Experimenting: Is it acceptable?

As a writer, I went through a period when I was 15/16 where I only wrote whilst drunk or high, its results varied from deeply spiritual pieces of work, to drunkernly violent yet somewhat witty poetry. You made a very good point about certain drugs being used in spiritual and/or artistic contexts, cannabis is used in such a way by plenty of people I know. A friend of mine is a pretty sucessful actor and poet within Manchester, and is a mentor of sorts, he's written some amazing pieces about spirituality and love whilst at a higher place... even the simplest of things such as the way his ex girlfriend would prepare him a chicken sandwich off the bone despite being a vegetarian were transformed so eloquently by what he wrote in that higher place.
And my answer: Don't be a jackass about it.

Experimenting with drugs is almost expected out of teens these days. Especially in college. I know myself I sort of stayed out of drugs in high school and only really started experimenting with Marijuana and Alcohol in college. It's not at all dangerous if you have friends who know what to do if something goes wrong. Oh, you're passed out? Maybe i shouldn't fuck with you, maybe I should make sure you're not going to choke on your own vomit. Stuff like that will make sure those who are experimenting don't die stupid deaths.

Also, don't do the drugs that are obviously addictive. Meth? Yeah. How about no. Heroin? If you do that shit thinking "Oh, I'll just do it this one time." You're in a rude awakening. And don't do the drugs that are really dangerous. Ecstasy? Really? PCP? Come on guys.

One last thing, don't mix drugs. Seriously. Weed is all good, so is Alcohol. Mix the two, and you are in for a night. Go to far, and you no longer know which way is up. You've decided you're going to do Acid? How about you don't drink or smoke weed? I mean really. It's the same kind of common sense you use when you're taking prescription medication. Oh, it's a pain medication/time release drug/a drug that will make me drowsy. Maybe i shouldn't drink something that will mess with that, like alcohol.

Common sense guys, that's all you need.
One last thing, don't mix drugs. Seriously. Weed is all good, so is Alcohol. Mix the two, and you are in for a night. Go to far, and you no longer know which way is up. You've decided you're going to do Acid? How about you don't drink or smoke weed? I mean really. It's the same kind of common sense you use when you're taking prescription medication. Oh, it's a pain medication/time release drug/a drug that will make me drowsy. Maybe i shouldn't drink something that will mess with that, like alcohol.

Common sense guys, that's all you need.

I agree with everything you said, definately, but you're a bit mistaken in this paragraph. Mixing LSD with marijuana is perfectly safe, as is alcohol. I wouldn't recommend mixing it with alcohol because they just don't go together very well, but you're not going to OD or anything. In fact, LSD just isn't the same without marijuana. :D

Prescription medication, or any pills at all, are the most dangerous thing. First off, if you ever buy pills from someone, look at the letter/number sequence on the pill, and Google that sequence to find out what the pill you have actually is! If you're buying ecstasy, most ecstasy sold comes with atleast one identifying mark on the pill, google it. Go to erowid.org, just don't blindly eat it without looking it up first. And never mix alcohol with any pills, ever. Marijuana is perfectly fine to mix with any drug, as the synergy of the two drugs together will not negatively effect you.

I can't believe I didn't mention this in my previous post, but first and foremost when it comes to experimentation guys BE SAFE!. I've known a few different people who have died from the result of mixing unsafe drugs or ODing and I miss them every day. (Also, please do not follow the path I have taken in reference to drugs; stay as far away from cocaine and heroin as you possibly can).

Visit erowid.org for any other drug information you might be curious about, without a doubt the number one source on drugs on the internet, with real data and experiences, and not the bullshit US government stance that smoking a joint supports terrorism and is equivalent to 9000 cigarettes. Don't ever listen to that propaganda bullshit.
I agree with everything you said, definately, but you're a bit mistaken in this paragraph. Mixing LSD with marijuana is perfectly safe, as is alcohol. I wouldn't recommend mixing it with alcohol because they just don't go together very well, but you're not going to OD or anything. In fact, LSD just isn't the same without marijuana. :D

Prescription medication, or any pills at all, are the most dangerous thing. First off, if you ever buy pills from someone, look at the letter/number sequence on the pill, and Google that sequence to find out what the pill you have actually is! If you're buying ecstasy, most ecstasy sold comes with atleast one identifying mark on the pill, google it. Go to erowid.org, just don't blindly eat it without looking it up first. And never mix alcohol with any pills, ever. Marijuana is perfectly fine to mix with any drug, as the synergy of the two drugs together will not negatively effect you.

