Fantasy: Could Bray Wyatt be the one to take on Sting?

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a

Hello everybody! I've been paying attention to Bray Wyatt's interviews lately (as most of you I believe) and it's almost a certainty that we have a wrestler that will last and be successful. We all know it's an original idea for the mainstream world of sports entertainment and, even better when the talent plays it's part to a pulp.

He said and I actually agreed that he will be "WWE World Hvt. Champion" more than once, and of course he will. Almost two and a half years as this lunatic character, he's been a big focus of the booking team and one of the most entertaining guys overall and the crowd reactions say it all. Now with the imminent signing of Sting and his desire of having at least a small run in WWE, who else could really benefit with a rivalry with "The Icon"? Most of the times people compare Bray Wyatt to The Undertaker, mostly because of how over the top their characters are, but Sting has got to be in the same category, so a feud could be a show stealing one.

IF** Sting does indeed sign with the company, would you like to see those two go at it? If the answer is yes, try to be more specific with the where and when and for how long. If the answer is no, give us your reasons.

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I'm a Bray fan, but he absolutely should not be the guy. Sting is a bona fide industry legend, an icon who will have his first ever WWE match at WrestleMania 31 to bookend a shining 30-year career. Bray Wyatt has been on the main roster for a mere year this month. Something of the magnitude of Sting's debut deserves more.

Obviously Undertaker is first choice. If he can't go, then The Rock or Triple H would be fitting replacements. In a dream scenario, Shawn Michaels or Steve Austin could be coaxed out of retirement to face the Stinger. Yeah, we got Stunning Steve against surfer Sting a few times in WCW, but Crow Sting vs. Stone Cold would be something. I don't subscribe to the idea that Sting should work with someone new. This is too big, too earth-shattering, and a newbie can't hold up his end of it.
Wrong... This is not going to be earth shattering, the streak ending wasn't... so whatever Sting does can't top that...

Taker has always been the obvious BUT it's clear that he CAN'T go... and to try would diminish him... It's one thing losing to the one legit guy who could take anyone on the roster apart and have to retire from those injuries... real or imagined... but to then carry on when he knows he can't would ruin it all... It would piss the 21 wins away in a night...

Sting is kind of in the same boat... What's the point of having a match if he can't do it at full speed or if not make a major benefit... not for himself... his career is over after one or two matches either way... Bray does make sense but Rock is the more logical opponent for Bray... there are spots possible with those two that would blow the roof off any venue like a People's Elbow attempt to see the "Spiderwalk".

If you're not going to put Sting with Taker, then logic says put him with Bray cos he's "equally dark" but to all intents Bray is now a face...

IF you're going to use Sting... my pick... Dean Ambrose.

Remember how he started a feud with Mick Foley via Twitter, before he even debuted? That can happen again... I get that Ambrose is a face right now but I think once he gets "payback" on Rollins then it's open season... He's the perfect guy to have an issue with a 52 year old coming in and "stealing his time", there are shades of "dark" Sting in Ambrose and they can even pitch it that he is the "next Sting" he doesn't need facepaint but he could wear it... hell he's physically close enough to pull the doppelganger angle... Remember NWO Sting? Ambrose could do something similar to goad Sting into finally showing up... Also Ambrose is a style close enough to Sting of today to make an interesting match, not quite an out and out brawl, but one that would showcase what Dean does well and let Sting get the spots in and look good doing them... From the Jake moment a few months back we also know Dean is totally down for getting his ass kicked by a legend... he was smiling while the snake was on him...

Bray is great... but not for Sting... if he gets to fight a legend it should be Rock... that's their best hope at recreating Hogan v Rock... which at this point is the only reason Rock should be on a show in a match...
IF Sting ultimately winds up wrestling in WWE, if he undergoes all the medical tests and is cleared to compete, I think facing off against Wyatt would be an excellent way to use him. Wyatt could benefit immensely in a feud against Sting if he ultimately was the one who went over. Otherwise, it'd be disastrous because Sting's damn near 29 years older than Wyatt and it just flat out looks bad if you're portrayed as being unable to defeat someone that's nearly 3 decades older than you are. There's just simply no positive way to spin it.

