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Ezekiel Jackson - Brand New Intercontinental Champion


Championship Contender
At Capitol Punishment we saw Big Zeke getting the victory over Wade Barrett, via submission (Torture Rack)...
In my honest opinion I think that Wade Barrett should have won, but we could be seeing the next Mr. Money in The Bank!!

Zeke know being a face has few option to feud with, Christian is yet stuck in the main event scene after a "steal" victory from Orton, Mark Henry has a beef with The Big Show and Sheamus is probably get stuck in the main event as well.
So who is going to step up against Ezekiel Jackson?

  • What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?
  • Who is going to play the foil?
  • How long do you think that he is going to be champion?
Zeke will be an impressive IC champ, and probably notch some wins over his former Corre members. I see him losing the title somewhere around Summerslam to Cody Rhodes.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?

I don't really care for him. He's sloppy in the ring, painful to listen to on the mic, and I can't see any real reason to cheer for him. WWE are determined to push him, but I can't say it'll work. At least Barrett can move on to someone worth working with.

Who is going to play the foil?

Looking over the Smackdown roster, I think it will be Jinder Mahal. They seem heavily invested in the guy, and I'm interested in seeing what he can do. Of course, he needs to do more than just squash matches first. Having him beat a guy with Zeke's look should look impressive to most fans.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?

I'd give him 2-4 months with the title, as Jinder isn't quite ready for it yet. He'll feud with some random guys, or maybe no one at all until that happens.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?/
I'm surprised it was actually clean. Somebody backstage must be pissed off at Barrett for that to happen. I heard Zeke on the mic once when he was with Kendrick and he could pull the well-spoken monster face well if WWE books him that way.

Who is going to play the foil?
Mind you there's a big difference between being a foil and being the one to take the title from Zeke. Next couple weeks will be blowing off the Zeke/Corre feud...hopefully.
I see Zeke going on to feud with Rhodes, maybe Mahal if he's ready, by Summerslam.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?
I see Zeke being safe at MITB seeing as WWE's had a bad habit of putting their US and IC champions in the brand MITB matches. I personally don't agree with that move but it does give filler if they go with an 8-man format. Personally I think the brand MITB matches should be 6-man format at max allowing the champions to defend, but that's another thread for another time.

Overall I see Zeke losing it at Summerslam unless WWE decides to take the title off him at a SD! taping. All depends on his reception once he's done with Barrett.
Good for Zeke I guess but I'm not really all that interested in him. I mean, he's good in the ring and has a genuninely painful looking moveset but I'm not connecting with his talking ability. Not a big deal, he can improve. I think the reason for taking the title off Barrett was merely to move him up the card without the IC title weighing him down while Zeke dominates the midcard. I'm just guessing Zeke will be champion for a long time, no shorter than three months in my opinion. I'm guessing Jinder Mahal will be the one to beat him with Kahli's help since he seems to be in line for a big push.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?

I prefer Wade Barrett over Ezekiel Jackson, but I won’t complain. Zeke's match with Wade Barrett was passable at best and I feel the same could be said for his Intercontinental Championship reign. But he's over, which is all that matters. Big Zeke has been getting some huge pops on Smackdown and I don't mind the dude except for his limited arsenal. Ezekiel Jackson's reign might be alright, but his matches might be a couple duds.

Who is going to play the foil?

Corre member? I really have no idea. I really can't think of a heel who could challenge Zeke for the Intercontinental Championship except Jinder Mahal. Even though I absolutely hate the dude, he does make a worthy opponent for Ezekiel Jackson.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?

Summerslam is always a safe bet for any championship. It all depends on what heels are over enough at the time. Currently, no one impresses me. So he could have a long ass reign if he stays over long enough.
1) i think its awesome, big zeke really deserves a good push, let him ease his way nto the main event then let him completely dominate.
2) absolutely no idea but its going to be entertaining with zeke as champ.
3) i hope he stays champ for along time, then when he loses it he wrestles singles matches then hops into the main event. that would be pretty good, and i think he could do it.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?

I like it. He has some tools to make it big and I like that they're giving him a shot. I don't see any issues with him that cannot be rectified with experience, nothing glaring. He's getting pretty good at putting his own spin on the standard big man offense and it's only going to get better.

Who is going to play the foil?

