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Ezekiel Jackson returns - What's next?

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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As we saw last night, Ezekiel Jackson returned as the final member of Team RAW. Big Zeke was the final ECW Champion and it seemed like he was going to get a good push based off of that, but then he injured himself. Now that things are back on track, where does Zeke go from here?

I've always liked Zeke. Yeah, to most he's yet another generic giant powerhouse wrestler, but to me he has more. He has a great, GREAT look, his mic skills are not half bad, and his offense looks like it HURTS, which is perfect for him. He could really go far. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he steps up to feud with Daniel Bryan over the US Championship. I mean, it's not like Bryan is in a feud right now. It could be a cool story, with Bryan trying to take down the big man and getting him to tap, and Zeke being advertised as the toughest guy around that would never tap out.

What say you?
I Believe That The WWE was giving Henry's spot to Jackson because they want to push him. Personally I like Zeke for pretty much the same reasons Doc listed and I could see a feud with Bryan on the cards. Vince is clearly a fan of Zeke. He gave him the ECW Championship on it's final edition and is plotting some sort of push for him. The end result could see him with the US Championship but I'm not 100% convinced with that.

Another thought that occurred to me was a partnership with Miz. As the Miz has personally selected Jackson for this team, Zeke could perhaps align himself with Miz & Riley, forming a stable of sorts. This could lead to some interesting situations and scenario with Riley & Jackson perhaps winning the Tag Belts. I'm not certain of that at all but it's an intriguing idea.
Ezekiel Jackson is a really nice powerhouse for the team, and he is a nice powerhouse which I believe is a dieing breed in WWE there is Henry, Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, and Khali. The people after Jackson has a few years left at best.
I'm big on Ezikiel Jackson as well. He has the makings of the next monster heel on raw, which they desperately need. But I think that after bragging rights the WWE is gonna put him in a #1 Contender program for the WWE title ASAP just because they need to use his momentum coming off a pretty good return a utilize it while he's still in our minds. I think 4 Zeke to be apart of the main event he needs a manager (Like Michael Cole) so he can draw major heat. Those are just my ideas.
Are you guys serious? Ezekiel Jackson = Vladimir Kozlov. He's got a little bit more mic ability, but really, not that much. Zeke can't do anything entertaining in the ring either other than maybe a press slam.

His ceiling is as an enforced in a stable, so FunKay might be onto something there. Miz, Riley, Jackson... the awesome faction, or whatever. That could work, though they really don't need another heel faction on Raw.

Sorry, just not a fan of big strong guys who really can't move around the ring too well and make their living on the mic just snarling.
I don't get the buzz around this guy either. The only thing I remember of him is that very good match at the Royal Rumble with Christian.. But that was 10 months ago.

I am a little surprise he is on Raw. He seemed much like a SD guy given the way Hayes likes to book big, scary looking dudes as unstoppable. Zeke's look and presence just strikes me as a guy who needs to completely dominate every time he is in the ring and that too many loses would kill it. Chances of him being booked like that on Raw seem very slim.. There's only so many jobbers on that show.
I was legitimately excited to see Ezekiel Jackson return last night, as I think he might have a lot to offer. Unfortunately, that excitement turned to disappointment within two seconds after he walked out onto the rampway.

He smiled... and not a smug, I'm back to rip you apart smile either. It was the Rocky Maivia "you can't smile enough" Blue Chipper smile that really killed it. Zeke shouldn't be smiling, unless he has just annihilated someone and is taking joy in the destruction. Even then, the smile should be sadistic, cutthroat, and cold, not the "he's really happy to be here folks!" expression we saw last night.

Jackson is a killer and needs to be presented and booked as such. No "warm and fuzzy", no "happy to see ya" nonsense. I'm still glad to see him back, but I fear another gentle giant is in the works over at Titan Towers.
glad he's back, surprised he was the one that threw out rey , and looked quite dominant in the ring, not really a fan of the big powerhouse guys but he's got a great power moveset that looks like it really hurts
I'd say give it a few months and Big Zeke will fade into obscurity. He might have done something had he not have been injured. But let's face it there's nothing too impressive about him other than his physique. And actually he seemed to have a little flab last night on RAW
I think wwe is gonna push zeke because he seems to have a little something different than the standard big guy. Intelligence. In his promos, he comes off as a very intellectual human being. His tone is soft, yet somewhat sinister. The first time I heard him speak (And, I think he's only had like 2 or 3 promos) I actually was riveted.

The "smart" monster heel works for me. Case in point, Mike Knox. I hated seeing this guy come to ring, because he wasn't anything special. But, when he began speak of the human anatomy, and the physics behind it, I was greatly intrigued.

Like most others, I'm not a fan of the big, muscle bound monsters, with less mobility than their action figures. But, I believe that Zeke takes the big man gimmick to the next level, and just makes every move look so impactful. Have you seen that clothesline of his. DAMN.

Now the E will push him, if only for a short time, because I think he has an actual character and personality to work with. I don't see him winning the WWE Championship, but I can see him as an unbeatable US champ.
Well the pretty obvious answer would be Bragging Rights for this guy. But other than that, I think it's hard to predict what will be the nearest future for Big Zeke. He has a great build, and most certainly will be a guy to take notice to in the coming months / years of WWE. However right now I do not see anything particularly big happening for Zeke. He has some potential to at least make it work very well in the mid-card for now. But I do not know who the hell they plan on making him feud with. There are nobody that could seem to prove a worthy opponent of him in the mid-card. And that is mostly due to the fact that he's huge, and the mid-carders really aren't right now. You have Shemaus doing more or less nothing, so that would be a possibility, and Mark Henry just isn't the proper solution to have this guy feud with.

