[Exclusive] Interview with Elite Openweight Champion


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WZCW interviewer Stacey Madison is seated in a snug room, wearing professional attire, and giving an inviting, yet serious, smile on her face as she stares towards the camera. She straightens up slightly before making her introductions.

Madison: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the first of this two-part interview, with the first being featured exclusively on WZCW.com, hosted by yours truly. My guest today has experience a wealth of success over the last few months, recently breaking the record to become the longest reigning WZCW Elite Openweight champion in history: Eve Taylor. Thank you for joining me here on this interview, and congratulations on the achievement.

The camera switches to see Eve Taylor, dressed in semi-formal wear with the championship resting on her lap. She smiles to Stacey, and nods her head slightly to the side, acknowledging Stacey's comment.

Taylor: My pleasure, Stacey, and thank you.

Madison: Let's start off with the most obvious question, shall we? How does it feel to cement yourself into WZCW history by breaking this record, and continuing to push it every week?

Taylor: And I shall reply with the most obvious answer: it's been amazing. When I first came here to WZCW, I never thought I'd do something as spectacular as what I've achieved. Honestly, when I wake up to see the Elite Openweight championship greet me every morning, I can't help but smile. It's a rarity for me these days to smile, so every day I'm champion, I feel ecstatic, especially considering I'm now running with the title to see how long I can remain champion before setting a new record. It's exciting to think about the distance I can potentially run until someone steps up to the plate, and take my beloved Senshuken away from me... aside from John Doe, of course.

Madison: Excuse me for saying this, but you seem overly cheery about the prospect of losing the title, one that you've actually named?

Taylor: It keeps me on my toes, Stacey. As a champion, I have a plethora of challengers heading my way, and I need to be on my best game every single time. This is why my full attention has recently been on becoming the best wrestler in the world, and I've learned the hard way that bitching and moaning doesn't get you anywhere here near that position. I used to be someone who screeched like an angry banshee, hiding behind other people when any real challenge came my way... and that didn't get me very far. Sure, I won the Eurasian championship and became the first ever female to win a singles title, but my reign was pitiful; I couldn't even survive my first title defense. I was too blind to see it then, but after going up against whiny bitches like James Howard, Garth Black and Constantine, I realised my attitude was all wrong.

Madison: That's interesting you mention Garth Black in your list, since many believe he has some valid points for his complaints. Do you not support Garth Black?

Taylor: Garth Black might be a bad example. If I were in his position, I'd probably be kicking up a stink; however, my examples of James Howard and Constantine still stand. James Howard has done nothing but attack people whilst their backs are turned, and weasel himself into every opportunity, using his own family as a damn excuse. Don't even get me started on Constantine, and this whole alliance he's got with other whiny bitches like Steven Holmes. How many chances does one person need at the World Heavyweight championship before realising they're not World title material? Joining Steven Holmes isn't going to do him any favours. He hasn't managed Abel Hunnicutt to any significant victory; what's he going to do for Constantine?

Madison: Those are some very strong words against Vis Imperium. Do your thoughts have a deeper meaning, like did they strike a nerve or hit a sore spot?

Taylor: Aside from Constantine, none of them have done anything personally. Even so, my interactions with Constantine were one of many factors, at the time, for me to turn on Aubrey Sloan and join Cerberus. What I get ticked off at is people like Steven Holmes using every trick in the book to get ahead in life. That might sound hypocritical of me, since I was involved in a success-hungry group such as Cerberus, but that man is ruthless. No matter where he is, Steven Holmes' name is always in the conversation and he's always considered the best. Why? What has he done by himself to deserve his success? Everything he's done has been at the behest of someone else: Steven Kurtesy helped him win his first title; his wife Celeste Crimson helped him win his first World championship; and now he's vicariously living through Abel Hunnicutt, and now others, to be successful. As someone who prides themselves on being one of the best in the ring, it disgusts me.

Madison: What about the ending of your recent match against Mikey Stormage, then? You say you want to be the best, yet you used, what some might consider, "cheap tactics" against the World champion to get the pin on him. How can you justify your words with actions like these, especially after mentioning you succumbed to these cheap tactics in the past?

Eve takes a second to answer as she nods at Stacey, almost surprised at the question.

Taylor: My intention heading into that match was not to sneak a victory on the World champion; my intention was to walk onto the stage, have an amazing match with Mikey, and do my best to walk out the victor without any doubt. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, and I shocked Mikey with a kiss. I know I've admitted I needed to apologise to Mikey for the way I treated him a while back, but I didn't mean for it to be in the middle of a match. However, with the kind of people who challenge for our titles, Mikey needs to be ready for anything. I mean, John Doe literally stole my title and kept it hidden from me; Flex Mussel & Ramparte broke up Cerberus just so the could challenge for this title... and I'm not holding the most coveted title in history. Mikey has his best friend and the most focused man on the planet after his championship; he's got to be ready. Does that justify my actions? No, not at all. I could've played that match differently, but in the heat of the moment, that's what I decided.

Madison: Either way, you're sitting here as the longest reigning Elite Openweight champion with a victory over the World Heavyweight champion, all in the span of a month. I don't believe you can do anything more impressive than that for a while, which brings me to my final question: what are your plans for the future?

Taylor: Besides defending this championship with honour and pride? I'm not too sure, Stacey. I've been practically undefeated since winning the title, and I don't seem to have a challenger, nor any indication from management as to who I'll be defending against at Unscripted. So on the title front, we'll have to wait and see... but I do have a couple of goals. I've got my sights set on the Lethal Lottery, for one. My first Lottery, I did very poorly. Last year, I improved dramatically and did very well. This year, with the streak that I'm on, I truly believe I stand a chance to win it. In fact, I've already begun my training for the event, focusing on my cardio and conditioning so I can survive longer in the match... and with my victories over the World champion, and both his challengers, I'm confident I could very well become World champion in 2016. If not, definitely 2017. Book it.

Madison: That's a bold statement, considering the unpredictability of the Lottery. Let's say that doesn't happen, do you have any other plans for the future if the World title was out of the picture?

Taylor: I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'd love to have a match with Celeste Crimson. I know she's happily married to that smug bastard Steven Holmes, raising a family and retired from the ring, but she's my dream opponent. She's the first ever female to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, opening up the doors for people like me to get here. She'll be a Hall of Fame legend one day, and I want a piece of her before she cannot wrestle at the competitive level. Marrying Holmes has probably accelerated that by a few years, and motherhood probably softened her up... but she was the only reason why Holmes become champion, so what can I say?

Madison: You're really hammering it home with these comments on Holmes. Are you trying to start something?

Taylor: Considering I don't have an opponent for Unscripted yet, what could it hurt if they took offence? In fact, I'd welcome it, especially if it's Celeste. I'd welcome any challenge right now, Stacey. As long as anyone is willing to take me to the limit, I'm ready for a fight. Any stiff contests to help me on my road to winning the Lethal Lottery will be welcomed by me, definitely... much like my match with Theron Daggershield this week.

Madison: And that match we'll be discussing on the second half of this two-part interview, which you'll be able to find on Eve Taylor's personal channel in a couple of days. Until then, thank you for tuning in and we'll see you at Meltdown.

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