Family Guy vs American Dad

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Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer Family Guy over American Dad. Quite simply because I think that overall Family Guy has better characters which aren't the main characters, like Consuela (?), Herbert etc.

Also I think that The Griffins as a whole family unit are more interesting than the Smiths. Stewie is hard to beat as well and I just find Stan to be too much like my fiances Dad to enjoy it.
Family Guy is better than American Dad and there's simply no contest. American Dad has felt like a Family Guy ripoff from day one, and that feeling is still there even though I continue to give it a chance. If American Dad could get past that, it would be a better show.... although it would still be worse than Family Guy in terms of the random jokes being as funny.

Family Guy has all the manatee gags (thanks, South Park! lol) done perfectly, and they have many recurring characters that fans are beginning to like more with every appearance. Then there's all their classic parodies of old movies/books. I always look forward to seeing what Family Guy will make fun of next. Whereas with American Dad, watching it is something to do when you're bored.

Family Guy is the better show because it has made such a huge impact and should be around for years! American Dad probably won't. What has American Dad done that Family Guy hasn't? Nothing significant that I can think of.
Both shows have been pretty shitty lately. Family Guy usually comes up with enough random stuff to be funny though. American Dad just tries to be too over the top and I don't find it funny at all. I really don't think the Cleveland Show is that much to brag about either. I guess since Seth Macfarlane is the cash cow for Fox with Family Guy, he can pretty much put any crap on Sunday night and Fox will air it.
American dad is slowly growing on me. However both of each shows last seasons (American Dad Season 4 and Family Guy season 7) were pretty poor. That OJ episode was dire. Just awful. There was nothing special about American Dad's last season either. I suppose I'd have to pull for Family Guy because it's been generally better overall but I reserve judgment until the UK gets season 5 of American Dad and Season 8 of Family Guy.
I have to take family guy the reason why is because Im not entertained by american dad its just not funny i put it like this
1. family guy
2. cleveland show
3.american dad

until american dad becomes a little more original it will always be third
I fucking love American Dad, I love how it actually has a plot and doesn't rely on throwaway gags that have no bearing. There's so many hilariously random bits, plus the rapture episode is immense.

Brilliant, add to that things like the legend of the golden turd...just adds to it. Though the past season has been VERY inconsistent I usually prefer American Dad.
American Dad shits on Family Guy in my opinion. Earlier Family Guy was great but lately it has been terrible. I would rather watch the Cleveland Show rather than Family Guy.
Family Guy used to have me rofl every episode, and these days it's a miracle if i even chuckle during a single episode. They also keep relying on their old jokes a lot more lately, most of which were never funny.

Like Peter tripping and holding his knee and saying 'AAAhhhhh' over and over..... yeah that wasn't funny. It wasn't funny during the Chocolate Factory parody, it wasn't funny during the A-Team parody, and it wasn't funny when Lois tripped and hurt her breast either.

Or the two 30's entertainers with the piano. They lasted 6 or 7 seasons and were never actually funny from the first time they appeared. Stewie kills them in one episode stating that they won't be back (acknowledging that fans don't find them funny), and low and behold they've been used again since.

Consuela was funny when she was Superman's maid, but after that she's never been remotely amusing. Sorry, but quitely saying 'No, no, i clean' repeatedly does not amuse me.

Saying that though, American Dad has its flaws as well. It now seems as though every story has to revolve around Stan and Roger, and fuck everyone else. I'm also getting sick of Stan going to talk to someone, buy something or achieve something, and everytime he meets the guy it turns out to be Roger in disguise...... EVERY TIME!

Klaus, the German fish, is probably one of the best elements of that show, and if he gets more than 2 lines an episode now it's a fuckin miracle, and i have to say Hayley has become so irrelevant she may as well not even be there anymore.

When American Dad first came along, i thought it was just as good as Family Guy. Now i'd say Family Guy is the better of the two, but both have gotten worse in the long term. However, both are still miles superior to the Cleveland Show, so..........

And American Dad having Patrick Stewart is far better than Family Guy having Adam West.
If we were talking about Family Guy from 5 or 6 years ago, then I would easily pick Family Guy in a landslide, but for the past 2 years, Family Guy has been absolutely horrible. That show has become so bad. I don't even care to watch the more recent or new episodes on FOX anymore. The jokes on Family Guy have become so stale and corny, and the constant flashbacks just aren't funny anymore. FOX should push MacFarlane to create a show about Quagmire, and finish off Family Guy for good.

I'm not too crazy about American Dad, but I have begun watching this show more and more over the years. American Dad is a lot more funny than Family Guy now a days, and I find all the characters to be more interesting. When it comes to Family Guy, the only two characters who are funny to me are Meg and Quagmire.

So I'll have to go with American Dad.
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