Favorite Album of the...1980's


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Seeing how I was born in the late 80's this is gonna be a short mini thread series I'm gonna do with 3-4 threads in it. This first 1 was a no brainer.​


This was supposed to be the Album Cover but it got rejected.​

What is not to love about this album? It's the quintessential 80s Hair Metal Album. It's got the heavier stuff and it has a ballad or 2 for the couples. It also has some of my favorite songs ever on it not to mention some of their best work.​

To me the best album of the 80's was Run DMC's "Raising Hell" from 1986. There were a bunch of classic songs on the album from one of the best groups in hip hop history. My Adidas, It's Tricky, Peter Piper, You Be Illin, Walk This Way w/ Aerosmith. This was the album that really solidified hip hop as something that was going to stay. It was probably rap's first great, complete album. There really isn't a bad song on the whole thing.
Oh that's a no brainer for me.

Guns N Roses- Appetite For Destruction


Not only is this my favorite album of the 80's, it might be my favorite album of all time. The song Sweet Child Of Mine is my absolute favorite song ever and there are at least 5 other songs on this album that crack my top 10. It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Think About You, etc. In a time when shitty hair bands like Poison and Motley Crue were running rampant, GNR came in and flipped all of them on their fucking heads. This album is pure greatness from front to back.

I'm gonna have to go with a track released as a single back in 1982, a song that not only influenced my own personal taste in the Rap/Electronic genre; but had a major mainstream influence in both genres as well.

Of course I'm talking about Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force, and you gots to know I'm talking about the legend that is Planet Rock.

An absolutely legendary track that set the standard in dance music, advanced electronic music, and helped push rap/hip hop to the forefront of the music scene, and while this song was only a minor hit when first released, it's slowly climbed many all time great lists and I've yet to see a respectable all time list leave this gem off their lists.
This is a no brainer for me also.

Michael Jackson Thriller


This is easily my favorite album of the 80's lots of great songs 7 of 9 songs reached the top 10 in the Billboard Hot 100. Some of my favorite Michael Jackson songs are on this album including Thriller, Billie Jean, Wanna Be Starting Something, Beat It, Human Nature, P.Y.T, The Girl is Mine. Great Album and not only is it my favorite album of the 80's it might be My Favorite Album of All

The 80's wasn't great for music in general and albums in particular suffered which made it incredibly easy for 1 album in particular to spring to mind. I could have gone with anything by The Smiths, The Cure were an option, even REM but nothing from the 80's touches the ambition and depth of


Essentially 2 very different mini-albums. The first half is an absolute masterpiece of pop songs that have survived 25 years, including the original Running Up That Hill (everyone remembers the Placebo cover used for HBK Taker 25) and was made for the mainstream. The 2nd half is equally brilliant in an entirely different stranger way, being based in it's entirety on a Tennyson poem.
The double album allowed Kate to introduce something most of her listeners would have never otherwise been exposed to, much like the way The Simpsons introduced an entire generation to Edgar Allan Poe.
The 80s was at one point my favorite era but considering the amount of great hip-hop albums released in that era, 90s easily took over after a while.

My favorite might be Paul's Boutique by the Beastie Boys. That's an album that has held up with the times perfectly and sounds as fresh today as ahead of it's time it was in 89. Other favorites include Geto Boys' Grip It! On That Other Level, N.W.A Straight Outta Compton, Public Enemy's It Takes a Nation..., Run-D.M.C. by the group of the same name and Big Daddy Kane's Long Live the Kane. Plenty more like EPMD's Strictly Business are more favorites that I absolutely love. I also love As Nasty As They Wanna Be by 2 Live Crew, which might be the most controversial album in all of music.

My favorite album of the 1980's? I can only pick ONE? I'd be here all night trying to pick one as that was the best decade in music by far. It would probably be between Def Leppard's Hysteria or Metallica's Ride The Lightning, for roughly the same reasons. They get my vote because they are great rock cd's that spawned legendary singles and neither one has a single track on there that should be skipped. Those are my favorite cd's by both bands respectively and my favorite 1980's albums. I do like Def Leppard more than Metallica though so if I absolutely HAD to narrow it down to only one, then I guess it's Hysteria.
This wasn't all that difficult for me, considering my lack of respect most of what was produced during the 80's (Hair Metal? Ugh...). But I do have a clear winner in mind, and it comes from my second favorite band of all time.


