Favorite Back To The Future Film

Mitch Henessey

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Back To The Future has always been one of my favorite trilogies. Each film can be adventurous, fun, and humorous. Back To The Future also features a great set of characters, and I can always watch each film over and over again. Each Back To The Future film is unique in its own way, but which one is your favorite? I'll start with my pick:


At first, Doc Brown takes Marty and Jennifer on a trip to the future. Marty was a key piece to the puzzle, because he had to be the identical replacement for his future son. Marty wanted to save his wimpy son from some certain jail time, and he was the only one who could reject Griff's offer. Of course, the plan wasn't executed to perfection, but Marty successfully accomplished his mission, after he escaped from Griff and his gang. Marty's son was safe, but Jennifer was picked up by the police. Doc and Marty eventually found Jennifer at her future home, but they still had some problems to worry about. Doc Brown had to retrieve Jennifer, and Marty was distracted by a dog and his futuristic leash that didn't require a human. The time machine was all alone, so Old Biff used the DeLorean to travel back in time with Marty's recently purchased Gray's Sports Almanac. Old Biff's actions caused a unbelievable downward spiral in Marty and Doc's lives, because 1985 wasn't the same when they returned.

The story for this film is packed with surprises, and you really get to see the nasty side of Biff Tannen here. In Back To The Future (1985), Biff just seems like an obnoxious bully, who wants to push around George McFly, but the rich, powerful, and soulless version of Biff in the alternate version of 1985 in this film takes everything to another level. Returning to 1985 wasn't the only problem in Back To The Future (1985), and the same thing can be said about this film, but the turmoil and danger in Back To The Future II is unreal, because everything is always changing. This story does feature a nice amount of ups and downs, and Marty can always be that guy, who you want to root for. Doc Brown and Marty had to return everything to normal, and I always enjoy watching the risky missions in this film, because they are filled with excitement and suspense.

Back To The Future II has always been my favorite film in the entire trilogy. This film is filled with a nice amount of twist and turns, and the cliffhanger at the very end is just great. The cliffhanger in this film can provide a good amount of anticipation for Back To The Future III, because you want to see what happens when Marty travels to 1885, and the ending does provide some intriguing unanswered questions.
Wow this is tougher to decide than I expected, I'm a huge fan of the trilogy and I love each of them but if I had to pick one I would say Back To The Future Part 3. I always had a special love for the third and final installment of the series because I am a bit of a western nut and watching Marty and Doc go back to the 1800s was the coolest thing in the world to me. I loved every part of this movie, the Frisbee pie tin scene to Marty's showdown with Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen the entire movie is excellent and I major part of my childhood. I may love all the Back To The Future films but third third always was and always will be my favorite because as a kid when my friends and I would talk about what we would do if we had a time machine I was always the one kid who wanted to go to the old west and not the past, guess I have a little Doc Brown in me. :rolleyes:
I love all three films in the trilogy. I really have a tough time in picking a favorite due to all 3 of them being so awesome, each for different reasons. I am going to have to go with the first film though because it the one that started it all, without the first film we would never have gotten to see the alternate present in #2 or the western storyline in #3. #1 also had some of the best moments of the series like when Marty helps his dad out. The second film comes in second place for the epic level of evil that you see in Biff, while the third film comes in last only for the reason that one of them had to come in last. I like them all. It's one of my favorite series and always will be. The time traveling concept fascinated my childhood self and that is still there today.
To me, nothing can beat the first film. It broke new trails for light-hearted versions of time travel movies. Michael J. Fox's interactions with the actors who played his mother, his father, Biff and Doc Brown were classic portrayals of a smart, innocent, anti-hero teenager caught in a trap in which he knew darn well he was over his head. I can't even imagine anyone else playing the role; Fox made it his own.

What, can you see Justin Bieber as Marty McFly? I sure as hell can't.

The two sequels were interesting, well-written movies in themselves, but they lacked the charm and innocence of the first one.

And in the third segment, I still say Doc Brown made a mistake by staying in the past......then he doubled it by leaving Clara Clayton back there with him (because she was fated to die and didn't belong there any more than he did).....and then the two of them tripled the damage by giving birth to Jules and Verne, two boys who were never supposed to exist. As soon as they marry girls who were to have married other people, the entire dynamic of Hill Valley changes drastically. Think about it.

Space-time continuum, my butt!
I have never seen the appeal in the Back To The Future series.

I have seen all the movies, but haven't ever really been entertained by any of them. I have always found Christopher Lloyd's acting to be cringeworthy.

I happened to catch some of one of the movies the other day, I think it was the 2nd one, and once again it failed to change my opinion of the trilogy. Not my cup of tea at all, I usually like that type of time travelling film- Flight Of The Navigator is a personal favourite of mine, but BTTF has never done it for me!
The same answer it is in 9/10 franchises, The first one.