Well he'll probably fuck around with Barrett for another month or so. Then maybe Cody Rhodes or *shudder* Mark Henry will step up to the plate. There are a plethora of heels to choose from on Smackdown.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?

Eh, maybe 2-6 months at best. If he gains popularity I could see him moving up to the main event sooner rather than later, but if he stalls out he'll hold on to it for a bit ala DB.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?

Since I'm actually a fan of Big Zeke, I love it. Love it for him, love it for the character? Not so much. Whens the last time WWE treated the IC like it meant something? Whens the last time they booked an IC champion right? Whens the last time the WWE has booked a proper title reign? So I'll wait to see if they make Zeke look like a pile a shit or will they, I don't know, book a dominating reign.

Who is going to play the foil?
If its Jindar Mahal... I'll gag! I dont care if he has Khali assist him, Jindar is b-o-r-i-n-g. Period. Who do I want it to be? Either Cody or Ted. Cody is more over so it will likely be him. Cody is a great character. Talented. Entertaining. And he'd have Ted's help to win the belt, which I can live with. But if Jinder wins a singles title before Rhodes, yep, gag.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?
I'm hoping until at least TLC. Thats asking too much though, and there aren't enough mid card heels to feed to Zeke so I'll go with the October pay per view.
* What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?

It was bound to happen at some point. I think the guy is horribly boring in the ring. I was half way interested in him when he was Spanky's bodyguard there for awhile but now that he just flexes and yells all the time I find him quite boring. I think Vince or someone has a fascination with muscular black men that aren't that great in the ring. He had a hard on for Ahmed Johnson back in the day and he was horrible. Bobby Lashley also comes to mind. I think they see it as a way to draw more money from a different demographic. I mean let's be honest most wrestling fans are white so this could be a way to draw out more fans if marketed correctly.

* Who is going to play the foil?

Well first of all I think he has to go up against someone with some real size to make him look impressive. Someone like Khali could work. I seen someone mentioned Jindar earlier. I think in the long run a cheating smaller heel will be the one to knock him off. I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Ted Dibiase get a run after he gains some momentum. I think Cody Rhodes is going to skip right over the IC Title an work a feud with Randy Orton for the World Title eventually.

* How long do you think that he is going to be champion?

Well Wade Barrett had a meaningless long title run so I see Zeke holding it until about the Royal Rumble or so.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?
Ew. I've never liked Jackson and I don't think I'm going to start now. He's not interested me from day one and he's rather boring in the Ring as well. The use of this bodyslam over and over and over again get on my nerves. I really hope, like Christian did with the WHC, that he loses it on Smackdown this Friday.

Who is going to play the foil?
Mark Henry. I think he took out Big Show to prove he still has what it takes, then he'll go after Jackson with it.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?
Probably a few months, but I'd like to say a few days.
I am glad that Zeke is now the champion but it is less about him being champion and more about Barrett not having a pointless reign anymore. Zeke will probably not hold the belt long but there are a large number of potential feuds he can do. I would like to see him feud with Daniel Bryan because the matches could potentially be good and someone like Bryan should be who takes the belt from him.
I predicted Zeke would win and I'm pleased that it came true. I think Zeke can really bring the IC title back to a prominent place on SD. It's obvious that creative wants to push him (he got promo time after his win). I see a big future for Zeke as IC champ just wondering who's he going to fued with though to make that future happen.
What you think about Big Zeke being the IC Champion?
I love the move. Zeke is one of my guys and I'm glad to see that he is finally IC champion. It was bound to happen sooner or later, so might as well do it now. Zeke is the modern day Ahmed Johnson. Vince is trying to bring that back to live as Ahmed had huge potential, but couldn't stay healthy. Lets hope Zeke fairs out better.

Who is going to play the foil?
There are plenty of options for Zeke to take on here. Guys like Dibiase, Barrett, Henry (God no), Rhodes, Mahal, etc. I think he'll have another match with Barrett to seal the deal and then move on to Rhodes or Mahal. I think one of those two will be the guy who ultimately takes the strap off Zeke.

How long do you think that he is going to be champion?
Zeke has the main event look, so there is no telling how long it is until we see him pushed to the top. I think a strong IC title run would help that. I think at the earliest Zeke drops the title at Summerslam, but I think he will run with the strap for the majority of 2011. I'm thinking somewhere around November/December as the dropping rate.

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