Fantasy GM: Brand Split Edition


Occasional Pre-Show
A slight rumor is in the air that WWE could be headed towards another brand split, pitting RAW vs Smackdown or something similar. Old is the new again.

So, you're calling the shots. How would you approach the split. Would you create GM's for each show? Captains to choose teams? A lottery system? You decide!

Mine, is based on Stephanie and HHH taking a LONG hiatus from being in an authorative position. No RAW, No Smackdown. RAW will be controlled by none other than Shane. Raw needs a major overhaul and he's the perfect candidate.

Smackdown needs someone fresh also. Someone to make people want to tune in again on whatever day of the week it's on these days and whatever channel it's on anymore. (I haven't had cable in years, so I don't really know).

We don't want to go down the same old rabbit hole as before. This needs to be someone new...but who the fans respect. My 1st choice would be SCSA. That's a dude who could really shake things up. If it's a heel character, then bring in Edge. I always loved to hate his heel character. He could be a real dick in charge. But it's gotta be someone who can go about things in a direction opposite of what WWE has been going in.

Decide on the 2 authority figures, and base the roster off of that. Flip a coin to see who goes first. Edge wins the first pick, and he takes Roman Reigns (Perfect fit for Smackdown, since it was basically molded around The Rock...and he needs to get off Raw). Shane takes his first pick, Seth Rollins!

After that, shake it up. I'd like Raw have guys like Ambrose, Lesnar, New Day, Wyatt's and the bulk of the NXT guys. When Orton is healthy, put him on Raw.

Smackdown would get the Sheamus's, Rusev's, Ryback's, Cena's, Uso's. They'd get some of the NXT call-ups, but the bigger ones belong on Raw. Make the talent capable of telling stories with the talent on each brand.

And as far as NXT goes, unless it's a wrestler getting a permanent call up to the main roster, leave NXT out of it. It's successful because it's its own entitity that isn't sucked into the toxicity of the rest of WWE.

That's the gist of it....Obviously not all the details. would you book it?
Raw - Triple H & Stephanie

1 - Seth Rollins (World Champion)
2 - Dean Ambrose (IC Champion)
3 - Brock Lesnar
4 - Bray Wyatt
5 - Randy Orton
6 - Rusev
7 - Wyatt Family - Harper, Rowan, and Strowman
8 - Dudley Boyz - Bubba Ray and D-Von (World Tag Team Champions)
9 - The Miz
10 - Sasha Banks (Women's Champion)

Smackdown - Shane McMahon

1 - Roman Reigns (WWE Champion)
2 - John Cena
3 - Kevin Owens (US Champion)
4 - A.J. Styles
5 - Sheamus
6 - Alberto Del Rio
7 - New Day - Big E, Kofi, and Xavier (WWE Tag Team Champions)
8 - Lucha Dragons - Kalisto and Sin Cara
9 - Neville
10 - Becky Lynch (Diva's Champion)

Each show is two hours long and live. The Authority is still in control of Raw, but their role is greatly reduced. Shane is in control of Smackdown. The roster might seem to lack talent at first glance, but when you consider part-timers and NXT call-ups, they're pretty stacked. I'm not sure this would work in real life, but this certainly looks good on paper.

After Shane citing last night that he wants to take control of RAW, plus the fact that a website did the following "typo":

WWE Monday Night RAW vs WWE

There has been rumors about the return of the Brand Split.

The brand split has always been a polarizing thing, with many fans liking it and many fans not liking it.

Do you think that the current "Shane vs Vince" angle might lead to the return of the brand split?

Do you even want to see the brand split again?

My personal take: Although Shane did say that he wants the "control of RAW", Vince replied by saying "the way the company is, this means you have control of the entire company". Which makes me believe that Shane might have made a mistake there. And it's also confusing. Does he want control of just RAW, which means that Triple H will be able to run Smackdown? Or does he wants control of the entire company?

