Extreme Rules: Submission Match: John Cena v. The Big Show:


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Submission Match: John Cena v. The Big Show:

After tonight on Raw, while I don't think it's been officially announced the Big Show said he was confirmed by Vickie Guerrero to have the match made; Extreme Rules - John Cena v. Big Show - Submission.

The basic set-up to this was the three failed attempts at locking in the S.T.F(.U) on the Big Show at Judgment Day. So, because Super-Cena got his ass handed to him throughout the entire Judgment Day match, only to hit one giant Fuck You to the W.W.E Universe, the Big Show believes he can return the favor by making a match HE would be considered the giant (no pun intended) underdog in. :confused:

I get the storyline makes it look like Cena might not stand a chance, since - you know - he can't lock in his famous leg submission and all, but wasn't it just two years ago Cena locked in the S.T.F(.U) on the Great (slightly taller than Big Show) Khali.. and made him tap out?? Yeah, I think so.

So we get a worthless rematch, that basically will allow Cena to go up 2-0 against the Worthless Show. Why? This is ridiculous booking at it's best.

Big Show just started using a single arm choke-out/camel clutch but we all know Cena's never going to tap out, and because he's Super-Cena he's never going to pass out, either. Well, not with it being "in" an actual match, as opposed to on a Monday Night (meaningless) Raw.

Cena should have no problems defeating Big Show, and finding :)rolleyes:) a way to dig down deep and lock in the unlockable S.T.F(.U) on the Big Show.

What does everyone think? Opinions - add detail, don't just pick a winner, explain yourself. Thank You.
Out of all the possible gimmick matches for this feud we get a submission match which just so happens to favour Cena with his submission finisher- The STF(U).

Yes, they're making it look like Big Show has a chance with that camel clutch... but come on! Co-incidence or what? This is a feud that has become quite personal and has seen men thrown through spotlights!.. yet we get a submission match.

SuperCena dons his cape for another day sadly.
Its to build up the fact the 'injured' Cena cant lock in the STU. He could not do it at the PPV, this is Big Show's way of making sure he can beat down and beat Cena as Cena cannot apply a submission to Show, obviously we all know Cena will somehow do this, like he did to Khali with the ring rope (iirc). Cena will win, End of cos thats the WWE way.
I completely agree with you Will. I think it was pretty obvious at Judgement Day that they were making Cena look as though he could not lock in a submission on the Big Show. I for one thought that it was gonna end at Judgement Day though, with Cena eventually winning by locking in the STFU. Turns out it did not, and now we all have to deal with another match between these two.

As for the match itself. I really cannot see past Cena. I think the general feeling towards this match, as you pointed out, is that Cena gets to go 2-0 up Show. I mean, I cannot see the Big Show locking in a ny really good submissions. I think the match will be peppered with Sleeper holds and Bear hugs. As usual though, Cena won't tap and just when he looks as though he is beaten, he will more than likely lock in a STFU, you know, after many failed attempts. Right now, I just can't see this feud going anywhere and this is just another reason to keep both The Big Show and Cena out of th ME picture. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but it just seems as though WWE has no idea where they are taking this feud.
Erm, if Cena already defeated Big Show, then why is there another match between them? If the face wins the regular match, then the feud should really be over. It's not like it needs to be done again, certainly not with a gimmick like this.

Also, a submission match? Jesus, what is the point? Half of Cena's matches end with an STFU as it is. What is his other submission move?

This is a nothing match. As such they should add The Miz to give the guy the rub. Handicap, triple threat, it doesn't matter. A loss wouldn't harm The Miz but being in the match would help him no end.
This is a nothing match. As such they should add The Miz to give the guy the rub. Handicap, triple threat, it doesn't matter. A loss wouldn't harm The Miz but being in the match would help him no end.

I think that it would just seem ridiculous to have the Miz in the match. He hasn't been built up anywhere near enough to be taken as a credible contender in such a match.

A more likely scenario I could see would be to have the Miz interfere and cost Cena the match. But even then, to make the situation believable, they are going to have to give the Miz some actual wins over legitimate upper mid carders.
I concur and it sucks WWE keeps making Cena look like the 80s version of Hulk Hogan but the guy is the face of WWE so it's to be expected that he prevails weather we like it or not.
I agree with Jake that they should throw the Miz in because it can only help him and not hurt him. As it stands now, I can strangely see Big Show winning this match. Cena has never tapped out but I can see Show locking that submission on him so long that Cena passes out. John tried to apply the STF on Show numerous times with no result.

