Extreme Rules 2014: The Shield VS Evolution

The Eighties

Forward Thinking Nostalgist

Well it's official, I think this will probably headline the PPV and go on last. I'm intrigued by what stip they put on it, I think a Tornado rules street fight would be great, I could see some fantastic carnage being produced by these 6.

As for who wins, logically it has to be Evolution IMO, otherwise there was no point in reforming them. The heels need some momentum after Mania and Evolution needs this win to make their reuniting complete.
I think it would be pretty cool if Roman Reigns turned on the Shield in the end and jumped ship to Evolution. Evolution is all about the "past, present and future" of wrestling, and it would make sense for Roman Reigns to join up with them as "the future". I think this would be an interesting way to split up the Shield and it would ultimately add more to the eventual match between Reigns and Triple H, when Reigns finally goes out on his own. The fact of the matter is that as a singles competitor, Reigns is still green, but the Shield has also run its course as a faction. Having Reigns develop as a singles wrestler in the midcard while a part of Evolution solves these problems. There's no need to rush into a big babyface push with Reigns.

Or fuck it, just put the Shield over.
I think Evolution should go over here too, and in the next few months leading up to Summerslam, Triple H should continue to screw over The Shield, order more hits out on them, and even try to drive a wedge between them (try recruit Ambrose or Rollins, book em in a Triple Threat, put all 3 in the Money in the Bank match etc.). It would make people anticipate Reigns vs. Triple H at Summerslam even more, as they'd really wanna see The Shield give Triple H his comeuppance.

If it's The Shield that goes over instead, I could see it happening because of Orton and Batista walking out on Triple H. Someone brought this up recently in another thread - Batista and Orton originally turned down Triple H's offer for the 3 of them to go after The Shield, and Steph told Triple H that "she had a plan". My guess is that she was behind The Shield attacking Batista & Orton in their Tag Team Title match with The Usos, so they would change their minds about Haitch's offer. Maybe she paid someone to stir shit up and tell The Shield that they overheard Batista & Orton plotting to take take them out later in the night. At the PPV, Batista and Orton find out somehow, walk out on HHH, and leave him all alone for The Hounds Of Justice, which could then lead to a Fatal 4 Way between Triple H, Batista, Orton & Bryan for the WWE Title at Payback.

Should be a great match though, no matter who wins, and I hope for a Tornado rules Street Fight as the stip.
This is definitely of a dream match of mine, so needless to say I can not wait! I have no doubt that these guys can absolutely tear the house down & have a fantastic main event match! But since Triple H is injured at the moment, I have a feeling we aren't going to get any other stipulation added to the match even though it's taking place at the Exteme Rules event. Some kind of Tornado Street Fight/Extreme Rules match would be absolutely epic but I just don't see that happening.

As for who goes over in the match, I would say The Shield but that's only because I figure this is a one off match due to plans changing. Originally Triple H was supposed to face off with Bryan for the title after Mania & I could see the WWE going back to those plans after Extreme Rules & they could just find some other storyline in time for Summerslam so the rumored Triple H/Roman Reigns match could take place. Also if Reigns is getting a big singles match at Summerslam that may mean that The Shield will split before then & therefore couldn't go on & feud with Evolution for very long. But if the WWE does plan of having this Shield/Evolution feud go until Summerslam, then the heels should take the first "w" & then eventually put over The Shield as a whole before putting Reigns over huge at Summerslam.
This is a big draw. I'm definitely excited to see it. Evolution should go over; otherwise there was absolutely no reason for them to reform.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
Evolution returning was huge. Very happy to see this happen.

This is a money match and hopefully becomes more than just a 6-man tag match, I'd go with an Extreme Rules Elimination stip, and have the "Special Event" live up to it's name.

These guys have the ability to tear the arena down!

Kane comes out at the end and destroys whoever is in the ring (Reigns and HHH for example) Hunter capitalizes and Evolution scores their necessary victory.

EDIT: Any chance Flair can get in on this somehow? Likely/Unlikely?
Evolution has to win this. Then they have to win through to Summerslam feuding with The Shield. Otherwise, this is wasteful booking. Ambrose needs to get the bulk of the losses, to build up the break by Reigns and Rollins.

For this match in particular, it needs to be a standard one fall match. This is the problem with an extreme PPV as the first PPV of the wrestling season... Hardcore, extreme, weapons, etc. should be used as feud blow offs, not as first matches. This needs to be a standard match, and Evolution has to go over.