I can't believe I didn't mention this in my previous post, but first and foremost when it comes to experimentation guys BE SAFE!. I've known a few different people who have died from the result of mixing unsafe drugs or ODing and I miss them every day. (Also, please do not follow the path I have taken in reference to drugs; stay as far away from cocaine and heroin as you possibly can).

Visit erowid.org for any other drug information you might be curious about, without a doubt the number one source on drugs on the internet, with real data and experiences, and not the bullshit US government stance that smoking a joint supports terrorism and is equivalent to 9000 cigarettes. Don't ever listen to that propaganda bullshit.

I have to agree pretty much with everything here X, and I can tell you and I come from similar cuts of experience when it comes to drugs. Now before I start rambling, let me just say I did a lot of experimenting, but for the most part stuck to weed, painkillers, adderall, and xanax when available.

In regards to mixing weed with alcohol, it's not going to hurt you, the only thing to worry about when mixing mary jane and alcohol, is that you shouldn't drive, biggest thing, and that can be contributed mostly to alcohol. Also, what you may want to consider, is to smoke before you drink. At least that's what I always did because whenever I got drunk then got high, it made for a very uncomfortable night, and you feel almost too messed up. However, when I smoked before I drank, it was all good because the alcohol didn't compound the marijuana's effects. Quite the opposite in my experience, the weed often compounded the effects of alcohol, so something to consider there. As far as mixing marijuana with other drugs, no big deal, pretty much any time I tried something new, I usually smoked some before trying it, mostly to get me into a state of mind I was used to and could take on the new drug a little bit easier.

This is the biggest thing you have to consider when or if you want to start experimenting, Do Your Research. It is imperative that you do. X gave the best website you could possibly have to do you research with. This way you can read experiences from other users to see what effects you may experience with a certain drug. Also it will give you an idea on what kind of dosage will be enough for the desired effect without going over, but also take into consideration your own health. Many kids when they get into drugs, they go over board with it and never establish limits for themselves. These are the kids that go and pop 20 sleeping pills and need their stomach's pumped.

Always know what you are taking, erowid.org typically has images of the drug in question so you can compare accordingly. If they are pills, specifically prescription drug pills, webmd.com has a pill identifier that actually works very well and is a tool I still use to this day. And my final word of advice is, don't pressure yourself into trying something you don't want to. For example, I never wanted to try meth and had the chance to try it many times, but I have never done so, because of how it has affected some people that were friends of mine. Try to stay away from the heavy stuff like your cocaine, heroin, meth, etc, those are the ones to avoid at all costs.

I was lucky when I first started getting into drugs, I had a person who had seen it all and tried it all, a very spiritual person who helped me learn mind expansion through certain drugs, he also taught me correct dosages, what to look for in certain situations, general savvyness when it came to the drug game. Most people don't have someone like that and they get caught up but don't know how to control themselves.
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I agree with everything you said, definately, but you're a bit mistaken in this paragraph. Mixing LSD with marijuana is perfectly safe, as is alcohol. I wouldn't recommend mixing it with alcohol because they just don't go together very well, but you're not going to OD or anything. In fact, LSD just isn't the same without marijuana. :D

Ah, yeah. I was running off of something one of my friends said. He dropped acid, and was perfectly fine, having "the best time of his life." Then he smoked and drank some alcohol, and suddenly he went from "ooooh, that tree is so awesome!" to "Holy shit, I'm in an alternate space-time. I have to do something crazy to get out of this trap." Luckily, he didn't do something crazy. I might have seemed a little doom and gloom in my paragraph, but I really just meant you don't wanna fuck your trip up. My friend wasn't in danger of dying at all because of mixing the two drugs, it was more of he just had a crazy ass trip.

