Extreme Rules: World Heavyweight Championship: Ladder Match: Edge (c) vs Jeff Hardy


At Extreme Rules, Jeff Hardy has been given a chance to determine his own championship “Twist of Fate.” And, with that chance, he has decided to reenter the realm of the extreme that he understands best by challenging Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Ladder Match.

Although the long standing rivalry between Edge and Hardy could have finally been settled at Judgment Day, Matt Hardy’s interference made that notion impossible. For the second time that Hardy and Edge have clashed for the World Championship, Jeff’s elder brother interfered, this time with the help of his incredibly lethal cast. His actions created a fog around the match’s outcome, leaving the WWE Universe in a state of uncertainty about who should actually be holding the gold. And without a clear solution in sight, things would once again move to the extreme.

SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long would quickly address the issue, setting a rematch between Edge and Hardy at the Extreme pay-per-view. After the match was announced, Hardy emerged to suggest that the winner of a SmackDown match between the two should decide what Extreme stipulation their pay-per-view match would have. With his triumph over Edge later that night, The Charismatic No. 1 Contender chose the fierce rungs of the ladder on which to attempt to climb to glory.

Neither The Rated-R Superstar nor The Extreme Enigma are strangers to Extreme Rules Matches. In fact, some members of the WWE Universe might make the case that extreme has practically been built into their DNA. And since their early years with WWE, both the singles and tag team ladder battles they have been involved in have taken them quite literally to new heights. Although the match itself have generally been perceived as a Hardy specialty, with Jeff himself seen as one of the most extreme Superstars in WWE, Edge has been a part of just about every Extreme Rules Match there is, climbing many a ladder to glory.

With two masters of the extreme clashing to grab ultimate glory, one thing is for certain. No matter which Superstar comes out with the gold, the match could quite possibly turn out to be one of the greatest matches of all time.

Jeff Hardy meets Edge in a ladder match at Extreme Rules. Many, including myself, thought that this very match would headline WrestleMania 25, ending with a victorious Jeff Hardy finally capturing the brass ring. Three months after the silver anniversary of WrestleMania, we're lucky enough to get to see this match. It doesn't have the build up that could have been, nor does it have the atmosphere of WrestleMania and it won't be Jeff's first title victory, if he does indeed pull out a win, but it should be a damn good match. Edge and Jeff Hardy work extremely well together in my opinion, and this being a ladder match should make it that much better.

I predict a Hardy victory, if the rumors of him resigning are true. If he hasn't signed a contract yet, there is no way he wins. They wouldn't put the title on him for him to leave two months later.

Contractual issues aside, I'm going to say that Hardy wins. He's the most over guy in the entire company and his first reign was screwed up. He should have won at WrestleMania and should be reigning champion, but I digress. Edge has made a career, recently, out of winning and losing the World Championship. He's had a pretty long reign actually. It's been a whole month. ;) You can never count Edge out, though. He's the Ultimate Opportunist for a reason. Matt Hardy could also be the X-factor. We'll see what happens..

It shows a total lack of ideas where a aldder match is on two PPVs in three months. At least this won't be as much of a spotty shit fest as the Money in The Bank. That's what I heard anyway, I haven't seen it. But I don't doubt the people who say it was spotty and shit.

Jeff will win, WWE will want to give him an incentive to stay. That'll be a WWE Championsip. Jeff will leave anyway.
This match just totally screams out "letdown" to me. I just cant see these guys coming through for all we expect them to. I lie, I think itll most likely be awesome, but I also said that about both The Mega Hardy matches, and other shit like this. Good chance itll be shit. Well, not shit, but it wont even come CLOSE to being what everyone is hoping for. If Jericho and HBK couldnt do it, then neither will these two...probably.

