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Extreme Rules 2014 - Rob Van Dam VS Cesaro VS Jack Swagger


On the Raw post-show last night, a triple threat elimination match between RVD, Swagger and Cesaro was announced for this Sunday's card. While I personally would've preferred seeing this sort of match for the IC title, this should still be a pretty good outing.

After this match, I think it's time to move Cesaro on from his feud with Swagger considering that he's already beaten him twice, though their match on SmackDown! was far better than the one on Raw last night. The only real purpose I can see for having RVD here is to provide a little star power and some high flying moves to mingle with the ground & pound styles of Swagger and Cesaro. I don't see RVD picking up the win, ultimately putting over younger talent is pretty much WWE's main goal with him considering that he only wrestles 3 months at a time before going on hiatus. I've no real interest in seeing Swagger win because, as I alluded to, it'd indicate his feud with Cesaro may continue and I don't see much of a point to that.
Jack Thwagger should be really thankful to Cesaro for sticking around and making him at least moderately relevant enough to accidentally land on another Special Event. RVD in this mix doesn't add much, UNLESS, it's there to pull a Heyman swerve.

Maybe the RVD v. Heyman thing that's been building is an angle for RVD and Heyman to join forces again, and leave Cesaro on his own. That would allow Cesaro to go back to being a face because of his abilities, and that would allow Heyman to stay Heyman. As it stands now, Heyman managing Cesaro is difficult to tolerate because Heyman keeps talking about the streak and Lesnar. I could see Cesaro getting tired of that, and then Heyman and RVD pulling a swerve on Cesaro.

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, Jack Thwagger is irrelevant to this, he will be the one that gets pinned, and I hope that they put Zeb/Dutch whatever with someone that matters.
Please stop referring to Jack Swagger as Jack Thwagger. It's not funny, it's extremely rude, and it only makes people look at you as one of the less intelligent users on this forum.

This should be a good match, but I'm not excited for it. We already know that Cesaro is going to win.
He's a shit wrestler, with a shit gimmick, and a shit lisp, and beyond that, shit mic skills. He should have never ever gotten to where he is in the business, and he's been lucky his whole career. I'll gladly call him Jack Thwagger, or Jack Fuckface if I'd like.

Either way, him being in the match will guarantee botches and missed cues. He will be kept far away from a mic. He'll be the one that gets pinned, and he'll get his Special Event payout, thanks to much better talent keeping him relevant.
Does RVD need a manager? Does RVD join either Heyman or Coulter?

This match is odd. I understand using RVD but I don't see the point. Heyman and Cesaro vs Colter and Swagger is interesting. The mic work and the potential in the ring. There is a lot of talent not on this card: Sheamus, Ziggler, Del Rio and they could have perhaps done something else instead of this triple threat.
I don't understand why they don't seem to trust Ceasaro and Swagger to have a singles match. Just before Wrestlemania when it looked like they were going to break up and feud going into Wrestlemania, they all of a sudden added Big E into the mix, and everyone thought they were going to have a triple threat Match at WM, before the pulled the plug on it.

Now once again you could have just had a rivalry with the two of them and there respective managers, but for some reason they toss RVD into the mix. Is there some reason they don't trust the two of them together.

As for does RVD need a manager, if he does get one, maybe bring back Bill Alphonso for just this one time
On the Raw post-show last night, a triple threat elimination match between RVD, Swagger and Cesaro was announced for this Sunday's card. While I personally would've preferred seeing this sort of match for the IC title, this should still be a pretty good outing.

WWE.com is promoting this match as a standard one-fall Triple Threat, not an Elimination match, just FYI.

I want to see RVD win this, because it's my first time seeing him live at a Pay-Per-View and because I'm tired of all the worthwhile part-timers being wasted while they're around, and I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger win because I'm a huge fan of his and I still believe he's one of the future megastars of WWE, but I'm fairly certain it will be Antonio Cesaro picking up the win here. I have very little interest in Cesaro, he was starting to grow on me last year, but for me he just started getting more and more bland once they started teasing the breakup of The Real Americans, and the Cesaro Swing just killed his character for me. Useless comedy moves have always turned me off from a character and this is probably the worst one I've ever seen.
RVD and Swagger would've made good road buddies if Rob had accepted Colter's offer. You know, smoking all that weed and shit.

