Father at 13


Championship Contender

Alfie Patten - Father at 13

Now, for anyone, that is a young age to be a father. I mean, his voice hasn't even broken, and he looks like a 6 year old. So why on earth would he be having sex yet? The mother isn't exactly a looker, but how the heck did she end up having sex with him? Seriously? It's fucked up.

Anyway, do you feel that this is too young to be a father? And does it show that sex education should be brought in at a younger age?

I feel that sexual education should be brought in younger, because they're being brought up in a world where most things are revolved around sex, from the TV shows to computer games. They need to be taught the proper information to protect themselves in the future.
It is way too young to be a father. He doesn't know how to look after himself, let alone a child. However, his parents or the girl's parents will probably raise the child. As for sex education, yes I think it needs to be brought in earlier, probably around the age of 10 or 11. These days, nearly everything you look at is sexually suggestive. TV shows, video games, movies, mall etc. And you can't escape it. SO you may as well understand about it earlier and know about safe sex so you can make your own choices, as I think the girl would have forced the boy into having sex with her.
The girl is 14 herself, and compared to the boy size wise he's as big as her leg. Seriously. I mean, why nothing is being done about it is beyond me. It's illegal for anyone to have sex under the age of 16, so where the fuck were the parents when talking about sex? Talking about waiting for the right time. And I'm sorry but the right time is NOT as 13, or 14. At that age you know NOTHING about the implications of getting a woman pregnant, let alone raising a child.
This right here is the reason I'm skeptical about bringing children into the world. Seriously, 27 years between the two of them? My Grandmother was a married woman at 15, but things were a bit different then, and her husband was in his 20s. Even still, that's insane. Are these two supposed to be able to provide for the kid? What was I doing when I was 13? Let's see. I hadn't kissed anyone yet, I was in 8th grade, and I certainly wasn't getting laid. This isn't so much odd as it is sad.
This right here is the reason I'm skeptical about bringing children into the world. Seriously, 27 years between the two of them? My Grandmother was a married woman at 15, but things were a bit different then, and her husband was in his 20s. Even still, that's insane. Are these two supposed to be able to provide for the kid? What was I doing when I was 13? Let's see. I hadn't kissed anyone yet, I was in 8th grade, and I certainly wasn't getting laid. This isn't so much odd as it is sad.

You would have thought SOMEONE would have noticed them having sex. They could only do it at home, so someone should have been in there. Unless they did it in the park, lmao. That would be hip.

How parents could let them have sex that young is beyond me. Get a fucking grip. And he looks about 2 anyway. Why the hell did she even attempt to have sex with him in the first place?! Is she THAT desperate. Wait 'till you're 16 and become a prostitute. When the boy finally grows up, he'll realise how stupid he was in having sex with her. I'm surprised he knows how to have sex anyway.
That is way too young of an age to be having sex. Wait til your at least 16 years old to have sex & I wonder why he didn't even think about putting on a condom before he had sex.
Maybe cause he was not educated about sex in the first hand. I agree with most saying you should not have sex till you are 16 or over ,but if you are truly educated and know that you are ready than you could have sex.
This would not have made news had this been a 13 year old girl, nor would it be in the news if the boy looked older than 8. Teenage pregnancies, even ones that young, happen all the time.
It's been sensationalized because he looks so damn young and innocent.

This is why Sarah Palin as VP would have been a nightmare. Sex ed is important, you aren't corrupting children, you are educating them.

I have no idea what this kid is going to do, I don't think he fully understands what he's gotten himself into. I have no idea why the girl kept the baby, that in itself seems stupid. They're both delusional at this point, he thinks he can support his daughter with the allowance he gets from his dad.

So, the 15 year old girl looks about 17. She was sexually attracted to this kid enough to screw him?! He looks 8, he's very small for his age. This borders on pedophilia in my mind. Being attracted to someone prepubescent when you are fully developed is the very definition of pedophilia.
Sadly, this happens too often. But I don't think this should come anywhere close to justifying sex education from the age of 5. I started sex ed at 11, and I think that's a pretty good age, definitely no younger. I can't imagine Jess (Being 6), coming home and telling me she learnt about condoms, she doesn't even know what sex is yet, something I'm keen to stay the same for a while.