This reminds me of the Chris Benoit/Kane match at Bad Blood in 2004. For the few months leading up, Benoit kept locking the Crossface onto Kane but he kept powering out. During the match he kept trying but he was unsuccessful so he used a rollup on Kane to get the victory. Since this is a submission match, Show will use every counter he can to avoid the STF but he will slip up and thats when Cena will catch him. He made Khali tap out to it two years ago so I don't see why he can't do it to Show.
I think they may go with more of a goldberg vs sid visious I quit match type deal!

Goldberg never lost the match cause Sid knocked him out..... you can't quit if your out cold! Maybe Show will punch him in his pretty little face and knock Cena the fuck out..... Ending in a draw!

But honestly.... Look at old tapes of WCW..... They are re-using the WCW stuff.... Because well lets face it.... Tweeners are too young to have watched WCW!
Cena will most likely win against Show at this PPV. The only reason he might not win is if they want this feud to go on longer to keep Cena (momentarily) out of the ME so that Trips, Orton, and Batista, (and a possible Ric Flair) can have their feud. If this ends with Cena coming out on top at Extreme Rules, then I can see them trying to put Cena in the Orton feud. I know that either this year or next year that Cena and Orton will go again and i cant wait, so this could just be a way for Cena to stay away from Orton (like JBL was used to keep Cena away from Batista).

As for this match, Cena has not been able to execute the STF(U) to Show yet (kayfabe obviously). And this match is the (supposed) doing of the impossible. Hell, i remember that earlier in the feud, Cena couldnt pick Show up for the FU, when at WM20 he not only lifted him up, but he FU'd him like it was nuthin.

If Show wins, i'll be watching Smackdown a lot more, because Cena is slowly get more stale and stale. Miz and Cena need a "real" feud just to get Cena a little more invloved in sumthin. Big Show and Vickie need to be involved in sumthin as well. I believe that Raw is centering on Randy Orton. And with this feud being the only thing that is different, it needs to be much better than its been.
I don't see the problem. I honestly think Cena should have lost the first match they had, to preface this one. Have him lose because he was incredibly weakened by the spotlight spot, and couldn't lock in the STFU. So, because Big Show knows he can't lock it in, he gets this match. Lo and Behold, Cena gets it in for this submission match and wins. Then they have a blow-out match just in time for Cena to start a title feud/feud with Batista.

Basically, we're getting that without the first Big Show victory. So it makes little sense. But meh, I have no problem with Cena winning as much as I do Orton somehow latching onto that WWE title despite the horrendous ratings. It's called dropping the title to someone who can get the ratings up, they should try it out.

John Cena vs. Big Show submission match. Either Cena loses against Big Show's horrifying new modified Clutch thing, or Cena chokes him out with a STFU using the ropes, ala Umaga in their great match a year or so ago. I'm calling a Cena win. Wouldn't make much sense, but it could make this into a "Big Show can't just let go of the fact that he can't beat Cena" feud. Meh.
I think that it would just seem ridiculous to have the Miz in the match. He hasn't been built up anywhere near enough to be taken as a credible contender in such a match.

It's a nothing match, so it doesn't matter if people consider him a serious contender. Big Show vs. Cena does nothing for either of them. But a ten minute match where The Miz competes with Cena could do plenty for him. You may as well benefit one wrestler instead on none.

A more likely scenario I could see would be to have the Miz interfere and cost Cena the match. But even then, to make the situation believable, they are going to have to give the Miz some actual wins over legitimate upper mid carders.[/QUOTE]
Just a few days ago I thougt to myself that it would be awesome to have a submission-match on a PPV, and oh yes what great competitors I had in mind, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Swagger, Christian , Jericho and then I heard that there was going to be a submission match at Extreme Rules and oh was I happy ... that means until I heard that it is going to be a match between Cena and Big Show... ok hmm Cena Vs Big Show in a Submission Match that´s just an awkward choice, why not a No Holds Barred match or No DQ or whatever they call a Hardcore match these days, Show threw Cena trough a damn Spotlight so what´s the logic consequence ? Yeah right Cena´s STFUORIADJUSTYOURATTITUDE Vs Big Show´s one armed Camelclutch and we´re on. I don´t believe that we´re going to see more than four attempts to make the opponent actually tap out, two times for Show to lock Cena in his all new super uber camel clutch and one try for Cena and the last one will be for Cena´s obvious victory. Overall it´s just totally weird to book such a match then they could as well put them in an Ultimate X match... Oh this doesn´t make sense ? Well but a Submission Match does ??
errrr. Dunno bout this one. I really dont.