Could this even be a plot device to use post Wrestlemania where after Shane has won, HHH can say: "you wanted control of RAW, not the entire company. That means that I can have control of Smackdown?". Because if that's the case, then it's kinda stupid. Why would Shane want only RAW?

As far as the brand split goes, I don't want it back. The roster might be deep, but it lacks star power. If you seperate the star power even more, then WWE might have serious trouble running the shows. Also the brand split always seemed like it gave the writers a difficult time. How many "Interpromotional matches" have taken place due to the fact that the writers didn't have anybody else for a certain wrestler to face?
Plus, if a brand split means two world titles, then it's an even bigger No. The title got unified just 3 years ago. Splitting the title will only hurt its prestige. You can have a brand split if you can make it count, but the World title stays as one. You can have two midcard belts, two Divas belts, two Tag Team belts, but there's one company and there can be only one world title.

EDIT: The only time the brand split really mattered was in 2002, when you had stars like HHH, Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Flair, Hogan, NWO, Jericho, Angle, Guerrero, Benoit and Booker T and you needed two brands to hold them.
I feel the brand split became really uneccesary by 2004 when the only top stars left were HHH, Undertaker, HBK and Angle and you had Cena, Batista, Edge and Orton as the rising ones. The brand split was also the reason we got Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Swagger, Kane, Big Show, Sheamus, Great Khali, Daniel Bryan (2011) and CM Punk (2008) as world champions, when in reality they were not in that level.
Hell no. Like you said it made sense at the time due to the influx of top stars coming from WCW and ECW. Nowadays though the only real big stars left are John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar, one of whom is a part timer, one's mostly an on air authority figure who occasionally wrestles, and the other two are injured. Plus let's be honest two world champions just sounds stupid and like something a little kid would come up with.
Hell no. Like you said it made sense at the time due to the influx of top stars coming from WCW and ECW. Nowadays though the only real big stars left are John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar, one of whom is a part timer, one's mostly an on air authority figure who occasionally wrestles, and the other two are injured. Plus let's be honest two world champions just sounds stupid and like something a little kid would come up with.

True. The only thing I could say about a brand split benefit is it gives certain wrestlers an opportunity to be on a bigger platform as a singles wrestler.

If your name isn't Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Cena, Brock, HHH, Taker, Rock, Orton, Sheamus, you probably won't ever main event a PPV.

Meanwhile a brand split would give wrestlers like a Ziggler, Cesaro, Jericho (he's main event PPVs in the past but they don't let his recent feuds close out a show anymore) an opportunity to close out shows.
Dear God No.

The fact that it's even being talked about is scary. The roster is already so thin and degraded. It's disgusting. It's bad enough we had a secondary world title that meant nothing all those years. We did this whole Vince vs Shane vs Steph thing already. Years ago FOR YEARS. They can't think of anything new. The fact that Undertaker vs Shane is a wrestlemania is already ridiculous.
GM - Shane
Roster: Rollins(face WWE Champion), Cena, Brock, Ryback, Cesaro, Balor Club, AJ Styles, Asuka, Ric Flair II, Sasha Banks (Womens Champion).

GM: Corey Graves
Roster: Reigns, Amrbose, Kalisto, Wyatt Family, Kevin Owens, Orton, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, Hideo, Zayn, Samoa Joe, Bayley, Nikki, Eva, Becky.

The women can float between shows as well as tag teams. NXT guys also can appear on Raw and NXT at the same time and SD/NXT at the same time.
Brand Split

If I were to book an angle like this (which I will on wwe2k16 ) Shane gets to control all of WWE leading to The Authority forming a stabe of capable wrestlers to take out the Champions on Raw. Triple H immediately runs to NXT to Regal to bitch and moan and woos The Bullet Club with a promise to bring them gold on the grandest stage. We'really setting up team WWE vs NXT.

My brand split gives Triple H control over NXT through Regal and manipulation rather than outright control. Sets up the PPV as follows...

