Extreme Rules: Miss WrestleMania: Hog Pen Match: Vickie Guerrero(c) vs Santina

Every PPV needs a match where you can leave and take a piss, get some food, fuck your spouse, go and get your fingernails pulled off, you know. The usual. This match is it.

It is sad though, considering the piss match could have been a tag title/diva's title/US title/IC title/anything but Miss Wrestlemania title match.

This'll last about 10 minutes including entrances. I don't really give a shit who will win, probably Vickie though. It'll lead to Santina flopping around in the mud and loosing his wig/skirt and finally having to admit he's Santino. Then we could start with a dominant Santino comedy gimmick that will be slightly more bearable.
Holy shit, seriously. All of you disgust me. This is as gimmick-y as it gets. What the fuck more could you ask for? It's a fricken Hog Pen match, for sakes. It's so original, (and yes, stupid) it's only been done once before.

Someone above literally asked for Khali v. Ziggler instead. Fucking seriously!? A tall jobber against a small jobber.. neither of which have as much talent as Vickie's squealing and what type of gimmick could've went with it? Dance off, Pants off? Honestly.. :disappointed:

Yes, for the love of it all People, I get that this match (as if) is horrible and not going to be interesting at all. But it's gimmick-made, and it's not even meant to be an actual Wrestling match. Shit, this whole Pay per view isn't even meant to be a Wrestling match type of show. It's meant to be carnage, and gimmicks. Which is half of what this is going to be.

I'd rather pay money to see Vickie get slopped, than see Khali against Ziggler. Oh, but let's just recap the card - huh?

Orton/Batista - feuded in 04, 05, 08, 09 (and likely several times in between)
Edge/Hardy - feuded in 99, 00, 01, 02, 06, 07, 08, 09 (and had multiple ladder matches)
Jericho/Mysterio - feuded in W.C.W, and just had a match last month.
Cena/Big Show - feuded in 03, 04, 07, 09 (and a submission match - really?)
Christian/Swagger/Dreamer - Christian & Swagger have feuded for 3+ months now - Dreamer is a jobbr.
Punk/Umaga - mismatch in size, had a great match at the last ppv - should've stopped then.
Four Way - Regal & Hardy aren't even interesting to most people. Kingston is floating between on camera useful and off camera forgotten. And MVP is taking fat chics to proms. I know none of that really explains their connection to why this match isn't anything we haven't seen before - but taking fat chics to prom should just make you unwatchable in the first place. Seriously.

So, Hog Pen match - so original and unique it's only been done once before. It'll last 10-15 minutes at the most, and we'll likely see Vickie, Chavo & Santin(a/o) all get slopped and play with pigs.

In the end - watching that might be horrible, but at least I can watch it and say I've never seen it before - as opposed to everything else, which 98% of has been done before - most of which at last month's ppv.
Someone above literally asked for Khali v. Ziggler instead. Fucking seriously!? A tall jobber against a small jobber.. neither of which have as much talent as Vickie's squealing and what type of gimmick could've went with it? Dance off, Pants off? Honestly.
That was me Will and I was being very serious. Khali and Ziggler have been building up to a Hardcore match ever since Ziggler hit Khali with a Chair. As for the gimmick how a Punjabi Prison match due to the fact that Ziggler keeps getting away before Khali can get his hands on him. or if they don't want ot do that how about a good old fashion Falls Count anywhere match we haven't seen one of those in a while
Every PPV needs a match where you can leave and take a piss, get some food, fuck your spouse, go and get your fingernails pulled off, you know. The usual. This match is it.

No offense, but I hate this mentality. Why does every PPV need a match like that? Why can't you simply put on a PPV that is so damned good that fans are mad about the fact that they have to run to the bathroom? This is a lame excuse used as a cop out for bad matches.

Also, on a side note, there's nothing fun about fucking a signifcant other if it only lasts as long as a crap PPV match but that's neither here nor there. >_>
No offense, but I hate this mentality. Why does every PPV need a match like that? Why can't you simply put on a PPV that is so damned good that fans are mad about the fact that they have to run to the bathroom? This is a lame excuse used as a cop out for bad matches.

While I'd argue that the individual you were replying to worded things wrongly.. I'm going to say, there is no such thing as a "perfect" Pay per view card. Seriously - NorCal goes ape shit over Canadian Stampede, calling it one of the best shows of all time. And to his credit, it really was one of the top Pay per views of it's time. However - at that time, the Taker/Vader match had roughly no build-up, the Light-Heavyweight match was between two guys hardly anyone who purely watched W.W.F knew of, and the Trips/Foley match ended by a DQ (or countout)..