I think Edge will win. Dunno why. I think he will though.
Not gonna lie, I had a miniature mark-out moment when I read the spoilers for Smackdown and saw this match. Personally, I think it has potential to be an epic match provided that Edge and Hardy both are having a good night. I'd like to see Hardy win this one, but I won't be surprised if Edge pulls it out. I'm just hoping for a clean victory for once. Expect some sort of holy shit moment of a spot in this one. I have a feeling Jeff is gonna do something stupid. Last time I had that feeling he gave Orton a swanton off the scaffolding.
I think this will be a really good match, maybe not GREAT but really good.

I say IF Matt's blog was about Jeff resigning then Jeff takes it, if not (which it likely wasn't) then I think Edge wins. Personally I think Edge will take it home again. These are two of my favorites so either way it goes I will be happy, but I think they need to stop just passing the World title around like a hot potato. I know the audience has a smaller attention span but it is because they started throwing the title around, I think it is time to bring back long meaningful title reigns on people other than HHH and Cena.

I also feel that this will have its spots (with Jeff Hardy and Edge how can it not) but I feel it won't be defined by just those spots.
I think Edge will take this. It just seems like WWE are having him go for the long title reign, so in a few months time, people will be gagging for the heel to lost the belt, at which point enter CM Punk.

The match will be decent. I don't think it will surpass the HBK vs Jericho ladder match. Jericho vs HBK had some genuinely innovative spots, like playing tug o' war with the belt. Edge vs Hardy spots will mostly consist of trying to hit finishers from the ladder and generally hanging from stuff.

Also, Hardy needs to give up the ladder match as his "signature". I'm pretty sure he's lost many more than he's won. He's only won the first tag ladder match vs E&C and I think one for the intercontinental championship. It's much more Edge's match than it is Jeff's
I'm betting on it being match of the night, These two were what made the "trio tag" matches so great, One of them were in all of the great spots from those days. Edge has proven he is gold in a ladder match, As has Jeff Hardy.

I'm going with Edge for the win, As I think CM Punk will be the next WHC.
If Jeff really did resign, then he will take this and CM Punk will get the heel turn he wants and will cash in within the next few months and most likely get the win. If Jeff didn't resign then Edge will finally get the long reign he needs and Punk will remain a babyface, losing to Edge when he cashes in.

Overall this will be an excellent match, but I'm hoping Jeff gets the win here only for the fact that i want to see a CM Punk vs Hardy fued.
I see Edge coming away with the belt once again, I'd be really surprised if he didn't actually. Yes I have read the rumors about Jeff re-signing, but something tells me they aren't true and Jeff is indeed going to leave the WWE once again. Which honestly i'm fine with, Hardy is a top notch in-ring preformer but every other aspect of his character has always failed to make a good impression on me. His mic work is awful, even after ten years and plenty of time to figure out his character. I laugh to myself everytime he is referred to as the "Charismatic Enigma" because one) the man has the charisma of dead bird (why do you think they put all those frills around him?) and two) The nickname seems like somebody just found two big words in they're mental dictionary and said "hey that sounds cool!". I mean after all the nickname was given to him in TNA after all.

I think that if somehow Jeff does win, I would not be shocked to see Punk make a classic style heel turn and cash in immediately after Jeff wins.
I've spoken against such swift character turn before, but that would just be so effective for Punk there's no way the idea shouldn't be explored, regardless if Edge has done it before. Edge was a heel before he cashed in on Cena, Punk stealing the title out from under the fans beloved underdog would immediately make Punk a hated man. Maybe good, maybe not, just thought i'd toss the notion out there. I definately wouldn't be shocked by this is Punk loses to Umaga earlier in the evening.

Bottom line, if Jeff wins it won't last long. If Edge wins, I think he'll be in for a lengthy run, finally.
This match has a lot of potential, like most others have said. I think Edge and Hardy have a great chance to do something special here. I see Edge walking away with this one simply because of the Hardy contract situation.

