Favorite Diva?!?!

Favorite Diva???

  • Beth Pheonix

  • Mickie James

  • Maria

  • Candice Michelle

  • Melina

  • Jillian Hall

  • Victoria

  • Michelle McCool

  • Ashley

  • Other(Leyla, Kelly, Torrie, Cherry)

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Favorite Diva in WWE?!?! Wondering what diva(if any) do u like MORE THAN others. Either for wrestling ability, charisma, hotness, character(yes some divas have a character), attire, personality, ect.

I definetly would say Melina. I think she has pretty good in ring ability, is hot, and i love the whole dominant diva/bitch character. She draws good heat and just does it for me. Hon. Mentions Ashley & McCool, I love them both and feel McCool is improving/
There's something about the plastic faces of Ashley and Jillian that makes me want to have hard anal sex with them.

But I think Layla is the prettiest of all the divas.
HOTTEST = Kelly Kelly, then Michelle, then Mickie
MOST TALENTED WRESTLER = Beth, then Mickie, then Melina
CUTEST (different than hottest) = Maria
BEST OVERALL = Mickie or Melina

They serve some different roles. Michelle's the girl you bring home to mom kind of sexy, Melina's the bitch-sexy, Maria's cute-sexy, Mickie's spunky-sexy, Kelly's the girl you plow till next Sunday, etc. Overall the best though is either Mickie or Melina since they have a lot of energy, they're attractive, two of the better wrestlers, and their gimmicks (if you can call them that) are solid enough to establish a pseudo-character, whereas a lot of the divas are lacking certain things (Beth isn't hot, Maria can't wrestle, etc).

But Sunny takes the cake for me, cause that woman came around when I was like 11, haha.
Maria is the best diva but in terms of wrestling ability the best are Mickie, Jillian, Beth, Victoria & Melina
As a female wrestler myself, I find it incredibly annoying when the WWE and other major wrestling companies favour the skinny bimbo style diva's with no wrestling background, and how they actually doesn't use the slightly bigger built talented female wrestlers. With a few exceptions, the majority of talented female wrestlers are slightly bigger built, muscular and therefore according to most men not as attractive.
As this pretty much shows, women like Kelly Kelly are favoured over Beth Pheonix, Victoria etc
WWE seems not to like womens wrestling as actual wrestling by not giving the more talented female wrestlers tv time, I mean does anyone remember Tori, or Molly Holly? Molly Holly was a good female wrestler but are no longer around. This is shown because molly holly and not Beth Pheonix are put in corsets to make them look thinner. And no one can have not noticed how much weight Melina and Mickie James have lost. As a female wrestler, when i was slimmer it was much harder, and far more painful, by 'bulking up' wrestling is far easier, and a lot less risky.
Male wrestlers are not needed to be thin, even the 'light weight' high flying style wrestlers really aren't that slim, for example Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio.
I think the fact the most popular diva's are basically models really annoys me, if men can be bigger and therefore better for their talent, why can't women?!
Hmmmm Victoria or MJ?
I'll go with Victoria. A sexy woman who can also kick your arse. Yes please.
The one, the only, the Most Dominat Diva in the WWE- Melina!!!!!

But my all time favorite Diva ever is of course Lita. :D

Also I've always been a huge fan of Victoria and Molly.

Flames Out
Nice to see that I'm not the only who loves Melina. She maybe hott but thats not y i love her. Shes good in te ring and te "most dominant diva" is the best character any diva has. She has so much charisma and good promo abilities!!!
Mickie james. she's rather gorgeous and 1 of the few divas who can actually wrestle.
why is victoria on smackdown? move her back to RAW so at least they could have the good wrestlers there and maybe have real matches for the woman's championship and eye candy on the other shows.

Meilichia makes good point. wwe's never about using wrestling to sell for women. ever seen victoria or beth phoenix in lingerie pillow fight? thankfully no (and that's not a shot at their looks, it's cos i actually respect their wrestling ability). and would wwe ever do what tna has and sign amazing kong??? i think not. sex sells and the whole world's buying. it's sad that the pressure is to be a model instead of a wrestler, but it's to appeal to their big demos, young males.
It was reported on the main site that Vince again wants to "de-sexify"(not a really word) the divas and make them less sexy, to make them more kid friendly. The thing I was wondering will that pretty well mean girls like Ashley & Kelly Kelly will get fired??? I for one think it would be good & bad. Good-more actual women wrestlers, better matches, ect. Bad part the Divas are hott!!!!!!
I picked Mickie, but i miss crazy Mickie. Oh crazy mickie now that was a good storyline IMO. I mean she is a good wrestler, great moves, kick ass entrance and proved she can carry a storyline. She just makes me smile and i feel a little when she comes on tv. Saw her when Raw came to Oz and she put on a great match with Beth and Jillian. I am just a giant Mickie fan.

But i loved crazy Victoria too, and Victoria has the best finisher in the business, always cringe at the widow's peak. Also i like Beth and Jillian is making me laugh and not to mention she went for and almost hit the 450 on Raw.
Melina is great too, love that scream and i like maria too.

But I like Mickie the BEST
well it is all opinion i for one love everything about beth even if some dont (i have met her in person and she is very beautiful) im also a fan of mickie and victoria i dont really care to much for non wrestling bimbos if you get my drift not saying they arent hot but i will take a grade A wrestling match over a botchfest anyday.
I would....every single one of em...I would


yes she is annoying as fuck, but at least she generates something. rather than "yeah she is pretty hot", what other diva can create any reaction from the fans...even if it is extreme heel heat.

and she can wrestle just as well, and IMO better than mickie, so she gets athletic points
i like victoria i thin even tho you could mistake her for a dude sometimes shes fuckin good looking and shes actually not a ad wrestler hrrm most of the heals arent and most of the faces are maybe a pattern here? ;P
Beth Phoenix.

If there a hotter combination on a Diva than blonde hair, nice breasts, well developed strength and muscle, and a pretty face with good ring skills... then I haven't seen it yet.

Every other Diva doesn't even come close. If I had to pick a second, it would be Mickie James.

Candice gets put at like #17. Somewhere behind Mae Young.
Beth Phoenix.

If there a hotter combination on a Diva than blonde hair, nice breasts, well developed strength and muscle, and a pretty face with good ring skills... then I haven't seen it yet.

Every other Diva doesn't even come close. If I had to pick a second, it would be Mickie James.

Candice gets put at like #17. Somewhere behind Mae Young.

Two Words

- Christie Ricci -

look her up
The Hottest: Beth Phoenix
The Cutest: Layla
The Most Talented: Beth Phoenix,Melina, and Mickie James.
The Ugliest: Jillian and Michelle McCool
Favorite Overall: Beth Phoenix
My favorite overall would be Mickie James. She has so much energy and wrestling talent, she's pretty and great on the mic. She also had the best Diva storyline with Trish since the Trish/Lita rivalry.

Jillian is also one of my favorites. She may be annoying but she is one of the few Divas that are talented in the ring and can generate heat. Melina is also very talented. She has a great character, mic skills and wrestling ability.

Beth Phoenix is the best Diva in terms of wrestling ability. She's got Chyna's strength without the transvestite look. She should get more time on the mic though. It seems she has "Randy Orton" syndrome: a boring and forgettable title reign. I'm guessing it's punishment for injuring Candice. Beth could be a much better champion given the right push.

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