Favorite Diva Feuds

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
I was scrolling through some threads,
and I stopped to read the MIZ/Daniel Bryan Review, when someone thought that Bryan might have a MJish feud,
Meaning your first feud is your only memorable one

So I started thinking of my favorite DIVA feuds,
Lita and Trish popped up immediately,

We all know Lita vs Trish was the most in your face, Love you, HATE you, action packed, make fun of your baby, sick your pyschotic boyfriend on, team-up, split up, retiring match, broken nose, high flying, diva feud you would ever want to see,
So there is no need to repeat it 20 times,
You can referance it, But you can't list it

Your feuds don't have to be long drawn out one's,
It could be as simple as the Layla vs Eve Feud

My favorites would have to be:

1. MJ vs. Trish
-This feud was the best of the "crazy",
in this case psycho,
Fan, Mentor feud that WWE has used 3 times,

We had everything from:

Lesbian Kisses,
Vagina grabs,
Torches were passed
+Some pretty sweet matches


2. Melina vs. McCool
-This feud was produced awesome matches,
& McCools first Womens Championship

We had:

Awesome Matches,
Furthing from McCool to McCruel,
Beggining of Lay-Cool,
McCools first Womens Championship,
&McCool becoming the first woman to hold both the Divas Championship and the Womens Championship


3. Melina vs. Beth Phoenix
- This feud produced awesome matches as well as the 3rd installment of the Crazy fan saga

We had:
Melina's first time as a face, Which she pulled off WAY better than I expected,
The 3rd fan, metor storyline
A Badass I Quit Match,
&Awesome RR match
Melina's 2nd Womens title
Santino's Splitz
"You may be the Glamazon, But you are not Glamorous"

I have to agree, Mickie James and Trish Stratus feud was awesome. I loved every minute of it. I was just waiting for Mickie James to pull off her top and show everyone her puppies.
I would have to say either Sable vs Luna during late 1997-early 1998 or Sable vs Jaqueline in late 1998. Those were two awsome fueds that launched Sable into superstardom. Sable vs Luna was just awsome....you had the two ALMOST getting their hands on eachother over and over again untill Sable finally got her hands on Luna at Wrestlemania XIV after months of torture and abuse.

another one that comes to mind was Chyna vs Ivory...that was a good fued.

My all time favorite non-storyline diva fued will always be Sunny vs Sable ;)
i liked when right to center almost paralyzed chyna, almost retiring her for sure,sum wher in there im sure she had a fued with ivory. so that wud be my favorite. it was just crazy when they piledriver her, that has to be a sick image, does anyone remember that?
i liked when right to center almost paralyzed chyna, almost retiring her for sure,sum wher in there im sure she had a fued with ivory. so that wud be my favorite. it was just crazy when they piledriver her, that has to be a sick image, does anyone remember that?

Yeah dude I was gonna put the same :) They really made it look like Chyna had been given a stinger. I remember a match they had shortly after where Chyna went for her cartwheel elbow and went down like her neck gave in, setting up the last Chyna vs Ivory match where Ivory got totally squashed :)

Underrated as hell Ivory, without her and Jackie (miss texas not haas) to put over and help put on good matches I don't think Lita or Trish would have gotten as good as they did.
I have to say the MJ and Tish feud, I enjoyed pretty much every minute of the feud. It's second to best though because the Trish and Lita feud was awesome but you sad we can't say this so I'm going to say the MJ and Trish feud. The feud had everything in it and I mean everything. There were some great matches during the feud as well, which made the feud even better.
I remember enjoying the Terri Runnels vs The Kat feud in the attitude era, that was cool. They were mocking each other for both being desperate for TV time, and Terri was playing her "Horny Little She-Devil" role. That was pretty cool, and both Terri and The Kat were HOT

Also, RTC v Chyna was a great feud. I miss Chyna, she was always entertaining and by the end of her WWE career, she was very hot. The last match of her career where she completely squashed Ivory was pretty cool, Chyna was in purple with a headband and looked great.

Anything with Victoria in was always pretty decent, she is definitely one of the best women wrestlers over the last 10 years or so

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