Fans you hate...

When I went to the TNA house show in January, there were plenty of guys around me booing when Hogan came out. The guy hadn't toured the UK in like 15 years or more and they'll probably never get a chance to see him wrestle again, I just thought it was a waste of strain on their vocal chords.
This guy

I hate the too smart to enjoy the show fans!! The guys chanting Albert and Goldberg!! Ticks me off!! Boo the guy! But dont mess with the character when its not bad!! Nobody chanting Mean Mark at the undertaker!! Christ on a bicycle it bugs me!!
jackasses that are too drunk to even enjoy the show and say ridiculous things like

"liiiiiiiiita will never be the WWF champion, becuz she is a lezzzzbian"
"hey ref, why don't you go have sex with yer mutherrrrrrr"
"hey Jeff Hardy, yer mutherrrr was a lezzzbian"

These are all direct quotes from two drunk jackasses that were sitting two rows behind me at a house show years ago. They had a constant theme of telling refs and wrestlers to have sex with their mothers, that THEY had sex with the refs/wrestlers mothers, and that they were all lesbians. Not just the divas, but the male wrestlers were apparently lesbians too.
Fans who try to start a chant for every single smarky thought that enters their minds during a live show.
Cenation™;3885340 said:
I hate all fans apart from John Cena fans because they know nothing about Wrestling.

I hate die-hard Cena fans. They're more thick than his muscles.
That kid who had a Great Khali sign on Raw a week or two ago. Now Vince will think we want to see more of him.
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LOL, Like we need to see more of Khali. I remember this chick had sign in the front row of Raw two weeks ago. Her sign said, "I came here to see Mark Henry." Who the fuck wants to see Mark Henry?

I know, who would want to see one of the most improved stars of the last year, geez, I wonder? :rolleyes:

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