I actually like that we have a Triple Threat match here without any titles or #1 contendership's on the line. I can't remember the last time WWE had one of those. It may be an odd match but it's one I'm still gonna enjoy. Hopefully this opens up the PPV. I just wish they had built this match up a bit more longer. I think Swagger should win this one. When was the last time he got a PPV win? Out of the 3, he probably needs it the most. But I would have him steal the pin from Cesaro, so Cesaro still comes out looking strong in this one. Have Cesaro hit the Neutralizer on Van Dam, Swagger chuck Cesaro out of the ring, and pin Van Dam for the win.

It will be interesting to see which two superstars come out of this feuding with each other for Payback - Cesaro/RVD, RVD/Swagger, or Cesaro/Swagger.
On the Raw post-show last night, a triple threat elimination match between RVD, Swagger and Cesaro was announced for this Sunday's card. While I personally would've preferred seeing this sort of match for the IC title, this should still be a pretty good outing.

After this match, I think it's time to move Cesaro on from his feud with Swagger considering that he's already beaten him twice, though their match on SmackDown! was far better than the one on Raw last night. The only real purpose I can see for having RVD here is to provide a little star power and some high flying moves to mingle with the ground & pound styles of Swagger and Cesaro. I don't see RVD picking up the win, ultimately putting over younger talent is pretty much WWE's main goal with him considering that he only wrestles 3 months at a time before going on hiatus. I've no real interest in seeing Swagger win because, as I alluded to, it'd indicate his feud with Cesaro may continue and I don't see much of a point to that.

Yeah, if these three guys were facing E for the title, match could have easily been having the crowd chanting "This Is Awesome!".

However, I'm hoping this match puts an end to the lackluster Cesaro/Swagger feud. A feud of Cesaro vs. RVD seems promising especially with Heyman in the middle.
Hm.....I can't remember the last time there was a triple threat match on a PPV with no special stakes or rewards for the winner. That just seems kinda weird but then again that's this 3 way thing between RVD, Swagger and Cesaro is in a nutshell, weird. Match should be solid enough and chances are will be the opener but it has that "tossed in at the last minute because they have nothing better for them to do" feeling to it.

Obvious prediction: RVD hits the 5 star on Swagger before Cesaro tosses him out and then hits the Neutralizer on Swagger ftw, hopefully then the 3 men move on to other things.
RVD's never been heel in the E.

He was a tweener in the Invasion that was -technically- heel but cheered unanimously as a face.

Heyman guiding RVD/Cesaro and maybe one other guy could work, don't go the Shield/Wyatt route but more like the Heenan Family with the manager tieing it all together.

Also I like the idea of a three way feud. It's been forever since we've seen something like this that wasn't for a world title plus I like seeing a good old three way dance with some meaning again.
I highly doubt the RVD and Heyman joining forces swerve occuring because WWE is not going to waste a guy like Cesaro and put his future at risk. RVD joining anyone makes no sense as he works on a three month basis and is not a long term guy. Whats the point of having him join and then leave two months later and then come back a couple months later for a whole new feud?

As for this match goes, since it is elimination style I think it comes down to RVD hitting the five star on Swagger to eliminate him and than Cesaro sneaking up on RVD for a neutralizer and the win. It's a simple thing and really either of the other guys going over doesn't quite make sense to me.
This is a nice little treat for us fans to enjoy this match.. While Cesaro has in fact beaten Swagger twice now cleanly,after this Cesaro will move on.. This match should be the opening bout IMO,with 15-20 minutes of solid action.. I think cesaro goes over,this is a no-brainer.

RVD is a part-timer and his sole purpose is to put over younger talent.. NO point in him winning,no is there a point in swagger winning although he could use it for sure. Cesaro hits the neutralizer on RVD to go over.
As for this match goes, since it is elimination style I think it comes down to RVD hitting the five star on Swagger to eliminate him and than Cesaro sneaking up on RVD for a neutralizer and the win. It's a simple thing and really either of the other guys going over doesn't quite make sense to me.

They announced it as an elimination match, but WWE.com is promoting it as a standard Triple Threat Match, so I'm assuming we won't see any eliminations.