xfearbefore said:
Prescription medication, or any pills at all, are the most dangerous thing. First off, if you ever buy pills from someone, look at the letter/number sequence on the pill, and Google that sequence to find out what the pill you have actually is! If you're buying ecstasy, most ecstasy sold comes with atleast one identifying mark on the pill, google it. Go to erowid.org, just don't blindly eat it without looking it up first. And never mix alcohol with any pills, ever. Marijuana is perfectly fine to mix with any drug, as the synergy of the two drugs together will not negatively effect you.

Thank you. Most pills are time release, because no one is really supposed to have 50 mg of Morphine in their system at once. Alcohol just degrades the pill faster than it should, and it can kill you. They think that's what happened to Heath Ledger. He was taking a Central Nervous System pill that was supposed to help with his IBS. He was also taking aspirin for his headache and another Benzo for his depression. He was already running the risk of dying because he was basically taking 2 Benzos at once, but then they think he may have drank some alcohol to help him sleep. That alcohol could have done him in in no time flat. Especially with that Central Nervous System drug, the alcohol could have degraded the time release and hit the CNS with a massive attack of depressants. If it was enough, the CNS would have simply shut down, and Heath Ledger would have drifted off to sleep.

Xfearbefore said:
I can't believe I didn't mention this in my previous post, but first and foremost when it comes to experimentation guys BE SAFE!. I've known a few different people who have died from the result of mixing unsafe drugs or ODing and I miss them every day. (Also, please do not follow the path I have taken in reference to drugs; stay as far away from cocaine and heroin as you possibly can).

Visit erowid.org for any other drug information you might be curious about, without a doubt the number one source on drugs on the internet, with real data and experiences, and not the bullshit US government stance that smoking a joint supports terrorism and is equivalent to 9000 cigarettes. Don't ever listen to that propaganda bullshit.

It's all about safety. Know what's going to happen to you before hand, and you can get better prepared for it, as can your friends. My favorite example of this is the "Safe Zone" for when you drop Acid. No matter what is happening during your trip, nothing can touch you in the "Safe Zone." The comedian Ralphie May does a bit on this, but it really helps. The shit you see on Acid can really freak you out. "Safe Zones" are always nice.
Ah, yeah. I was running off of something one of my friends said. He dropped acid, and was perfectly fine, having "the best time of his life." Then he smoked and drank some alcohol, and suddenly he went from "ooooh, that tree is so awesome!" to "Holy shit, I'm in an alternate space-time. I have to do something crazy to get out of this trap." Luckily, he didn't do something crazy. I might have seemed a little doom and gloom in my paragraph, but I really just meant you don't wanna fuck your trip up. My friend wasn't in danger of dying at all because of mixing the two drugs, it was more of he just had a crazy ass trip.

Yeah that can definately be attributed to the acid, LSD does some really funny things to you. I've been in that same situation before where you suddenly find yourself scared out of your mind over some ridiculious scenario. Usually though I've had overall positive trips on LSD, sometimes even spiritual. Thats the wonderful thing about LSD (not saying "Hey kids, go eat acid!") is that you can be doing nothing and seemingly everything at the same time. I once sat on my couch for nearly half an hour in total and utter silence (I had turned the TV off while I was waiting for a friend of mine to come over) just laughing hysterically at the entire concept of silence.

Thank you. Most pills are time release, because no one is really supposed to have 50 mg of Morphine in their system at once. Alcohol just degrades the pill faster than it should, and it can kill you. They think that's what happened to Heath Ledger. He was taking a Central Nervous System pill that was supposed to help with his IBS. He was also taking aspirin for his headache and another Benzo for his depression. He was already running the risk of dying because he was basically taking 2 Benzos at once, but then they think he may have drank some alcohol to help him sleep. That alcohol could have done him in in no time flat. Especially with that Central Nervous System drug, the alcohol could have degraded the time release and hit the CNS with a massive attack of depressants. If it was enough, the CNS would have simply shut down, and Heath Ledger would have drifted off to sleep.