I agree with Mrs. TM that it wouldn't have made news had the girl being 13, happens too often, but the father is usually the older one, this is different. Seriously, who is thinking about sex at 12?

One thing I disagree with is blaming the parents though. Especially at the age of 12, parents wouldn't think sex would be on their mind, so they'd give it less thought that if it was two 16 year olds. I have a 17 year old friend whose mother makes her keep the bedroom door open when she's with her boyfriend. I doubt at 12 that happened.
Every cunt with an agenda is using this to score points. Well fuck you, Conservative Party. Fuck you too, Liberal Democrats. And you, Sun journalists. And you, journalists with actual ability. And everyone else, including Al Snow.

There's a point where a person starts to have to take responsibility for themselves. I'd say it's roughly eleven. At the latest, twelve. This boy knew that inserting his unprotected penis into that girl's vagina could result in pregnancy. If he didn't, he's a ******. I wouldn't put it past him, about 75% of Britain's youth is ******ed. Why else would it be so easy to surpass the national average? Still, it's by their own choice.

It's times like this that I feel like going all authoritarian and maybe joining the BNP. Don't ask me why. I just do.
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It's only on the front page of the paper because the lad looks about 6. There are plenty of 13 year old fathers out there. It's no bid deal. He knew what he was going, and so did the girl. The size of the girl in comparison to the boy isn't a big deal either. Girls are bigger than boys at that age anyway. In his next interview he'll have a different voice, a bum fluff beard and he'll be 6'10''. He'll look like a 13 year old then and it'll be more acceptable.
its amazing how the child hasnt been taken off of them and put into care. i mean seriously they have only just become teenagers. if its illegal to have sex before your 16 why hasnt action been taken against them. Me personally would take the child away from them and fine them both £1000. they deffo wouldnt do it again and it would send a message to the rest of the 13 year old ****es (both male and female) in the UK.
Fine 13 year olds a thousand pounds? It's common knowledge that one of the only jobs that hasn't been effected by the credit crunch is paper rounds. But that's ridiculous.

The girl who's had the baby is living with her parents, there's no reason for the child to be taken away if it's been looked after properly.
Personally, I'd send a few policemen round to savagely beat them. Then I'd get The Sun to run a headline on it - "TEENAGE PARENTS - y'know, that ugly girl and the boy that looks about five - SAVAGELY BEATEN". Now that, my friends, would send a warning. Keep it in your pants, kids.
Fine 13 year olds a thousand pounds? It's common knowledge that one of the only jobs that hasn't been effected by the credit crunch is paper rounds. But that's ridiculous.

The girl who's had the baby is living with her parents, there's no reason for the child to be taken away if it's been looked after properly.

Ok maybe i exagerated maybe £1000 is a little harsh, but i would still fine them an stern amount, they have to be shown that its not acceptable to have a child at that age.

i think there is Jake, the girl hasnt even finished school, so her parents will have to pay for everything. Do you know how expensive a child is? she cannot legally get a job for another 3 years, unless of corse shes gonna be spunging benefits, which was probably the idea all along.
Ok maybe i exagerated maybe £1000 is a little harsh, but i would still fine them an stern amount, they have to be shown that its not acceptable to have a child at that age.

How are children supposed to pay fines?

It's stupid, a fine for having sex?

i think there is Jake, the girl hasnt even finished school, so her parents will have to pay for everything.

Well, that's what happens when you have children yourself. You have to accept that they'll cost you a lot of money.

Do you know how expensive a child is?

I have one.

she cannot legally get a job for another 3 years,

She's 15, she can get a job when she's 16.

There's also nothing wrong with claiming benefits if you need them.
How are children supposed to pay fines?

I dont mean give them one lump sum and ask for it there and then. it could be a fine that they have to pay off in installments. I was just brain storming ideas and on how to stop or scare young ages having sex when clearly they dont understand the consequences.

