Fantasy Booking WrestleMania 32!!!

That N Word

Actively evolving
I will explain the reasons & story behind every match at a later post, including Cena vs Taker. Yeah, I too believe that it could be more personal, however I wanted both men as faces which means that I didn't want them crossing the lines.

As for Sting vs Orton, I think a loser retires is a good scenario, but given the fact that I want Sting to win at Wrestlemania before facing The Undertaker, I can't have him Orton retire. A winner gets the HOF sound way too predictable as there's no way Orton was going to get the Hall of Fame, but it makes sense as a storyline.

Yeah go ahead, there's no problem by me if you start a different thread building up your own storylines for Mania. Creativity should always be welcomed. :D

EDIT: I forgot to thank you for your comments. So thanks a lot.
I think we are in for a swerve. What I think will happen is Triple H will screw Reigns out of the title at TLC and then tell him if he wants a shot at the title again he will have to earn a spot in the Rumble by beating every member of the L.O.N. in singles matches on Raw (besides Sheamus of course.) He defeats them all and then Triple H comes out and tells him theres one more person he has to face one more person at Royal Rumble and tells him "that man!" At RR, Reigns wins and Triple H will make him #1. Reigns will "overcome the odds" again winning the Royal Rumble. Meanwhile Cena will come fight Sheamus for the WWE WHC at RR and win. Kevin Owens will cost Brock Lesnar the RR after being eliminated by him. Undertaker will return the night after and Sting will return immediately after (ala Triple H/Taker in 2011.) Bray Wyatt and The Family will then turn face and set they're sights on taking down the evil Authority. Jericho will return at RR and be eliminated by Ambrose before returning to eliminate him turning heel.

I see it coming now. All these "reports" are meant to swerve us. I'm about to do my version of the thread started by kpgreece.
At Mania it will be
Reigns vs. Cena (c)-WWE WHC
Taker vs. Sting
Lesnar vs. Owens
Wyatt vs. Triple H-Triple H control on the line
Harper/Rowan/Strowman vs. Sheamus/Rusev/Barrett
Paige vs. Charlotte vs. Becky vs. Sasha -Divas Title
Tag Title TLC 4 Way (including Hardy Boys,Dudley Boys,Uso's, Lucha Dragons (or New Day) )
Ambrose (c) vs. Jericho- IC Title
Del Rio(c) vs. Bryan (or Cesaro)- US Title
ATGMBR III (featuring New Day (or Lucha Dragons) ,Ryback,Show,Kane,Henry,Neville,Mid,Stardust,Goldu st,etc.)


The Build:
Reigns out of the title at TLC and then tell him if he wants a shot at the title again he will have to earn a spot in the Rumble by beating every member of the L.O.N. in singles matches on Raw (besides Sheamus of course.) He defeats them all and then Triple H comes out and tells him theres one more person he has to face one more person at Royal Rumble and tells him "that man!" At RR, Reigns defeats Triple H and Triple H will make him #1. Reigns will "overcome the odds" again winning the Royal Rumble and even breaking his elimination record he set in 2014. Meanwhile Cena will come fight Sheamus for the WWE WHC at RR and win the title. After Reigns win, Cena will come out to congratulate him and raises his hand up which would lead to the crowd booing both men. Roman would then spear Cena which would likely lead to a huge pop from the crowd.

The hext night on Raw,Cena will call out Reigns for that and tells him last night Reigns made a statement. But tonight I make a statement and that is the future has to go through me and if Reigns wants to be the man he will be no different. Reigns will come out saying that he went through Cena last night and he will do it again at WrestleMania. Cena mentions how Reigns cousins Rock,Umaga and, Rikishi took him lightly and he end up beating them. It gets heated as Reigns tell Cena if he disrespects his family again we can get it on tonight right here in [insert city here] , he tells Cena he see's that look in his eye. He said he see's fear and that deep down inside Cena knows his time is up and that his time is now. Cena has the face below at that moment.

He says Cena didn't only take time off to film American Grit. He also left because he couldn't escape the harsh reality. He says and at WrestleMania, The Roman Empire is gonna kick the Cenation's ass and he could believe that and drops the mic. He gets in Cena's face and they have a staredown. Cena slaps Reigns in the face who goes to attack him but Cena quickly slides out of the ring and walks away with his championship.