On a side note, I think this would be a great match to start an Edge face turn, keep the belt on him for a few more months, and use the MITB to turn Punk heel. I so much prefer Punk as a heel and I think it would be awesome to see Edge as a face again. This is just wishful thinking of course.
incredibly lethal cast.

First of all, lulz. Word spinning for the win.

To get to the point, this should be so awesome. Edge and Hardy, ladder matching it up. It most likely will be cool for the first 10 or 15 minutes, then Matt will show up and make it a clusterfuck, as he's prone to do.

If Edge wins, Punk is going to cash in at Night of Champions on him. This will set up the oddly missing revenge Edge/Punk feud that we all had to miss because they couldn't have Edge move to Raw for a bit. Though it'll make Edge look ******ed, losing to the same man due to cash-in twice. Or, i mean, Punk could lose. It'd be really tempting then to try a double heel/face turn though. Ehhhh....I firmly believe a Punk cash-in at Night of Champions is in order. Either Night of Champions or Summerslam, to share the ppv with Jericho/Mysterio Mask vs. Title.

Or, Hardy could win. Then he'll get cashed in against by Punk, recycling what I said above except for substitute Edge for Hardy. That'd be a easier turn for Punk to pull off, especially if he loses to Hardy.

Oh look at me, I'm extrapolating possible Punk heel turns. Wildly off tangent. This match will be good, but it'll be a letdown at the same time. Don't ask me to explain. And I'm with Norcal. Edge wins.
The Ladder match sounds fine, but been done, what the fans wanted was these two in TLC (maybe they're keeping that one) unless the whole point is Edge to drop the belt in a ladder match rather then in his own specialty match?

BUT IMO this match and stipulation should of been played out at a BIG four PPV IMO
What I see is going to happen is Jeff Hardy will fight off Matt Hardy and C.M. Punk will come in and help fight him off and attack Edge and then take him out then Jeff Hardy will set up the ladder and take the gold and then C.M.Punk will turn heel and get the title off Jeff and then it'll be a 3 way at Night of Champions. Edge Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. C.M. Punk and this will become a Edge face turn.
I am really looking forward to this. Kinda hard to believe they haven't pulled the trigger on this yet. But one thing that sucks is you know that the. Batista Randy Orton shitfest will get the main event spot. This one will clearly be the better bout.
I'm excited for this match, really I am. I always like a ladder match and these two should be able to put on a great one. There's going to be high spots in this for sure and I expect a little stroll down memory lane from their TLC days. Maybe a spear while Jeff holds onto the belt? It's a good match for this feud as it suits both wrestlers. I'm still on the fence as to who wins because I could see it going both ways really.
I'm not saying this match will be a sleeper but we've seen it before + it's too soon for it to happen in this feud. Jeff's feud with Matt hasn't even officially been ended onscreen yet. Edge has bigger & better matches in him other than to be in a Ladder Match with Geoffrey risking an injury. Mr. Copeland could be in a better feud with a CM Punk or a Jericho but c'mon, remember when J. Hardy came back??? Who was the FIRST person he faced? This match has a very good chance of being great but I'm just begging Vince to think of something that can make people realize Edge is as good as his DieHardEdgeHeads say he is. He's beaten Jeff, Matt, & Christian, in ladders but this guy's from the Attitude Era..let him elevate HIGHER than this.
Ha-Ha this will be a TOTAL spot fest! Think about it! How can it not be? You got Edge and Jeff Hardy in a match with Tables,Ladders *COUGH*SWANTON*COUGH*, AND CHAIRS *cough**we will see the CON-CHAIR-TO!**cough*cough* So am I anticipating this? HELL YEAH! I love spots but not like a million spots in a match! But like 10 spots (max) in a match! And it should be interesting Edge and Jeff Hardy have been rivals ever since there tag team battles from 10 years ago which practically started through TLC matches, how ironic is that?! And both have had success on ladder matches! But for Jeff to call it his specialty, it just makes me think WTF?!?! If Edge won the match a couple of weeks ago on SD! to decide there stipulation we all know he would have picked TLC and lets face it Edge has been FUCK LOADS successful in a TLC/Ladder match and has won and been in practically every one of them! Its more of Edge's match than Jeff Hardy's! So my moneys on EDGE! :) LONG LIVE CANADA XD!
Hey.....it's WWE re-runs!!!!! Well at least this is a re-run that will be interesting. Forget who's gonna win....(1) what never seen spot will happen and (2) how does Punk fit in this (if at all....I think the case is the "break in case of emergency"). I'll pick Edge because TLC may be his match, the ladder is where he always wins.