It's stupid, a fine for having sex?
No. Underage sex there is a differance.

Well, that's what happens when you have children yourself. You have to accept that they'll cost you a lot of money.

I agree with you man, a lot of money that 13 year olds cannot afford.

She's 15, she can get a job when she's 16.

There's also nothing wrong with claiming benefits if you need them.

I thought she was 14. i also thought you had to be 17 to get a job.I agree Benefits are there for people that need them, but this could have easily have been avoided. She wouldnt have needed benefits had she not had sex OR at least used protection.
I dont mean give them one lump sum and ask for it there and then. it could be a fine that they have to pay off in installments. I was just brain storming ideas and on how to stop or scare young ages having sex when clearly they dont understand the consequences.

I understood the concept of sex when I was 11, and the school showed me some videos. It's the same as drugs, some people will do them, some won't.

No. Underage sex there is a differance.

Underage sex between two consenting underage children.

She wouldnt have needed benefits had she not had sex OR at least used protection.

Depends, she's an ugly girl and appears common. She was probably going to claim benefits anyway.
I understood the concept of sex when I was 11, and the school showed me some videos. It's the same as drugs, some people will do them, some won't.

And the ones that do should be punished as its illegal. Same with drugs.
Sex Ed starts around 11 or 12 nowadays, but most people dont pay attention. would it of killed him to wear a condom if he was paying attention to sex ed classes?

Underage sex between two consenting underage children.

Still Illegal.

Depends, she's an ugly girl and appears common. She was probably going to claim benefits anyway.

Maybe so. This way gives her a chance to do it easier, like so many other teenagers who have kids, just so they can spunge of society and this girl is no differant. I wouldnt be suprised if this was her plan all along - to have a child so she wouldnt have to work again.

I see were you are coming from man i really do, but you have to understand my arguement that it is a problem with our economy that too many underage kids are having babies these days.
And the ones that do should be punished as its illegal.

There are different rules for people under a certain age.

Sex Ed starts around 11 or 12 nowadays, but most people dont pay attention.

Most people must, if not then there'd be more 13 year old parents.

would it of killed him to wear a condom if he was paying attention to sex ed classes?

Ever tried getting hold of a condom when you were 13? Go to a doctor and they'll ask you too many questions. You're too young to get them un a pub or club. Too embarrased to go to a chemist.

Again illegal and punishment should be taken. otherwise the problem will get worse.

How do you really punish a couple of teens?

I see were you are coming from man i really do, but you have to understand my arguement that it is a problem with our economy that too many underage kids are having babies these days.

Meh. I don't give a shit. Benefits are made up of money that I've contributed to, and there's nothing I can do about it. And I couldn't care less.

It happens and it'll continue. It's a minority and it'll always be a minority.
There are different rules for people under a certain age.

Yeah i no that, but it still doesnt make it right and there still should be some sort of punishment cos its breaking the law.

Most people must, if not then there'd be more 13 year old parents.

Ok fair enough most do pay attention but theres loads of kids who dont. i could probably bet that in perhaps 75% of high schools in the uk, theres been 3 or 4 kids who have got pregnant. Yes its a minority but nevertheless its still a problem.

Ever tried getting hold of a condom when you were 13? Go to a doctor and they'll ask you too many questions. You're too young to get them un a pub or club. Too embarrased to go to a chemist.

So that makes it ok to have sex unprotected? if they are old enough to think they can have sex they are old enough not to be embarrased by visiting the doctors or chemists.

How do you really punish a couple of teens?
i dunno i was speculating a fine which you didnt agree with. Its a topic for the authoritys who actually get paid for punishing people to sort out.

Meh. I don't give a shit. Benefits are made up of money that I've contributed to, and there's nothing I can do about it. And I couldn't care less.
It happens and it'll continue. It's a minority and it'll always be a minority.

So your happy that your moneys going to people who dont deserve it, when it could be helping people out there who do?

I agree with you theres not much you can do but i can still be annoyed by it.

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