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Extraordinary Gentleman's Organization (EGO) Roode/Daniels/Kazarian


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, and Kazarian now have a name.

Christopher Daniels ✔ @facdaniels

The Extraordinary Gentleman's Organization: Membership IS a privilege! @REALBobbyRoode @FrankieKazarian #BFGSeries Finalists!

no more Fortune.
Christopher DanielsVerified account ‏@facdaniels

Dear Folks That Enjoy Living In The Past, Fortune is NOT back together & there will be NO 4th member! This #EGO is fine as is! ✌, CD

what do you think?

I think it sounds great. but I like it more if Roode is the heavyweight title contender, and Daniels/Kazarian (Bad Influence) are going after the tag team titles.
but is that what Daniels and Kazarian are interested in?
Christopher Daniels ‏@facdaniels 8 Aug

When @FrankieKazarian or I finally win the World Heavyweight Championship, it will be on our terms, not TNA's!

is this going to lead to anything negative between the 3? Roode already said on Thursday he is selfish.
I don't see it lasting past BFG. Technically on paper, it's a good stable. But their goal is to level the playing field in the BFG series to benefit the three of them. But what about if Roode were to face off against Daniels or Kaz? In the end, it's always every man for himself. It's hard to keep a stable running when every member is trying to be the general.
Well, remember — for months Roode was billed as the "leader" of the selfish generation. That in and of itself plants the seed that a stable could always have been formed. I'm a wee bit burned out on stables at the moment, but this seems less like a stable and more like just a minor grouping of like-minded individuals with a common goal. Pretty sweet name though. They could probably give MEM a run for their money if they came dressed to impress every Thursday — especially if Jackson is standing in the background looking like he just got caught doing laundry... while wearing a giant chain.
The only thing I don't particularly like about it is that it continues TNA's obsession with factions. Lots of guys come on here and lament the use of factions on Impact Wrestling. First of all you had Aces and Eights. This was answered by another Main Event Mafia. And now some more of the major players get involved in a third faction (although I do like their name). Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a few more guys just doing their thing as individuals, just not yet another bunch of guys thrown together into yet another faction.

Having said this, I do like the three guys who have gotten lumped together, I think they will work well together. A least they're not just a bunch of nobodies thrown together, with jackets and masks, trying to make a statement from a bunch of guys who have historically been unable to do so.
Roode and Bad Influence should be main event regulars for TNA. They are great heels who are great in the ring and gold on the mic. These guys should be running the show in TNA. There is almost a consensus amongst the TNA audience that these guys are entertaining and great wrestlers. I might start watching regularly again if these guys are given more of a platform.

Kaz and Daniels should be tag champs, so what if they are in BFG. There is only 3 tag teams anyways. Stupid TNA. They never do the obvious. Kaz and Daniels are the best tag team in wrestling. I'm always entertained by them. They put on great matches..... And throwback Thursdays were great! Fuckin' roll with it TNA.
I love the name. :D These guys will make this work without a doubt and I can see it continuing beyond the BFG series, as despite the name being EGO and Roode being openly selfish, I see them settling in as a trio that holds the World title and tag titles by the new year.

I think the key for this is to keep them like the original DX or 4 Horseman, exclusive, not a faction filled with cannon fodder jobbers. If they do that TNA have their top heels for the next year or so.
EGO. Hahahaha. That's a really clever one actually. This is a very nice little surprise to push Roode, Kaz and Daniels. But I just believe this is all happening at a very wrong time. They are the 3rd stable around now and with the Mafia and the Ace's around plus the BFG Series, I feel this stable showed up at a bad time and because of it, won't pick up any steam until after BFG. After then it would be perfect to push Roode into a feud with whoever is champion. But now it's all cluttered with way too many things at once.
Heh, the abbreviation is E.G.O. It's funny because they're heels.

You know, I'm not against the idea or the guys involved. However, I would enjoy this far more if we didn't already have two stables roaming around boring the piss out of everybody. I'm just burned out on stables. I can't ... I can't, I just fucking can't.

I mean, if TNA does bring in a new stable at least do something different with it. Not UNIQUELY UNIQUE NEVER DONE BEFORE BY ANYONE ANYWHERE. Just different. Different for TNA.

But they won't because companies are fantastic when it comes to forming them, but once they're formed they forget how to book.

Cool idea, cool stable I just can't give a damn. Too much.

Besides, half the fun behind watching a stable is their end goal. Their purpose. What's EGO's purpose? Win matches? Win belts? Oh boy, that hasn't been done before a trillion times. It's fine to be that but I'd love to see a bigger reason. You know, what's driving them to do it? Don't just say you'll be dominant, tell us why you even want to be.

Roode started out great in that regard. He's hit a state of flux, he's become pathetic so he fights dirty again and blah blah blah. Good! That's good! Now what about Kaz and Daniels? Are they just going to be there helping Roode? I think so. I'm guessing that's where they're going which is alright in my book. I actually want Roode on top again. Belt and all. Dude's a fantastic heel and I giggle like a schoolgirl every time he says "about".