I want to see RVD win, because I'm sick of the best part-timers (RVD, Jericho) come in and lose constantly, while the less worthwhile part-timers (Batista, Lesnar) come in and have the world handed to them on a silver platter. Jack Swagger would be my second choice because I've been a huge fan of his since his debut on ECW and I still think he's both far better than Antonio Cesaro and far better than he's given credit for, period. But I have little doubt WWE is going to give Cesaro the win, Vince is confident he can MAKE Cesaro into a Daniel Bryan. Even after all these years, Vince hasn't learned that he harder he tries to force the fans to buy into something, the more severe the backlash when they turn on his "chosen ones".
I think it's a way to extend Cesaro vs Swagger, keep RVD on the card, and have Cesaro win without RVD losing. Should be a good match and there are several stories going into this so it's interesting from a booking standpoint.
I think this will be a great opening match for the ppv, and I like the idea of Swagger being pinned by Cesaro for the win, and then Cesaro continuing a feud with RVD to the next ppv. Cesaro comes out of this with a win though no matter who losses the match. If it turns out to actually be an elimination match then I say RVD takes out Swagger only for Cesaro to get a quick pin on him.
sonally, I am rooting for Swagger to win but Cesaro's push needs to look strong, so I am most likely sure he will win. Adding RVD into the mix would look interesting. I doubt we'll see RVD turn heel, considering his part-time status. Swagger really doesn't get the credit he deserves. He needs that aggressive style that Angle had to push him higher.
Odd match but I guess they had to do something for them. And the combination of moves that can happen with Cesaro, Swagger and RVD in the match might be pretty awesome.

I think this feud needs to end, between Cesaro and Swaggs. They are just not that into the feud at all, creative. They have Jack lose on TV to Cesaro, they have Heyman act like he's not even interested in his "debate" with Good ol' Zeb and just talking about Brock Lesnar.

If they feud would've been built better, I would've been completely fine with their feud because of both men can put on an intense and powerful showing.

Is anyone else, like, not getting into Cesaro's theme? Seems like it doesn't suit him at all. Plus it sounds like a Steiner's theme only without the badassery.
@Aquaman6686 what is the point of having RVD go over in this one? Cesaro is apparently WWE's guy to push, well at least this year, and having him lose to a part timer or someone who is not nearly as popular as him will hurt Cesaro only.

Look its simple, RVD was clearly not brought in so because he is such a big draw and should be built up as the top level main eventer or anything; he is simply brought in as an enhancement talent to put over younger guys.

I don't mean to say that all RVD should do is lose and lose, he should have 1 compelling feud which consists of one loss and one win and then a rubber match he can lose.

Back to the topic though, Cesaro is the guy WWE obviously wants to take to the next level, not swagger. Had WWE pushed Jack the way they did Cesaro (which they tried to do last year) than sure he should have won but really the biggest future asset goes over here and that is cesaro
Interesting match, probably a fast paced match to open the show, while RVD may not have a real reason to be in this match, still is going to be good to see him. Anyway, there's no reason for Cesaro to lose this one, unless creative wants to drag the "feud" between Swagger and Cesaro a little more, which IMO has become unnecessary. Either way, looks like a good match and Cesaro takes the win.
Unless they swerve us and have RVD reunite with Heyman this seems to be a pretty clear win for Cesaro. Like everyone else Jack Swagger's presence is nothing more than a formality and an added element to the match but I don't think anyone is really worried about him winning here. This ought to open the show, a couple big spots from RVD and Cesaro, maybe Cesaro using is unique strength to counter a signature move from RVD, in the end The Swiss Superman walks away with it and will hopefully be done with the Swagger feud.
I don't have a problem with this.

RVD breaks up the monotony of Swagger/Cesaro, and you have the potential for a fun three way match. Cesaro wins, obviously. He's clearly the superior in the feud with Swagger, and RVD doesn't need the win at all.

This could be a great match. I can see it going on during the earlier half of the evening. Cesaro is clearly getting pushed over Swagger so he will get the win here. I can't see Swagger possibly winning this. Cesaro needs the win the most due to how strongly he is being pushed. Oh yeah, RVD is in this too. That was random of them to add him to the match but I like it better this way since they already did Swagger VS Cesaro recently. I've enjoyed the build as well as the promos from both Zeb and Heyman. I'm excited for this one.

Cesaro will defeat RVD and Jack Swagger.
I have no idea if this is still an elimintion match but I hope so, nice oldschool ECW nod. Either way I can't see any logical outcome that doesn't involve Cesaro having his hand raised. I expect this to pretty entertaining.

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