

Shawn Michaels ❤
I'm writing this incredibly annoyed. In the past week, I've spoken to 2 adults; a man and a woman, who are friends of my mum, on separate occasions. Both times, they asked me how school was etc. The usual questions. When talking to them, I told them the predicted grades for my final exams, as well as my mock results, which were quite high. And the response I got? "It's because exams are getting easier." Wow I actually nearly hit both of these people. Who the hell are they to tell me the only reason I'm doing well in school is because exams are getting easier? Does it have nothing to do with the fact I spend hours a day revising? The fact I spent hours on every single piece of coursework?

What gives anyone the right to say this? They're all completely ignorant. They complain repeatedly about how awful teenagers have become, yet when our exam results get higher each year, they use an excuse to make us look bad. Where's the logic?

I swear, after I get my results, the first person I hear saying that to me may actually be shot. No one has the right to belittle every piece of work we've put in for the last 2 years to get the results we do.

Oh, and I'd like to see them take the exams we did and get the result we get.
The older generation must generally think that teenagers act bad and have no interest in their academic work but prefer to goof off and accept a C. I've seen some adults act like children when they get criticized by a teenager, who is intelligent enough to point out why the adults are wrong, just because it was a teenager that did so, and those adult's childishness is based on bias. I bet some of the adults are jealous of teenagers that are young-looking and are also smart, while they are older and wish they had a nimble mind that could learn well. If any of those adults had children they would have pride and say how "smart" their own children are in order to look good themselves.
The best way to handle that is to simply ask "How are they easier?" Then, while they stammer about searching for an answer, you promptly tell them that since they can't come up with a reason, the exams are actually harder than when they were in school. Why? Because you know and they don't.

How are exams harder? Because students today have so much more of an overload in their life than their parents ever did. Between TV, easy radio access, cell phones, computers, Internet, two parents working, etc., children have so many more distractions. Not to mention, in America at least, there are many more divorces, broken homes, violence, less ability of schools to kick problem students out, much more money devoted to special needs students etc.

So, next time someone says that to you, ask them how, and when they cannot say, or simply go with "they just are", tell them they're wrong, and then throw logic and reasoning in their face with a big "fuck you".

That's what I do.

Oh, and finally, at least for American students, if adults ever criticize the time period you are growing up in, and say that teenagers today have no respect or whatever, calmly remind them of two things. 1) They grew up in the Hippy era, or the cocaine era, and 2) The actions of kids today are the by-product of parenting. Thus, if people want to complain about kids today, they need to tell other parents to quit being such terrible people.
Are the adult's expecting you to say that the exams are easier so more kids pass and school's look good? By the way I have a 62-year old father who in his day had the highest grade for the science exam in school despite the fact that English was his second language. He got a lot of crap for being foreign and others would say they hated him simply because they were embarassed that this "Frenchy" had better vocabulary. Certain stereotypes, such as foreign students can't be as good as American students or that kids today aren't as smart, that adults have offend me because they don't know the circumstances behind my success in school even though I am looked down upon for who I am and different than others would like me to be.
I know exactly what you're saying. When I was in high school and now in college, I constantly hear that i don't have to do much in school and on tests. That is just not true. The tests today seem easier today, because with all of the other issues that people our age have to deal with, a test is almost a nice break from reality. I know it was for me at least. As for the people thinking that today's generation is all a bunch of worthless people, that's just the stigma that we get. We're considered lazy because we've just figured out easier ways to do things. I was criticized the other day for not knowing how much postage was because I hardly ever mail letters. My uncle thought that was pathetic. I don't write letters because I have email now, which is much faster. That's not a problem with our generation, that's taking advantage of the technology that is available to us. Some adults just can't deal with that idea.
For me with “NCLB” it’s easier in America because you basically have teachers who teach the state test material instead of the teaching class. All the students do is take test that will be almost the same to the state test so they really have learned anything, but memorized what they have been told each day. Because once they are out the classroom, many will forget the information & wait for another teacher to catch them up.

