Ezekiel Jackson turning face?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So i just got finished watching superstars (yes i randomly watch the show when im bored on thursday nights) And Big Zeke had a match with primo. It seemed like Primo was playing the heel in this match and Zeke was playing the face. Zeke even taunted to the crowd a few times and even the announcers commented how Zeke was having fun in the ring. Add to that he squashed Zaclk Ryder, and its becoming apparent.....

So this the beginning of a Ezekiel Jackson face turn? if so would you like to see this? how would you make him a face?

I think he could be a good monster to start building up right now. WWE needs one of those beast that runs rampant through all, Shemus seemed to be that guy but now they are blue balling him. I say him and Shemus seeing as Kozlov and him were together under Regal. Would hold more water then the Morrison "white knight" bit. He will probably be like Henry where he comes in and gets a few pops and they don't play him much. WWE prove me wrong...
Turning? He's been face since he returned. I thought it was obvious. You know, smiling, playing to the crowd, raising his arms, trying to get cheers, only facing heels. He's got a long way to go before he connects with the crowd, but he's clearly designated as a face. I guess I overestimated the internet again.
Turning? He's been face since he returned. I thought it was obvious. You know, smiling, playing to the crowd, raising his arms, trying to get cheers, only facing heels. He's got a long way to go before he connects with the crowd, but he's clearly designated as a face. I guess I overestimated the internet again.

Agreed. I didnt watch much Smackdown when he was around so I have no idea if he was a heel, but the guy has been plugged as a face since the moment the announcers started hyping his return. Theres really nothing to talk about here.

Is anyone else thrown for a loop by the rolls on the back of his head? You know that alone is gonna hold him down to a certain level in WWE. You know Im serious too. Theyll never push a main eventer that they would want to avoid filming from behind. He has a nice smile though.
yeah zeke came back as an obvious face, this dude has the look and hes great in the ring for a 300 lber, but this dudes mic skills are horrible. idk maybe english might not be his first language but he needs to work on it. his vocals on the sd vs raw game sound real funny

back on subject point blank period, zeke should be a heel he doesnt get much of reaction as a face. he should just be going the brock lesnar route
Yeah, I'll also confirm how ever since he returned on Team Raw Zeke has been a face. The smile should be pretty obvious, he left as a heel, returned as a face, usually that's what happens
Well I see Big Zeke as a main eventer either heel or face but they probably should kept him heel. I liked him more in WWECW when he was doing the heel thing were he became the last ECW champion. But he'll succed either way.
Yeah he's facing heels, smiling, posing for the crowd, I'm pretty sure he's a face. Does it freak anyone else out how huge that guy's traps are?
It is pretty obvious. Sure smiling and doing other things to please the crowd is proof enough but the major thing is that he Primo recently who is definitely a heel. I just hope they don't drop the ball on him when he starts getting a little popular like they did with Mark Henry.
Probably he could turn face but that wont last. I think he would be better of a heel because due to the fact he got his major push being a heel on ecw and becoming the last ecw champion. Either way its the creative team's decision.
I've always wanted to see a monster face Zeke, ever since he was on ECW. One of Zeke's best qualities is his intensity, and let's face it - it's fun to see a really big, strong guy dominate a match once in a while. It's like a sideshow attraction. Andre was popular back in the day because of his size. Zeke could be the same way for his muscle and intensity.