Bayley vs Sasha Banks

The New Day vs Bullet Club

AJ & Owens vs Nakamura & Samoa Joe

Dudleys vs Vaudevillians

Uhaa Nation vs Baron Corbin (Winner goes on Raw)

Dolph Ziggler vs Stardust (Lose goes to NXT)

Rematch For Control
Sting vs The Undertaker

Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose (Rollins Referees)
I definitely don't want to see the brand split reintroduced, as mentioned star power isn't what it was and we had guys who had World Title reigns that to be honest either sucked or didn't deserve it.

If it is reintroduced, then I wouldn't be for having two world champions, have the US Title/IC Title as the main on Smackdown.
The last time the brands split was when I quit watching for a while. I don't like getting half the show for my money.
The brand split was a mistake and should never happen again. Besides, can't we just pretend that NXT is one brand and WWE is the other?

If they did do a brand split I don't see how they could make it work. RAW ratings are bad enough but they would have to take viewer draws OFF of RAW to make smackdown worth watching, and that would just be a disaster.

What they should do instead is bring NXT to the forefront and have Regal come on RAW and demand a major superstar from RAW, and start up a couple drafts every year, one after mania and one after summerslam so some NXT talents can move to TV and some stagnant WWE guys can go back down and probably have the best work of their careers in NXT.

Smackdown is more or less Heat or Velocity status except they actually mention it on RAW and try to get you to tune in, but people don't care because anything that happened on smackdown will obviously be mentioned and shown during a stupidly long 3 hour RAW.

tl;dr WWE and NXT should be the brands because they are already split.
Everyone is saying the brand split wont work for whatever reasons you have, and most of the reasons are valid. My only thought of why it could possibly work, is it is something fresh. We haven't had a defined split of two brands in awhile now, and there is a possibility that it could be fresh and exciting. Key word POSSIBILITY
I hope to god it doesn't come back but if it did I wouldn't mind too much as long as the below happened:

1) The titles stayed as they were and they just allowed all champions (and challengers once a match was booked for PPV) appear on Raw and Smackdown.

2) Raw goes to 2 hours

3) Smackdown goes live every Thursday.

4) Have a third show every week (Main Event??) that is inter-promotional.

5) All PPV's have both Raw and Smackdown stars, no brand exclusive PPV's.
I hope to god it doesn't come back but if it did I wouldn't mind too much as long as the below happened:

1) The titles stayed as they were and they just allowed all champions (and challengers once a match was booked for PPV) appear on Raw and Smackdown.

2) Raw goes to 2 hours

3) Smackdown goes live every Thursday.

4) Have a third show every week (Main Event??) that is inter-promotional.

5) All PPV's have both Raw and Smackdown stars, no brand exclusive PPV's.

I have changed my mind on the 1st point:

Champions For Both Shows
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Tag Team Championship
Divas Championship

Intercontinental Championship
Hardcore Championship

United States Championship
Cruiserweight Championship

And when a challenger for the WWE World title is granted a match at the next PPV, they too are allowed on both shows. Thinking treat the WWE more like the NBA/NFL/MLB/NHL, where there are two conferences but they come together for the championship at the end of the season, in this case the WWE World title being the focal point. That would instantly make the WWE World title seem even more important IMO.

no brand exclusive PPV's.
I always felt that this was the best thing about the brand split. It allowed feuds and stories develop slower and they seemed to mean more. As much as i hated the brand split, some of my favorite stories and feuds came around this time.
Monday Night Raw: Exclusively ran by Shane McMahon with Vince McMahon as his adviser. Shane calls all the shots and his evil father backs his every move, proud to pass his business on to his only son.

Thursday Night Smackdown: Ran by COO Triple H and wife Stephanie McMahon. After losing control of Raw, Triple H and Stephanie are determined to make Smackdown the top WWE show.

WWE Champion: Title defenses are negotiated by Shane and Triple H, meaning the champion may defend against a Raw or Smackdown roster member. Non-title matches and promo segments for the WWE Champion may appear on either Raw or Smackdown. The WWE champion is subject to challengers from either roster.

