Extreme Rules 2014 General Discussion & Aftermath

Which would you rather see at Extreme Rules?

  • Daniel Bryan and The Shield vs. Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, and Kane

  • Daniel Bryan vs. 1 of the 4 and The Shield vs. the other 3

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According to the main page, originally sourced from the WON, it's being speculated that WWE is going to be building the Extreme Rules ppv, set to take place on May 4th, around Daniel Bryan. The ppv is set to take place in Seattle, Washington, which is a little over 100 miles from Bryan's hometown of Aberdeen, but Seattle wasn't the original location of the show and the decision to have it in Seattle was made 2 weeks ago.

If I'm not mistaken, the go home Raw for TLC was held in Seattle and it was this crowd that hijacked the contract signing segment at the end of the show with consistent and massive "Daniel Bryan" chants. The fact that WWE has changed the location to one that they know will be even more overwhelmingly pro Daniel Bryan than usual suggests that they have something big planned for him. As to what this "something big" is, the first thing that springs to mind would be Bryan capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in front of a rabid, hometown crowd.
WWE will be missing a trick if they don't have Bryan going for the world title and then have him...lose. Imagine the reaction, it'd be brilliant.

I really think that if Bryan doesn't get his moment at Mania this year then he should get it next. It seems like a long time but I have faith in WWE that they can keep him in an elevated spot for another year without pulling the trigger on a lengthy title run.

Having Bryan consistently fail might turn off a few fans, but ultimately it won't make any difference.
Wow this would be huge not as huge as his WM moment but maybe he can wait next year to have that. That crowd will be absolutely insane if he were to capture the WWE WHC! The crowd will hijack the whole show with just massive pops and DB chants. As far as WM opponent goes? Im just throwing this out there but a match against Taker would be epic. It would totally elevate Daniel Bryan more so than he is now! A true WM Moment and again just throwing this out there,for him to end the streak!
I say have Bryan go over Triple H at Wrestlemania then face / beat Randy Orton at Extreme Rules to win the WWE title. The pop for Bryan winning the title would be amazing. Also, this time I'll order the PPV (Extreme Rules) if Bryan will win.

Bryan will also get loud cheers at the next PPV in Chicago.

I say build a huge blockbuster match between him and Batista at Summerslam as well.
I think it would be neat if Bryan beats Triple H at wrestlemania but during the main event where Batista will beat Orton the crowd will take a dump all over the match with Daniel Bryan chants. I think this should lead to Batista turning heel have ever since he returned he's been boo'd while a little wimp like Bryan has been cheered and Batista will destroy him to shut the fans up in his home state. Bryan wins title at ER from Heel Batista and has a relatively lengthy reign. I personally would want him to drop it to Cena at around Royal Rumble who drops it to the Royal Rumble winner Roman Reigns thus passing the torch while Bryan takes on the Undertaker at WM 31.
My god. He's going to end the streak then win the strap in his hometown.

If I'm WWE...fuck Key Arena, I'm booking Safeco or CenturyLink and making it the most obvious thing that Bryan is going over. If the Seahawks win the Superbowl, you draw parallels there. If they lose, you say "the city of Seattle has never had a champion, the Supersonics left them, the Mariners are in the cellar, and the Seahawks let them down, will Daniel Bryan be the savior of a city?". Who cares if the ending will be predictable. You draw 80,000 for a non Wrestlemania show and have an amazing, AMAZING moment.

BTW, CenturyLink is legitimately the loudest stadium in the world.

I was pissed at WWE immediately after the Rumble, but now that I see more (keep in mind I think Punk leaving is a work), I love where I think this stuff is going.
Yeah that's great, Bryan should still win the belt at Mania. Don't let this distract you from that fact. He can walk into his hometown the Champion, but the big win has to happen on the biggest stage possible. Pull the trigger at WrestleMania when it matters, don't wait a month to do it at a B-level PPV.
WWE are not stupid, they will have Bryan now ion amatch at Mania that the stip will be if he wins, he gets a title shot at the Extreme Rules ppv, thus he will get the title surely in his home town to possibly the greatest crowd response in history.
Wresylemania season January-March is never about the current crop of rank and file WWE stars, its about the returning legends, and all that jazz. The WWE will kick back in with normal proper booking of their talent after Mania, and Bryan will get get his Benoit run through to Summerslam I would assume,
Thouhgh it is worht noting, Batista is from Washington also, so maybe Vince is looknig for a crowd that will support a WWE Heavuweight Champion in Batista if they looking at him winning he gold.
Yeah that's great, Bryan should still win the belt at Mania. Don't let this distract you from that fact. He can walk into his hometown the Champion, but the big win has to happen on the biggest stage possible. Pull the trigger at WrestleMania when it matters, don't wait a month to do it at a B-level PPV.
No it doesn't. The best crowd reaction will come in Seattle.