Zeke does have personality and can be passable on the mic. His look is monstrous and he has good enough ring skills with moves that look like they HURT. Zeke could be big in the future, especially if this monster face shtick connects with the crowd. I'd love to cheer for him, and I like this face turn of his. He just shouldn't be "cuddly" as NorCal puts it. He should be angry and pissed off all the time, a black Goldberg. Arrive, DOMINATE, leave. THERE WILL BE NO STOPPIN'!
If this dude was going to have any success as a face, I guarantee people wouldn't be left wondering if he is a face or a heel. The crowd simply does not give a shit about this guy. I think booking his first singles match back against Zack Ryder was just hammering the nail in the coffin of getting him over.
They either need to create a storyline where he does something crazy heroic to save someone immensely popular from a beatdown to get him over as a face. Or they need to make him do something sadistic and vicious to get him over as a heel. I honestly don't see this guy as being a developmental project when it comes to storyline.
Zeke doesn't need to be a face. Turning him face would do the same thing to Zeke that it did to Mark Henry. He'd not only turn face, but also turn into a comedy act. He should either be a heel or a tweener and keep going through everyone in his path by domination. I really hope they don't go the face route with him because he would be taken more seriously as a heel. I would keep him a heel his whole career unless he had nothing else to do like Henry did during his face turn.
I'm a big Zeke fan and he was pretty over in our little section during Raw this past Monday. I know myself and my kid brother gave him a huge pop as did a handful of people behind us. Like Doc said, Big Zeke's best quality is his intensity and he is freaking jacked. My mom happened to be in the room when I rewatched Raw from Monday and she got wide eyed and all she said was wow. The guy could be a star if WWE pushed him right. Slowly let him continue his dominance of lower ranked guys and then once Daniel Bryan drops the belt to a heel (maybe Dibiase) have Zeke seek after the US title and eventually pick up the belt. Big Zeke could be a modern day Ahmed Johnson and if he can stay healthy he can be what Ahmed could have become.
I was a little unclear myself when he first joined RAW, I actually took him for a heel. He now seems to be on the face track, and to me there is really nothing less interesting than a monster face. I was into Goldberg back in the day during "the streak", but other than that I can't think of a single monster face that held my interest. Maybe Andre the Giant, does he qualify? Or Kane when he was with X-Pac? I can't really think of any others.
Zeke has been face since he's returned. He's not your typical face, but yeah, he's a face. He comes to the ring smiling, he taunts to the crowd, he gets cheers, he beats up heel jobbers, not much else here that isn't obvious. He's like a Batista or Big Show face character, who's a destroyer but gets cheers.
My impression of Biz Zeke when he 1st came back was that they didn't know what to do with him. At one point he was on team Miz (the biggest heel on raw next to Sheamus) So that was a bit confusing to me. But I guess they went the face route, Which for me I dont see as being a good route for Zeke because of Mark Henry.
Turning him face was the right move IMO. If he didn't, Zeke would've drifted off into nothingness due to the fact he had nothing to offer as a heel. He could be like the current day of Ahmed Johnson if pushed right. Least now - With this face turn - He has a personality and can possibly shine further into stardom. Whether he is guaranteed to make it or not is hazy, but at least he has a good chance to make it with this face turn.
Turning face? TURNING face?!

For someone to turn face, then he would need to be a heel in the first place. Since returning to the WWE programming, Big Zeke has been nothing but a face. Saying that he has “turned” face is so far wide of the mark that it is unreal.

Personally, I think it would have been so convenient and easy for the WWE to pigeon hole Jackson as a monster heel. However, credit where credit is due, they have given him something fresh and are seemingly following through on his push. Right now, he looks all of the monster that he should be and more over, he is very entertaining to watch. To me, he is the guy that you like to watch and cheer for. He is the guy who is handing out some punishment on behalf of the fans and you rarely get to see that now-a-days.

Jackson has a fucking tonne of potential and I never thought I would be saying that when he left the company due to his injury. However, the WWE have done a great job of reinventing him and having him come back to the company and perform like he has never been gone. More power to him, I say. He has been one of the highlights of Raw lately and I sincerely hope that he wins the King of the Ring tournament. He could definitely use it and it would propel him to where he needs to be.
Zeke doesn't need to be a face. Turning him face would do the same thing to Zeke that it did to Mark Henry. He'd not only turn face, but also turn into a comedy act. He should either be a heel or a tweener and keep going through everyone in his path by domination. I really hope they don't go the face route with him because he would be taken more seriously as a heel. I would keep him a heel his whole career unless he had nothing else to do like Henry did during his face turn.

This is false. Not every big guy that is a face becomes a comedy act. There are instances of it happening with guys like Henry and Khali but those two had already run their course as big name guys in the company. Big Zeke is really just scratching the surface in his career.

There have been plenty of dominant big guys in the WWE that have worked as faces. Kevin Nash held the WWF title for nearly a year as a big, dominant face. Brock Lesnar had some success on Smackdown as a dominant face. Batista was arguably the top guy in the company at one point as a dominant face. I'm not saying Zeke is at the level of all those guys whether it be in the ring or on the mic, but the potential of him working as a face is certainly there.
I truly don't understand what people see in Ezekiel Jackson. He hasn't done anything since ECW. Plus, Jackson's been a face since his return from injury.

We will see this Monday is Ezekiel Jackson is going to do anything for the rest of his career. If he wins the KOTR, it will show if he still has a chance to catch up to the superstars of today. If he doesn't, he'll slowly downgrade, and eventually end up getting scrapped in the yearly roster cuts.

What "Big Zeke" needs, is a tag team partner. I honestly do not think he has what it takes to be in the main events, or take role as a singles competitor, just because he hasn't been winning matches this way.

Jackson could team with several superstars that are lingering on the Raw Roster. Unfortunately Kozlov is doing his own thing with Santino, but William Regal, and Big Zeke could re-form. This way, the WWE wouldn't have to even write anything special in for a reason to this tag team. William Regal and Zeke would simply be great, just because we've already seen what they've done on ECW, and I'm sure they can do it the same way. Plus, Kozlov wouldn't been in the way, and Regal and Jackson can focus on the tag titles.

