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Extreme Rules: Miss WrestleMania: Hog Pen Match: Vickie Guerrero(c) vs Santina


Recently on Raw, the brand’s General Manager, Vickie Guerrero, defeated Santina Marella to win the title of Miss WrestleMania. But at Extreme Rules, Santina will have an opportunity to reclaim her crown, in a unique contest chosen by her twin brother: A Hog Pen Match.

More than just an unusual match type, Santino’s choice served as a slap in the face to Raw’s General Manager. For weeks leading up to his decision, both Santino and his twin sister “Santina” have repeatedly insulted Vickie Guerrero, both to her nephew Chavo, and to the GM’s face. The Italian twins mercilessly mocked Vickie, calling her pig-like and subjecting her to incessant oinking sessions, leading the vindictive GM to put Santina’s Miss WrestleMania title squarely in her sights.

Just one week after Vickie Guerrero became only the second person ever to be crowned Miss WrestleMania, the former titleholder’s twin brother, Santino Marella, competed with Mickie James at his side in a tag team match against the Raw General Manager’s nephew, Chavo Guerrero, and Beth Phoenix. More than pride was at stake in this contest, as the winning team earned the right to choose the match stipulation for the Miss WrestleMania Rematch at Extreme Rules. With the sexy, smart and powerful Mickie pinning The Glamazon, the Italian Superstar decided that the Title Match would be contested in an actual hog pen.

With her nephew Chavo in her corner, will Vickie Guerrero emerge as the “Boss Hog,” or will Santina reclaim her crown as Miss WrestleMania? Find out by tuning in for Extreme Rules, only on pay-per-view.

I really don't know what to say here. We could have built towards a tag-team championship match, but instead, we spend time on RAW with Santina, Vickie, and Chavo. It was funny the first week Santino made pig noises. Now, it's redundant and ridiculous. Discuss this atrocity here. (Sorry TM.)

Fuck a tag team match. Why the hell aren't MVP and Kofi Kingston getting their match in this spot on the PPV instead of RAW next week? Jesus, give it up WWE, this shit isn't funny anymore and nobody wants to pay 40 or whatever the fuck dollars and pathetic attempts at comedy instead of actual wrestling, especially at one of the most unique PPV's of the year. Keep this shit on RAW.
The sad part is this will likely take 15 minutes or even up to twenty counting recaps, entrances and the crowning at the end of it, not to mention a dumb comedy bit that Vince screams to the announcers to laugh at. The tag title thing is absolutely right. Start building up to that. No one really wants to see it, but it would be an attempt if nothing else. This isn't even an attempt. It's lowest common demonenator comedy: get someone messy. MVP and Kofi would be a real match and actually have some good wrestling in it. People want to know why wrestling is dying a painful death? Exhibit A.
This hopefully will be the end of the Santina bullshit. If not, I'm going to be seriously mad. There's no way this match is in any way entertaining. If the two could wrestle, it'd be somewhat tolerable, but you're throwing Vickie Guerrerro in the mix and that's just not going to cut it. I don't understand how anyone would give this match time on a PPV when you have MVP and Kofi Kingston wrestling on FREE TV.

And it won't be farfetched to have MVP not be on the PPV at all. That would be a travesty in itself.
There are limitless options that would be better than this match. I mentioned a tag-match earlier, but I think that would have come too early. When I posted this thread, I didn't know about the Kofi/MVP match. (It actually was announced on my TV about 15 minutes later.) That would have been infinitely better. It could have been a ____ on a pole match. That would have been some fun stuff to watch. Or you could have Maryse defend her title against Kelly Kelly. Oh wait, that would be awful and no one cares about that division anyway. Well, screw it. It'd be better than this crap. Really, anything would be better than this. You could put a newly returned Kennedy in a match against someone like The Miz, which would just be filler, but it would give them a chance to show their stuff. I don't really have words to describe how awful this is. I haven't a clue what whoever thought this was a good idea was thinking.

So, apparently, this Ms. Wrestlemania crowd is worth more than the following:

-Unified Tag Team Championships (that would be both)
-United States Championship
-Diva's Championship
-Women's Championship
-ECW Championship

I'll exclude the Women's and Diva's, as they are crap to begin with now. However, the ECW title not being on the card is terrible. Last year it wasn't either, but we got a brutal number 1 contenders match instead. That was decent. ECW should still sneak on the card somewhere though, so I won't count this out yet.

