. Lois finally decides to kill Stewie, and they have one of the BEST fights the Family Guy franchise has ever seen. A quick and funny cameo appearence by Stan Smith from American Dad.

Season 4, Episode 14

The FCC starts...wait, the episode actually starts out with the funniest intro. Somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden tries to make a threatening tape but keeps messing up. I won't explain it too much but Stewie comes in and kicks some ass. ANYWAY, the FCC starts censoring every little thing TV because of a wardrobe malfunction at the Oscars. Peter can't stand it so he starts his own TV station. Soon the FCC closes him, so he goes to Washington where he convinces everyone to stop the censoring because all of our great memorials can be seen in a very dirty fashion as well. A funny usical number accompanies the episode. Definitely a classic Family Guy episode.

"Road To Rhode Island"
Season 2, Episode 13

Brian's shrink urges him to confront his feelings about his mother. Brian needs some time away and tells Lois he will go pick up Stewie at Lois' mother's house. At the airport, Brian gets drunks, the tickets get stolen and Stewie and Brian are outta luck. They tell Lois they traded in Plane tickets for Train tickets. Brian and Stewie stop in Austin, Texas (his birth place) and stop by the puppy mill he was born to see his mother - who is dead. A great storyline in this episodes as it is one of my favorite. Brian and Stewie also sing one of the best Family Guy sing-a-longs in this episode on their way home. Great episode.

So these are some of my favorite Family Guy episodes. They're funny as fuck. Catch them on Hulu or whatever because these episodes are necessities for any Family Guy fan.

- So WrestleZone, what are some of your favorite Family Guy episodes?
I stopped watching after the 5th season due to my SOuth Park commitment... But one of the best is when Peter goes all redneck. Gets a big truck, and trys to molest Meg... well sort of HAHA.
And then there were fewer

Right now, this is the best episode of Family Guy that I have watched. It was the first episode of the show to ever be shown in HD and it certainly rubbed me the right way. I don't know if it was because the style changed so dramatically over the season break but when it returned, it just wowed me from start to finish.

Everything was right about this episode. It was brilliantly paced because it was based on a book and a mystery is something different from the everyday monotony of cartoon shows. It really did get me involved and I struggled to pick out a villain amongst all of the cast. The result was that it was thoroughly engrossing from the outset and is still one of the best episodes of TV I have witnessed in my 21 years.

The characterisation was immense and the character of Peter was shown to be at his best in this episode. I cannot count the amount of times that I actually let out an audible laugh when I was watching this episode and that is something that I don't get to do all that often with TV any more. “And Then There Were Fewer” is in elite company but probably leads the way in regards to being my favourite episode.

Everything about it was just much sharper, cleaner and much better thought-out than everything else I have seen from Seth MacFarlane and the gang.
The abstinence/ear sex episode was quality from beginning to end, whether it was Peter explaining it

"Its turns straight people gay and gays into Mexicans, everyone goes down a notch" Lois explaining why she used to drive over dirt tracks or what is probably my favourite line in the entire show.

"Earsex, when you go black, you go deaf."
And then there were fewer

Holy shit, thank you Dave. I'm totally hitting my head for forgetting this episode. It was a bit weird because I read the Agatha Christia book "And Then There Were Fewer" a few weeks after watching this episode. It became one of my favorite books and I never noticed the similarities until the episode came on again. I agree with you, the storyline may be the best Seth and the rest of the Family Guy crew has done in quite a while. The writing, HD look, the feel and the huge star power made this episode what it was. It was the perfect way to kick off the 9 season competing against popular shows like Desperate Housewives and The Amazing Race. Great show and thank you Dave for making me remember this.
Season 9, Episode 11- German Guy

I fucking LOVE this episode. From It's a Chris & Herbert episode, that's hilarious from start to finish, starting with jokes about teenage *********ion, vicious burning on Twilight, and ending with a great "We all hate Meg" joke. Naturally, it's riddled with pedophile and Nazi jokes. It also contains the greatest fight scene in history. Two 80+ year old men going at it for what seems to be the half the episode. Old Herbert vs an ancient Nazi. The music and the ending make it easily one of the top 10 funniest things I've ever seen.
My favorite is Stewie kils Lois because it gave the fans what they wanted, a return of evil stewie. A hilarious episode complete with many spoilers and even an American Dad crossover. Then it just turned into a huge middle finger to the fans in the end. That's my favorite among the main episodes. I did not count the Star Wars parody trilogy as they are movie length. They are by far the best. I have them each on dvd.
Brian Sings and Swings

As Peter prepares to leave for work, he backs his car out of the driveway, hitting Brian, who needs treatment at a hospital. Upon Brian's return, Peter makes too much of an effort to welcome him back into the family. Meanwhile, Meg makes friends with Sarah at her school, unaware that she is about to be offered a place in the Lesbian Alliance Club (LAC). After speaking with Neil Goldman, Meg realizes that she is now considered a lesbian by the group and prepares to drop out; however, when she realizes the effect of being a member may have on her social status (finding herself more popular as a lesbian), she pretends to be a lesbian.