Ledger unfortunately is just the latest in a long line of promising artists who've been killed by drugs. From River Phoenix to Jimi Hendrix, being wreckless with drugs has caused it's fair share of untimely deaths.

It's all about safety. Know what's going to happen to you before hand, and you can get better prepared for it, as can your friends. My favorite example of this is the "Safe Zone" for when you drop Acid. No matter what is happening during your trip, nothing can touch you in the "Safe Zone." The comedian Ralphie May does a bit on this, but it really helps. The shit you see on Acid can really freak you out. "Safe Zones" are always nice.

Things like safe zones are a must when taking acid. At the very least though you need a babysitter (someone who is sober to hang out with you and make sure you don't do anything stupid). Never trip alone when it comes to acid either.

Another important rule is that you should never take any kind of hallucinogenic drug when you're in a negative mood. If you're angry, or depressed, do not take a hallucinogen because it's likely only going to expand that feeling, or lead to a generally unenjoyable trip.

One last important rule anyone who is experimenting should live by is that no matter what drug you are about to take, you should always start off with a very low dose your first time. You have no idea how your body could possibly react to a certain drug, or what your tolerance for it may be. This is especially true if you're not very big physically or don't weigh very much.

And I believe we have now covered most experimentation rules. This is officially the coolest thread on WZ.
Xfearbefore said:
Yeah that can definately be attributed to the acid, LSD does some really funny things to you. I've been in that same situation before where you suddenly find yourself scared out of your mind over some ridiculious scenario. Usually though I've had overall positive trips on LSD, sometimes even spiritual. Thats the wonderful thing about LSD (not saying "Hey kids, go eat acid!") is that you can be doing nothing and seemingly everything at the same time. I once sat on my couch for nearly half an hour in total and utter silence (I had turned the TV off while I was waiting for a friend of mine to come over) just laughing hysterically at the entire concept of silence.

I once saw a dude take Meth and sit on his porch, watching the sun rise and set, for 3 days straight. He didn't move, he didn't eat, he didn't drink any water, he didn't sleep. 3 days motherfucking straight.

I mean, LSD isn't really like Meth. but still. One of the reasons I'm apprehensive about taking Acid again is that creepy trip. I had a "woohoo, that TV is so awesome" trip, and it never really degraded into a fullblown Paranoia trip. ...Plus I'm paranoid enough already, I don't need scary shapes and weird colors to help me along.

Ledger unfortunately is just the latest in a long line of promising artists who've been killed by drugs. From River Phoenix to Jimi Hendrix, being wreckless with drugs has caused it's fair share of untimely deaths.

People just don't listen. My step-mom is taking the same CNS drug Heath Ledger did for his IBS. The pharmacist talked to her for 30 minutes about not drinking alcohol with the drug, because she didn't understand why "A little alcohol would hurt." Ugh. There's a reason why Chris Farley/Belushi/Mitch Hedberg died too early. It's called an Eight Ball. Being reckless with drugs is a no-go.

And I believe we have now covered most experimentation rules. This is officially the coolest thread on WZ.

Everything else you said I completely agreed with, especially this one. People freak out so much about drugs/experimentation, when it's actually really safe if you don't be a jackass about it. We should right a book. We'd tap into the 18-24 College demographic for sure.
I never had a bad trip on acid. I am Bill Hicks' positive LSD story. We are all united in spirit from one being. Life is a means to show your love for fellow man before your soul begins it's eternal journey. I learned this on LSD.

I've stayed out of this topic for the most part just because I would shock so many people with my side.

I think people should experiment. I'm not saying that everyone should go climb into the nearest K-Hole. I just feel that smoking a joint, or eating some mushrooms can be a mind altering experience. It allows you to think outside the box. Through college, pot helped me with problem solving skills, and mushrooms helped me fight off some depression. There is something to be said for lying in a field staring at the sky answering all of your own questions with no fear or bias in your head. Just the feeling of love and unity in mind and body guiding you through your darkest hour.