The Shield should hit all of their spots, but have them hit them early and then have Evolution grind them down slowly and finally Batista get the clean win on Ambrose. They are both the extraneous characters in each faction, unnecessary, and it doesn't hurt anyone this way. Orton is going to be busy after this feud back in the title picture, and HHH will eventually go back to the smartass face COO. Batista is the only one in Evolution that has nowhere else to go once this feud is over, so he needs some actual build as the one that gets the pin. Ambrose serves no purpose after The Shield. He's easily the least important Shield member, so him getting pinned is to be expected. Rollins and Reigns should be protected in this match/feud.
Shield 6-mans are usually hits, I'd expect this one to be the best one ever. This is a Triple H match, so he'll go all out and ensure that this is something special. This is my prediction for WWE match of the year.

It'll also be nice to see The Sheild go on last. All three deserve it and it'll only enhance them.
Evolution need to win this one. Both Orton & Batista need to get their heat back after losing at Wrestlemania and this can be used as a springboard for the rumoured HHH/Reigns match at Summerslam. Evolution could go over and Shield (specifically Reigns) in revenge could take out HHH either then or on Raw. To be honest HHH could do with some time off TV at the minute and an injury angle is probably the best way to do it. Beside there is no shame in losing to three former World Champions
In all honesty, I think there's a genuine possibility that this could turn into an 8 man tag team match with Kane & Daniel Bryan being added to it, possibly even an 8 man elimination tag match. I could see them go a step further in declaring that Bryan's title on the line and that the man who pins Bryan is champion. As a result, this would have Orton, Batista & Kane at each other's throats at various points during the match with each of them breaking up potential pinfalls on Bryan to prevent each other from winning the strap. The unity of Evolution & Kane break down, allowing Bryan & The Shield to win.

However, I doubt that'll happen and I think there's a strong possibility of this match going on last, thereby headlining the show. If so, it'll lead to a lot of fans pissing & moaning about how Bryan isn't a main eventer because he's not wrestling last. You know, all the same old bullshit that people nitpicked CM Punk's run over
I cant wait for this match. Orton v Ambrose in a battle of "nutjobs." Batista v Reigns in a battle of power guys. HHH as proven as Mania can still go and Rollins is great. What more can you ask for?

I like the previous post someone made about Reigns joining Evolution. The only thing is the rumor is hes facing HHH at S-Slam so I doubt that happens.All 6 can go(Batista can be covered by Orton and HHH). I cant wait.
Evolution must go over in this match. Since the 3 of them re-united,there going to run roughshot over the Shield in the months to come.. This is what its going to take to break the shield apart,Evolution eventually will drive a wedge between the group splitting up the hounds of justice.. I could see an 8 man tag,where DB is added to the match with his title on the line..

Although i doubt that will happen,i do think the Evolution vs Shield match will go on last. I wont bitch and moan that DB is not on last,after all he is the WWE WHC and im happy with that. Evolution got together to take out the hounds of justice,and after that they will zero in on Daniel Bryan.
I am completely shocked by all the people saying Evolution go over here. Sure, that might happen, depending on creative plans for the next few months, but it's by no means a given. Frankly I don't see the Evolution reunion lasting very long and I think the whole point of it is to put The Shield over, either here or down the road.

Also Reigns turning heel, betraying his teammates, joining Evolution? Reigns is the one clearly set for a big babyface run (and probably Rollins also). If anyone does that (which I really doubt will happen) it's going to be Ambrose.
The 'sheets were saying the intent of this program was to put over The Shield....Let's hope it goes that way.

All the elements of a great match, and should be a raucous crowd in live attendance to boot.
Really looking forward to this. Hopefully this main events, and I expect a rabid crowd atmosphere (something similar to Wyatt VS Shield on pay per view).

Tricky to pick a winner for this, but I'm going with Evolution. Yeah, Triple H, Batista, and Orton are decorated world champions and future Hall Of Famers, so you could say they don't need the win, but Evolution doesn't need a 100% clean win.

Triple H could sneak a sledgehammer in here somewhere, or maybe Orton and Batista pull a dirty trick behind the ref's back to help Evolution pick up the win. And you preserve The Shield's momentum, because Evolution couldn't win without cheating.

Also, I agree with The Eighties about Evolution's reformation. I really don't see the point in a big reunion, if the plan is for a one night only match and a loss. Evolution should stick around for a little while, with Triple H abusing his power to torment The Shield, and maybe they'll tease a fourth member, or someone to fill Triple H's spot as an active full time wrestler.

And I don't see a Roman Reigns heel turn happening. They're still in the early stages of a face run, and Reigns is the stand out star of the group, so you're crippling The Shield if you take away Reigns.
Really looking forward to this. Hopefully this main events, and I expect a rabid crowd atmosphere (something similar to Wyatt VS Shield on pay per view).

Tricky to pick a winner for this, but I'm going with Evolution. Yeah, Triple H, Batista, and Orton are decorated world champions and future Hall Of Famers, so you could say they don't need the win, but Evolution doesn't need a 100% clean win.

Triple H could sneak a sledgehammer in here somewhere, or maybe Orton and Batista pull a dirty trick behind the ref's back to help Evolution pick up the win. And you preserve The Shield's momentum, because Evolution couldn't win without cheating.