Meanwhile, Brian becomes depressed after the accident, but after speaking with Frank Sinatra, Jr., he begins to perform with him, changing his outlook on life to that of positivity. After being told of Brian's new lifestyle, the family is impressed and encourage him to continue. However, when he is invited by Sinatra to perform with him again, their duo is interrupted by Stewie, who joins the performance. Meanwhile, Meg tells the family that she is now a lesbian, but is mocked by Lois, knowing that she is not being honest. Meanwhile, Brian and Stewie continue their performances across Quahog with Sinatra. In a drunken condition following a performance, Brian loses Stewie, which results in Stewie's ear being bitten off by a deer. Displeased at Brian's behavior, Peter scolds him that he will stop performing with Sinatra and threatens to telephone Mia Farrow (whom he believes to be Sinatra's mother) to tell her that "her" son is a bad influence on Brian. Angry at Peter's bossiness about his life, Brian bites his arm, which leaves Peter afraid of him; the next day, Brian tries to reconcile with Peter, but Peter, still scared, only pelts him with furniture, dishes and Stewie, forcing Brian to run away.

Brian, regretful of biting Peter, quits performing with Stewie and Sinatra, resorting to drinking wine from a gutter. However, Brian regains his confidence when Stewie finds him, where he tells Brian that there are things in life which are beyond his control, telling him that even though they aren't in his control, they do matter, contrary to Brian's common beliefs. Meanwhile, Meg prepares to tell Sarah that she is not a lesbian and that she only pretended to be in order to make friends; however, Sarah gets undressed, believing Meg to has come to her house to have sex with her. They are both interrupted by Quagmire and his production team filming their antics. The episode ends with Stewie, Brian and Frank Sinatra, Jr. singing once more at a club until Mia Farrow (called in by Peter) intervenes, reprimanding Frank for "hanging out 'till all hours with a baby and a dog", and proceeding to spank him in front of the audience, much to his chagrin

Personal favorite line from the episode is when Stewie comes back missing an ear, and has it in a cup, and just the way he says, "What? I'm sorry Brian my ear is in this cup!"
I love a lot of episodes, in season nine with brian and stewie time travel and end up in different worlds has to be one of the best. Singing songs about pies and a tom tucker bunny lol. I have 2 love most of the songs they have done. Bag of weed, you have aids, surfin bird, shapoopi, cowboy but sex, dumpster baby etc.. Another of my favourites is stewie griffin's untold story, gotta love it
Even though I have a ton of favorites when it comes to Family Guy there is one that stands above the rest for me. My favorite comes from season 2, episode 6 which is the always funny "Death is a bitch". The first time I saw this one I was dying of laughter, not just from the awesome jokes but the fact that Norm Macdonald played Death and he sprains his ankle which keeps him from doing his job, forcing him to have Peter do it while he heals was brilliant. Peter screwing around at the bar and having people shoot him was the best, I will always consider this one my favorite because it's funny as he'll and it made me a real fan.
Was gonna say Petarded but somebody already did so i'll say Stewie kills Lois, it was the 100th episode and even though i felt robbed by the ending i was still marking out all the way through. I also liked the episode when Stewie and Brian get locked in the bank vault over the weekend, no cutaway gags just an awesome episode between those 2. Any of the "The road to....." episodes when its just Brian and Stewie are awesome especially when Brian accidentally sells Rupert and they have to go to Aspen to get him back.

I have all the boxsets but most of the best jokes get cut out on TV so i avoid all new episodes on TV and wait for the boxsets.
My favorites were usually the Stewie and Brian episodes that came out. So for myself personally my favorite episode were:

1) Road to the Multiverse

This is probably my all time favorite episode. I thought it started out great with Stewies genetically engineered pig with fists (OINK!) Which leads them to bounce between various parallel universes. My personal favorite was when they went to the Disney Universe and started singing about pie only for Mort to get mutilated because he was Jewish, hilarious. Also them in the low res universe where everything looks like an old shitty internet cartoon from the early 2000's. The whole episode was hilarious from top to bottom and one that I fondly remember.

2) Road to Germany

Another classic Stewie and Brian episode when they travel back in time to 1939 Poland after Mort accidently thinks Stewies time machine is a washroom. This in turn has Stewie and Brian going to find him only to find out later on where they are when shit hits the fan. My personal favorite moment in this episode was with Stewie dressed like Hitler only for him to run into Hitler and starts doing the mirror gag, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. I also felt it was one of the stronger episodes in terms of storylines as well which deserves props in itself.

