Fan Ejected Because of LeBron Jersey

A few nights ago (I think), a fan arrived at the New York Yankees/Cleveland Indians in Progressive Field wearing a Miami Heat LeBron James jersey. While walking to his seat in the bleachers, he was constantly being harassed by fans and he proceeded to taunt them back. Police had to escort him out of the stadium as a fight/riot was clearly about to break out.

First off, are the fans of Cleveland sports overreacting? I feel that they are taking it way to hard and its making their city look really bad. Next, this guy was only wearing a jersey. Whats going to happen when LeBron actually returns? If this incident is a sign of things to come, I think something really bad is going to happen.

What do you think?
It's wrong. It's just wrong. I am one of the only people outside of Miami that still enjoy and respect LeBron James, and I believe Cleveland needs to get over it. Yeah, he grew up in/around you. Yeah, he brought you to the Finals. But he has to do what he has to do to get that ring, and TBH, he can't do that in Cleveland. I'm positive he will be inducted into the HOF for the Cavs, so you can brag about that when the time comes. But for now, get over it and enjoy the guys you've got.
I think Cleveland needs to get over it. But I also think the fan in the Miami LeBron jersey was looking for a fight or begging for attention. Why else would you wear that jersey to a game that LeBron isn't even playing in, hell it wasn't even a basketball game. So yes Cleveland fans are over reacting, but if that guy just wanted to go to the Yankees/Indians game and watch it without starting a riot he wouldn't have worn the jersey.
I was there when they started to hassle the guy. I felt really bad for him I mean people were hassling the person cause he was supporting his favorite player or he could been wearing it. Just to see the reaction he would get from wearing the thing.

I belive the people here should get over it because hating a guy for wearing his new jersey wont bring him back. I understand they feel betrayed the people but they just need to get over it.
This jackass needed to be escorted off the premises, for his own safety, and because he's a dumbass.

What people don't understand is he's going to a BASEBALL game in CLEVELAND, between the Yankees and the Indians. This game has nothing to do with Basketball, and nothing to do with LeBron James (even though the Yanks are his favorite team). The game didn't involve the Miami Heat, didn't involve the Marlins (Miami's MLB representative), and didn't involve LeBron James). Therefore, there is no way this fool didn't intentionally wear it just to taunt the Cleveland fans. I don't know of anyone who would wear a basketball jersey (especially one of a recently hated player) to a BASEBALL game.

His taunting apparel was met with disdain from Cleveland fans (as he HAD to expect). The Cleveland fans have a right to not like the player in question, since he left their franchise (in a very public way no less). They did what he had to expect them to do, which is to retaliate to his taunting apparel, and he escalated his taunting by making a spectacle of himself.

The police there, knowing that this situation could become violent, had to act quickly to ensure the safety of the fans in attendance. They knew that this jackass was the one who started everything (by wearing the jersey), and they also knew that they couldn't remove everyone who hated him, because then the stadium would be empty. So they did the only thing they could do to ensure the safety of everyone, and remove the jackass. End of story, I don't see why the Cleveland fans could be anywhere NEAR wrong in this case.
The idiot claims it was because of the jersey, but he was egging on the fans... and his idiot girlfriend started about 4 fights on the way like this. People like him shouldn't be allowed to go to events like that. He's a little jackass who wanted the publicity so he did this and then went on ESPN with ANOTHER HEAT JERSEY. I mean what does he think, that the Cleveland fans will take lightly to him wearing a LeBron Heat jersey... hell no.
I heard he was poppin his jersey and was creating the heat he was getting. In no way do I feel bad or think the fans of Cleveland were wrong. He's was an asshole who was trying to cause problems. There's no way in hell he didn't know that wearing a LeBron Heat jersey would cause problems. So the fact that he decided to walk out of his house wearing it and then try and show it off means he's fair game and deserved whatever he got for it.
Well, to be fair.. I don't think a lot of people understand the influence sports team can have on a city. The Saints brought so much joy to New Orleans. The Clippers will never been a big deal in LA because they don't win like the Lakers. Heck, in the 8 years I've lived in Arizona, it wasn't until the Cardinals did something with a damn a year and half ago that a lot people who have lived here all their life finally cared to watch a football game.

I've never been to Cleveland, so I ask: What is there in Cleveland to get excited by? If this is a city can will throw beer bottles at another team's players, they will fight another team's fans. lol
All I can say is this is just said the Cleveland fans need to get over that Lebron left get over it, people leave teams. It didn't seem he would get the the NBA championship on Cleveland, Miami Heat has Dwayne and Bosh he move there and Klablammo stacked team. I can't remember people getting this pissed over someone moving teams. Fighting over Basketball at at baseball game just enjoy the damn game.