(please no matt hardy,please no matt hardy, please no matt hardy)
what would make this for me is both Hardy and Edge on the ladder battling for the belt
then say Hardy gets Edge in his Twist of fate grip
he then procceds to take Edge of the top of the ladder and bam...
...they land on about two tables set up next to each other (or basically something like that)
so we have both competitors beat up on the floor
then Punk runs in, gives the briefcase to the ref, ref walks over to the announcer, says its a triple threat match now for the WHC
while that was going on Punk has climbed the ladder and when its all official all he does is calmly take the belt

This would be epic
and could set up some sort of triple threat at Bash
I'm expecting an incredible and innovative match out of these two. If it's anything less it'll be a disappointment. Hopefully Edge retains the title and keeps the title for a good while. If he doesnt I'll be pretty disappointed. But either way in confident that Edge and Hardy will put on a really entertaining match. I expect a screwjob ending with Edge retaining the title.
Didn't Edge have a TLC last year?If it will be anything as exciting as last years PPV,with all the spots,it should be even better.
Anybody else not be able to keep a straight face at the way Jeff Hardy said it was gonna be a ladder match? What should have sounded like he was determined sounded more like he was confused or something. The guy is awesome and everything, but gosh he is awful on the mic.

"and then, I'm gonna be climbing a LADDER!? for the World Title!"
LOL i cannot stop laughing at how weird that promo sounded.

That aside.... what a great match this will be! I hope it closes the show. Edge and Hardy going crazy with all the ladders doing all sorts of insane spots, it is going to be the best match of the night for sure. I think that Edge will retain once again.

Dagger Dias prediction: EDGE

I think the WWE will put the strap on Jeff.

Even if he doesn't stay with the company when his contract expires, Vince will take every opportunity to make money while he can.

I wouldn't be surprised if Hardy, Mysterio and Cena account for more than 75% of the WWE's merchandise sales right now, so why not milk Jeff's popularity before he leaves ?? Slap the belt on his waist and get more kids to buy colored sleeves with holes all through them while they can.

The winner and Newwwwwww World Heavyweight Champion... Jeff Hardy !!!!!
My Final Thoughts​

Why Jeff Hardy Should Win?

When Hardy first won the title at Armageddon 2008, I thought big things were going to happen. However, he lost the title at month later at the Royal Rumble. If he is contemplating renewing his contract, I believe that he should at least get a decent run with the title. He has been great in the ring and I would love to see a lengthy feud between him and Chris Jericho. He is the top face on Smackdown right now and it would hopefully keep him grounded and prevent future penalties with the WWE.

Why Edge Should Win?

Edge has won the championship nine times in three years but his longest reign has been three months. I believe for the good of Edge and whoever beats him that he needs to hold the title until Summerslam or possibly Survivor Series. I see Punk winning the title for him and he needs some more wins before he beats Edge or it will be like last year all over again.

Who Should Win?

I believe Edge will win for the reasons I have stated above. I don't take him seriously as a champion because he loses the title every month and hopefully a long title reign will make me change my opinion of him.

Who Will Win?

I don't have high hopes for this match but it will be decent as their previous encounters have been. Hardy will get to the top and try to retrieve the title numerous titles but Edge will be there to knock him down. High spots will be performed and the last will be Edge spearing Hardy off the ladder and retrieving the title for the win.

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