3) Wasted Talent

This particular episode is what got me watching Family Guy regularly again. This is just one of those old classics I love and has many awesome gags. I love the whole trip to the Pawtucket brewery which modeled itself after one of my favorite movies Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. The oompa loompa song about Joe not let in because of lack of wheelchair ramps still makes me laugh uncontrollably. This being followed with discovering Peter is an idiot savon where he can play the piano like a master when drunk which helps Lois in her rivalry and wanting to take a student to win a piano tournament when her first student got bludgeoned with a bat by Stewie
(Lois: OH MY GOD Jeremy what happened?

Stewie: yes Jeremy, what happened?

Jeremy: Uh I fell). After Peter wins it set up another classic gag with Cap'n Crunch hiring Don Corleone to make a hit on Count Chocula. This episode was just hilarious all around and a great compliment to what Family Guy does best.
Perer's Two Dads always stuck out to me. Stewie starts having S&M fantasies, a character dies, Peter gets into cocaine, and everyone forgets how old Meg is as her birthday rolls around. The first 15 minutes of this episode is just hilarious and I recommend to anyone who likes Family Guy.

Also, PTV is great. “That’s my sideboob.”
'Family guy" I am fan of this tv show.I watched every episode with full of interest.I recorded these episodes.In every episode there is a different kinda twist which make each episode special one to watch.Peter is my favorite character.

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I can't believe I missed this thread!

Anyways, my favorites have always been:

"Da Boom" - One of the earliest episodes, it contains some of of their best random humor segments; "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids", E.T. running away from "the government" and the first ever Chicken Fight!

"Stewie Kills Lois/Lois Kills Stewie" - the return of evil Stewie is great. I love Quagmire's line when they're searching through the Griffins' trash. And the story itself is just fun to watch. "It's just been revoked!" hahaha

"I Dream of Jesus" - I'm not even that big on the rest of the episode, but for some reason Peter's obsession with Surfin' Bird, all his little set ups for it, combined with Stewie and Brian's hatred for it I find just hilarious.


I actually enjoyed one from this titled 'Seahorse Seashell Party'. It was a pretty solid episode but just the line delivered from Brian while he's get fucked off mushrooms is just terrific. Situation is Stewie walks in the bathroom and while hallucinating Brian has a blade to his ear and screams out "I'm going to cut my ear off to prevent World War II". That had me laughing.
By far, the Star Wars spoofs! I love in the second one how Brian looks at Mort and is just like, "Wait, are you wearing Hans clothes?? I'm serious, go back and look at the movies. He's weaing Hans clothes!" Gets me every time. Not to mention Stewie Kills Lois/Lois Kills Stewie. Those episodes were by far the best ones, mostly because they actually answered the question, what would happen if Stewie actually killed Lois and the way they pulled it off was awesome The ending made me laugh to be hnest.

"I was simulating what would happen if I actually killed Lois."
"How'd it go?"
"Not good. Not good."

Family Guy I really like this show.This is one of the best tv show. I have watched all the episode of this show but 8 season 7 episode Jerome Is The New Black of this show is very very interesting .I want to watch again this show.Its my all time favorite episode in this show.

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Family guy my all time favorite tv show and besides this show there are some shows like Glee ... These shows are the good source of entertainment ....
Admittedly as I've gotten older and my sense of humor has matured I've found Family Guy less funny than I used to but with that said I still watch it every week. Anyway my favorite episode is probably "He's too sexy for his fat", I believe it was in Season 1 or 2.

For those that haven't seen it the plot is basically that Chris is embarrassed of his weight(after a couple hilarious put downs from other people) and tries to lose weight. Peter decides to take the easy way out and have plastic surgery. It starts off as simple liposuction for Peter but ends up with him going under the knife numerous times to the point where he is considered handsome. If you haven't seen it, it might not sound funny by my description but I can assure you it is filled with laughs.
The last two season have been awful imo and I am a huge Family Guy fan. I am enjoying American Dad much more now and dare I say The Cleveland Show. I still think Blue Harvest is the best. When my wife and I first saw it we were laughing our asses off. The last two parodies of Star Wars were just blah though, wish they would do a parody of Indiana Jones or Back to the Future.
I don't know what exact episode it is, an early one though...

"I don't know how im going to tell Lois im haven't got a job, I don't know how long i can keep hiding around the house"

*cuts to Lois sitting on the couch watching TV, with Peter in the backgrond, in the corner with a lamp shade on his head*

Gold, pure gold.

I loved that episode, me and my brothers were literally "rolling on the floor" laughing. XD

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