The US title actually has people fighting for it, and they put possibly one of the better matches to come on RAW. MVP and Kofi both need the exposure. Vickie does not. Santino does, but not in this way. Terrible.

The Tag Team belts need support (perhaps the most overstated arguement ever), and while a PPV match wouldn't be revolutionary, it would be better than this. My biggest beef with this that we MAY still get another match on the card, but it will be cut shorter just to cater to a worn out comedy. I'll pass, thank you.
Matches like this make me want to hunt down every single person who complained that Extreme Rules was just a redux of Judgment Day. Would you rather have Shelton Benjamin vs. John Morrison with a stipulation or Santino vs. Vickie? Be careful what you wish for people.

I really like Santino but this doesn't deserve PPV time. First the Mr. BBQ man stuff with J.R. avoiding a kiss from Khali at Backlash, then a segment with Miz and Chavo at Judgment Day and now this sorta kinda actual match? Why can't we save this stuff for free TV?
Anyone bitching needs to quit. Holy shit you're a bunch of negative individuals. I see a couple people whine and moan about wanting other Championship matches yet in a month or two we're gonna get a Pay per view made specifically for all the Championships to be defended. Not every title needs to be defended on every Pay per view.

This is a Grudge match, and this Pay per view is fitting for ending Grudge matches. So while this may not be a grudge anyone gives a proper shit about - at least it's fitting to be on this Pay per view.

Face it people, gimmicks are few and far between as far as unique and original ones go. You have a Ladder match, so can't hold a T.L.C for fear of it being similar. You have a No Holds Barred, so likely won't have a Street Fight. We just seen a Last Man Standing at Backlash, so I doubt we get another so soon. Hell in a Cell is in all likeliness being saved for Summerslam, Orton/Triple H.. so bringing back a Hog Pen match is brilliance.

Santino/a has been mocking Vickie as a "pig" for weeks now, so the way I see it - this match was in the making since at least a couple weeks ago and I couldn't be more excited to see it.

Will it be shit? Likely, but I guarantee it'll be by leaps and bounds better than the original.. because it'll involve two people that everyone knows, and at least pays attention to. Whereas the original only involved a "Blue Blooded Snob" and a "Hog Farmer".. one of which isn't even around anymore, and likely half this forum doesn't even remember anyways.

I'm calling this right now. The Pig Pen match might only go 5 minutes for actual bell to bell action. It might roll around 10+ minutes of stupidity. But it'll be the most entertaining, exciting and hilarious moment of the entire show. So people need to get off this whole "This is a waste, it doesn't belong" because the way I see it.. it's more fitting for this Pay per view than some of the other already announced matches would be.
Well, I wouldn't go that far. It's true that every title doesn't have to be defended on every PPV but just because "Night of Champions" is coming up it doesn't mean that people should just sit patiently and wait. When is the last time the tag titles have been defended on PPV? They almost made it to 'Mania but got bumped. How about the U.S. title? Diva's title? Not a single title that is currently on RAW has been defended on PPV within this calendar year.

Have you seen the commercials for this PPV? They sell it as if everyone is going to bleed and the matches will all be brutual. A woman who has never wrestled versus a man in drag where the object of the match is to throw your opponent into pig crap doesn't exactly scream extreme. Calling it a grudge match is a little generous. When you think grudge match you think of an actual feud where people have been fighting for a while. Santino just called Vickie a pig about a month ago. And again, there's lots of flailing in the ring and crossdressing involved.

I understand your point and I'd probably be with you 99% of the time. But this isn't the best example. There are other ready made feuds that could have an interesting Extreme Rules match which also deserve PPV time. Like someone said, they had a nice triple threat match between Regal, Hardy and Kofi tonight to determine the #1 contender to the U.S. title and then they book the match for RAW the day after the PPV. All four of the guys have more than earned a PPV spot. Heck, Hardy/MVP has been an insanely long, interesting feud that has gotten fresh again thanks to the double turn.