Personally, now that the streak is no longer in tact and, reportedly, Taker himself has stated that it's not looking good as far as a return to WrestleMania XXXI, I'm not all that interested in a bout between Sting and Taker. Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't blame WWE for going in that direction whatsoever because, let's face it, Taker vs. Sting would be a huge draw just on the novelty of seeing possibly the two most respected veterans in pro wrestling wrestle each other for the first time. The match itself, however, I'm thinking would leave quite a bit to be desired. Sting has definitely lost several steps compared to a few years ago. The last times he's wrestled has been in a t-shirt as, all things considered, he's in great shape but it's got to be nearly impossible for him to maintain muscle tone at 55 years old. He'd have to probably load up with any number of steroids or HGH derivatives. As for Taker, he has never looked more physically drained than he did at WrestleMania XXX, nothing else comes remotely close as it was the first time he undeniably seemed "old" in my eyes.
It would be a hell of a moment if The Wyatt's were in the ring and the light's went out again only for Sting to appear behind them.
Bray Wyatt would be a good choice. I like TDFG's idea too.

Unfortunately Sting will end up facing Triple H. Period. Triple H gets himself over by wrestling whoever is the most over guy at the time. When Punk, Bryan, and Lesnar were the talk of the wrestling world, Triple H booked himself against them. The same will happen when Sting arrives. Triple H will make sure he's first in line to face Sting and it will be built up as though that's the match we've all been wanting to see for 20 years.

Storyline wise, Triple H will take credit for Sting signing a WWE contract after so many years of refusing. Triple H will chalk the signing up to his superior management skills and how he, better than anyone else, knows what's best for business and how to get the deal done. They'll shake hands and then Sting will hit the scorpion death drop setting up the feud. I can see a stipulation being added to the match that would see Sting become the RAW GM if he defeates Triple H so that he can keep Triple H's power in check. Hopefully this inevitable feud can be done in the fall instead of the road to Mania so it's out of the way in time for Sting to face Undertaker at Mania which is the real dream match fans have wanted to see.

Sting vs Taker is the only feud that makes sense. But WWE/F has a history of going against popular opinion when it comes to bringing these dream matches to reality. Flair vs Hogan at WM8 and Austin vs Hogan at WM18 were matches fans had longed to see for years and seemed like the most logical and popular choice at the time yet WWE went in a different direction on both occasions. So I could easily see Sting vs Triple H at Wrestlemania if Undertaker really is retired.
Sting is 50 years old, give or take. And Bray Wyatt wrestles a very physical style. He throws people around, jumps on them with that Senton Splash. And his running Crossbody is devastating. I'm not sure if Sting's body could take that kind of punishment.

I'd lean more towards a Seth Rollins or a Daniel Bryan. Someone who uses kicks and mat wrestling, so that Sting doesn't have to take any hard bumps. Better yet, Dean Ambrose, who's all about brawling.

And in terms of fantasy booking, I don't think it would work that well. Both the Sting character and the Bray Wyatt character are people who use psychological warfare. Mind games, stalking and so on. And both characters have been portrayed as being immune to mind games. So if neither one would be intimidated by the other, what's the point in the feud?

Imagine Sting stalking Bray from the rafters. Either Bray Wyatt laughs it off, as he tends to do, and it makes Sting look silly. Or Bray acts scared, which ruins the character, who's supposed to be psychotically fearless.

It's kind of the same problem with Undertaker. It's more fun when he's freaking out a down to earth opponent.
Wrong... This is not going to be earth shattering, the streak ending wasn't... so whatever Sting does can't top that...

