Extreme Rules 2014: The Shield VS Evolution

I initially thought The Shield would win this match, but after Flair cam out and endorsed them tonight I could very much see him coming out at Extreme Rules and costing them the match. I may be wrong, but it definitely wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. Evolution wins with Flair's help.

I was thinking the same thing. It sure looked as if they're building towards that type of thing come Sunday. I even think it's more likely after seeing his promo on Backstage Pass
After last night my thoughts on the shield going over has changed. I now believe that Evolution goes over. I thought with Batista taking time off after Extreme Rules we'll see the end of Evolution but it's rather to soon and I think Batista is only taking a few weeks off in time for the next PPV for the Shield to get their payback..........Pardon the pun.

Did any of you notice last night that Flair winked at Evolution after he said he's going to endorse the Shield? That was another convincing sign to me that he'll come out turn on them, low blow one of them and Evolution wins.
After last night my thoughts on the shield going over has changed. I now believe that Evolution goes over. I thought with Batista taking time off after Extreme Rules we'll see the end of Evolution but it's rather to soon and I think Batista is only taking a few weeks off in time for the next PPV for the Shield to get their payback..........Pardon the pun.

Did any of you notice last night that Flair winked at Evolution after he said he's going to endorse the Shield? That was another convincing sign to me that he'll come out turn on them, low blow one of them and Evolution wins.

True. This match can't be won clean since both groups are trying to look strong. They can easily write Batista off TV by The Shield triple powerbombing Batista through the announcer's table, etc.
Talking about a dream match! Man, I'm really excited for this one, it has written all over as one of the best matches the Shield can have (and boy do they have amazing tag team matches).

Not sure who can win, I can see either team having the victory over the other, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if Evolution wins and Shield goes apeshit and triple powerbombs Batista. Anyway, I don't know the result of the match but man I can't wait!
Easily the match I want to see most on this PPV, my favorite stable of all time in Evolution against this generation's spitting image of them in The Sheild. It has all the makings of a five star match and I absolutely love all the guys in this match, I know I'll be loyal to my guys but I can't pick a winner as of right now. I want to see this feud roll for a while, another match at Payback and hopefully have that rumored match of HHH-Reigns. I'd enjoy Rollins-Batista and Orton-Ambrose would be a cool battle of psychotic badasses, that would be ideal.

But I'm incredibly excited for this match and I can't wait for the rest of the program, gonna take a shot in the dark and say Evolution wins this one.

This is my pick for the final match on the show and the match of the night. Three former multi time World Champions who just happen to also be one of the best factions in history facing three of tomorrow's stars who make up the best modern stable? This has match has my full attention. Normally I believe firmly in the world title match going on last, but this is one of the few exceptions. When a match approaches dream match territory as this one has, it is fine to let it go on last. This match has had the best build going into the show and I am sure it will more than deliver. I can't wait! The Shield will likely get the win here and I don't see this being the end of the feud. I hope it will continue.

The Shield will defeat Evolution.
The booking for this has been really good, The Shield have looked very strong in retaliating to the initial beat-down they took and going into the match I really have no idea who will win, but I am hoping it is Evolution as I'd like to see this angle continue. I just hope there is no swerve by one of The Shield members.
This will be a MotY candidate without a doubt. Rollins and Reigns continue to progress weekly. The spots, the hits, the bumps...perfectly done. I don't give stars or anything, but this is a match I would watch again tomorrow on the replay.
I didn't think anything could top, or be on a par with The Shield's match against The Wyatt Family, but wow, what a match! All three Shield members got some shine which was important, but in particular this was Seth Rollins' night. Few WWE stars nowadays have either the capability athletically, or willingness to pull off something like he did when he jumped off the barricade on top of HHH and Orton. What a fantastic moment!

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