I enjoy all the Back To The Future movies greatly but for myself nothing can touch the first one.

I thought the storyline structure was much better and thought the premise was great. Mostly I loved how the parents were so different then how they were as kids. Lorraine being an overweight alcoholic who is constantly lectures Marty about stuff you find out she was guilty of as a teenager, it was hilarious to see her lecture her son only to find out that she was 10 times worse then Marty and his unsure, coward doofus dad was very likeable in his own way. Of course Doc steals the show with his constant intellectual jargon, I still laugh whenever he questions why Marty always uses the word "Heavy" not realizing its just a slang word.

For myself though my favorite character is Biff, just a dense womanizing asshole that is just incredible to watch and because George never stood up to him in the original timeline of the movie he just used and harassed George his whole life like a true bully would do.

The movie is very complicated when you think about it but they do it in such a way its easy to follow and never gets boring.

I love all of them but the 1st one is a classic movie and one of the all time greats IMO.
Hands down the first one. Although I found the second one to be only so-so and the third one to be quite rubbish, Back to the Future is probably my favorite blockbuster ever. Perfect use of special effects, perfect casting, and timeless characters in Doc, Marty McFly, and and Biff. Although I generally despise Hollywood and the people that work in it, Robert Zemeckis is the one popcorn-flick director that I've always had a soft spot for.
I like this movie I watched all parts of the movie but my favorite is second this is a superb movie. Director of the movie Robert Zemeckis. This is a adventure and comedy movie.I like in this movie Lea Thompson acting........

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I am going to go with Back to the Future Part II as well. The whole idea of Marty going back to 1955 to unscrew up the timeline after Biff messes with it, concurrent to the events of the first movie really appeals to me as a sci-fi/time travel fan. It gave Part II something unique, I think. Also, lets be honest...if any one of us were given a sports almanac that had the next 50 years of sporting results in it, we would all have done exactly what Biff did, and start betting heavily.
It's so difficult for me to decide between the first and second movie because they both have things about them that put them on an even scale for me. For instance like deanerandterry said, Doc's confusion about Marty's use of the word "Heavy"

"There's that word again;"Heavy". Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?"

My buddy and I are quoting it all the time at work. We get hit with a big order and one of goes "Aww Doc, this is heavy" and then one of us responds "There's that word again....you know the rest.

II was awesome too though mostly to me because instead of going back in time we get to see "The Future" which we are rapidly approaching and not living up to the movies' concept of. I still want my flying car damn it, my damn Hoverboard, my autolace Nike's, my kevlar and rubber looking auto fit and auto dry jacket, where the hell are they? I always thought all that stuff was so cool, remember I saw this as a kid and I thought "Wow, that's what it's going to be like someday". I also thought it was really funny how the stuff of the 80's were antique collectibles like the dustbuster, you could see an old Apple computer, a Sony Walkman, and a few other things. Funny how because it predated the 90's there was nothing in between to bridge the gap between the technology of the 80's and 2015 where they were at. It's like the technology never advanced so much as it was just there one day.

I guess really looking at it, the one I go on and on about is II and it really is my favorite because of the future in it. I thought the cars were cool, the Cafe 80's was cool, everything about it. What's funny is how some of what we have now is actually advanced to what they had even imagined in that movie. Take one look at your Iphone, your home computer or laptop, your Ipod, The internet itself, on and on.
I have to give it to the original Back to the Future, the first one, purely based on nostalgia factor. A case can be made for each of them, but when I look back I will remember the first. It is absolutely legendary and has become a cultural icon. No first movie, no series... That may seem totally obvious, but it's also crucial.
I love the trilogy so much and have watched it so many times, that I know almost all the big lines. My favorite is in the 1st one when Marty is at Docs house and all the clocks rings at 8:00

Doc: There all running 25 mins slow
Marty: Wait a minute, Doc! Are you telling me, that its 8:25!
Doc: Preciously!
Marty: Damn!, I'm Late for school!

then the power of love plays

awesome shit there

But my fav is the 2nd one because you have a future, a past and an alt 1985
in the 3rd too many loop holes, Doc should have known that staying back in 1885 will dramaicallticy change the next century but it doesnt appear to be that way so i say the 2nd
When I was younger my favorite was the 2nd movie. Something about seeing the Hill Valley of the future and all their wild predictions (many of which we're shockingly right on the money such as widescreen televisions or movies with insane amounts of sequels) was really entertaining for me. Now as I got older it's easy for me to see the first is admittedly the better movie but I still seem to go back and enjoy the second one more. Since I didn't mention the third I didn't like the Western theme much but it is by all means a good movie and pretty decent end to the series

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