At Fastlane, the two will team up to face Undertaker and Sting in a elimination match. The winning team's match will headlines WrestleMania. During that match, Taker and Sting are dominating Reigns and Cena doesn't look interested in getting the tag. Reigns would then set up Sting for a spear. Cena would tag his self in only to get Scorpion Death Drop and pinned by Sting. Reigns would Spear Sting and pin him. Its down to Taker and Reigns. The two go to war but ultimately Taker would fall to the spear and the 1-2-3!!!

After the match, Taker would congratulate Reigns and leave. Cena would out of nowhere AA Reigns and yell the future has to go through me.

Throughout the build we will see a darker Cena and a more badass Reigns. Cena would be kind of losing his confidence to hang in there with the younger talent anymore. Where as Reigns doesn't want to disappoint his family and once his big moment.

The night after Fastlane, Cena will tell his story on his rise to the top and talk about how he wanted to be a bodybuilder before being a pro wrestler that's the truth. He tells the fans he loves them and he loves this. He says but at WrestleMania I can't fight for y'all this is something I have to do this for me.

Reigns would come on and congratulate Cena on a hell of a career. He tells Cena that while he was dreaming of becoming a pro bodybuilder, I wanted to do two things football and wrestling. He says he did football and now he's living his dream of being a professional wrestler. He tells Cena that people don't like you because they're tired of you and the phony story of you wanting to do this since you was a kid. He says its a slap in the face to guys like Edge,Shawn Michaels,Daniel Bryan,Dean Ambrose, Ric Flair,Seth Rollins, The Uso's, and his self. He says at WrestleMania the lie stops and so does your time. Cena says why don't come in the ring and say that and begins to take off his shirt. Reigns begin to walk down the ramp and they is stopped by refs. Cena begins to get out of the ring and is stopped by refs as well and both are backed into barricades. They fight the refs off and Reigns spears Cena through the barricade.

The last Raw before WrestleMania, Cena and Reigns same ring same time. Reigns tells Cena he respects him and calls him a legend. He says he has been watching Cena since he was still a kid in high school. He says but if you think your gonna win at Sunday your in for more disappointment. He tells him because after WrestleMania they're not gonna remember you as a 16x world champion. They're gonna remember you as Roman Reigns' bitch. Cena says its funny you talk about disappointment. All I wanna know is how your gonna go home to your family for the second year in a role a disappointment to the great Anoai family tribe. Reigns the attacks Cena and the brawl is on. Security begins to break it up as Cena comes running back and they are separated again and Reigns is screaming I will see you Sunday.

Match: It would be the main event with both men getting special entrances. No salute from Cena tonight. They put on a epic 35 minute main event full of false finishes,epic counters,and nice spots. At the end, both of them are trading blows and Cena gets the upper hand in that exchange and hits a AA and goes for the cover 1..2.and NO!!! The fans are chanting this is awesome and Cena goes for another AA but Reigns jumps down and goes for the spear but Cena dodges it and Reigns accidentally spears the ref which would likely lead to Holy Shit! Chants. Cena AA's Reigns again after and goes out of the ring. Cena then goes for the cover before realizing the ref is down. He gets out of the ring and looks at the ring apron before smirking and the fans goes nuts and he grabs a chair from under the ring. He then would hold the chair up ready to swing it at Reigns before shaking his head no, looking at his wristbands and sitting the chair down. The fans began to boo him and he snaps and picks the chair up and demolishes Reigns with it. He goes for another AA and.

Option 1.) Reigns kicks out and eventually Spears him for the win. Reigns celebrate with pyro and confetti. This would be Cena's last match for a while until he returns for his rematch at SummerSlam.

Option 2.) He hits it and 1..2..3!!! Cena wins for the biggest swerve in history. After his celebration, Reigns leaves in disappointment (ala Cena at WrestleMania 28.) Reigns would be gone for until the Summer. Disappearing from the disappointment before beating Cena in the rematch at Summerslam.


The Build:
Triple H screws Reigns out of the title at TLC and then tell him if he wants a shot at the title again he will have to earn a spot in the Rumble by beating every member of the L.O.N. in singles matches on Raw (besides Sheamus of course.) He defeats them all and then Triple H comes out and tells him theres one more person he has to face one more person at Royal Rumble and tells him "that man!" At RR, Reigns defeats Triple H and Triple H will make him #1. Reigns will "overcome the odds" again winning the Royal Rumble and even breaking his elimination record he set in 2014. Meanwhile Cena will come fight Sheamus for the WWE WHC at RR and win the title. After Reigns win, Cena will come out to congratulate him and raises his hand up which would lead to the crowd booing both men. Roman would then spear Cena which would likely lead to a huge pop from the crowd.

