Face/Heel Turns You Would Never Expect-WWE


Lord And Master
Staff member
What character in any WWE brand do you think would be too hard to believe or even be considered credible if it happened? There are many characters in this PG era that can make it hard to believe they can be bad/good. Which one to you think would be the most far off?

Mine would have to be a tie between Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston. Mysterio is too small and depends near completely on him high flying offence. Making him a heel would be damn near ridiculous.

Kingston on the other hand, his gimmick is basically about peace on love. His finisher is called "Trouble In Paradise" so it would be hard to believe that some day he would wake up on the wrong side of the hammock and decided to cheat to win. He's all about smiles and being happy, so I would find it hard to believe he would become a "delinquent" so to speak.
What character in any WWE brand do you think would be too hard to believe or even be considered credible if it happened? There are many characters in this PG era that can make it hard to believe they can be bad/good. Which one to you think would be the most far off?

Mine would have to be a tie between Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston. Mysterio is too small and depends near completely on him high flying offence. Making him a heel would be damn near ridiculous.

Kingston on the other hand, his gimmick is basically about peace on love. His finisher is called "Trouble In Paradise" so it would be hard to believe that some day he would wake up on the wrong side of the hammock and decided to cheat to win. He's all about smiles and being happy, so I would find it hard to believe he would become a "delinquent" so to speak.

The least likely for me would be kofi too.but then again he has a sorta street look to him so he could take that street rapper look that cena started minus the rapping.then he would be straight.
Well, I think that turning Randy Orton face would be unlikely. He would have to have an extensive and prolonged face turn to unravel the heel persona bit by bit, unless they used a stupid gimmick to cause a "personality change" (read Goldust being zapped into having Tourettes), or possibly having Orton as a mysterious character that does good while the unmasked Orton is slowly withdrawn from TV.

However, WWE has Orton in the "premier heel" position once held by HHH, HBK, and others that were able to capitalize on major pushes. Who know what will happen, though? Orton could be "injured" and when he comes back, he announces that he's a changed man, attacks Cody Rhoades and DiBiase, Jr before Legacy counterattacks and some face gives the turn some cred by making the save.
mysterio as a heel would be strange. I don't see him stopping all his high-flying moves though even if he went heel.

Evan Bourne, I would never expect that change. It'd be nice 2 see it against Rey, but i don't think Evan has the charisma 2 do so. His mic skills are whack as a face already.

Obvious choice would be Cena w/ the PG era and all. I just don't see Cena going heel anytime soon, so it's most def. something i'm not expecting.
I would have to say its a tie with The Miz, Cena, and Vickie Guerrero. Cause lets face it everyone hates the miz and they love to hate him cause hes an aarogant ass but the guy can put on a great match once and a while, Cena well that goes without saying its the PG era and Cena is "the face" of the PG WWE. BUt Vickie Guerrero....Who could ever see this girl being a face haha...Everytime she breaths on the mic i want to scream at my t.v in anger. And i am sure the rest of the WWE Universe is at home screaming with me.
I think the obvious pick would have to be Rey Mysterio. A few factors make this an almost impossibility.
First, he is obviously one of the biggest mershandise sellers and draws in the company today. Imagine how many fans and mershandise sales the wwe would lose if he were to turn.(Maybe not that many but you get my point.) Second, it is very rare to see a man of his size in the upper-mid card be a legitimate heel. In my eyes, the underdog that he is cannot be an effective heel. When there was a distinct cruiserweight division in the wwe, this was possible for a man like Mysterio (size wise) to be a heel like Jamie Noble or Tajiri.

Who knows, maybe Rey will get so fed up with people turning on him(the Guerrero family, Batista), maybe he will finally get a turn himself, but I doubt it.
Seeing Rey as a heel would be interesting, but I don't think he could pull it off. My picks on this one are a little different for some have done it in the past, but you're not expecting it now.