I’m from the “Its Easy” generation and from what I’ve heard from older people is that with the internet and new technology, the information is given easier as than it was in the past. Instead of doing proper research by reading many books, you can type it in on the internet and get the answer or the internet will tell you which books to look if you have one of those teachers who like me hate the Internet. Or in math with calculators instead of doing on it paper like it was devised to do.

The older generations see the new technology out there that makes it easier, because terms paper can be copied and pasted from online, hell you can buy a paper from online. You’re given more chances than maybe what they have had as many schools will past along students just to meet state and federal regulations. I do think we have it easier with all the technology in the world, but as a teacher, I like for my students to read the books instead of looking up the info on the internet as it takes the fun out learning.
I'm writing this incredibly annoyed. In the past week, I've spoken to 2 adults; a man and a woman, who are friends of my mum, on separate occasions. Both times, they asked me how school was etc. The usual questions. When talking to them, I told them the predicted grades for my final exams, as well as my mock results, which were quite high. And the response I got? "It's because exams are getting easier." Wow I actually nearly hit both of these people. Who the hell are they to tell me the only reason I'm doing well in school is because exams are getting easier? Does it have nothing to do with the fact I spend hours a day revising? The fact I spent hours on every single piece of coursework?

What gives anyone the right to say this? They're all completely ignorant. They complain repeatedly about how awful teenagers have become, yet when our exam results get higher each year, they use an excuse to make us look bad. Where's the logic?

I swear, after I get my results, the first person I hear saying that to me may actually be shot. No one has the right to belittle every piece of work we've put in for the last 2 years to get the results we do.

Oh, and I'd like to see them take the exams we did and get the result we get.
That was a cold remark, and I understand how you could be upset.

From what I have seen of your posts, you are a very bright, informative young lady and I have seen modern classwork.

It is staggering. I don't know about your country, but over here we've got 4th graders starting algebra!

You just need to have a tough skin and ignore that shit. Can you get a copy of this exam after it is taken? My teacher used to give them to me upon request after the test was taken. Get it, and let these "adults" try to take it and see how they do. The exam will own them, I am sure.

You go girl, and ignore it. :D
That was a cold remark, and I understand how you could be upset.

From what I have seen of your posts, you are a very bright, informative young lady and I have seen modern classwork.

Thank you.

You just need to have a tough skin and ignore that shit. Can you get a copy of this exam after it is taken? My teacher used to give them to me upon request after the test was taken. Get it, and let these "adults" try to take it and see how they do. The exam will own them, I am sure.

I don't think you can get copies, until the year after, and then I'll have left school and probably not even care. It's a great idea though. Gosh I'd love to see their faces lol. Because I know none of them would be able to pass them.
For me with “NCLB” it’s easier in America because you basically have teachers who teach the state test material instead of the teaching class. All the students do is take test that will be almost the same to the state test so they really have learned anything, but memorized what they have been told each day. Because once they are out the classroom, many will forget the information & wait for another teacher to catch them up.

I’m from the “Its Easy” generation and from what I’ve heard from older people is that with the internet and new technology, the information is given easier as than it was in the past. Instead of doing proper research by reading many books, you can type it in on the internet and get the answer or the internet will tell you which books to look if you have one of those teachers who like me hate the Internet. Or in math with calculators instead of doing on it paper like it was devised to do.

The older generations see the new technology out there that makes it easier, because terms paper can be copied and pasted from online, hell you can buy a paper from online. You’re given more chances than maybe what they have had as many schools will past along students just to meet state and federal regulations. I do think we have it easier with all the technology in the world, but as a teacher, I like for my students to read the books instead of looking up the info on the internet as it takes the fun out learning.

So we have the internet now. I think it'd be classed as stupid if we didn't take advantage of this new technology we have.And if I can find the answer to a question that I don't understand quicker, surely it's a good thing because then I can understand one topic quickwer and have more time to focus on another.