The next night on Raw,Cena will call out Reigns for that and tells him last night Reigns made a statement. But tonight I make a statement and that is the future has to go through me and if Reigns wants to be the man he will be no different. Reigns will come out saying that he went through Cena last night and he will do it again at WrestleMania. Cena mentions how Reigns cousins Rock,Umaga and, Rikishi took him lightly and he end up beating them. It gets heated as Reigns tell Cena if he disrespects his family again we can get it on tonight right here in [insert city here] , he tells Cena he see's that look in his eye. He said he see's fear and that deep down inside Cena knows his time is up and that his time is now. Cena has the face below at that moment.

He says Cena didn't only take time off to film American Grit. He also left because he couldn't escape the harsh reality. He says and at WrestleMania, The Roman Empire is gonna kick the Cenation's ass and he could believe that and drops the mic. He gets in Cena's face and they have a staredown. Cena slaps Reigns in the face who goes to attack him but Cena quickly slides out of the ring and walks away with his championship.

At Fastlane, the two will team up to face Undertaker and Sting in a elimination match. The winning team's match will headlines WrestleMania. During that match, Taker and Sting are dominating Reigns and Cena doesn't look interested in getting the tag. Reigns would then set up Sting for a spear. Cena would tag his self in only to get Scorpion Death Drop and pinned by Sting. Reigns would Spear Sting and pin him. Its down to Taker and Reigns. The two go to war but ultimately Taker would fall to the spear and the 1-2-3!!!

After the match, Taker would congratulate Reigns and leave. Cena would out of nowhere AA Reigns and yell the future has to go through me.

Throughout the build we will see a darker Cena and a more badass Reigns. Cena would be kind of losing his confidence to hang in there with the younger talent anymore. Where as Reigns doesn't want to disappoint his family and wants his big moment.

The night after Fastlane, Cena will tell his story on his rise to the top and talk about how he wanted to be a bodybuilder before being a pro wrestler that's the truth. He tells the fans he loves them and he loves this. He says but at WrestleMania I can't fight for y'all this is something I have to do this for me.

Reigns would come on and congratulate Cena on a hell of a career. He tells Cena that while he was dreaming of becoming a pro bodybuilder, I wanted to do two things football and wrestling. He says he did football and now he's living his dream of being a professional wrestler. He tells Cena that people don't like you because they're tired of you and the phony story of you wanting to do this since you was a kid. He says its a slap in the face to guys like Edge,Shawn Michaels,Daniel Bryan,Dean Ambrose, Ric Flair,Seth Rollins, The Uso's, and his self. He says at WrestleMania the lie stops and so does your time. Cena says why don't come in the ring and say that and begins to take off his shirt. Reigns begin to walk down the ramp and they is stopped by refs. Cena begins to get out of the ring and is stopped by refs as well and both are backed into barricades. They fight the refs off and Reigns spears Cena through the barricade.

The last Raw before WrestleMania, Cena and Reigns same ring same time. Reigns tells Cena he respects him and calls him a legend. He says he has been watching Cena since he was still a kid in high school. He says but if you think your gonna win at Sunday your in for more disappointment. He tells him because after WrestleMania they're not gonna remember you as a 16x world champion. They're gonna remember you as Roman Reigns' bitch. Cena says its funny you talk about disappointment. All I wanna know is how your gonna go home to your family for the second year in a role a disappointment to the great Anoai family tribe. Reigns the attacks Cena and the brawl is on. Security begins to break it up as Cena comes running back and they are separated again and Reigns is screaming I will see you Sunday.