I just ... FUCK ... I want some good drama in these storylines. Maybe Roode wins the belt with their help eventually and they come into the ring with him and he lays them out. Or they lay HIM out.

Or he splits them up. Here's a bright idea. They start to pick sides and for instance Roode offers Kaz a title shot but only if he drops Daniels. Then they tease whether Kaz is going to do it, he's in the bad guy seat and Daniels is the poor dude who they're trying to screw over and he decides not to and then WHAM Daniels lays him out, revealing that Roode approached him as well? Putting a nice little twist there?

You know, go freakin' soap opera on that thing. Things like that are far more interesting than anything they're doing currently. RELATIONSHIPS. Emotionally hook us to those characters and then do shit with them that messes with us.

Doesn't TNA watch modern day television for crying out loud?
As has been said, I love the name and the guys involved but it's coming along at the wrong time. Although, I think this may be catalyst that leads to the break up of Bad Influence. Roode may end up manipulate one of them into being his partner which makes the other become paranoid and they end up turning on each other. I don't want TNA to break up Bad influence at least not yet as they are the best and most entertaining tag team they have in my opinion, but I could see something like that happen.
If these guys are now known as EGO does that make the Bad Influence part of the group BI?

This is intriguing. It is likely that it will lead to some cleverness and humor. One guy will likely go pretty far in the series. That guy will likely be Roode and the other two will do some lackey work to help him go pretty far. I just hope they focus on getting wins and not get caught up in any "Control for TNA" bullshit.
well here is my opinion and dont flame me or call me a fanboy because im not a tna fan because I was and I still try to watch, but I just cant. The company is going the way of wcw or ecw if they keep doing such stupid things with their roster... their shows will start looking like ROH (which I honestly enjoy more and I think is run better than tna) I dont have any problems with factions as long as theyre done right and there's a story that fits. The WWE has two factions (three if you count 3mb lol) that it seems every week is taking someone out and nobody complains because it serves a purpose and there's always a story with it. My major issue with tna is the way theyre handling the talent and screwing up the roster. You see I love a big name star as much as the next wrestling fan, but not at the expense of talent that can actually wrestle and make the show better. Tito Ortiz and Rampage Jackson are cool and all that, but they do absolutely nothing to help make the show better and they honestly wont bring in that many new fans because nobody cares about them anymore. Neither of them has done anything signiificant in years and the last two things rampage did was his new shoe commercial with demarcus ware and playing BA in The A Team. So while they're firing and not hiring actual wrestlers and people that could help make the show better. They waste the money on people that can't wrestle and wont really make a bit of difference OR bring in many if any new viewers. It's stuff like THAT that is sinking TNA. I'd have much rather have seen them spend that money on bringing in some guys from ROH that can really wrestle AND create a buzz with real wrestling fans and that would help the shows and the product in the ring as well as bringing in viewers who might have stopped watching or maybe only watched ROH if nothing else to see how they do or what their gimmick is etc etc. I dont hate TNA... im not a WWE fanboy... im a wrestling fan meaning ALL wrestling. I dont WANT to see TNA fail, i'd love nothing more than to be able to look forward to thursday nights and sit down and enjoy watching Impact like I do when monday is here, but unfortunately at this point I just really dont see a lot to enjoy or get excited about when I watch. Sorry because I know thats a little off topic at the end
I'm going with the common opinion here; I like this group. It has some of the best Heels in TNA today and the name represents these men well. As good as EGO sounds, I didn't want these guys to make a stable. This is the third "TNA Originals" group created and there are already two other stables whom the focal point is on. All I wanted was just an alliance of three of the best talents in TNA, who have been in some of TNA's best matches and entertain us all with their promos.

What I mainly admire here is that this gives them something to do. It places them in a storyline instead of the basic Heel structure where they want to take over or whatever. They make up 25% of the Bound For Glory Series and they will make sure one of them will win it. They're not in the M.E.M or Aces & Eights and they haven't been involved much on Impact Wrestling as of late. They are some of the best in the Series and deserve to be in the World Heavyweight Title picture. That's what we will get to see here from now on, assuming that they may eventually break up, placing Kazarian and Daniels in a singles-career after years.

I'm looking forwards to see how this group plays out, and what the outcome will be.
It sounds like an interesting idea that could work. However, as others have mentioned, TNA is faction crazy and have been for years. Also, it doesn't really hold a ton of interest if Bobby Roode becomes more of a comedy guy like Daniels & Kazarian. I prefer Roode as the "straight man" of the group, let Daniels & Kazarian do the silly stuff with the comic books and the Appletinies and all that. The main storyline is MEM vs. Aces & Eights, so I see these three being used more within the confines of the BFG Series rather than mixing it up with the bigger factions. As a result, it could help them stand out as I'm long since sick & tired of Aces & Eights or MEM.
It sounds like an interesting idea that could work. However, as others have mentioned, TNA is faction crazy and have been for years. Also, it doesn't really hold a ton of interest if Bobby Roode becomes more of a comedy guy like Daniels & Kazarian. I prefer Roode as the "straight man" of the group, let Daniels & Kazarian do the silly stuff with the comic books and the Appletinies and all that. The main storyline is MEM vs. Aces & Eights, so I see these three being used more within the confines of the BFG Series rather than mixing it up with the bigger factions. As a result, it could help them stand out as I'm long since sick & tired of Aces & Eights or MEM.