Skip Sheffield would be another great tag partner for Zeke. Both of them are powerhouses, and with their skills and size, they could easily venture out for the unified tag team titles. This would also give Zeke some time to end his singles career. Zeke jobs to some people. Goes into squash matches with younger superstars, and most likely even compete in the Royal Rumble. If Skip is healthy by then, maybe he can play a part in the rumble, which would lead to their tag team reign.

Michael Tarver would also be a great choice. Both of these men have pretty much the same gimmick. A huge body builder that can dominate anybody that get's in their way. When they team up, they could be unstoppable.

Ezekiel Jackson may not even need to resort to tag teaming for the rest of his career, or at least for the meantime. A feud presenting Ezekiel Jackson vs Kozlov w/ Santino would be a fantastic mid card feud. Being that they we're old partners, and Kozlov decided to team up with a nobody like Santino could infuriate Jackson to no end. A perfect way to stretch out Jackson's single career. If they drag the feud out enough, that could possibly even have it a match at the grandest stage of them all.

If Ezekiel Jackson competes the way he's been, the only possible way for him to be a main eventer would be the Money in the Bank match. There is no way he would be able to become a main eventer any other way. It would just be way to difficult for a man with Jackson's character to push his way through, unless he jumped aboard the Sheamus train and overcame a main eventer. The MITB would give Jackson just what he needs, a get in the main events free pass.

One very very last way Jackson could do it, would be a long shot, but beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Not only would Jackson have to jump ship to Smackdown, but he'd also have to waste a perfectly fantastic feud, that any superstar can use. The Undertaker storyline is basically a last resort, emergency feud that the WWE has. It's an instant way, and for WWE to waste it on a superstar like Ezekiel Jackson would make little, to no sense.

Quite frankly though, Jackson is 32 years old. Yes, he can still do a lot more, but with the way he's been appearing on TV the last year, it's unlikely. Hopefully we see something this Monday in the King of the Ring, if not, then Ezekiel Jackson may not be a WWE superstar much longer.
I truly don't understand what people see in Ezekiel Jackson. He hasn't done anything since ECW. Plus, Jackson's been a face since his return from injury.

He hasn't done anything since ECW because he has been injured. He wrestled I believe one match on Smackdown and then got injured at a house show. Now he has just recently come back to RAW and has been shown as completely dominant since his return.

We will see this Monday is Ezekiel Jackson is going to do anything for the rest of his career. If he wins the KOTR, it will show if he still has a chance to catch up to the superstars of today. If he doesn't, he'll slowly downgrade, and eventually end up getting scrapped in the yearly roster cuts.

So you're telling me that if he doesn't win the KOTR that he will be cut by the end of the year? That is just awful logic. The guy has been shown as unstoppable since his return from injury. Not winning the KOTR isn't going to all of a sudden stop his push.

What "Big Zeke" needs, is a tag team partner.

So you want him to go backwards in his career? Tell me, how does that make any sense?

I honestly do not think he has what it takes to be in the main events, or take role as a singles competitor, just because he hasn't been winning matches this way.

Hasn't been winning matches in what way? I will say it again. The guy has looked DOMINANT since his return. He is winning matches and being built up in the same way that a lot of guys get built up. You start by beating up on the under card and look dominant doing it. Then you get in a feud with a mid carder to gain some credibility. And finally, if everything is still going well, you move to the upper mid card and possibly main event. It's a formula that has been used many times.
I'm glad Ezekiel Jackson is a face now. There hasn't been a 'Monster Face' in quite awhile (correct me if I'm wrong) so it's a nice change of pace. It's good he's been getting a push but he's never given a microphone. I wonder how long he can go as a silent face. sooner or later, he's going to be in a rivalry and will need to speak. Maybe a manager or valet would help him?
Regardless, I hope he wins KOTR. It would continue his good push. A loss could be damaging to his recent progress but I think he'll pick up where he left off and continue to win matches.
i prefer big z as a heel of some sort. From my point of view massive guys just dont fit the 'face' character because it doesn't allow them to show their physique, take batista for example, granted he's not as big as big z but when he was face he didn't have that 'dominant' figure.

if they ever the E decide to turn JoMo heel again big z would make an awesome bodyguard.
Ezekiel Jackson is absolutely terrible in the ring. His samba suplex he has been doing looks absolutely terrible, he has nothing going for him except his size. I'd rather see this face turn be nothing more than shock value for when DiBiase "figures out his price"

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