Match: It would be the main event with both men getting special entrances. No salute from Cena tonight. They put on a epic 35 minute main event full of false finishes,epic counters,and nice spots. At the end, both of them are trading blows and Cena gets the upper hand in that exchange and hits a AA and goes for the cover 1..2.and NO!!! The fans are chanting this is awesome and Cena goes for another AA but Reigns jumps down and goes for the spear but Cena dodges it and Reigns accidentally spears the ref which would likely lead to Holy Shit! Chants. Cena AA's Reigns again after and goes out of the ring. Cena then goes for the cover before realizing the ref is down. He gets out of the ring and looks at the ring apron before smirking and the fans goes nuts and he grabs a chair from under the ring. He then would hold the chair up ready to swing it at Reigns before shaking his head no, looking at his wristbands and sitting the chair down. The fans began to boo him and he snaps and picks the chair up and demolishes Reigns with it. He goes for another AA and.

Option 1.) Reigns kicks out and eventually Spears him for the win. Reigns celebrate with pyro and confetti. This would be Cena's last match for a while until he returns for his rematch at SummerSlam.

Option 2.) He hits it and 1..2..3!!! Cena wins for the biggest swerve in history. After his celebration, Reigns leaves in disappointment (ala Cena at WrestleMania 28.) Reigns would be gone for until the Summer. Disappearing from the disappointment before beating Cena in the rematch at Summerslam.

Corrected error
Sting vs. The Undertaker:

The Build:At Royal Rumble, Taker makes a surprise return at #29 and Sting makes a surprise return at #30 leading to a huge "this is awesome" chant. The two begin to go at it trading punches and does some spot where they are fighting by the ropes and eliminates each other in the process.

The next night on Raw, Taker's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring only to be immediately interrupted by Sting who stands on the ramp. The two have a long staredown and Sting then points his baseball bat at the WrestleMania. After moments of anticipation, Taker does his throat slash.

The next week, Sting would do one of those video packages with that weird voice talking about how him and Taker are the last outlaws from they're era and at WrestleMania will be the last ride for one. He say's he needs the win over Taker to cement his legacy in the WWE and to prove he can win the big one.

The next week, Mr.McMahon (who has taken control of WWE because of the Wyatt/Triple H storyline) would come out and say that at Fastlane we will decide what match headlines WrestleMania Cena/Reigns or Taker/Sting because opponents will be partners with the winning team's match closing the show. Both teams come out and are face to face and Taker throat slashes Cena and Reigns leading to a brawl. Taker would have Cena in the corner attacking him and out of nowhere Sting hits the SDD on Taker and walks away up the ramp. Cena and Reigns look on shocked. Out of nowhere Reigns spears Cena and stands tall to end the show.

Sting/Taker would lose the match and that's where the feud would pick up.

The Raw after, WWE would announce Sting will face Kane. In that match, Sting would have Kane set up in a SDD and (GONG) the lights goes back on. When they come back on Taker chokeslams Sting. (GONG) The lights come back on and Kane goes for the cover and 1-2...Sting kicks out. Sting then sits up like Taker and then finishes Kane off with a Tombstone Piledriver mocking Taker for the pin and win. He leaves the ring to his music and walks down the ramp doing Taker's Last Ride Pose with the bat.

In the main event of that Raw, Undertaker would have a match with John Cena. In that match Taker is dominating and hits a chokeslam. (Crow scare) Lights goes out and when they come back on it's a fake Sting on the apron and Taker takes a swing at the imposter and (Crow scare) lights goes off again. When they come back on the real Sting is standing on the announce table and Cena rolls Taker up for the win. Immediately after (Crow scare) lights goes out again and when they come back on Sting is gone and a video on the tron shows Sting in that weird voice again saying at WrestleMania, The Undertaker would Rest..In...Peace!!!

On Smackdown, Taker would cut a promo on Sting and you can have Hulk Hogan (or Ric Flair) come out and tell The Undertaker not to take Sting lightly. Undertaker would grab Hulks neck and lights out and when they come back on Hogan is gone and Sting and Taker are face to face. Taker goes to tombstone him and Sting jumps down and does a SDD on him.

The next week on Raw. Taker and Sting have a face-to-face confrontation. The last weeks before WrestleMania the stipulation is added the loser must retire.

Match: The match goes on before Reigns/Cena and last for 20 minutes. In the match we see some awesome spots in this that will make this exceed expectations. We already seen in recent months that both man can still take extreme bumps so this could be a good one. The finish see's Taker counter a Scropion Death Drop into a Tombstone for the win. After the match, Taker shows Sting some respect and lets him have the ring. The crowd would chant "Thank You Sting!" Sting would bow one last time to the fans as his music plays and he takes his final walk down the ramp.

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