WWE Tag Team Champions: Champions may defend their championship on either brand. Typically title defenses and non title matches will occur on the show that the current champions are roster members of, with members of that roster. If a team on the other brand wants a title shot, the authority figure of the brand will negotiate a title defense on their show.

Raw's Exclusive Championships: United States Championship, Divas Championship (big personalities/strong promo skills)
Smackdown's Exclusive Championships: Intercontinental Championship, WWE Women's Championship (ring technicians/athletic)


Adam Rose
Alberto Del Rio
Alex Riley
Big E
Big Show
Braun Strowman
Bray Wyatt
Bubba Ray Dudley
Dean Ambrose
D-Von Dudley
Erick Rowan
Heath Slater
John Cena
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Luke Harper
The Miz
Randy Orton
The Rock
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Tyler Breeze
The Undertaker
Xavier Woods
Zack Ryder
Alicia Fox
Brie Bella
Eva Marie
Nikki Bella
Rosa Mendes

AJ Styles
Bo Dallas
Brock Lesnar
Chris Jericho
Curtis Axel
Damien Sandow
Darren Young
Dolph Ziggler
El Torito
Jack Swagger
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
King Wade Barrett
Sin Cara
Titus O'Neil
Triple H
Tyson Kidd
Becky Lynch
Sasha Banks
Here’s my list of how I would like to divide the roster up for the WWE Brand Extension in today’s WWE. In order for this to work, Raw has to drop back down to 2 hours, to make it seem like a “level playing field”. I left out the part timers (Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Shane McMahon, Sting, Triple H, and the Undertaker), but I also added some NXT SuperStars that I feel should be on the Red or Blue shows.

Raw – live on Monday, exclusive home of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title
Alberto Del Rio
Big E
Big Show
Bubba Ray Dudley
Chris Jericho
Curtis Axel
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Jack Swagger
John Cena
Kevin Owens
King Barrett
Kofi Kingston
Luke Harper
Mark Henry
The Miz
Randy Orton
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Zack Ryder
Alicia Fox
Brie Bella
Nikki Bella
Sasha Banks

Smackdown – live on Tuesday, exclusive home of the WWE World Tag Team Championship Titles
Adam Rose
AJ Styles
Alex Riley
Austin Aries
Bo Dallas
Braun Strowman
Bray Wyatt
D-Von Dudley
Damien Sandow
Darren Young
El Torito
Erick Rowan
Finn Bálor
Heath Slater
Hideo Itami
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Sami Zayn
Samoa Joe
Sin Cara
Titus O'Neil
Tyler Breeze
Tyson Kidd
Xavier Woods
Becky Lynch
Rosa Mendes
Summer Rae

The Intercontinental Championship Title, the United States Championship Title, and the Divas Championship Title can appear and be defended on both shows. These 3 Championship Titles can be used to transition a SuperStar from Smackdown to Raw.

Since King Wade Bad News Barrett and Brie Mode Bella have announced their intentions to leave WWE in a few months, each roster would then have 37 SuperStars (30 male and 7 female).

GM - Shane McMahon

Brock Lesnar - WWE Champion
Randy Orton
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
AJ Styles - IC Champion
Kevin Owens
Bray Wyatt
Finn Balor
Karl Anderson
Doc Gallows
Luke Harper
Eric Rowant
Braun Strowman
The Dudleys - WWE Tag Team Champions
The Uso's
Prime Time players
Enzo Amore & Big Cass
The Miz
Heath Slater


GM - Daniel Bryan

Roman Reigns - World Champion
John Cena
Alberto Del Rio
Kalisto - US Champion
Big Show
Dolph Ziggler
Samoa Joe
New Day - World Tag Team Champions
Lucha Dragons
R Truth & Goldust
Jack Swagger
Curtis Axel

Both shows will be 2 hours long and share PPV's. Part times will also be shared between brands, so the likes of HHH, Chris Jericho, Sting and The Undertaker will be used where most needed. Those not featured on the list, would either be released or sent down to NXT.

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