I've tried most drugs at one point or another. I liked some, I didn't like others. I still smoke some pot now and then. I'm on a mini-vacation right now, so I ate some mushrooms. I didn't go drive a car. I played poker, and took every dollar in the pot. I made creative plays, I peaked long enough to be disinterested through a run of bad cards.

I have mostly positive drug stories. All the stories about kids trying to fly from fifth story windows and dying are stupid. If you think you can fly, why not start from the ground? Bill Hicks says it best. It wasn't bad drugs, it was stupid kids.

I'm not recommending that everyone match my path, as I only know that it worked for me. I have a good job, a good life, and I enjoy some pot now and then. I made good grades, at a good school, and still took lots of ecstasy. That won't work for anyone. But if someone wants to try something new, as an experience for the future or as a way of opening their minds, who are we to stop them?
I'm 19 and of the opinion that no, it is not acceptable to use drugs i any form, except if it a prescription from the doctor. I think that it is becoming all to fashionable to try and experiment with drugs whilst you are a teenager or in your early 20's. I also think that people are using it more and more as an excuse to do drugs whilst in those years. People argue that Marajuana is acceptable to use. I think otherwise. There is a reason it is illegal to an extent and I respect that. I just do not see the attraction of drugs in any form. It is a downward spiral after "experimenting".
I'm 19 and of the opinion that no, it is not acceptable to use drugs i any form, except if it a prescription from the doctor. I think that it is becoming all to fashionable to try and experiment with drugs whilst you are a teenager or in your early 20's.

You're right. People should wait until their thirties, when they have families to experiment. I hope you don't listen to music or watch TV, because most of those people are high. I don't condone becoming a crackhead or anything, but trying some things out and letting your mind grow is not a bad thing.
I also think that people are using it more and more as an excuse to do drugs whilst in those years. People argue that Marajuana is acceptable to use.

It has been used medically for over 5,000 years. Cancer patients use it to boost their appetites after chemo. The food helps their bodies heal. Musicians use it to open up their creativity.
I think otherwise. There is a reason it is illegal

It's illegal because Jazz musicians in the 20's used it. White girls happened to like the music that these black musicians were making, and had sex with the. Anslinger felt that he could end jazz, and keep white girls away from black men, by banning pot. That is why it is illegal. It is less harmful than legal drugs like alcohol. It isn't illegal because it will ruin society. It's illegal because of the racist history of America.
to an extent and I respect that. I just do not see the attraction of drugs in any form. It is a downward spiral after "experimenting".

Your downward spiral argument shows your ignorance. The people who fall off have addictive personalities. They would be addicted to something harmful if it weren't for drugs. If you don't think that crackheads would be alcoholics if not for crack, then you have never taken a psychology class. I'm not saying that there are no harms in taking drugs, but responsible people who use in a controlled environment aren't hurting anyone.
You're right. People should wait until their thirties, when they have families to experiment. I hope you don't listen to music or watch TV, because most of those people are high. I don't condone becoming a crackhead or anything, but trying some things out and letting your mind grow is not a bad thing.

It has been used medically for over 5,000 years. Cancer patients use it to boost their appetites after chemo. The food helps their bodies heal. Musicians use it to open up their creativity.

It's illegal because Jazz musicians in the 20's used it. White girls happened to like the music that these black musicians were making, and had sex with the. Anslinger felt that he could end jazz, and keep white girls away from black men, by banning pot. That is why it is illegal. It is less harmful than legal drugs like alcohol. It isn't illegal because it will ruin society. It's illegal because of the racist history of America.

Your downward spiral argument shows your ignorance. The people who fall off have addictive personalities. They would be addicted to something harmful if it weren't for drugs. If you don't think that crackheads would be alcoholics if not for crack, then you have never taken a psychology class. I'm not saying that there are no harms in taking drugs, but responsible people who use in a controlled environment aren't hurting anyone.

