Favorite Animated Cartoon Series

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
When it come's to television shows that I enjoy the shows I am most fond of are ones that are funny, aren't very deep and are funny, basically shows that are easily enjoyable and require little to no thought. Not that I don't enjoy shows like Breaking Bad or Son's of Anarchy but in my heart I love to laugh and when watching TV the last thing I want to do is think, I just want to be entertained.

For these reasons the shows I enjoy watching most are cartoons or sitcoms, but cartoons have always had a special place in my life. Since I enjoy cartoons on such a level I decided to compile a list of my favorite cartoons. Now this isn't a list of what I think are the greatest cartoons, just a list of my favorites. Some are good, some not so much but all I enjoy watching.

So here is my list of favorites (lets do 5 and 5):

1) South Park - This is easily my #1 and for good reason. I've heard so many people say that this show is nothing but swears and fart jokes, well if you think that then you really aren't that smart because there has never been a show that pokes fun at current events, pop culture and life events quite as good as this show. To this day I still enjoy the hell out of this show and its hard not to laugh during any episode, no matter how vulgar or childish it may seem. They have done so many classic episodes and to this day its probably my favorite show of all time.

Favorite Episodes: The Imaginationland Trilogy, Major Boobage, Trapped in the closet, Scott Tenorman Must Die

2) The Simpsons - this comes in at #2 for me because it's one I've been watching since I was 5 and still enjoy to this day. Although the quality has dipped in years (which is to be expected) I can still pop in an episode from Season 4 and still laugh my ass off. Out of all cartoons in history none have had such a profound impact on pop culture quite like this show.

Favorite Episodes: Homer at the Bat, Mr. Plow, Radioactive Man, Last Exit to Springfield, Sidshow bob episodes 3 and 5

3) Ducktales - although its a Disney cartoon and I'm sure plenty will disagree I can't help but love Ducktales and the adventures of Scrooge McDuck and his hunt for lost artifacts and treasures. Scrooge was the original Indiana Jones except a duck and much richer. Originating from the Uncle Scrooge comics this show was the first Disney cartoon for syndication and the success of this show is the reason for shows like Chip n Dales Rescue Rangers and Tailspin. Watching Scrooge hunt for Atlantis, the lost city of troy and the Valley of the golden sun are all adventures I still enjoy and can watch at pretty much anytime.

Favorite Episodes: All episodes with a multi-episode story arc (favorite being the Valley of the Golden Sun)

4) Family Guy - although over the years I've found this show less funny I still laugh my ass off at their older episodes. The family from Quahog has given us many classic cartoon characters such as Peter Griffin, Stewie Griffin, Quagmire, and Adam West and has one of the best side cast of characters I can recall in a show. The gaks that have nothing to do with the story are often hilarious and although they may not give context to anything that's happening in the show, it doesn't matter, its a cartoon that's self aware and doesn't take thing seriously.

Favorite Episodes: Let's go to the hop, Wasted Talent, 420, any Brian and Stewie episodes (particularly the Road to Germany and the Road to the Multiverse)

5) Looney Toon's - OK so this one is kind of a cheat but I had to add them as my #5 (because frankly they deserve it). My love for this show started young and to this day I still love it. Watching Elmer Fudd try to hunt Wabbits and Wile E. Coyote chase Road Runner are some of my favorite things to watch which have given me countless hours of entertainment. My favorite skit to this day is from the 30's with some black guy (who is about as stereotypical as they come) hunting bugs bunny (who is red it's so old). It has to be the most racist, funniest thing I've ever seen and I wish I could find it so I can show you all just how horribly hilarious it is.

Favorite characters: Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, Road Runner

And here are my bottom 5 favorites:

6) Beavis And Butthead

7) Animaniacs

8) Futurama

9) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

10) Transformers

Anyways those are my favorites. How about anyone else? What are your favorites? All answers are welcome but please give some context as to why its your favorites (even if you only want to talk about one).
As I grew up in the 80's there were many great cartoons that I used to watch and love. As an adult I bought most of the shows I sed to love on DVD. Some hold the test of time some don't. From there, I've grown to love heaps of different cartoons from different eras...