Taker has always been the obvious BUT it's clear that he CAN'T go

It's not wrong, it's opinion. The Streak ending was earth-shattering in my eyes, and Sting's debut will create similar buzz.

And I believe the Undertaker very much CAN go. He had a sterling contest with CM Punk just over a year ago, and worked two strong matches after that on TV. The man suffered a traumatic brain injury during his bout with Lesnar, so it's a miracle he even finished it and managed to walk to the back. Also, he was booked into a "slugfest" with another massive guy, which would inevitably have given the impression of some mobility loss to fans with the Punk and Michaels encounters freshly etched in their minds.
Obviously it is a possibility that Bray Wyatt could be a potential opponent for Sting, but it depends upon a number of factors. First and foremost, of course, it all depends on if Sting has any interest in wrestling anyone in a WWE ring, or if WWE has any interest in having him compete. It's quite possible that he is there only to hype that game, prepare for an induction into the Hall of Fame, and possibly appear in a non wrestling capacity only, whether it be in ring or backstage.

Assuming the plan is for him to compete, it all depends upon when he signs and for how long. If he only plans on wrestling in one match, and that proposed match is at WM31, there's no way in hell it is against Bray Wyatt. If that's the scenario, his opponent will clearly be a more legendary opponent, such as Undertaker, Triple H, John Cena, or CM Punk.

If he signs more recently, and has a warm up match or two before appearing on the grandest stage of them all, there's no doubt Bray Wyatt could be an opponent, someone who he would beat, but Sting could make him look like gold in the process. Or if he plans on fighting Taker at WM31, and sticking around beyond that, again, Wyatt would be a great choice of opponent.

Personally, I still think the best opponent for him would be the Undertaker, even though the streak is over. Sure both guys are older and beyond their physical primes, but there's no way these guys couldn't pull off an excellent match which would be more about the spectacle than it would be about the quality of the in ring action. People talk about Sting like he's a decrepit old man which is a gross over exaggeration. Obviously, he's not going to sign on and wrestle every week on RAW, traveling all over the world in the process, but he can definitely come in and pull off a more than plausible match against a dream opponent. Likewise, no one is going to ever convince me that the Undertaker was so decimated by his defeat at the hands of Lesnar that he cannot compete 12 months later. I don't care what current reports of Taker's physical status say, WM31 is still 8 or 9 months away, and he can definitely get his act together well enough by then to face off against another legend.

So yes, Bray Wyatt could potentially be an opponent for Sting, but it will all come down to logistics and timing, with the Undertaker being the ultimate goal. But Wyatt could definitely be a plausible warm up act, or a nice follow up opponent.
Sting should have a match. At least one match. That match should be against the Undertaker. Once Sting took on The Crow gimmick, he became WCW's version of the Undertaker. These guys were parallels back in the day. Promotion's top guys, dark characters, champions, huge draws, and future legends. Besides their respective ages, I don't think anyone can honestly say they wouldn't book this match at an event like Wrestlemania. I love the idea of Bray Wyatt vs Sting, but Undertaker vs Sting HAS to happen first to gauge whether or not Sting can still go in the ring. That nostalgia dream match is what everyone (at least outside of the 10% vocal minority that is the IWC) wants to see.

If Sting vs Bray Wyatt happens, I don't think Sting even needs to put over Bray. Being one of the few opponents Sting would face in what would be his WWE run will give enough of a rub to Bray. It's like working with the Undertaker. You don't have to win against him, you just need to be in the same ring with him telling a story. CM Punk got a huge rub from working with 'Taker. Bray would get that same treatment working with Sting.
Here us the issue: what's the point? Everyone wants to make it a good vs evil and Wyatt is supposed to be the big baddie in wwe today but given his track record, why would anyone take it seriously? All Sting would need to do is sit out until the ppv match and then beat Wyatt there. Wyatt will probably have some interaction with Sting but Wyatt shouldn't have any angle with Sting.

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