Your right I have never taken a psychology class but I have experience first hand of what drugs can do to you. One of my mum's friends, when i was just a little boy, died whulst using Ecstacy for the first time in her life. She took a reaction and her throat closed over. Her family was distrough and it broke my mother's heart. Saying that I am ignorant is being ignorant yourself. People do not have to fall off to be in a downward spiral, using drugs even once is a bad thing. That's just my opinion of drugs though.

Your jazz thing might just be true but tell me, how would that explain why marijuana is still baneed in the US, home of freedom, and is also banned in the UK too. Jazz was never that big in the UK and the arguement you have used to explain illegality in the US is not relevant in the UK. So for that reason, using this arguement is not all encompassing.

Aslo, I am sure that thier would be plenty of good TV shows and music going a round, even in drugs were eradicated. People should decide for themselves of course but these are just my personal thoughts. I know what drugs can bring you and I have made the decision to stay away from them.
It's illegal because Jazz musicians in the 20's used it. White girls happened to like the music that these black musicians were making, and had sex with the. Anslinger felt that he could end jazz, and keep white girls away from black men, by banning pot. That is why it is illegal. It is less harmful than legal drugs like alcohol. It isn't illegal because it will ruin society. It's illegal because of the racist history of America.

What fromthesouth said. Everyone should watch "Grass--History of Marijuana Documentary." It's narrated by Woody Harrelson, and is a fair look at the history of Weed illegalization throughout the years. Nothing but facts guys, nothing but facts.

As far experimentation leading to a "slippery slope," I hate that argument. I've experimented, and I guarantee you I'm no drug head. There are those who go too far, but they're idiots. As Fromthesouth said, there are no bad drugs, just stupid kids. I lead a rather productive life as a college student, getting my degree in Biomedical Engineering and keeping my scholarships. That's like saying "Gay marriage is wrong, because if we legalize that we'll end up with people marrying snakes and pencils." There are much better arguments against Gay Marriage and Drug Experimentation than "uhh...you'll obviously die a meth addicted death."
Your right I have never taken a psychology class but I have experience first hand of what drugs can do to you. One of my mum's friends, when i was just a little boy, died whulst using Ecstacy for the first time in her life. She took a reaction and her throat closed over. Her family was distrough and it broke my mother's heart. Saying that I am ignorant is being ignorant yourself. People do not have to fall off to be in a downward spiral, using drugs even once is a bad thing. That's just my opinion of drugs though.

More people die in car accidents than from drug overdoses. Secondly, that is not firsthand experience. That is anecdotal experience. And it sucks that she died the first time that she used a drug that used to be prescribed as recently as 25 years ago.

My first hand drug experiences include threesomes, fighting depressions, and fun. I get to escape. You should try walking out of your little bubble and experiencing what the world gives. Don't take chemicals, try something natural. Actually, don't. Your stance is good for you, I just think it's closed minded.
Your jazz thing might just be true

It is.
but tell me, how would that explain why marijuana is still baneed in the US, home of freedom, and is also banned in the UK too. Jazz was never that big in the UK and the arguement you have used to explain illegality in the US is not relevant in the UK. So for that reason, using this arguement is not all encompassing.

Because the world follows our lead.
Aslo, I am sure that thier would be plenty of good TV shows and music going a round, even in drugs were eradicated. People should decide for themselves of course but these are just my personal thoughts. I know what drugs can bring you and I have made the decision to stay away from them.

Keep your decision, that's fine with me.

But please, tell me about one GOOD drug free musician.
What fromthesouth said. Everyone should watch "Grass--History of Marijuana Documentary." It's narrated by Woody Harrelson, and is a fair look at the history of Weed illegalization throughout the years. Nothing but facts guys, nothing but facts.

As far experimentation leading to a "slippery slope," I hate that argument. I've experimented, and I guarantee you I'm no drug head. There are those who go too far, but they're idiots. As Fromthesouth said, there are no bad drugs, just stupid kids. I lead a rather productive life as a college student, getting my degree in Biomedical Engineering and keeping my scholarships. That's like saying "Gay marriage is wrong, because if we legalize that we'll end up with people marrying snakes and pencils." There are much better arguments against Gay Marriage and Drug Experimentation than "uhh...you'll obviously die a meth addicted death."