Think about it from a business perspective. MANY people will pay to watch Mania regardless. What makes Extreme Rules a draw? Seeing DB defend his title for the first time? or seeing him win it for the first time? The answer is the second. That's why you won't ever see Taker in another title match. It's consolidating too much appeal in one match.

I personally want to see DB end the streak with the stipulation that he has to beat the Undertaker to get a shot, if he loses, he never gets another.
Although the upcoming WrestleMania card is far from set in stone, we already have the top matches.
• John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt (some are arguing for a Bray win, but most, including me, see Cena "overcoming the odds")
• Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H (Bryan must be winning this)
• Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar (Taker retains the streak of course)
• Bryan vs. Orton vs. Batista (Hopefully Bryan gets his win.)

Now, the big question is, how are they going to follow that at Extreme Rules?

Brock stuck around last year after WrestleMania, so he could possibly face someone at ER. But considering he already did the "extra match" at Rumble, I don't see him sticking around.

I don't see Triple H's beef with Bryan ending at WrestleMania though, so I think a rematch will be in order for ER. I'm expecting Triple H vs. Bryan for the WWE title.

As for Batista and Orton, I'm guessing they'll have a heel vs. heel 1-on-1 to "settle their differences" or w/e. This will probably just be a way to get Batista's momentum back up for a WWE title match.

WWE loves its rematches so I can see Bray/Cena going on for the next 2-3 PPVs.

And as for the rest of the card, I think we'll probably get the Shield 3-way and Cesaro/Jack matches that were bumped off of Mania. Anything else is up in the air.

So what do you guys think? What's ER looking like?
Seems like there's at least an outside chance of Triple H winning the title at Mania only to lose it to Bryan at Extreme Rules. If the Taker match closes the show I'd be willing to bet that's the way they go. It wouldn't be bad booking either. Because #1 You save the title change for his home coming (Not a big deal) #2 You take away the predictability factor and #3 Bryan will get his big moment against Triple H instead of two guys who are being portrayed as Triple H stooges.
Early Odds:

Randy Orton/Kane/Batista vs The Shield

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H II

AJ vs Paige

Cena vs Bray II
Call me a fanboy, but it's interesting that CM Punk's red X's and the logo for this PPV match up...

I can see all those matches happening, except maybe having Tamina in the Divas match, too. Also, I see some special stipulation to the Wyatt-Cena match, and I see the 6 man being like a Tables match or something...maybe a cage match. And to bring it full circle...CM Punk as special guest ref for Bryan/HHH...
Things already seem to be shaping up nicely for this to be a strong card and I think Bryan vs Triple H is the logical match to headline it. The interesting thing here will be to see what gimmicks they come up with for each match.

WWE title match - Daniel Bryan vs Triple H
This is still the hottest angle on the show and ripe to be Bryan's first defense. I think a Last Man Standing stip would be a good choice here.

Ambrose & Rollins vs Orton & Batista
Rather than a six man I think they'll do a straight up tag and put Reigns in a singles match. For a stip I'm thinking a Tables match after that spot Orton and Tista did on Bryan.

Roman Reigns vs Kane
It makes sense for Reigns to start working more singles matches as they develop him, for a stip I'd say something simple like a Street Fight.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
This rematch is pretty likely as well and to me a Stretcher Match is the ideal gimmick battle for these two.

Cesaro vs Swagger
I'm guessing the reason their match tonight had no finish is because they will settle things on PPV. Given the way Swagger ran away I could see a Strap match working here.

Divas title match - Paige vs AJ
Seems an obvious one and since both Ladies have submission finishers a submission match would be a great route to go here.

I don't see the IC title or Tag titles getting on this show as I imagine RVD will have a match given the name of the PPV and I could see Rusev squashing Miz as well to add an extra couple of matches.
I think after last nights Raw it is pretty obvious how it is panning out.

Bryan vs Triple H
Shield vs Batista, Orton & Kane
Cena vs Wyatt
Cesaro vs Swagger
Paige vs AJ


Lesnar vs Sheamus
Brock Lesnar has done the last 2 Extreme Rules so I wouldnt be surprised to see him at the event. Although he has already done Rumble and Mania this year.