So, if they're truly planning on pushing this guy, and doing it heavily. Well then enter Ezekiel Jackson vs Sheamus at Survivor Series or TLC. But then again, I guess he'll just be in another 5 on 5 elimination tag team match or something come Survivor Series. Anything other than that would be a surprise, or disappointment.
I agree with Neildittmar that Zeke needs to maintain a tough guy character. I personally would love to see him in a tag team with Kofi or Mark Henry and doing something similar to Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reid w/Teddy Long as manager).

That was an awesome tag-team that could capitalize on strength power. With Kofi you would have that combination of speed/high flying with a powerhouse tag team partner. Bring back Abraham Washington as a manager (He's just the right side of annoying for that role) and give 'em a push in the tag division.

I know that tag isn't pushed at all anymore and this will never happen, but I love tag-team wrestling when it's done right and I think it would be great for both guys.
I hope so as I ama fan. Even though Jackson is far from a technical wreslter and the majority of the wrestlers I like are technical, the guy is a beast. Even though he lacks in technical skill, the guy is the epitome of intensity. Most of his moves are simple but he makes them look so devastating. I can't wait til he gets a push and be able to be the dominant powerhouse I know he can.

I'm rarely a fan of powerhouse wrestlers but there's something about Jackson I really like. He has an intensity most people don't and as you say everything he does makes sense and is believable and just looks devastating.

Him and Sheffield are probably the only two guys of that type I like. i'd love to see the two of them have a program together. Glad he's back. Now they can release Mark Henry. THAT man can't move. It appears he might come back as a face for a while then turn heel. Glad to have him back the last ECW Champion. I think he may get a push by Getting Team RAW The win at Bragging Rights. Is it just me, or did Big Zeke somehow look bigger than he did before? Guy is freakin huge! I agree with the majority here, I normally don't like powerhouses either but Zeke has the look and so does Skip. A tag team called total domination would be sweet. Loved him in ECW and he will make a great champion in my opinion.
Oh a Orton or Cena feud with this guy would be awesome. Jackson/Christian Fued was very underated back in the ECW days, Jackson is a really good wrestler, has a ton of talent, and promise... I hope he go's heel and takes the U.S belt from DB.I'm glad he's back. The WWE lacks legit powerhouse wrestlers. I'm not the biggest fan of powerhouses but this man is a monster. He makes being a big guy look good. No disrespect to Mark Henry and Big Show, but this guy has it. Even though he's big, he moves very well which is what i like best about him. Welcome back Big Zeke! I sure hope they push this guy correctly... I was so glad he got the spot on the Raw team over Mark Henry. A lot of times when the WWE brings in the huge guys they are very ho-hum and bland and dont stand out. This guy does stand out, hes legitimately intimidating. Sort of like a quiet giant. The Big Show used to be like this before he became the joke he his now, which is a gentle giant. There is nothing gentle about Ezekial Jackson. He also has one of the best entrance themes in the WWE that fits him perfectly. Always been a fan since he came up with Kendrick, I hope his push continues.
Ezekiel Jackson is a potential goldmine for WWE. Most of the talented big guys are just a step away from retirement (Kane, Undertaker). Batista is gone. Zeke can really come in and fill a huge void. He's a decent wrestler and isn't too shabby on the mic either.

I'd like to see Zeke pushed, heel or face. WWE is crying out for a new "monster" to come along.
They should form a tag team with Zeke and Mark Henry. Like how Henry and Viscera did awhile back before they let Big V go. Zeke and Henry would be a sick tag team. Put alot of guys over while putting Zeke over in the process
This guy is the 2nd coming of Ahmad Johnson.

He'll get his push, and hopefully he'll exceed with that push. I wouldn't consider him a long term star though.
I never really cared for him much. To me his just another big guy without charisma. I have never enjoyed his matches and I find his gimmick stale.

However considering his size and the lack of top quality muscle men atm I think he'll be in for a huge push in the near future.
Despite his promos (solo and with kendrick) you still say he lacks charisma? An thinking big man is always pleasing, and being able to SOUND like that is worth SO much. Especially given his in ring intensity.
I never particularly cared about Zeke. I'm not really sure why since he's not that bad in the ring and he can hold his own on the mic. To be fair, I've only heard one promo from him and that was MONTHS ago. Maybe I'm not just that big of a fan of the big powerhouse guys. However, he does have a fairly good moveset and he can make his moves look like they hurt. However, I think he should've stayed on Smackdown as the RAW roster is fairly stacked as it is.

To answer the question, I see a feud with Daniel Bryan in the books. I think he should work a nice feud with him. Nothing like a good David vs Goliath angle. Have Bryan go over him a few times before Ultimately having Zeke take the belt off him. Sorta like what happened with Christian. Regardless of what happens, I DON'T want him in the stacked main event scene yet. I think he's still got quite a bit to prove before he's WWE Championship quality.
PURE FUCKING DOMINATION!!!! That's what's in store for Big Zeke. They just need to let him be himself, and dominate motherfuckers. Literally tear them apart. Maybe have him recite some bible versus before or after the match. Just make him his own entity. The guy has the look to go along ways, and I'm sure the crowd would be 100% behind him. They just love Big, Muscular, Black Wrestlers.

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