So, based off that understanding.. even with the perfect line-up, you aren't going to get the perfect match-ups. Something always goes wrong, with at least one match.

For me, it was Halloween Havoc 98. I felt the line-up was brilliant and great. But just because on paper all those facing one another looked awesome - you still had several hang-ups and glitches in what actually went down.

THUS - matches like this (Hog Pen match) aren't here to tell you It's gonna be a MOTY possibility.. it's here to tell you.. don't expect a lot, and be pleasantly surprised if something entertaining happens anyways.

Also, on a side note, there's nothing fun about fucking a signifcant other if it only lasts as long as a crap PPV match but that's neither here nor there. >_>

Apparently you don't believe in quickie's. :lmao:

And on that note - if I were going to fuck my spouse during any of the matches that'd take place on this Pay per view - it'd be during the Orton/Batista Cage match.. at least a Hog Pen is unique and you don't see the ending coming.

I'm still part of the slim group that's looking forward to this match - but I also don't have trust and faith that it'll be worth anything more than a remote laugh or two. So I'll win either way.. because someone is getting slopped, and it'll be remotely funny to me.
Ugh. I'm usually not one to bitch. But this shit is an absolutely terrible idea. No one likes Santina and everyone HATES Vickie Guererro. They're both the worst wastes of space in RAW history. Dont get me wrong. I really like SantinO and I thought the Miss Wrestlemania stuff was funny. But this shit has drug on for far too long. Then after you add the annoying and worthless Vickie to the mix....the match basically makes me suicidal.
Why is this even on the card? I realize that night of champions is coming (can't wait!!!!) but this spot could have been given to the tag team title or one of the two divas titles! Heck, what about Evan Bourne VS one of the guys from the Hart Dynasty, that'd be WAY better than this pathetic excuse for a match. Santino dressing up as a women was NOT funny to begin with, it is NOT funny now, and it will NEVER be funny, ever! Also, Vickie in an actual match? Why? This is so ******ed.

Yeah, yeah, I know "it's for a comedy thing so the kids can laugh" or whatever.... well those same kids would appreciate the matchup of bourne/tyson or bourne/smith that i suggested earlier. Just like we would. This match will be my excuse to go to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

Since I absolutely MUST make a prediction (I do for every match) then it goes to.... I cannot believe I am even saying this.... Vickie. I hate Santino's "Santina" BS that much that I'd root for the "excuse me" lady over that crap.

Dagger Dias prediction: VICKIE

PS: If this gets a rematch at Night of Champions, I riot.

What is the WWE thinking? This is nothing more than a piece a crap to take up a few minutes and get some other people on the show.

Winner: Vickie Guerrero
I can't see anything other than Vickie winning. With the no dq rules anyone and everyone can help Vickie, hell even Edge or Show could (but won't due to their matches) and for some reason I can't see Santino coming to his sisters aid. Vickie gets covered in pig crap but wins. This will be what it is, crap with fake Cole laughs to brighten it up.
Why is this even on the card? I realize that night of champions is coming (can't wait!!!!) but this spot could have been given to the tag team title or one of the two divas titles! Heck, what about Evan Bourne VS one of the guys from the Hart Dynasty, that'd be WAY better than this pathetic excuse for a match. Santino dressing up as a women was NOT funny to begin with, it is NOT funny now, and it will NEVER be funny, ever! Also, Vickie in an actual match? Why? This is so ******ed.

Yeah, yeah, I know "it's for a comedy thing so the kids can laugh" or whatever.... well those same kids would appreciate the matchup of bourne/tyson or bourne/smith that i suggested earlier. Just like we would. This match will be my excuse to go to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

Since I absolutely MUST make a prediction (I do for every match) then it goes to.... I cannot believe I am even saying this.... Vickie. I hate Santino's "Santina" BS that much that I'd root for the "excuse me" lady over that crap.

Dagger Dias prediction: VICKIE

PS: If this gets a rematch at Night of Champions, I riot.

Where do I even start on this waste of a spot on the card!? Even as a kid I would have hated this. Pathetic filler that will never lead to anything worth a crap. Vickie better not get a rematch. I never want to see anything like this ever again. Why do I get a bad feeling that this feud is not over? Like my closing statement from my prediction post said.... if this gets its rematch (ugh) at night of champions, then I riot. TNA has a lot of dumb storylines but nothing compared to this BS. Please wwe, end this now because nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to see Santina pretending to be a woman anymore!!!!!!! Awful, just awful.

Final Thoughts: 0 out of 9. Congratulations Santina and Vickie, your "match" has earned the lowest grade I have ever given.

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