I think you're going to be hard-pressed to say that Santino/Vickie will be more entertaining in any way, shape, form or fashion than MVP defending the U.S. title on PPV for the first time since Cyber Sunday.
Jesus fucking Christ. Really? I didn't even watch raw tonight, was watching Denver whip the Lakers ass. But when I heard this bullshit, the decision was made for me. They are not gettin my 40 bucks. I'll find a free stream or something. And furthermore, what the fuck is a hog pen match?
I don't understand why people are complaining. every year there is atleast one ridicioulas Comedy stipulation match. Santina (Ugh) and vicky are having what you would call a fued... I guess, and with Santina calling Vicky a pig, and the bickering going on between the two, why not put it on as a comedy segment. Its not going to go for long, it humilates both of them and Will possible give us all a laugh. I know its a wrestling PPV, but the WWE is catering to the kids. and could you see a kid not laughing at two people rolling around in a hog pen match?
This is going to be brutal from my point of view. I'm sure the fans will lap it up and cheer on Santino, but I'll be watching and waiting for the next match. I don't know how much farther they are going to take the Santina thing, but honestly it can't be that much longer can it? I'm guessing Santina wins, but I don't realy care.
I love WWE, they always give us space to go get something to eat during the PPV. Diva's matches are bad enough..this is something else. This will be painful to watch. I love Vikie Guererro. When she's not wrestling. I think she's a great heel, her role of GM and how she handled it was great. She should be no where near a wrestling ring. And don't even get me started on Santina.
Anyone bitching needs to quit. Holy shit you're a bunch of negative individuals. I see a couple people whine and moan about wanting other Championship matches yet in a month or two we're gonna get a Pay per view made specifically for all the Championships to be defended. Not every title needs to be defended on every Pay per view.


Seriously? When was the last team either the Tag Team or United States titles were defended on PPV? It's been forever. Get the midcard and tag guys some PPV time especially when you've somewhat built it up over the past few weeks.

This is a Grudge match, and this Pay per view is fitting for ending Grudge matches.

Um no, this is a comedy filler match which is completely pointless for pay per view. Keep comedy on the show, if you want to add 6 minute filler, add a fucking tag match.

Santino/a has been mocking Vickie as a "pig" for weeks now, so the way I see it - this match was in the making since at least a couple weeks ago and I couldn't be more excited to see it.

Kidding, right? The whole United States championship contender circle has been building every since the RAW after Backlash, and we finally got the #1 contender in Kofi this week. That's two of the mid-cards top faces going one on one for the title. Put it on the PPV in a Falls Count anywhere match or some shit and keep failure attempts at comedy on RAW.

You could do the same shit with the tag team match. Kendrick has been looking for a partner, he finally finds the right guy and they go after the belts on Sunday. It's been built. Both have a hell of alot better and are certainly more interesting than poor, failed Santino jokes about Vickie being a pig. And they'd be better entertainment wise because it's actual wrestling.

So people need to get off this whole "This is a waste, it doesn't belong" because the way I see it.. it's more fitting for this Pay per view than some of the other already announced matches would be.

I strongly believe comedy filler matches should stay on RAW. I pay my money for PPV's to watch wrestling. I don't give a flying fuck what the stipulations of the PPV are.

I don't understand why people are complaining. every year there is atleast one ridicioulas Comedy stipulation match.

What? Where? The only thing that could remotely be close to what you just said would be the Pudding match from a few years ago.

Last year's card was how you should build the Extreme Rules PPV. It was a pretty damn good show last year and had zero of the shit they're throwing into our face with Santino and Vickie.

I know its a wrestling PPV, but the WWE is catering to the kids. and could you see a kid not laughing at two people rolling around in a hog pen match?

Not many kids order and watch PPV's because they're kids. So yeah.
Watching last night and hearing Santino snort like a pig for 5 minutes after the match had me reaching for the remote and nearly changing the channel due to sheer annoyance. I agree with everyone that has stated that Kofi and MVP would be head and shoulders and kidneys above this rubbish. I do not want to watch this "match" knowing full well that there are at least 5 other presentable matches that could have easily filled this spot.
I don't understand why people are complaining. every year there is atleast one ridicioulas Comedy stipulation match.

There is? You really should look at the actual PPV results before making comments like this.

2005 - It was an ECW revival event. Every match was a singles match minus one three-way and a tag match. No comedy stips there.

2006 - Again, it was an ECW event and this time it was the kick off to ECW as it's own brand. Once again it was all singles and tag matches. What was comedic? Lita and Beulah getting involved in that brutual hardcore match?