But it was stupid of him to where that ot a Yankee/Indians game.
Did people in Cleveland overreact? Perhaps. However, the dude that wore the jersey brought it on himself by not only wearing that jersey, but acting like a ***** in the stands. Why would you pop your jersey if not to illicit a negative reaction from the crowd. He knew it was going to happen, could have taken that to the bank. Neither side has clean hands, the fans were ragging on him hard, but the dude knew it would happen for wearing that jersey. The only smart move to make was getting rid of him for his own safety. Cleveland fans should calm down, but the guy shouldn't have worn the jersey to a baseball game.
Cleveland really needs to get over it. People change teams all the time, you think I wasn't pissed when the Sixers traded Iverson? Of course I was, but I was more mad at the organization for not surrounding him with a better team than I was at Iverson. Sure, it may have been risky to wear a Lebron Heat jersey to a Cleveland sporting event, but that doesn't give you the right to harass someone over it. Cleveland is acting like Philly, and it needs to stop. They have every right to be angry at Lebron, but they should be more angry at the organization for not surrounding him with any stars.
Cleveland really needs to get over it. People change teams all the time, you think I wasn't pissed when the Sixers traded Iverson? Of course I was, but I was more mad at the organization for not surrounding him with a better team than I was at Iverson. Sure, it may have been risky to wear a Lebron Heat jersey to a Cleveland sporting event, but that doesn't give you the right to harass someone over it. Cleveland is acting like Philly, and it needs to stop. They have every right to be angry at Lebron, but they should be more angry at the organization for not surrounding him with any stars.

First off, you need to understand that for the majority of Cleveland fans, its not that LeBron left but rather the way he did. He humiliated them on national tv, and to say otherwise is a joke. Everyone keeps thinking tis anger is over the fact that he chose a different team. Not so.

And as far as this fan, he deserved everything he got. He went out and wore this jeresy to purposefully cause Cleveland fans to get worked up. The fact that he went around, poppin' his jersey, being a jerk, opened up himself to whatever he got. The fact that this was at a baseball game shows the intentions of this guy. Why should he get to act a fool and try to cause shit and Cleveland fans not respond? Again, you do stupid shit like that you're fair game.
Cleveland really needs to get over it. People change teams all the time,

This is true. But usually people don't hold a primetime television special to announce their decision. That is the main reason is he twirled Cleveland around his fingers like an asshole.

you think I wasn't pissed when the Sixers traded Iverson?

We don't care?

Of course I was, but I was more mad at the organization for not surrounding him with a better team than I was at Iverson.

So it was okay for a guy to act like a prissy little bitch because of coaching, but the organization is at fault for not surrounding him with a better team? Your priorities are a little mixed. Blame should be about 50/50.

Sure, it may have been risky to wear a Lebron Heat jersey to a Cleveland sporting event, but that doesn't give you the right to harass someone over it.

Bullshit it doesn't. Of course it does. I went to a White Sox game down in St. Pete when they played the Rays. I was getting heckled, albeit not as much, for wearing my Sox stuff. Anytime you enter an opposing teams stadium and you make it known you cheer for the other team, you let yourself open for getting heckled.

Cleveland is acting like Philly, and it needs to stop. They have every right to be angry at Lebron, but they should be more angry at the organization for not surrounding him with any stars.

The organization surrounded him with solid players, not "stars" but solid players in their own rights. They tried to get him more help. But the way he left was the biggest slap in the face to his hometown. That is why he is hated and despised. The team tried to keep him, were trying to bring in more quality players.

The guy was asking to get messed with at the game. Popping his jersey like he was hot shit, taunting the crowd. He knew what the fuck he was doing. I don't blame the crowd for giving him shit. They were doing anything a normal home base would do. It was only escalated due to him wearing that jersey. Fuck this "Cleveland needs to calm down" shit. People want to wear that stuff in Cleveland are just asking to get shat on. Is it right? Who cares, people know what they are doing.
I have a few thoughts on this situation:

1. The guy is a doucebag of the first degree.
2. The Indians have fans?
3. Cleveland is obviously very butthurt still.
4. I wish a fight would have broken out. Like a massive one that would put Auburn Hills to shame.
5. I bet LeBron drops 60 in Cleveland.

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