Fantasy Match I - Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger


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This is my first thread so forgive me if this topic has been discussed, i am sure it has not though. i want to start a series of threads about matches that have not been seen before. i will state the competitors and their advantages and you say who think will win and why.

my first fantasy match is Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger. both are two time world champions (ECW if you count it) they have same bodystructure, and have bad voices on the mike LOL.
Sheamus advantage- Brutality, Strength, Brogue kick can come out of nowhere.

Jack Swagger advantage- Amateur wrestling, submission
Ok, this is a nice topic. Sheamus and Jack Swagger is a nice match up. But to correct you they are both World champions. Sheamus has won the WWE Championship twice and Jack Swagger one the World Championship last year on the first Smackdown after Wrestlemania. If I had to choose I would say Sheamus would win because even though they are both heals Sheamus loves to fight and do damage. Swagger is a pick your spot type of guy.
I actually like both superstars but I think I'd choose Sheamus. I'd pick him because of the legitimacy of the brogue kick. Both would put on an exceptional match and sell each others moves; Sheamus using his strength and brawling style and Swagger with his amatuer and mat style. They would put on a solid 12-20 minute match with the finish showing Swagger trying to go with one of his Kurt Angle like suplexes and Sheamus countering/rolling out of it and hitting the brogue kick for the win. Could be a very good opening PPV match.
I like this match up. It would make for a very good match, but in my opinion, it wouldn't be enough to just throw them in a ring together. We'd need some sort of buildup. Neither would need to go babyface per se, but perhaps one of them might be on the fence, in tweener status, so as to be "face for a night". A mid-card championship might be a good way to get them fighting as well. I'd want to see it get personal between these two. They have practically opposite styles of fighting, which would make each match interesting. Besides that, they both have some experience using hardcore tactics, also a plus.

I'd like to see the argument come up over a mid-card championship. Now that Sheamus is US champion (and Swagger prides himself on being the All American American) this would be the perfect championship. It could start out with some smacktalk and eventually go to a back and forth feud over the belt that gets personal. Through several different types of matches (cage, submission, hell in a cell, etc.) they could really help each other out and maybe bring some prestige to the U.S. title.

In the end, though, my pick would be Sheamus, but only on the basis of what's going on right now. By the time the feud ended, perhaps Swagger would be the dominant one.
This is my first thread so forgive me if this topic has been discussed, i am sure it has not though. i want to start a series of threads about matches that have not been seen before. i will state the competitors and their advantages and you say who think will win and why.

my first fantasy match is Sheamus vs. Jack Swagger. both are two time world champions (ECW if you count it) they have same bodystructure, and have bad voices on the mike LOL.
Sheamus advantage- Brutality, Strength, Brogue kick can come out of nowhere.

Jack Swagger advantage- Amateur wrestling, submission

... I think I would add quickness to Swagger repertoire.
Swagger would have to even the playing field by wearing Sheamus down enough to render his aggressive style less effective. He could then fake a mistake to draw in the Brogue kick and catch the foot to apply the ankle lock for a "match-of-the-night" level reversal. It'd have to be in the middle of the ring and he must wrap his legs to minimize Sheamus' means of escape. Sheamus might make it back to the rope, but if Swagger has seen Angle v Hogan he would know what to do. Sheamus would be forced to tap eventually.
But that's a long shot. Sheamus is to too powerful and too ruthless. Swagger had better be smart or he won't win.
Knowing Swagger he would try something stupid like going to the top rop, or that stupid splash from the corner... And then he would mess it up. Sheamus via Brogue kick.
I personally would also love to see this match but everyone knows like i do they would have to find a way to make one of them a face for the rivalry question is who? but as far as match quality its definitely something i would like to see many many time s and stretch through ppv's even at the same about size there styles are so contrast it would be mania quality i would even think. i would say it could go either way though,like both men winning at ppvs back and forth but at the end of the rivalry id give it to sheamus
PS: givin his nationality and thick accent sheamus is damn good on the mike.
What a great match this two guys have the capability to perform! A great bout of two heavy hitters who are pretty athletic and quick for there size. I see a WrestleMania match all over this, granted it need to be a very solid storyline and build up. Something like U.S champion Sheamus vs Jack Swagger the all american x2. it be cool to see some big action for the US title and bring some prestige back having some established main eventers fight for a mid card belt. This two have potential all over the place and used correctly would put on a solid entertaining match. This Sheamus run right now is just what it needs and id like to see him face some Sheamus type oppents after the Daniel Bryan campaign is over!
They could put on a good long match and a lengthy feud. The feud could start with Sheamus smack-talking about the USA. The All-American-American Jack Swagger takes offense. Bam! Throw in the US Championship and you got yourself a humdinger.
I love this match-up because their styles are so similar and both are pretty good in the ring. Plus you have the American and the "foreign" Irishman which adds another layer of a possible storyline. If Sheamus ends up on Smackdown this is almost guaranteed to happen at some point. As for making one of them face, I would say that Sheamus would be the best choice out of the two; he already gets some pops from time to time anyways and he would make a good tweener-face imo.
I love this match-up because their styles are so similar and both are pretty good in the ring. Plus you have the American and the "foreign" Irishman which adds another layer of a possible storyline. If Sheamus ends up on Smackdown this is almost guaranteed to happen at some point. As for making one of them face, I would say that Sheamus would be the best choice out of the two; he already gets some pops from time to time anyways and he would make a good tweener-face imo.

Monday when he had the tag match he did a get a face like pop.
I don't know how well he would pull it off though, his turn would have to be a really slow process seeing as how he has been sold to us, the viewers.

As for the match I don't think it would really excite me.
I mean they are both good (decent) in the ring. Im just not sure together if they could hold a match that holds our attention.
If anything I think McIntyre and Sheamus would make better candidates only because they have some chemistry together (having wrestled before outside of the WWE)
I personally would hate to see this match. Jack Swagger is just terrible. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Sheamus fan to any extent, but I can recognise his unique style and respect that he can put on a great match.

Jack Swagger is AWFUL on the mic. He makes Cena look like the damn Rock. His voice is just crap it's cringe-worthy. Whenever I see him in the ring, I start comparing him to Kurt Angle, which he cannot compare to. He's a decent technical worker, but I don't really like watching him wrestler. I must say though, the option to reverse the bro(gue) kick into the anCOLE lock could make for a major surprise. Also the whole American defending the US title against a foreigner is a great angle. Only problem is that Swagger needs to be a face for the fans to cheer someone who's defending their country.

But this matchup, I don't think would be entertaining.


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