Favorite Cage/Cell Matches Without Blood


Rigistered Post Offender
Cage matches and cell matches are notorious for being very brutal and often times very bloody. Especially when they contain guys like Ric Flair and Triple H.

Usually a great deal of people will complain that a Cell match and to a lesser extent a cage match aren't as good without the blood.

So what are your favorites of either match type that didn't need blood to be good?


Mine is Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from SummerSlam 1994.
Another really good match in an awesome feud with an exciting finish. They showed you could put on a quality cage match without relying on blood.
and often times, being shit.

Triple H Vs Mankind, Summerslam 1997

Ric Flair Vs Triple H.....at? Survivor Series? In 07 or 08 I think.


War Games, WCW Vs NWO at Fall Brawl 96 ( I think)

and obviously, Taker-foley, KOR 97

Triple H - Foley, HIAC, No Way Out 2000(?)
The Rock vs Ken Shamrock vs Mankind - Breakdown

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit - Raw

Triple H vs The Undertaker - Wrestlemania 28

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs LAX - Bound For Glory 2006
and often times, being shit.

Triple H Vs Mankind, Summerslam 1997

Ric Flair Vs Triple H.....at? Survivor Series? In 07 or 08 I think.


War Games, WCW Vs NWO at Fall Brawl 96 ( I think)

and obviously, Taker-foley, KOR 97

Triple H - Foley, HIAC, No Way Out 2000(?)

Flair vs. HHH was at Taboo Tuesday 05. Also HIAC 1 had a ton of blood.
and often times, being shit.

Triple H Vs Mankind, Summerslam 1997

Ric Flair Vs Triple H.....at? Survivor Series? In 07 or 08 I think.


War Games, WCW Vs NWO at Fall Brawl 96 ( I think)

and obviously, Taker-foley, KOR 97

Triple H - Foley, HIAC, No Way Out 2000(?)

And Foley-Taker was 98'. Glad we could help each other.
The Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian (forget when it was) where Jeff got out within five minutes and then did a Whisper In The Wind off the top onto Matt and Edge.

Also James Storm vs Bobby Roode at Lockdown 2012 was great
He got flipped onto his head, man.

also, I appologize for wrecking this thread. I could have SWORN the "without blood" thing was not on here when I made my post.

Dont lie.
I watched that match a couple of months ago. I thought it was fantastic. I think you're just getting grumpy in your old age.
Nah. I reckon it's just a cage match thing. I think most of them are shit compared to the same pairing without the cage.
I'm gonna go with the KO cage match between Mickie and Tara on Impact back in 2010. Most folks will give me shit for this. But it's a match I enjoyed.

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