The Transformers - for me this was more than just a toy commercial. Each character had their own personalities and own uniqueness. Optims Prime was like this King Arthur type character, while Megatron was the king of bad asses.. Their showdown every show were always epic!

Cowboy Bebop - all tha characters had some mystery to them, the animation is probably unrivaled in cartoons to this day and the story was amazing. Such a great show!

Justice League / Unlimited- these series really shows how amazing the DC Universe truly is. The big guns are on show and the writers do an amazing job to interact the characters and build them up even more than the comics do. Great stuff

Robotech- or first real cartoon drama, it really did break the mold. It was also in the west anyway the true king of anime at the time. What show this was.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - as a kid He-Man was the man, super strong and kicked evil ass.

Getter Robo- the first ever transforming / combining robot cartoon. An awesome show as the three ships not only combined to form a super robot but if they combined in different ways it formed three different robots.. way ahead of its time, and the three pilots were total badasses.. Awesome show

Battle of the Planets- G Force was a bif favourite of mine as a kid, and also another first sighting of anime for me.

Batman -The animated series was jst amazing. It had great stories and introduced all of his roge's gallery perfectly. The dark atmosphere, and 1930s melded into 1990's design was briliant. Such a great cartoon.
Favorite five:

#1: Moral Orel
#2: Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
#3: Phineas and Ferb
#4: Frisky Dingo
#5: Wolverine and the X-Men

I'm also 27 years old. I fucking love cartoons.

Honorable mentions: Spider-Man, X-Men (90s), Iron Man, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, the Incredible Hulk, the Fantastic Four, King of the Hill, American Dad, Squidbillies and Ben 10 isn't all that bad.
South Park is my favorite and nothing else comes close. I have been watching it ever since season 1 back when I was in grade school. Other favorites of mine such as The Simpsons had great runs but got stupid and almost unwatchable. South Park is the best because it continues to deliver hilarious episodes each season and always manages to stay relevant by making fun of current issues in the world. I will continue to watch it until it ends, which will probably not be for a very long time. Family Guy takes second place. The randomness of that show keeps me coming back for more.
Does Anime count?

If it does I have no other choice than to praise the Dragon ball series. The most action packed, entertaining, and just plain fun shows of all time. Much Godzilla and horror movies I know a crap load of stuff on dragonball.

The fights, perversion, and appeal of this show all worked so well together. Of course like anyone else i will say that the best show in the franchise is dragonball Z. dragonball Z kai is something I have no opinion on.

As far as other shows go I really can not say much because I normally watch the travel channel which is live action travel.
Without a doubt I say South Park, I'm a matt and trey guy through and through and the show has been such a big part of my life growing up that no other show comes close to this one. I've been watching this since I had to sneak out into the living room to watch the show at night so as to avoid my parents seeing me watch til now where I watch it almost every day including right now,and with every season that passes and every episode I watch for the 100th time I love this show more and more. Their ability to come up with such funny and clever stuff has made me the hardcore fan I am today, and I'm proud to say that I have grown up with South Park.
Oh cartoons, or animation in general, I grew up with them so they have a special place in my heart. Most of the shows I like have been mentioned, so I going to make a list of some of the ones that haven't and I enjoy.

-Tom and Jerry: This show was awesome in the second Hanna-Barbera era, it was simple, short and it gave you many laughs.
-Spongebob: The seasons before the movie are gold, in my opinion. I still laugh when I watch old reruns in the TV.
-The Road Runner Show- My favorite show from Looney Toons, it's pretty much like Tom and Jerry, but this one had more recurring gags, which I loved.
-My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I think this is the only animated program that is on air and I watch, along Futurama. I know, call me crazy but this show is actually pretty funny and it has a great animation in my opinion.

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