2007 - There was a pudding match. Point for you.

2008 - The matches were varied. I see a singapore cane match, a first blood match and the only time a woman was involved it was an "I Quit" match. Still no funny.

So apparently "one ridiculous comedy stip a year" translates well into "one ridiculous comedy stip in FOUR YEARS."
Meh, this will be pretty stupid. I'm guessing that Santina kicks Vickie's ass but is finally revealed, and stripped of "her" crown. At least that's what I'm hoping. Santino needs to end this and maybe he can become a legitimate wrestler some time soon.

As for the actual match, I'd be shocked if it went more than 3 minutes. Seriously, what can Vickie even do in a wrestling ring? There will be some Chavo intereference, some laughs, some tears, some other shenanigans, maybe even a little Hornswaggle.

In the end, this match is for the kids, and I could really care less about it. Hopefully the whole thing only last 10 minutes and we can all get on with our lives.
C'mon guys, don't you remember that intrepid match between my fav. Henry Godwin and Hunter Hearst Helmsley at In Your House V "Seasons Beatings"? Aside from the tremendous action in the ring you had such high spots as HHH going for the Pedigree, then HOG back dropped him into... no HHH held on to the pen. The action didn't stop there, HHH dropped an elbow off the pen. The conclusion came sadly when Hunter back dropped a charging Henry into the pen. But wait! Henry got Hunter in the pen and gorilla pressed him in the mud! I don't think the wrestling will be quite as good at Extreme Rules but thinking about seeing Santina and Vickie wrestlin' in the mud gets me kinda tingly.
This will be nothing but filler and a nice comedic break in between matches. This is not going to affect the strength of the pay-per view because it's not that strong to begin with. Santina will win this and everybody will get back to not caring.
I think this will be the piss break match for the fans in the arena if it doesn't start out good. The wrestling is obviously not going to be good, but I think that there's the possibility that this will be a funny/entertaining little segment. But if they really want to continue the Santina character then I think she will take the win here. But I could also see Vicky winning because of Chavo interfering or Vicky changes the match to a 2 on 1 handicap hog pen match. Anyways I think this match will be the end of the the "feud" between Santina and Vickie Guerrero.

I still think we should give it a chance before we even see what goes down.
uuuggghhh. as IF its not enough to wast our fucking time with this shit on monday nights, we want to waste my MONEY on it as well. The only thing i can hope to have come out of this, is that this feud will be fucking over. If only.

Itll be shit, and not very funny, and will likely get booed out of the building. To think of what this show started off as, to what it has become, is pretty damn disgusting.
UGH........I think Santina/o/as? are funny....until anything wrestling related happens. Plus everything about this says trainwreck....so much so that something over the top will have to happen. I'm sure Chavo will meet mud....Santina will lose her top, and Vickie will win.

...I'd rather see Kofi/MVP or hell I'd rather see Ziggler hit Khali with chairs (and still lose) than this
NorCal stole the words right out of my mouth. I personally, cite Santina as one of the reasons I refuse to watch WWE anymore. I'm sure there's others that don't want to be bothered with it on free TV, so how could Vince expect us to pay for it? Maybe Vince is trying to tell us he has a thing for women that are "more than meets the eye".

All kidding aside, this is worthless. What's worse, is that it probably won't open, and instead, will take place between the two title matches...:disappointed:
This match makes me want o put my fist through a wall.

There are plenty of matches that would make more sense and wouldn't suck as much.

Khali Vs Ziggler.

MVP Vs Kofi (Instead we get this on free tv :disappointed: )

Any thing involving the tag titles which we haven't see ndefended since the Colons won them.

Anything at all would be better than this horrible excuse for a comedy match
Sick of this campy garbage the WWE puts out. At what point did the idea of dressing Santino in drag seem like an idea that had longevity? It was barely worth a 5 minute segment on Raw, how the hell has it managed to last 3 PPV's beyond Wrestlemania? There have been better storylines that lasted half as long as this crap.
And furthermore, it's matches like these that fuck PPV's up. You'll have a good match beforehand that gets the crowd going and then the WWE throws in stupid crap like this, has the crowd thinking 'what the fuck?' and it takes another brilliant match to try and get the crowd going again. This is the reason PPV's are so frigging clunky these days.
I have a feeling this match is going to go over like a paedophile on Sesame Street.

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