But that doesn;t mean the exams are any easier, or that I don't work as hard. Because it isn't true. The majority of people I know do revise out of books, noting things down, remembering them etc. The internet is just something extra to help us.
So we have the internet now. I think it'd be classed as stupid if we didn't take advantage of this new technology we have.And if I can find the answer to a question that I don't understand quicker, surely it's a good thing because then I can understand one topic quickwer and have more time to focus on another.

But that doesn;t mean the exams are any easier, or that I don't work as hard. Because it isn't true. The majority of people I know do revise out of books, noting things down, remembering them etc. The internet is just something extra to help us.

Most of education has been “dumb-down” in my opinion in the secondary school system. It just seems like its all repetitive and no way shape or form can you leave the school system and be ready for life in the real world like in the past. The reason people say its easy, because a lot of stuff has been taken out of school because so many people could graduate high school. Or they have broken classes up into two parts so that you are not overwhelmed by the simple information that is given. What might need more credits than those in the past or have more classes, but information is less than what it is was now they tell us that with kids short attention span, you have to lessen the info for them to learn, or “dumb-down” the information. As my college advisor told me, you give them the end of the story of instead of the plot.

Another good reason why people say its easy now, is that you all lack good teachers. You may have smart teachers, who know the subject well, but can’t teach to you. Seeing as you don’t have good teachers, you don’t learn as well. Because many of your teachers have not had the proper classes top teach, but instead just have a degree and took the teacher’s license test or when through alternate route. Its not the students fault, its more of a society fault who just want to bring quantity of education up and not the quality of education up.
Most of education has been “dumb-down” in my opinion in the secondary school system.

No way it hasn't. If it's so dumbed down, it wouldn't take A* students ages to understand. It is in no way 'dumb-down' for us.

It just seems like its all repetitive and no way shape or form can you leave the school system and be ready for life in the real world like in the past.

School and working life (I presume that's what you meant by 'the real world') are completely different. No doubt about it. Yet, actually, we're prepared pretty well for it, due to lessons being devoted just to that, and due to work experience every child is offered.

The reason people say its easy, because a lot of stuff has been taken out of school because so many people could graduate high school.

That's not true. If it was, people wouldn't be ale to do the jobs they do to great effect, or to know everything needed for a specific subject. Students are taught what they need to know. Why should they know more?

Or they have broken classes up into two parts so that you are not overwhelmed by the simple information that is given.

This is just showing nothing but ignorance. You're looking down on teenagers, and doing exactly what I said I hated in this thread. Most teenagers work incredibly hard. We don't get 'overwhelmed' by 'simple information'.

Another good reason why people say its easy now, is that you all lack good teachers.

And tell me, how does having a bad teacher make passing the exam easier for me?
What? You can't generalize ALL schools like that and say they "dumb down" anything, because from my experiance, they haven't, at least not in my High School, though I guess that's kind of an unfair example to use because I go to one of the best High School's in New Jersey, but still, I work hard, and have been working hard since I was little to achieve the grades that I have. When I started school I had to learn English as a second language, and I worked my ass off to get to where I am now- in LA Honors classes and I don't think it's right for anyone to take that away by saying it's because schools are "easier."

I think it just touches on the fact that so many people think kids do nothing or are lazy or don't know what hard work is. I've had a teacher literally say "it's not like you guys do anything," and that REALLY pissed me off because it's not true. School, AP/Honor classes, SAT Prep, taking classes to get ahead during the summer, doing clubs and sports, etc, etc. Kids pile ALL that on and manage to work their way through it. Classes are still difficult and seriously exams are NOT easier, especially once you get to High School. Kids have so much pressure on them right now. A "C" is failing, a "B" means you're not good enough, an "A" means you have to work harder to keep it up.

Oh and bad teachers don't make classes easier. You have to basically teach yourself the subject and work even harder to ace tests.

Flames Out

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