First, HBK turning on Hunter on the next PPV. This would be big for it would break up DX, shock everyone, and possibly pit them against each other at Wrestlemania. From their past matches, both can put on a hell of a show.

Second, Cena heel turn is a must. He could just all of a sudden have a "classic wrestling match" against a top face and then just snap. All of a sudden all of the things he stood for, he could say he was playing the crowd for fools (ala Hogan).

Third, Jericho face turn. I have to say that when he was face, he had classic mike skills. He also could start the HBK feud again. Maybe even go against Cena or Orton.

Finally forth, in the Diva's division; turn Mickey psycho again. Some of her best work was when she was evil. Not to mention that they are after her to lose weight and be a "good Diva" now. It would catch everyone off guard as well boost her image in the division again.
As a face i could never imagine Kozlov he just screams asshole, as for heel i could never see numbero uno Santino marella as a heel. He is just too charismatic and funny to be a jerk
I'm going to go a bit off the grid on this one... Mike Knox.

He's far from the most talented guy on the roster, but I don't see him as more than what he is right now - big, brutal, psycho. The closest I could see Knox turning face would be a Hugh Morris type gimmick where he is lovably insane. But I don't see the in ring charisma that Bill DeMott held.

Though a little too early to tell, I also think current ECW talent like Vladimir Kozlov and Tyler Reks would be very hard to flip without totally repackaging their characters.
The Undertaker. That man will get cheered for anything. He could take Cena, Triple H, HBK, and Stephanie McMahon, tombstone them all onto a burning American Flag, reveal to the crowd that Stephanie McMahon was pregnant as he proceeded to stomp her stomach, then bury them all alive and the Undertaker would still get cheered. There is no turning the Phenom. Seriously.

One person who is unturnable, I believe, is Randy Orton. Not because he's such a good heel he'll never get cheered, but because he's such a shitastic face. It'd just never work.
The biggest turn I did not expect was Mark Henry and Cryme Tyme. Cryme Tyme who was suppose to be a Heel Team by being a Sterotypical Black Thugs Robbing Your Momma, had moved the crowd on accident and switch over night. Similar to Stone Cold Steve Austin did against Bret Hart.

Mark Henry had played the Heel Role for So Long......... It was time, but I did not see it happening anytime soon. It was hell of a surprise.
It's tough to imagine Dolph Ziggler as a face. He could pull it off with substantial change, but his current theme song is incompatible with being a face.

But Mr. Perfect was a face at some point.
i would have to say for a face turning heel that i wouldn't expect would be kofi, cena, or the undertaker turning heel cuz they are almost the top babyfaces of the whole company and you could do almost anything and they would cheer, and for heel turning face would have to be Randy Orton cuz that dude gets booed no matter what he does i mean he could save a bunch of kittens and little children from a burning bus and people would still boo him on RAW
I got to go with Rey Mysterio. All the little kiddies love him more then Cena so for the WWE to turn him heel would be crazy as hell. He is such a money maker that it would be damn near unheard of for him to go heel. In his entire career in WWE I dont think he has been a heel at all at least to my knowledge. He comes of as a bigger goodie goodie then Cena also, because at least Cena has that mean streak he shows sometimes, we never really see that side of Rey. Rey going heel would shock the hell out of me. Dolph Ziggler going face would also surprise me immensly but not nearly as much as Rey as a heel.
i dont see how a DX break up would shock the audience. They've done it before and we had some great matches but doing it all again? Plus everyone that posts comments on this site has talked about how Triple H could turn heel or HBK and then they face off at Wrestlemania. The most shocking thing DX has done since they came back is their little comedy act.

A John cena heel turn would be shocking but i dont see it happening.

rey Mysterio i dont think will ever turn heel because hes an underdog, and how often do you see heel underdogs.

And Mickie James i dont think she can turn heel just yet since she is fueding with Michelle McCool but maybe in the future.