Ah, Bleach. What to say about it? An obvious precursor to one of my all-time favorites, Nevermind, but still more than that. I've always felt that it never quite gets the credit it deserves, what with being in the massive shadow of its followup. Too bad, as its a wonderful album, with great songs like "About a Girl", "School", "Negative Creep", "Mr. Mustache", etc. It's not all that well known to most listeners, but those who have heard it can appreciate it.
I would have to go with either Van Halen 1984 or Dire Straits Brothers in Arms. Van Halen in their prime before the departure of David Lee Roth (although I also loved this band during the Sammy Hagar years as well), featuring Jump, Panama, and others. And Dire Straits with one of their most commercially successful albums.
I am gonna go with U2's The Joshua Tree.

In addition to Thriller, absolutely everyone in the 1980s owned this masterpiece. Its one of those legendary albums no Rock collection can be complete without.

This was the very first cassette I ever stole from my older brother, and I listened to it until the tape wore out. Then I actually bought my own copy, and wore that one out too. The album begins with three of U2's all time greatest songs, Where the Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For and With or Without You. They nailed this album from start to finish.

It's also the album that elevated the band into global megastar status. They had been a decently popular band before, but The Joshua Tree catapulted them to the very top.
Where do I even begin to start. The 80's was such a great time for rock and Metal music and most of my all time favourite albums come from that time period. Everything from British Steel to Number of the Beast, Dr Feelgood to Hysteria, Master of Puppets to Ride the Lightning, 1984 to Reign In Blood. It was the era where my two favourite forms of music, Thrash and Glam, thrived so with all that what should I choose?

Why, my all time favourite album of course, Appetite For Destruction. This is without a doubt in my mind the best album that has ever been released and with the state of music at the moment then for the foreseeable future at least ever will be released. This is one of the very few examples of an album that I can think of where the term "all killer no filler" is truly appropriate. There is not a single bad song and three that will go down as all time classics (Welcome to The Jungle, SCOM and Paradise City) making it the Wrestlemania X7 of music (in my eyes at least). I can't make a single criticism of this album, I simply can't think of a single thing wrong with it.

So while the 80's was an awesome time for metal and there are a lot of 80's albums that are in my top 5 (Master Of Puppets for starters) Appetite takes the cake with relative ease which says a lot about just how good it is.
Taking an Album from Brownie up there. It's quite simple for me I love Tallica but Slayers Reign in blood from 1986.

Every song on that album isn't perfect, but the songs they got right on that album are fucking iconic. Angel of Death Is only surpassed by South of heaven on my list for Slayer songs. Necrophobic was one of the fastest songs that I had ever even layed ears on when I first got the chance to lisiten to this cd. It really got down to buisness.

Piece by Piece and Jesus Saves are allright songs, but they never really set well with me. But possibly one of the most iconic songs ever... Raining blood. Raining blood still gets me to headbang as hard as I can. But if I hear that opening anyware I know that is Slayer, or someone paying tribute to that sweet ass song.

So to me Slayer's Reign in blood was the best album of the 1980's
There are two that jump immediately to mind with one of them being "Welcome to the Jungle" and since that one was already mentioned I'll go with the other one...


"And Justice For All" by Metallica. This is one of the very first CD's I bought and along with the already referenced Guns n' Roses I still listen to it on a pretty regular basis.

However, there are a lot of good albums from the 80's (and songs) that I still listen to even though we are now in 2011 I tend to find myself going back listening to music since there is not a lot of new stuff I really like.
Lots of great music came during the 80's, so it's really hard for me to single out my favourite of them all, but I'll go with....


Simply put, one of best thrash records ever released.

Coming in second for favourite 80's album would be either be "Power Metal" or "Appetite for Destruction".
The eighties are not a decade I have a lot of music from. In fact I barely listen to anything from the eighties. Appetite For Destruction is a masterpiece though. But in the end I went with a band that I really want to see make a comeback and do well. Aerosmith's "Pump". With "Love in An Elevator", Janie's Got A Gun", "Otherside" and "What it Takes" it had a plethora of hits and helped solidify Aerosmith's second comeback. Great album.


Ride the lightning is easily one of the best albums of all time

Mind you I got into Metallica about 3 years ago (and not in the 80s cause I wasn't born yet for the majority of the 80s and then just a baby during the end of the 80s lol) but I still often listen to this stuff
I was born in 88.. so obviously I wasn't around for the music at the time, but being raised on music from the 80's it's definately my favorite era of music. Rock/Metal was great with old bands still putting out top notch music and the rise of many iconic bands/artists. I guess if I had to choose just one... I'll go with

Dio - Holy Diver, With songs like Holy Diver, Rainbow in the Dark, Stand up and Shout.

just a great album from a great artist, there will never be an artist like Dio... now I'm going to listen to it.

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