there is absolutely no indication that roode would turn into a comedy act...the whole storyline was made to show that roode was going back to the character that held the title for so long, he is using daniels and kaz to further that goal. All of that was painfully obvious, you litterally spend every post regarding tna doing nothing but finding a way to bitch about Aces and 8's and the mafia.

broken record man

ps. I don't under-value your opinion, you seem to have a well-informed knowledge of how wrestling plays out and tend to think through your posts...but your posts in this section are almost always the same
EGO had a good night with two of its members winning 20 points each in their BFG Series matches. The ladder match was really good. The tables match was okay, the ending of the ladder match pretty much telegraphed the ending of this one. I wasn't that wild about the use of the Appletini. The way Hardy & Magnus were selling it, you'd have thought they'd been shot in the face or something. It just seemed too silly.

With the way this is looking as of this moment, it's possible that all three of them MIGHT wind up as part of the final four in the BFG Series. If so, then it's all but written in the stars that neither of them wins as they'll wind up turning on each other. Even if it's just two of them making it up, they'll try to screw each other over and ultimately be prevented from winning. Now that Bully Ray is again TNA World Heavyweight Champion, even if only one member makes it to the final four, the likelihood of any of them winning is all but gone.
I can understand people claiming faction burnout in regard to IW's output... BUT (and I have to apologize about repeating myself again) TNA has 90 televised minutes a week and have to try to keep as many of their roster relevant as possible in this small time frame. Like it or not, the best way to do this is find reasons to have multiple guys on screen. There are two ways to do this; multiperson matches (see XDiv matches being 3 man dances and BFG gimmick matches) and factions. I've long ago accepted this and just judge the stables for their individual strengths and weaknesses.

EGO should work brilliantly under this memorandum, it gives three charismatic guys cause for mic time that they might not otherwise get and they can still be relevant in weeks they are not involved in bouts because they are looking to scupper other BFG leaders which should lead to post BFG fallout.
EGO. Hahahaha. That's a really clever one actually. This is a very nice little surprise to push Roode, Kaz and Daniels. But I just believe this is all happening at a very wrong time. They are the 3rd stable around now and with the Mafia and the Ace's around plus the BFG Series, I feel this stable showed up at a bad time and because of it, won't pick up any steam until after BFG. After then it would be perfect to push Roode into a feud with whoever is champion. But now it's all cluttered with way too many things at once.

I'm thinking if these guys stick around post-Bound for Glory they may take the place of Aces & 8s. The way I see it, Bully will lost the strap and Anderson will take over A/8 after BFG. And maybe MEM will be gone too if Sting leaves. And Rampage will be back in MMA. So we could see a few smaller groups with EGO and Anderson & Co and the remnants of MEM picking up the pieces.
Yeah im one of the few that actually like stables,(hince the name ;)) but as others said ego is only gonna be good if they have a purpose. Shit dx purpose was just to cause bullshit so regardless what purpose a purpose none the less.
Now if anything they can build TNA around this stable because if there is any stable that is definitely fresh and not stale it is E.G.O. consisting of The It Factor Bobby Roode and Bad Influence Daniels and Kazarian because if there is a heel stable that is actually more entertaining that is more charismatic than Aces and Eights then it is definitely E.G.O. because all 3 men are hated in TNA but at the same time what would get them even more over is if they were to get a 4th member in their stable who could perhaps become the group's muscle, the group's enforcer then they could be on the same level as MEM and Aces and Eights

But who could be the 4th member for Team EGO?

How about Crimson?

Roode, Kazarian, Daniels and Crimson would make quite the formidable stable
And plus by E.G.O. having a 4th member they could become a really formidable team and not to mention they could base it off of Roode being the TNA World Heavyweight Champion once again by either Roode being the champion or being in contention for the belt, Daniels and Kazarian as the TNA Tag Team Champions being the tag team of the group and Crimson the 4th member that I proposed he could be the TNA Television Champion and then E.G.O. could truly become a super-group in TNA like think Horsemen or Evolution at least in that retrospect
crimson... i dunno... doesnt really fit i think.
he is fired, no one cared, and he doesnt really have a character, whereas roode, kaz and daniels have characters with huge egos who think they are the best regardless if they are or not.
so you would need a promo-cutter with character and in-ring skill.
(besides, i never got what the appeal was in adding a specific midcard guy to a stable, if its clear from the beginning who the tv championship guy is gonna be noone will care about him if roode is the whc guy)
aries would have fit, but it really isnt needed for him to be in there.
i actually think 3 is enough in this case, no reason for a monolithic monsterfaction AGAIN.
if i had to, i actually would put scott ******* steiner in there as kind of a mascot, because he is just as crazy as the other guys and just have him pose off, insult hogan and beat up guys after the matches end and never have an actual match. he is extraordinary, after all.

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