I think an Undertaker heel turn would be cool because I dont get why hes a face. hes a "zombie", i'd like to see a zombie come out of the ground and offer me a piece of cheesecake. I would think it shock everyone to see Undertaker turn heel.
People say that Orton is a bad face...excuse me, I'm no rocket scientist but Orton's shitty face turn was back YEARS ago. Tell you what, he wasn't that good as a bad guy when he first started, was he now?

I go the other way. I think Orton can be the TOP face in WWE. In order to REALLY love somebody, you gotta REALLY hate him first. It works the other way around as well.

People already love Orton. They love to hate him. Orton has charisma that a lot of people don't know about. When he was a face he was still mediocre. And you know how fast he improves. If you watch a promo that he did last month, and then watch his latest one you can see that he improved.

Same with Cena. People already hate the guy so...

But as far as a surprise heel turn... hm ... I would have to say Bourne. I saw his work in WSX and he's not that bad. Sure, mic skills suck balls but then again he can work on that. I don't see Bourne even having a gimmick in WWE right now. A heel turn will surely help him out.

Surprise face turn? That would be Swagger.
Face to Heel = Hornswoggle, who really can hate a small person? And if he did, what evil things could he do? Nothing really.

I also agree with everyone that said Mysterio.

Heel to Face = The Miz, he's too cocky and arrogant for him to be likeable, at least right now.
I was a little shocked to see Beth Phoenix and Shelton Benjamin turn face a few weeks back on ECW and Smackdown. Shelton Benjamin had a good "heel" gimmick going as the "Gold Standard" and the same way for Beth Phoenix and her "Glamorous Amazon/Glamazon" gimmick.

However, Rey Mysterio has had some successful runs as a heel in the past. If you remember correctly, he was a heel in the Old ECW and had some brief runs as a "heel" in WCW with the Filthy Animals.
Well, like everyone said, Rey would be a shocker, because without the aerial thing and crowd support it would be ackward consider him as a real top player but it could work if he brings some shooter moves.

Orton would be easy to turn in my view, why? he started to get cheered with Cena, even when he was the bad guy if he could keep up winning matches without interfirence and if Legacy cost him the title and turn on him, he would be warmly received by the crowd. Come on, if Chirs Masters has pretty much become a face with his dancing pecs (it is freaking hilarious) Orton with his Bad ass attitude can pull it off.

Shawn turning face wuld be new and not that much, he turns every now an then for a big feud (Hogan and Taker-more or less) so it wont be that surprissing.

Cena would be a susprise since it would be bye-bye to kids merchandise.

On women's Divisions: Kelly Kelly would be weird as a Heel, she is a bland face but it would be ackward to see her as a villain.

McCool becoming face, don't see that happening any time soon since there is no much charisma on her side being a good girl, it would be strange.
I would love to see a rey mysterio heel turn, it would definitely be unexpected!

However the only way I see it happening is a mexican/foreign stable forming and persuading him to join, thus turning him heel (as would have happened with the LWO, I reckon anyway).

Also, just for laughs, I would love to see a Hurricane heel turn, just to see how that might work, maybe becoming an arch villain or something, maybe someone like mike knox could cause a double turn and transform into a bearded superhero to fight his archnemesis!

....Yeah not sure I see it happening, but one can dream....
Let's go with the obvious first. Rey Mysterio. To my knowledge he has spent his entire career as a babyface and he will most likely retire that way too. A heel turn would be quite shocking to say the very least...especially to all of his young fans.

I doubt we'll ever see John Cena turn heel as Vince is clearly paranoid about the lack of merchandise he will sell. Vince's theory remains to be seen as I know for a fact many would be in favour of the turn.

Kofi Kingston plays a far too likable character of television and a heel turn would not only surprise me but kill quite a bit of his momentum.
I also think Cena would be hard to believe as a heel, especially considering the fact that the WWE markets his "good deeds" all over the place...Make-A-Wish, the Troops, etc. (I'm not saying that Cena's work outside the ring isn't awesome. I'm just saying by knowing all of that, he definitely be hard to turn heel (even though many people don't care for him already... I'm not one of them :)

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