Also, I agree with The Eighties about Evolution's reformation. I really don't see the point in a big reunion, if the plan is for a one night only match and a loss. Evolution should stick around for a little while, with Triple H abusing his power to torment The Shield, and maybe they'll tease a fourth member, or someone to fill Triple H's spot as an active full time wrestler.

And I don't see a Roman Reigns heel turn happening. They're still in the early stages of a face run, and Reigns is the stand out star of the group, so you're crippling The Shield if you take away Reigns.

I'm going with Evolution, too. This match is a money maker. The rematch can help get more subscribers to the Network since June PPV's the past few years hadn't been as good as Extreme Rules and MITB.

I just wonder how they're going to book Battleground to be a legit PPV without taking away from Summerslam and MITB
Really excited for this one. Even as a Shield fan, I would fully expect Evolution to get the win, whether it's clean or not, I don't know.

As for the idea of Reigns joining Evolution, it'll just scream a rib of Batista when he turned face on the faction back in 2005 in my opinion, so I don't see it happening.
With reports on multiple sites alleging Batista is taking time off after Extreme Rules, I'd say The Shield goes over here. None if the sites with this story have stated exactly why Batista is taking time off, but speculation is that it's to start doing some promotional work for Guardians of the Galaxy's release in August. If Batista is legitimately taking time off, then I could see him doing so as the result of an "injury" in order to be written off TV for a while.

So, again if it's all true, we might not be looking at an extended program between The Shield and Evolution unless they decide to add another member to the group who'd stand in for Batista. The Evolution concept was about the past, present and future of WWE with Flair representing the past, Triple H the present and Orton & Batista as the future. Maybe they'll go back to that concept when you really consider that Triple H is really more of the guy representing the past and Orton representing the present, so they could bring up someone from NXT or use someone else on the roster looking to break out.
So we're going to see Evolution vs. The Shield at Extreme Rules and that's fine and dandy but I just don't buy The Shield winning that match. I see no scenario that The Shield should realistically win this match. They are young up and comers who really haven't accomplished a whole lot individually and I'm supposed to believe that they can beat HHH, Batista and Orton? (3 of the best guys on the roster.) With the rumors that Batista is leaving after the PPV, it seems more likely that the WWE is moving in the direction of putting The Shield over in this match. So my question is this:

Do you think The Shield is going over at the PPV? If so, how?
Isn't this what Triple H did to Chris Benoit back in 2004 after he won the World Title at Mania XX? At Bad Blood that year, Triple H and Shawn Michaels had a completely unnecessary Hell In A Cell match in order to upstage Benoit who was defending the title against...you guessed it Kane. Now Triple H reforms Evolution to fight the Shield which will probably go on last and make Bryan's match with Kane an afterthought. There is just too many parallels here. Triple H can't get the attention off of him I suppose.
I can absolutely see why The Shield would go over Evolution here. Keep in mind that both Batista and Orton want the WWEWHC, but neither of them are going to get it so long as they are apart of Evolution. In a typical stable you have the lead who goes after the title and a few grunts who generally take the leads beatings and play the numbers game. Batista and Orton are anything but grunts at this point in their careers. I think that the whole reformation of Evolution was to split them up. I mean, Batista and Orton have been doing a lot of HHH's dirty work since Elimination Chamber. I can totally see Orton walking out on this match. Think about it. He didn't tap at Mania; he deserves his rematch. In fact HHH tried to take the rematch Orton was owed for himself. I can also see an angle where Orton finally gets back at Evolution for betraying him after he won the title and leave Batista and HHH to receive a beating from The Shield during the match. He then goes on to feud with Bryan.
While SHIELD should go over, I wouldn't mind this being the time Ambrose breaks off and turns heel, joining Evolution or just being by himself.

I don't know why, but I just can't see Ambrose being a true face going much further. I don't see it in his character.
I initially thought The Shield would win this match, but after Flair cam out and endorsed them tonight I could very much see him coming out at Extreme Rules and costing them the match. I may be wrong, but it definitely wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. Evolution wins with Flair's help.
I initially thought The Shield would win this match, but after Flair cam out and endorsed them tonight I could very much see him coming out at Extreme Rules and costing them the match. I may be wrong, but it definitely wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened. Evolution wins with Flair's help.

That would be interesting. A different dynamic in the feud. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a rematch.
This has 5 star match written all over it. It cannot fail to deliver.

The winner is difficult to predict. The Shield winning seems obvious but I can't see this feud ending now. However, Evolution shouldn't be winning clean and I can't think of any good ways in which they pull it off. I suppose someone from The Shield turning is an option. Doing it now would work as it is unexpected. Certainly an option. Anyway, I reckon The Shield win in a classic encounter.

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