That is not what I am saying. I just think that when you are young, you are still very immature. Being immature and doing drugs is a very bad combination in my opinion. I am all for gay marriage but drug legalization is a compltely diffrent story. Also, saying drugs have no negative effects is silly. I urge you to read my earlier post.

I will watch that movie. Thanks for the heads up.
More people die in car accidents than from drug overdoses. Secondly, that is not firsthand experience. That is anecdotal experience. And it sucks that she died the first time that she used a drug that used to be prescribed as recently as 25 years ago.

My first hand drug experiences include threesomes, fighting depressions, and fun. I get to escape. You should try walking out of your little bubble and experiencing what the world gives. Don't take chemicals, try something natural. Actually, don't. Your stance is good for you, I just think it's closed minded.

It is.

Because the world follows our lead.

Keep your decision, that's fine with me.

But please, tell me about one GOOD drug free musician.

Aw well if more people die in car crashes, then it is ok. My mistake. Bottom line is people do still die from taking drugs and if you think that is acceptable, then be my guest. I personally would like to have no one die from drug use than a small number. I assume that you know no one who has died or went to jail for drug use? I am anti-drug use and it has served me well. I do not lack inhibitions and my creative side is just fine. You don't need drugs to be creative.

I'm sure there has been extensive trials of Marijuana since the 20's in most developed countries but yet it is still illegal. I am not a drug expert, nor do I know a lot about the history of drugs. But I think if something had purely positive effects on people it would not be illegal.

Sorry about the "first hand" thing that was my mistake.
That is not what I am saying. I just think that when you are young, you are still very immature. Being immature and doing drugs is a very bad combination in my opinion. I am all for gay marriage but drug legalization is a compltely diffrent story. Also, saying drugs have no negative effects is silly. I urge you to read my earlier post.

I will watch that movie. Thanks for the heads up.

I wasn't saying you were aruging against gay marriage as much as I was arguing against the use of hyperbole. Saying "drug experimentation leads to a slippery slope" is the same as saying "(insert thing you see as bad) leads to a slippery slope." It inspires fear about what could happen with the distinct advantage of not having to name what would happen.

If you take the right drugs, they don't have very many ill effects. Sure, Acid can cause you to have a permanent trip for the rest of your life. Sure, cocaine can cause a heart attack. But alcohol has been scientifically proven to not kill brain cells. In fact, a drink every now and again is suspected to be helpful in preventing Dementia. Now, a lot of alcohol will kill your liver, but no one is saying become a drunk. Just as no one is saying become a drug addict.

One thing about your (Aunt was it?) is that she took Ecstacy. That shit is cut with so much stuff, she probably got a bad pill. It's just like Meth/Heroin/Cocaine. So many producers cut so much shit into the drugs, you don't know what you're taking if you don't have a reliable source.

I mean, I'm not calling her an idiot for trying Ecstatcy, but she did take that risk. Just as I take the risk everytime I drink alchohol that I'll become an alcoholic. My family has a history of alcoholism on both sides, so I watch myself really closely about that kind of stuff. She caught a wrong pill, and I'm sorry for that. But if I drop Acid, if I shoot up Meth/Heroin, if I snort Cocaine, I take the same risks everyone else does.

And yeah, that documentary is really good. I liked it a lot, and that was before I was the biased college pot-head that I am today, haha.
Yeah in reference to the aunt dying of ecstasy, I can guarantee you that the pill was cut with something else, most likely heroin or GHB, both of which are obviously very dangerous. MDMA itself is a relatively harmless substance in moderation (habitual abuse can lead to some pretty hefty brain damage however, so beware).

Unless of course she was somehow allergic to MDMA, which is about a one in a billion chance.

Anyways, not to beat down on you (it's like 5 of us against you) but educated experimentation with harmless drugs is a perfectly acceptable thing. I mean, even the Catholic Church uses a mind-altering chemical for spirtual purposes (alcohol).

PS: Love the Bill Hicks reference FTS, my all-time favorite comedian hands-down.

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