I guess it could be fine. yea, I know, Will, he got the STFU on Kahli and all that blabbity blah. This is the WWE, and namely the booking of John Cena we are talking about here, so just throw that LOGIC bullshit out the window.

Im thinking maybe Cena debuts a new chokey move here, after he tries and tries to get Show into the STFU. or maybe he just magically gets Show into the STFU. dunno. Dont get why Cena won the first match now. Eh whatever. throw away match, Cena wins.
Basically this match will just be Big Show throwing Cena around the ring until finally it seems like Show is going to win and Cena gets momentum and makes Show tap to the STFU, I really don't see why the WWE would make a submission match for an extreme rules event out of all the matches they could have picked it's stupid
This match is going to be, well interesting I guess. The whole point of it is because it seems like Cena can't put Show into the STFU, which basically means that Cena wins by making Big Show tap out to the STFU. Either Cena is going to magically be able to do the STFU or he's going to use a cord or something. Regardless, Cena wins, but I don't know why they made Show lose the first match.
Oh goody. not only have we seen this match, but we have to watch it again, where one really has no chance. Has the big show ever made somebody to submit? This show is not going to be interesting at all. they must of forgot that Cena uses asubmission move. and he don't have to rely on the AA to win the match.

I honestly can't see this match being anything different then every other time they have had one, other then the finish. Cena will win, with the FU2 or whatever its called, everybody will be shocked, and Cena will be a hero for conquering the giant. Oh yay.
Oh goody. not only have we seen this match, but we have to watch it again, where one really has no chance. Has the big show ever made somebody to submit? This show is not going to be interesting at all. they must of forgot that Cena uses asubmission move. and he don't have to rely on the AA to win the match.

I honestly can't see this match being anything different then every other time they have had one, other then the finish. Cena will win, with the FU2 or whatever its called, everybody will be shocked, and Cena will be a hero for conquering the giant. Oh yay.
Not overly excited about this but it should be interesting to see how these two manage to cope in having to pull off loads of submissions...or maybe they won't, maybe Cena will miraciously hit the STF at the end and that'll be the end of that. This is going to be the outcome 'cos Cena hasn't been able to get the Big Show in that move yet so obviously he will at the PPV. Though, how is a submission match 'extreme'??? (is it going to be contested under extreme rules where the only way to win is by submission??)
Not overly excited about this but it should be interesting to see how these to manage to cope in having to pull off loads of submissions...or maybe they won't, maybe Cena will miraciously hit the STF at the end and that'll be the end of that. This is going to be the outcome 'cos Cena hasn't been able to get the Big Show in that move yet so obviously he will at the PPV. Though, how is a submission match 'extreme'???

There was a match i remember think it was last year between Cena and someone and he got the STF with a chain and got the win because they passed out with blood coming from his mouth, i think similar finish to this one, And i think it's extreme because its anything goes no DQ.
Should'nt this be the no-holds barred? Anyways, in this thread I have seen more good ideas than WWE actually uses (pass out (which will prolly only happen in big PPVs, new cena move,Show KO). Super Cena wins and Show does something big so Cena can get time off...
This feud needs to end and soon. I think most of the match will be Cena trying to get the STF but failing until finally getting it and then Show taps.

Dagger Dias prediction: CENA

Stupid match. Cena has beaten the Big Show, he should move on to the next challenge. Big Show needs to stop being shoved down out throats (yep, Big Show, NOT Cena) his matches are a bore. This can ONLY finish with an STFU. It's been teased that Cena can't do it, so it should end with him managing to lock it in. This is a match where the obvious outcome is needed. WWE better not try one of their pointless swerves and have Show win.

If Big Show wins it is pathetic booking. The top babyface doesn't tap. Cena wins and the feud ends. Cena/Miz has potential if handled correctly. Big Show can fuck off and feud with Chavo for all I care.
This feud needs to end and soon. I think most of the match will be Cena trying to get the STF but failing until finally getting it and then Show taps.

Dagger Dias prediction: CENA

Got this one right. I'm really glad Cena got the win since they cannot make the face of the company tap out, there goes most of his credibility if so. Good job on that, wwe. However.... Cena and Big Show have been going at it now since the build-up of wrestlemania. That started in what, March? It is getting old now. They do NOT need to face each other 4 ppv's in a row. I do NOT want to hear the following words in the following order: "John Cena will face the Big Show at The Bash".... not even the Cena fans ourselves want to see it again, it's over, done, end it! Average match, which also makes it seem like the submissions ppv might be boring too, but we'll find that out in the fall. Cena should feud for the title now.

Final thoughts: 5 out of 9

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