RVD vs Rusev
Put these in a hardcore match, have RVD throw everything at him but Rusev the victor which will help his build.
This looks like it could be an awesome card. I'm already intrigued to see how they book the shield. They could do The Shield & Bryan vs Evolution and Kane. Alternatively, one of Orton, Batista, Kane and HHH could face Bryan for the belt. I'd love to see The Shield and X vs Evolution and Kane. Wargames would be awesome but I'm not holding my breath.

Bryan v Orton has been done. Bryan v Batista/HHH would be fine but I'm already excited about a proper Evolution reunion. Shield v Evolution would be terrific. Kane or even someone like The Miz could face Bryan.

Cena v Bray is lock. Tag titles, IC and Divas title should be defended. I'd love Cesaro vs Swagger and it would be a great match. Sheamus vs Lesnar would be awesome. I originally wanted this for Mania but it would be great for Extreme Rules. Lesnar should wrestle to keep the momentum going and Sheamus needs a big match to recover from the battle royal.

Shield and Bryan (c) v Evolution and Kane
Paige (c) v AJ
Cena v Bray
Sheamus v Lesnar
Cesaro v Swagger
Rusev v RVD
Big E (c) v Del Rio v Christian v Ziggler

Pre show: Uso's (c) v Rybaxel

That would be an absolutely stacked card that has the potential to be one of the best PPV's in recent memory.
Main Event will be Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in last man standing match. I'd love a Hell in a Cell Match, but I don't think they'll do it here.

The Shield vs. Orton, Batista, Kane in an Extreme Rules Match

Cesaro vs. Swagger - Street Fight

Cena vs. Wyatt with some type of stipulation.
According to a report from Dave Meltzer at F4WOnline.com, there's talk right now of doing a triple threat match with The Shield vs. Evolution. There's some speculation backstage as well that the match, or another match between them down the road, will be a War Games match. However, most aren't confident in that because, according to the report, the idea of bringing back the War Games match has been brought up a lot over the years, but Vince shoots it down.

Of course, this also depends on what goes on with Daniel Bryan and who challenges him for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

All of the matches will be some variation of a no DQ since its Extreme Rules, though not all will have some sort of particular gimmick assigned to it. As to what gimmicks will be employed and in which matches is anyone's guess. Right now, I'm thinking card itself could like this, though there's definitely a lot of speculation on my part in some of the matches:

WWE Extreme Rules Kickoff Show
Multi-team match to determine the #1 contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championship with the winner facing the champions at Extreme Rues - Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Los Matadores vs. Rybaxel vs. Harper & Rowan

WWE Extreme Rules Main Card
WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Big E vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Divas Championship - Paige vs. AJ Lee

WWE Tag Team Championship - The Usos vs. Harper & Rowan

The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Batista & Kane

Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
WWE Extreme Rules 2014

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: No Holds Barred Match: Daniel Bryan (c) vs Triple H

6-Man Tornado Tag Team Match: The Shield vs Randy Orton, Batista & Kane

Extreme Rules Match: Bray Wyatt vs John Cena

Submissions Match: Cesaro (w/Paul Heyman) vs Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Coulter)

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Big E (c) vs Alberto Del Rio

WWE Divas Championship: Paige (c) vs AJ Lee

WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos vs Erick Rowan & Luke Harper

Some form of match/es involving Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Big Show, Bad News Barrett & Mark Henry.

The main event(s) is clearly going to involve Evolution & Kane vs Bryan & The Shield in some way, shape or form. Whether it's a 4-on-4 match, Bryan vs HHH and a 3-on-3, or Kane vs Reigns or something like that. It makes perfect sense and any matches they do come up with, I believe, will be great. I have a feeling that Bryan vs Triple H (should they go with it) will end up being a very Attitude Era-esque match - something like Backlash 2000 Rock vs Triple H. I think the baby-faces should win both matches, although I think Evolution/Kane should stand tall at the end of the tag team match by, perhaps, taking out all 3 members. This could lead to them doing a run-in in the main event, only for The Shield to make the save and Bryan retains. It may be predictable but I still think it'd be incredibly entertaining.

Cena vs Bray just need to keep doing what they've been doing but really amp up the physicality. I'd love to see Cena do a run-in during a Wyatt's match on RAW by having the lights go out and him take out Harper/Rowan, lights come back on and it's just him vs Wyatt. Anyway, Wyatt must win the match, no matter what. Losing again won't give him a 'rub' or 'elevate' him more. Look at what happened to Ryback and Sandow last year. Whilst Wyatt is far beyond their stages of character development, fan support, and general mic/in-ring skills, he needs to win this match.

Cesaro vs Swagger should be a great feud. Heyman vs Zeb on the mic will be great and I'd love to see these two have a great match at Extreme Rules, and then a blow-off match at Payback before Cesaro pushes for the WWE WHC Money in the Bank match. Unlike Wyatt vs Cena, Cesaro needs to win both matches. This shouldn't be a feud that goes back-and-forth, it needs to be a feud where Cesaro finally breaks away from Swagger and elevates himself to the next level. I'd love to see him win the US or IC titles in the next month or so.

Big E vs Alberto is a match that's been rumoured as is the fact that Harper and Rowan are in line for a Tag Team Title match/run. I'd love to see Sheamus and Ziggler get inserted into the IC title match and replicate their Fatal-4-Way match from RAW a few weeks ago - that would be awesome. I also think Cody Rhodes and Goldust need to be used more, I'm not 100% sure where though.
I know it's not likely, but how awesome would it be to see Daniel Bryan and The Shield take on Triple H, Randy Orton, Batista, and Kane there? I don't think War Games is likely, but I do think we have a good chance of seeing this match as the main event after RAW last night, since all 4 of The Authority have a problem with Daniel Bryan and The Shield now.

Would y'all rather see Daniel Bryan vs. 1 of the 4 in a match and then have The Shield take on the other 3 in a match? Or would y'all like to see this 8 man tag take place at Extreme Rules?
1 on 1 and 3 on 3 is the best, with the 3 on 3 being Original Evolution vs the Shield and it get nasty. But that leaves no one to be the "one" vs Bryan or I lose out on Evolution vs The Shield because Kane doesnt count.
According to a report from Dave Meltzer at F4WOnline.com, there's talk right now of doing a triple threat match with The Shield vs. Evolution. There's some speculation backstage as well that the match, or another match between them down the road, will be a War Games match. However, most aren't confident in that because, according to the report, the idea of bringing back the War Games match has been brought up a lot over the years, but Vince shoots it down.

Of course, this also depends on what goes on with Daniel Bryan and who challenges him for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

All of the matches will be some variation of a no DQ since its Extreme Rules, though not all will have some sort of particular gimmick assigned to it. As to what gimmicks will be employed and in which matches is anyone's guess. Right now, I'm thinking card itself could like this, though there's definitely a lot of speculation on my part in some of the matches:

WWE Extreme Rules Kickoff Show
Multi-team match to determine the #1 contenders for the WWE Tag Team Championship with the winner facing the champions at Extreme Rues - Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. Los Matadores vs. Rybaxel vs. Harper & Rowan

WWE Extreme Rules Main Card
WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Big E vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Divas Championship - Paige vs. AJ Lee

WWE Tag Team Championship - The Usos vs. Harper & Rowan

The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Batista & Kane

Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

I love your card. It's very realistic. Looks better than last year's card (that was a good pay per view).

I like that you have the IC title being defended. It's just unfortunate the US title not being defended. Ambrose's having a pretty historic reign, about to pass Benoit for 7th all-time longest reign as US Champion.
More like The Shield vs Kane, Batista, Orton with Triple H challenging Bryan for the title.

The Shield vs 'Evolution' is a nice idea but that leaves Bryan wanting. If they go down this route then the only plausible opponents are:

Brock Lesnar - wont be him, too soon. Expect him to wrestle for the title at Summerslam.

John Cena - No chance, currently in a fued with Bray Wyatt.

Kane - makes sense storyline wise but this match doesn't sell.

Sheamus - currently doing nothing. Was primed to turn heel and face Bryan at Mania. Think he would be my choice.
The Shield vs 'Evolution' is a nice idea but that leaves Bryan wanting. If they go down this route then the only plausible opponents are:

Brock Lesnar - wont be him, too soon. Expect him to wrestle for the title at Summerslam.

John Cena - No chance, currently in a fued with Bray Wyatt.

Kane - makes sense storyline wise but this match doesn't sell.

Sheamus - currently doing nothing. Was primed to turn heel and face Bryan at Mania. Think he would be my choice.

So let me get this straight...

Kane is in a constant state of being more over than Sheamus, who the crowd cares less about on a week by week basis. Kane and Bryan have a very involved recent history. Kane is in a top spot with the authority. He has physically decimated Bryan and screwed him over on multiple occasions. He has been weaved into the very essence of Bryan's rise.

Yet Kane and Bryan is a match that "doesn't sell", while a random Sheamus heel turn to be built quickly and unnaturally into an undeserved title shot seems to you like the better option? :disappointed:

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